118 research outputs found

    Primjena metode nanoŔenja sloj po sloj na tekstil

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    U svijetu se u posljednjih 20 godina provode intenzivna istraživanja mogućnosti nanoÅ”enja tankih nanosa sloj po sloj na različite podloge, čija svojstva se time bitno mijenjaju. Nanosi su debljine od nekoliko nanometara, a nanose se naizmjeničnim slaganjem različito nabijenih slojeva. Takva obrada se ponavlja viÅ”e puta te se dobivaju viÅ”eslojni nanosi. Ovakvom funkcionalizacijom materijalima se poboljÅ”avaju, odnosno mijenjaju svojstva. Primjena ove tehnike moguća je i na tekstilu čime se obrađenom materijalu može povećati hidrofi lnost ili se može postići bolja otpornost na gorenje, bakterije, UV zračenje i drugo. Postojanost navedenih svojstava na pranje je predmet intenzivnog istraživanja. Laboratorijskim obradama dobiveni su dobri rezultati, ali ova obrada joÅ” nije uvedena u praksu no očekuje se da će se i to uspjeti u bližoj budućnosti

    Obilježen Dan Znanstveno-istraživačkog centra za tekstil u Tehničkom muzeju Nikola Tesla u Zagrebu

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    Znanstveno-istraživački centar za tekstil (Textile Science Research Centre ā€“ TSRC), koji od 2008. djeluje na SveučiliÅ”tu u Zagrebu Tekstilno-tehnoloÅ”kom fakultetu već tradicionalno godiÅ”nje organizira: Dan otvorenih vrata znanstveno-istraživačkog centra za tekstil - TSRC dan. 2019. godine su 25. rujna u Tehničkom muzeju Nikola Tesla u Zagrebu predstavljeni istraživački i umjetnički potencijali, uz popularizaciju tekstilne znanosti kroz temu: Kružno gospodarstvo ā€“ izazov za sektor tekstila/odjeće/kože/obuće

    Elevated CO2 levels affect the activity of nitrate reductase and carbonic anhydrase in the calcifying rhodophyte Corallina officinalis

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    The concentration of CO2 in global surface ocean waters is increasing due to rising atmospheric CO2 emissions, resulting in lower pH and a lower saturation state of carbonate ions. Such changes in seawater chemistry are expected to impact calcification in calcifying marine organisms. However, other physiological processes related to calcification might also be affected, including enzyme activity. In a mesocosm experiment, macroalgal communities were exposed to three CO2 concentrations (380, 665, and 1486 Āµatm) to determine how the activity of two enzymes related to inorganic carbon uptake and nutrient assimilation in Corallina officinalis, an abundant calcifying rhodophyte, will be affected by elevated CO2 concentrations. The activity of external carbonic anhydrase, an important enzyme functioning in macroalgal carbon-concentrating mechanisms, was inversely related to CO2 concentration after long-term exposure (12 weeks). Nitrate reductase, the enzyme responsible for reduction of nitrate to nitrite, was stimulated by CO2 and was highest in algae grown at 665 Āµatm CO2. Nitrate and phosphate uptake rates were inversely related to CO2, while ammonium uptake was unaffected, and the percentage of inorganic carbon in the algal skeleton decreased with increasing CO2. The results indicate that the processes of inorganic carbon and nutrient uptake and assimilation are affected by elevated CO2 due to changes in enzyme activity, which change the energy balance and physiological status of C. officinalis, therefore affecting its competitive interactions with other macroalgae. The ecological implications of the physiological changes in C. officinalis in response to elevated CO2 are discussed

    Cotton textiles modified with citric acid as efficient anti-bacterial agent for prevention of nosocomial infections

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    Aim. To study the antimicrobial activity of citric acid (CA) and sodium hypophosphite monohydrate (SHP) against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, and to determine the influence of conventional and microwave thermal treatments, on the effectiveness of antimicrobial treatment of cotton textiles. ----- Method. Textile material was impregnated with CA and SHP solution and thermally treated by either conventional or microwave drying/curing treatment. Antibacterial effectiveness was tested according to ISO 20743:2009 standard, using absorption method. The surfaces were morphologically observed by scanning electron microscopy, while physical characteristics were determined by wrinkle recovery angles method (DIN 53 891), tensile strength (DIN 53 837), and whiteness degree method (AATCC 110-2000). ----- Results. Cotton fabric treated with CA and SHP showed significant antibacterial activity against MRSA (6.38 log10 treated by conventional drying and 6.46 log10 treated by microwave drying before washing, and 6.90 log10 and 7.86 log10, respectively, after 1 cycle of home domestic laundering washing [HDLW]). Antibacterial activity was also remarkable against S. aureus (4.25 log10 by conventional drying, 4.58 log10 by microwave drying) and against P. aeruginosa (1.93 log10 by conventional drying and 4.66 log10 by microwave drying). Antibacterial activity against P. aeruginosa was higher in samples subjected to microwave than in conventional drying. Antibacterial activity was reduced after 10 HDLW cycles but the compound was still effective. The surface of the untreated cotton polymer was smooth, while minor erosion stripes appeared on the surfaces treated with antimicrobial agent, and long and deep stripes were found on the surface of the washed sample. ----- Conclusion. CA can be used both for the disposable (non-durable) materials (gowns, masks, and cuffs for blood pressure measurement) and the materials that require durability to laundering. The current protocols and initiatives in infection control could be improved by the use of antimicrobial agents applied on cotton carbohydrate polymer


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    Vijest govori o projektu Dizajn naprednih biokompozita iz energetski održivih izvora (BIOKOMPOZITI), Ŕifra KK. Navedeni su ciljevi projekta i projektni tim

    Service for Textile European Projects (STEP)

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    Tekstilno-tehnoloÅ”ki fakultet (TTF) SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu je uvidio važnost pravovremenog uključivanja svojih djelatnika u EU projekte i uspostavom Servisa tekstilnih europskih projekata (STEP-a) napravio značajan pomak sa stanoviÅ”ta koordinacije ove aktivnosti. Glavni cilj STEP-a je pružanje podrÅ”ke, prvenstveno djelatnicima TTF-a ali i suradnicima iz gospodarstva, prilikom prijave međunarodnih projekata, te edukacija potencijalnih voditelja EU projekata s nastojanjem uključivanja hrvatske tekstilne znanosti i privrede u EU tokove. U radu je prikazano djelovanje djelatnika TTF-a u Europskoj tehnoloÅ”koj platformi za budućnost tekstila i odjeće prvenstveno u okviru projektnih prijava. Udruženje EURATEX je nedavno uspostavilo novi sustav izmjene podataka vezanih za prijave FP7 projekata unutar tekstilnog područja ā€“ TEPPIES (Textile Project Proposal Information Exchange System). Najznačajniji zadatak STEP-a je inicijacija projektnih prijava koja je znatno porasla s uspostavom STEP-a, ali i sa učestvovanjem TTF-a u sustavu TEPPIES.Faculty of Textile Technology (TTF) University of Zagreb has realized the significance of early involvement of its employees into the EU projects and by establishing Service for Textile European Projects (STEP) has made a significant step towards coordination of this activity. Main objective of STEP is giving support to TTFā€™s employees, as well as to partners from industry, for preparation of international project proposals, education of EU project managers and inclusion of Croatian textile science and industry into the EU processes. This paper presents participation of TTF in the European Technology Platform for the future of textiles and clothes in the framework of projects. The European Apparel and Textile Organisation (EURATEX) has recently established new Textile Project Proposal Information Exchange System (TEPPIES). The most important task of STEP is initiation of project proposals which has increased after the establishment of STEP, so as with the participation in TEPPIES

    Non-halogen FR treatment of cellulosic textiles

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    U radu je dan pregled najčeŔće koriÅ”tenih sredstava za obrade protiv gorenja celuloznih tekstilnih materijala, s naglaskom na nehalogena sredstva. Prikazan je i mehanizam njihovog djelovanja na usporavanje gorenja. Budući da je velik broj halogenih sredstava toksičan ili potencijalno toksičan za organizme i okoliÅ”, potrebna je njihova zamjena ekoloÅ”ki povoljnim sredstvima. Predstavljena su alternativna sredstva koja se nastoji uvesti u praksu, a također su prikazane i uspoređene različite metode nanaÅ”anja sredstva za obradu protiv gorenja. Jedan od mogućih pravaca razvoja zamjenskih sredstava protiv gorenja, mogla bi biti primjena biomakromolekula kao Å”to su hitosan, fitinska kiselina, kazein, sirutka, hidrofobini ili DNK.A historical overview of the most commonly used textile flame retardants (FR) is given, with an emphasis on halogen-free FRs acting through their mechanism to slow down or prevent burning. Since a large number of halogen FRs are toxic, or potentially toxic, to the organisms and the environment, there is a need for them to be replaced by eco-friendly agents. The paper presents new alternative FRs that are trying to be put into practice, as well as different methods of their application onto textiles in comparison to one another. One of the possible ways of developing alternative FRs could be the application of bio-macromolecules such as chitosan, phytic acid, casein, whey, hydrophobins or DNA


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    Spanish Broom (Spartium junceum L.) is a Mediterranean plant of various usage possibilities. Its fibres were known since ancient time but in some point of last century, more accurately in 1950s, their production was abandoned due to the negative economic effect. Another drawback was large time consumption, especially during the old tradition method ā€“ Spanish Broom maceration in salt water. Nowadays, due to technology development and ecological awareness, it is much easier to produce Spanish Broom fibres of enhanced quality. One of the fibre extraction methods is the one assisted with microwave oven. Demerit of such fibre production is in large residue content after obtaining fibres - approx. 90 % of initial Spanish Broom weight. Due to the need for finding sustainable solutions in the development of new materials, the usage of Spanish Broom fibres in the service of reinforcement for biopolymer poly (lactic acid) (PLA) matrix was investigated. Obtained results target our further research into the direction of Spanish Broom fibres and PLA application in the production of green composites. The aim of this research was to prove that developed product can be categorized under the biodegradable group by investigating its degradation properties using serine endopeptidase enzyme. The results show positive degradation effect while using 50 wt.% (on weight of material) enzyme concentration during a 5-day treatment. Stem residues of Spanish Broom plant derived from salty water and microwave maceration were further investigated for their potential as raw material for second-generation biofuel production. Examination of its energy properties consisted of determination of proximate and ultimate properties of the biomass. The results show low moisture content (6.5 % - 7.5 %), ash content below 5 % and higher values of fixed carbon and volatile matter content of 13.2 % and 75 %, respectively. Higher heating values that were determined (17.2 - 18.8 MJ/kg) indicate a high quality biomass that can be used most effectively in solid biofuel production
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