45 research outputs found

    Intersectoral collaboration in a One Health approach: Lessons learned from a country-level simulation exercise

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    SimEx Portuguese Team (alphabetical order): Ângela Pista (National Reference Laboratory for Gastrointestinal Infections, Department of Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Health Doutor Ricardo Jorge, Lisbon, Portugal); João Vieira Martins (Directorate of Information and Analysis, Directorate-General of Health, Lisbon, Portugal); Lurdes Clemente (National Reference Laboratory for Animal Health, Laboratory of Bacteriology and Mycology, National Institute of Agrarian and Veterinary Research, Oeiras, Portugal); Nuno Santos Rodrigues (Public Health Unit of ACES South West, Regional Health Administration of Lisbon and Tagus Valley, Portugal); Paula Vasconcelos (Support Unit of National Health Authority and the Emergency Management in Public Health, Public Health Emergencies Operations Centre, Directorate-General of Health, Lisbon, Portugal); Pedro Nabais (Food Risks Unit, Economic and Food Safety Authority, Lisbon, Portugal); Renata Carvalho (Animal Health and Epidemiology Division, Directorate-General for Food and Veterinary).Intersectoral collaboration is an essential component of the One Health (OH) approach, which recognises the interconnectedness of the health of humans, animals, and the environment. The OH European Joint Programme (OHEJP) developed a national foodborne outbreak table-top simulation exercise (SimEx) to practice OH capacity and interoperability across the public health, animal health, and food safety sectors, improving OH preparedness for future disease outbreaks. The Portuguese OHEJP SimEx highlighted strengths and weaknesses regarding the roles and functions of available systems, the constraints of existing legislation, the importance of harmonisation and data sharing, and the creation of common main messages adapted to each target sector. However, there is still a long way to go to ensure cooperation among the Public Health, Animal Health, and Food Safety sectors, as a OH approach relies not only on the awareness of "field experts" but also on political and organisational willingness and commitment.Highlights: - Intersectoral collaboration is an essential component of the One Health approach. - Skilled entities engaged in the system, but lack intersectoral communication. - Need of One Health join national multisectoral guidelines and common databases. - One Health approach needs political and organisational willingness and commitment.This work was supported by funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 773830: One Health European Joint Programme.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exploring One Health through collaborative intersectoral efforts in outbreak investigations: insights from a nation-level simulation exercise on response to foodborne outbreaks

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    A colaboração intersetorial é uma componente essencial da abordagem "Uma Só Saúde" (One Health), que reconhece a interligação entre a saúde dos seres humanos, dos animais e do ambiente. O Programa OHEJP (One Health European Joint Programme) desenvolveu um exercício nacional de simulação de surtos de origem alimentar (OHEJP SimEx) com o objetivo de promover a capacitação e interoperabilidade entre os setores da saúde pública, saúde animal e segurança alimentar. Em Portugal, o OHEJP SimEx destacou a importância do conhecimento dos sistemas disponíveis, das limitações da legislação existente, da importância da harmonização e partilha de dados e da elaboração de mensagens comuns adaptadas a cada setor-alvo. No entanto, há ainda um longo caminho a percorrer para assegurar a cooperação entre os vá- rios setores, uma vez que uma abordagem de “Uma Só Saúde” depende não só da sensibilização e formação dos "especialistas no terreno", mas também da vontade e do empenho políticos e organizacionais.Collaboration across sectors is a crucial element of the One Health approach, acknowledging the interdependence of human, animal, and environmental health. The One Health European Joint Programme (OHEJP) has developed a national outbreak simulation exercise (OHEJP SimEx) with the aim of promoting capacity building and interoperability among the public health, animal health, and food safety sectors. In Portugal, the OHEJP SimEx highlighted the importance of understanding available systems, the limitations of existing legislation, the significance of harmoni- sing and sharing data, and crafting common messages tailored to each target sector. Nevertheless, achieving cooperation across diverse sectors remains a considerable challenge, as the success of the One Health approach relies not only on raising awareness and training field experts but also on political and organisational willingness and commitment.Este trabalho foi financiado pelo European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 773830: One Health European Joint Programme.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cerâmica islâmica em Portugal: 150 anos

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    As primeiras referências sobre cerâmica islâmica em Portugal remontam ao final do século XIX. A investigação evolui timidamente até aos anos 80 do século XX, quando se assiste ao incremento dos estudos sobre a temática, impulsionado pelos projectos estruturantes de Mértola e Silves. Nos anos 90, este incremento intensifica-se e, na última década, aumenta o número, a diversidade e a dispersão geográfica de trabalhos e projectos, nomeadamente com origem em arqueologia urbana. O projecto CIGA (Cerâmica Islâmica do Garb al-Andalus), iniciado em 2008, insere-se nesta dinâmica, promovendo a sistematização, problematização e divulgação de toda a informação dispersa e apresentando aqui uma síntese histórica dos estudos sobre cerâmica islâmica em Portugal, suas principais tendências, problemas, virtudes e perspectiva futuras

    Mediterranean Shrubs: Nutraceuticals for sustainable goat production

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    Mediterranean Shrubs: Nutraceuticals for sustainable goat production Costa, C.ab, Almeida, S.M.c, Cavaco-Gonçalves, S.a, Barbas, J.P.a, Ribeiro, J.M.B.F.a, Belo, C.C.a, Padre, L.b, Belo, A.T,a aINIAV, Santarém – National Institute of Agrarian and Veterinarian Research, Quinta da Fonte Boa, 2005-048 Vale de Santarém bICAAM – Department of Veterinary Medicine, Évora University, Pólo da Mitra, 7006-554 Évora cUTAD – Trás-os Montes and Alto Douro University, Quinta de Prados, 5000-801 Vila Real E-mail: [email protected] Bioactive natural products have become an important research topic and development area in different fields of study, owing to their numerous potentialities. In animal production, the anthelminthic, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of natural vegetation can improve the animals’ productive efficiency and wellbeing, and product quality (meat and milk). It is known that goats have a very selective feeding behavior and a higher sensitivity to gastrointestinal strongyles (GIS) infections compared to other ruminants, and that certain plants have beneficial effects in animal health through the synergy between their nutritive value and bioactive compounds. Thus, the project “VegMedCabras” intends to characterize and explore the nutraceutical value of mediterranean shrubs for sustainable goat production, by controlling parasitic infection as well as preventing environmental contamination and residues in the final product from the continuous use of synthetic anthelmintics [1,2,3]. Charnequeira breed goats were observed during browsing/grazing of Mediterranean vegetation, from February to July, in order to document their shrub species preferences and evaluate the nutraceutical value of the final diets. All selected plants were analyzed for nutritive value (protein and fiber content, digestibility), as well as bioactive compounds content such as total phenolic compounds (TPC), total tannins (TT), condensed tannins, flavonoids and saponins. Antioxidant activity was also evaluated. Each goat was individually evaluated for natural GIS infection, by egg elimination levels, and health status, by metabolic blood parameters. A significant drop in EPG (eggs per gram of feces) elimination (± 65%) was observed by the end of the study period. As soon as goats started browsing the Mediterranean vegetation, EPG counts started to decrease as the proportion of shrubs rich in TPC increased in the diet. Species with the highest contribution were Pistacia lentiscus and Quercus coccifera, which presented an average TPC and TT of 163,6 and 134,2 mg GAE (gallic acid equivalent)/g MS vs. 138,4 and 130,2 mg GAE/g MS, respectively. Nutritive value of the diets selected by goats was estimated in order to determine the adequacy to their physiological requirements. With the increased resistance of GIS to synthetic anthelmintics and social demand for quality products, it is important to establish multidisciplinary options such as the use of nutraceutical shrubs, a safer, ecological and inexpensive solution. Keywords: nutraceuticals; Mediteranean shrubs; bioactive compounds; anthelmintics; goats References: [1]. Jasmim RS (2018) Int. J. Botany 14: 24-29. [2]. Saric T, Rogosic J, Zupan I, Beck R, Bosnic S, Sikic Z, Skobic D, Tkalcic S (2015) Small Rum. Res. 123: 179-182. [3]. Hoste H, Torres-Acosta JFJ, Sandoval-Castro CA, Muller-Harvey I, Sotiraki S, Louvandini H, Thamsborg SM, Terrill TH (2015) Vet. Parasitology 212: 5-17. Acknowledgements: VegMedCabras – Mediterranean shrubs: natural anthelmintics in the diet selected by grazing goats (ALT-03-0145-FEDER-000009) co-financed by ALENTEJO2020 program-European Regional Development Fund

    E da noite se fez dia... Alumiar em período islâmico

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    Os últimos anos foram decisivos nos estudos sobre a cerâmica islâmica em Portugal, não apenas pelo volume de materiais descobertos como pela quantidade de publicações disponíveis. Embora as lacunas ainda sejam significativas, em especial no que diz respeito aos períodos mais recuados, o tema adquiriu uma grande abrangência territorial, com um considerável número de sítios a permitir um enquadramento cronológico fiável. Neste artigo, tratamos os objectos de iluminação, propondo um ensaio de abordagem crono-tipológica para estas formas no actual território português

    CIGA: projecto de sistematização para a cerâmica islâmica do Gharb al-Ândalus

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    Nos últimos vinte anos, assistimos a um grande desenvolvimento da investigação acerca da cerâmica islâmica do Gharb al-Ândalus. Esta investigação foi desenvolvida a partir de iniciativas particulares. sem uma organização articulada de objectivos e estratégias de pesquisa. Actualmente, dispomos de uma informação desigual do ponto de vista geográfico, mas que já permite reunir dados de todas as áreas do território português em que o domínio islâmico perdurou até mais tarde. O grupo de trabalho CIGA está a desenvolver uma síntese dos conhecimentos disponíveis sobre a cerâmica islâmica do Gharb al-Ândalus, com o objectivo de verificar a existência de grupos cerâmicos coerentes no que respeita à distribuição geográfica, formas, técnicas de fabrica e ornamentação.Um factor especialmente interessante a equacionar é o contexto socio-económico dos sítios de proveniência dos materiais em estudo, verificando-se uma acentuada diferença entre contextos rurais e urbanos, mais intensa em períodos cronológicos mais recuados e mais ténue no final do domínio islâmico. Nesta comunicação apresenta-se um ponto de situação ao avanço dos trabalhos do projecto, numa fase ainda embrionária da investigação

    Cerâmica de tradição islâmica em contexto português. Séculos XII-XIV

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    Pretende-se1 avançar com uma primeira análise às lógicas de continuidade entre o período islâmico e os momentos posteriores à conquista cristã, patentes na cerâmica produzida em várias cidades e áreas geográficas do território nacional. Muito embora se assuma o carácter preliminar desta abordagem, tenta-se também uma interpretação das diferenças regionais assinaladas, a partir de factores como o âmbito temporal da presença islâmica e as relações centro-periferia. Verifica-se que a leitura defensora da disrupção, oferecida por alguma história política, não encontra apoio no registo arqueológico, em especial nas latitudes mais meridionais. Aí anuncia-se não só um cenário de evidente manutenção das tradições de período islâmico, mas também a integração contínua de inovações e tendências provenientes da região peninsular onde o poder muçulmano continuava a dominar, nas cadeias operatórias locais. Esta realidade demonstra como séculos de integração cultural centrada no Mediterrâneo, e especialmente evidente nas materialidades, resistiram ao surgimento de novas fronteiras e à chegada de novos actores sociais.ABSTRACT The excessive tutelage of Political History over the study of medieval materials, frequently results in attempts to link directly the archeological record with an historical conjuncture, generally disruptive. One example is the tendency to assume that some characteristics of Islamic pottery were exclusive to the time frame of the Muslim domain, submitting the material culture to a political and institutional chronology which reveals as totally artificial. In this paper we intend to start systemizing data that allows us to consider that the integration of the southern cities in the Christian territory did not cause a moment of rupture, at least in the material creations. On the contrary, by valuating the inputs of stratigraphic and contextual data, we verify that continuities do not restrain to the maintenance of technical knowledge, formal patterns or ornamental options. In some latitudes, in the century following the Christian conquest, the pottery production continued to incorporate innovations and tendencies from regions where Muslim powers proceed ruling. This observation allows us to conclude that some material expressions of a cultural universe that was structured by centuries of Mediterranean interchange, survived the establishment of new political frontiers and the arrival of new social actors

    A propósito da investigação sobre cerâmica islâmica em Portugal

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    As primeiras referências sobre cerâmica islâmica em Portugal remontam ao final do século XIX. A investigação evolui timidamente até aos anos 80 do século XX, quando se assiste ao incremento dos estudos sobre a temática, impulsionado pelos projectos estruturantes de Mértola e Silves. Nos anos 90, este incremento intensifica-se e, na última década, a par de um maior número, alargam-se a diversidade e a dispersão geográfica de trabalhos e projectos, nomeadamente com origem em arqueologia urbana. O projecto CIGA (Cerâmica Islâmica do Ġarb al-Andalus), iniciado em 2008, insere-se nesta dinâmica, promovendo a sistematização, problematização e divulgação de toda a informação dispersa e apresentando aqui uma síntese histórica dos estudos sobre cerâmica islâmica recolhida no território português, as suas principais tendências, os seus problemas, virtudes e as perspectivas futuras.The first references on Islamic pottery in Portugal go back to the end of the nineteenth century. The modest evolution of the research until the 1980s was replaced by the development of the studies on this subject, pressed forward by the fundamental projects of Mértola and Silves. In the 1990s, this development was intensified and, in the last decade, the number, diversity and geographical dispersion of studies and projects was remarkable, particularly those originated from urban archaeology. The CIGA project (Cerâmica Islâmica do Ġarb al-Andalus), started in 2008, is part of this dynamics, promoting the systematization, the discussion and the diffusion of all the information and presenting here a composite paper about the studies on Islamic ceramics in Portugal, its main tendencies, problems, virtues and future perspectives

    Bioengineered temporomandibular joint disk implants : study protocol for a two-phase exploratory randomized preclinical pilot trial in 18 black merino sheep (TEMPOJIMS)

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    ©David Faustino Ângelo, Florencio Gil Monje, Raúl González-García, Christopher B Little, Lisete Mónico, Mário Pinho, Fábio Abade Santos, Belmira Carrapiço, Sandra Cavaco Gonçalves, Pedro Morouço, Nuno Alves, Carla Moura, Yadong Wang, Eric Jeffries, Jin Gao, Rita Sousa, Lia Lucas Neto, Daniel Caldeira, Francisco Salvado. Originally published in JMIR Research Protocols (http://www.researchprotocols.org), 02.03.2017. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in JMIR Research Protocols, is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on http://www.researchprotocols.org, as well as this copyright and license information must be included.Preclinical trials are essential to test efficacious options to substitute the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disk. The contemporary absence of an ideal treatment for patients with severe TMJ disorders can be related to difficulties concerning the appropriate study design to conduct preclinical trials in the TMJ field. These difficulties can be associated with the use of heterogeneous animal models, the use of the contralateral TMJ as control, the absence of rigorous randomized controlled preclinical trials with blinded outcomes assessors, and difficulties involving multidisciplinary teams.This study was granted by Portuguese Grunenthal Foundation and by Secção Regional Oeste da Ordem dos Médicos. This publication was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the following projects: UID/Multi/04044/2013 and PTDC/EMS-SIS/7032/2014.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Alguns apuntes sobre icononografia y ornamentación en la cerámica del Garb Al-Andalus

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    En este trabajo de homenaje a Manuel Acién Almansa, el grupo CIGA reúne un conjunto de objetos con elementos iconográficos destacados, interpretando su simbolismo y el significado que su ornamentación tuvo en los territorios más occidentales de al-Andalus, una región periférica donde la cerámica fue un instrumento importante de transmisión de mensajes desde los centros de poder de al-Andalus.In this work of homage to Manuel Acién Almansa, the CIGA group gathers a set of objects with prominent iconographic elements, interpreting the symbolism and meaning that the ornamentation of these objects had in the western territories of al-Andalus, a peripheral region where pottery was an important instrument for the transmission of messages from the power centers of al-Andalus.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio