74 research outputs found

    Viability of micro electrical networks with high penetration of renewable resources in urban areas: Case study of residential condominiums

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    This study addresses the implementation of electrical micro-grids in urban areas as a response to the need for the insertion of renewable energies in different societies. In a first phase, the energy consumption profile of a condominium with a residential, commercial type load is characterized. and community, addressing the construction of said profile by lifting real loads and statistical criteria of use and coincidence. In the second phase, the natural resources, wind speed and solar radiation available in the study area are analyzed through the specialized software Homer Pro with latitude and longitude coordinates, subsequently the viability of the renewable electricity generation elements is analyzed and defined use, a possible generator set and its use of fuel are also proposed in order to complement the micro-grid in aspects of inertia and stability. With the energy demand and generation resources raised, architectural alternatives of a potential micro-network for the condominium are designed, simulations are carried out for isolated and interconnected cases with real values ​​of the environment and an economic analysis of the implementation, obtaining the viability of the micro network

    To project resilient urban areas in the Latin American informal city: La Bombonera Park (Bogotá, Colombia) and the comprehensive improvement of public space

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    Las ciudades latinoamericanas se han desarrollado y densificado principalmente en zonas periféricas, algunas no aptas para ser urbanizadas, representando un riesgo para la integridad de sus moradores y creando un desequilibrio general en el territorio. La representación más clara de esta urbanización se da en los barrios autoconstruidos altamente densificados, sin infraestructura básica y carentes de espacio público de calidad, lo cual va en contravía del Derecho a la Ciudad de las comunidades vulnerables y vulneradas. El Parque La Bombonera, en el barrio Potosí, se ubica en una de las localidades más pobres y densas de Bogotá: Ciudad Bolívar. Allí se adelantan procesos de intervención urbana con la comunidad, mediante el Programa de Mejoramiento Integral de Barrios (MIB) de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. No obstante, la experiencia de intervención en el territorio durante la pandemia ha generado retos e inquietudes sobre los métodos y estrategias para abordar el diseño participativo. Por lo tanto, el objetivo del presente documento consiste en sistematizar e interpretar los procesos y avances que ha tenido este programa durante la pandemia de la Covid- 19, destacando la importancia del diseño participativo con la comunidad como columna vertebral de la intervención urbana en barrios autoconstruidos.Latin American cities have been developed and densified mainly in peripheral areas, some not suitable for urbanization, representing a risk to the integrity of their inhabitants and creating a general imbalance in the territory. The clearest representation of this urbanization occurs in highly densified self-built neighborhoods, without basic infrastructure and lacking quality public space, which goes against the Right to the City of vulnerable and vulnerated communities. La Bombonera Park, in the Potosí neighborhood, is in one of the poorest and densest counties in Bogotá: Ciudad Bolívar. Currently there, urban intervention processes are being carried out with the community, through the Comprehensive Neighborhood Improvement Program (CNIP) of the National University of Colombia. However, the experience of intervention in the territory during the pandemic has generated challenges and concerns about the methods and strategies to address participatory design. Therefore, the objective of this document is to systematize and interpret the processes and advances that the CNIP has had in La Bombonera Park during the Covid-19 pandemic, highlighting the importance of participatory design with the community as the backbone of urban intervention in self-built neighborhoods.Peer Reviewe

    Climate-Smart Agriculture Prioritization Framework (CSA-PF) Report for Guyana.

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    The CCAFS-CIAT CSA Prioritization Framework (CSA-PF) is a participatory and multi-criteria decision-making process, co-designed as a holistic tool to support information-based CSA investments. CSA-PF has the objective to help decision-makers identify best-bet CSA investment portfolios that achieve gains in national food and nutrition security, farmers’ resilience and adaptation capacity to climate change, and, where possible, reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the food system. The framework is divided into four additive phases: 1) Initial assessment of CSA options; 2) Identification of top CSA options; 3) Calculation of costs Figure 1 CSA-Prioritization Framework methodology overview and benefits of top CSA options; and 4) Evaluation of opportunities and barriers to adoption of CSA options, to finally co-create the CSA investment portfolio(s). The CSA investment portfolios are context-specific selection of priority agricultural practices and technologies that seek to maximize investment yield, explore possible synergies and avoid trade-offs, minimize income risk, and address priorities of various agricultural stakeholders harmonizing socio-cultural, politicalinstitutional, environmental, economic, and educational considerations in the territory

    Design, materialization, positioning and adjustment of a network first-order geodetics, focused on the monitoring of phenomenon of remotion in mass in the quarry the link located in the municipality of Soacha Cundinamarca

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    Soacha es un municipio ubicado al Sur – Oeste del departamento de Cundinamarca a 1 km de la ciudad de Bogotá. Con una extensión total del Municipio de 184.45 Km2, dividida en 19 km2 de área urbana y 165.45 Km2 de área rural, con una población total y aproximada de 1.257.105 habitantes. (Alcaldia Soacha, s.f.) Según organismos de control ambiental, en el área rural del municipio presuntamente existen algo más de 200 zonas que dedican su operación principal a la extracción de material granular y aproximadamente el 50% de estos sectores funcionan al margen de la legislación nacional. De esta manera solo 7 (siete) empresas ocupan casi 2300 hectáreas de extracción responsable y acorde con los lineamientos ambientales de la CAR y el Ministerio de Minas. El censo de los sectores de extracción que funcionan ilegalmente es inconcluso ya que se presume que existe extracción, pero no hay exactitud en la ubicación y a pesar de que las autoridades se presentan, la explotación ilegal continúa. (Marin, 2014) Históricamente algunas áreas rurales donde se encuentran ubicadas canteras dedicadas a la extracción de material granular se han identificado con alto riesgo, por movimientos de remoción en masa, y en la mayoría de casos estos movimientos pasan desapercibidos por los escasos o costosos mecanismos de monitoreo, que logran evidenciar los comportamientos de la zona. Por esta especifica razón se diseñó, materializó, posicionó y ajustó una red geodésica, determinando información base que permite realizar un control periódico inicial para identificar posibles movimientos presentados en el sector ocupado por la Cantera “El Vínculo”. Para lograr el monitoreo de la zona mencionada, fue preciso localizar una serie de vértices de precisión, distribuidos estratégicamente en la zona rural en que se encuentran las zonas de extracción de la cantera, de los cuales 8 (ocho) vértices se ubicaron cerca de las zonas de extracción como puntos de control de movimiento y 2 (dos) vértices se materializaron en zonas estables para ser utilizados como puntos de referencia. En total se materializaron 10 (diez) puntos, de los cuales 8 (ocho) son mojones materializados en labores de topografía preliminares (año 2016) y los 2 (dos) vértices restantes se monumentarón para la consecución de este proyecto en mojones de concreto. El posicionamiento y rastreo de vértices por medio de GNSS se ejecutó con una metodología que permitiera cumplir con los objetivos del proyecto y las recomendaciones técnicas del IGAC respecto a tiempos mínimos de rastreo y especificaciones de los equipos. Finalmente se calculó y ajustó la red geodésica utilizando el software comercial de procesamiento Topcon Tools que permite establecer parámetros de precisión y procesamiento garantes de confiabilidad en las coordenadas obtenidas para cada vértice materializado.Soacha is a municipality located south - west of the department of Cundinamarca, 1 km from the city of Bogotá. With a total extension of the Municipality of 184.45 Km2, divided into 19 km2 of urban area and 165.45 Km2 of rural area, with a total population of approximately 1.257.105 population. According to environmental control agencies, in the rural area of the municipality there are presumably more than 200 zones that dedicate their main operation to the extraction of granular material and approximately 50% of these sectors operate outside the national legislation. In this way only 7 (seven) companies occupy almost 2300 hectares of responsible extraction and in accordance with the environmental guidelines of the CAR and the Ministry of Mines. The census of the extraction sectors that operate illegally is inconclusive since it is presumed that there is extraction but there is no accuracy in the location and although the authorities present themselves, the illegal exploitation continues. Historically, some rural areas where quarries dedicated to the extraction of granular material are located have been identified with high risk, by mass removal movements, and in most cases these movements go unnoticed by the scarce or expensive monitoring mechanisms, which they manage to show the behaviors of the area. For this specific reason a geodetic network was designed, materialized, positioned and adjusted, determining base information that allows an initial periodic control to identify possible movements presented in the sector occupied by the Quarry "El Vínculo". To achieve the monitoring of the aforementioned area, it was necessary to locate a series of precision vertices, strategically distributed in the rural area where the extraction areas of the quarry are located, of which 8 (eight) vertices were located near the extraction zones as movement control points and 2 (two) vertices were materialized in stable zones to be used as reference points. In total, 10 (ten) points were materialized, of which 8 (eight) are landmarks materialized in preliminary surveying tasks (year 2016) and the remaining 2 (two) vertices were monumented for the achievement of this project in concrete markers. The positioning and tracking of vertices by means of GNSS was executed with a methodology that allowed to fulfill the objectives of the project and the technical recommendations of the IGAC regarding minimum tracking times and equipment specifications. Finally, the geodesic network was calculated and adjusted using the Topcon Tools commercial processing software that allows to establish parameters of accuracy and reliability guarantor processing in the coordinates obtained for each materialized vertex.Agregados El Víncul

    Respuesta de demanda de energía por introducción de vehículos eléctricos: estado del arte

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    The replacement of vehicles based on fossil fuels with EV - Electric Vehicles is a global necessity, although it is a great contribution to environmental sustainability and the well-being of humanity carries with it great challenges at all levels, such as the study of the impact on the demand of electrical energy associated with the consumption of these electric vehicles. This document presents a bibliographic review associated with the different topics that this problem addresses such as the global data of electric car penetration and the current state of development of its key element: the batteries, along with the loading and unloading curves of the batteries. The study is carried out through a bibliographic review of the IEEE Xplore, Science Direct and related academic production data bases to identify several key aspects of electric vehicles such as existing data, future estimations, percentage of investment in infrastructure by countries and policies, among others. It also establishes several criteria associated with the impact of the characteristics of the battery in the future of EV's worldwide.El reemplazo de vehículos basados en combustible fósil por vehículos eléctricos - VE es una necesidad mundial, si bien resulta un gran aporte a la sostenibilidad ambiental y el bienestar de la humanidad lleva consigo grandes retos a todo nivel, entre ellos el estudio del impacto en la demanda de energía eléctrica asociada al consumo de estos vehículos eléctricos. Este documento presenta una revisión bibliográfica asociada con los diferentes temas que aborda esta problemática como son las cifras mundiales de penetración de automóviles eléctricos y el estado de desarrollo actual del elemento clave que son las baterías, sus curvas de carga y descarga. El estudio se realiza a través de una revisión bibliográfica de las bases IEEE Xplore, Science Direct y producción académica relacionada, llegando a identificar varios aspectos claves en la actualidad de los vehículos eléctricos como son las cifras existentes, estimaciones futuras, inversión en infraestructura por países, políticas, entre otros. Se establece también varios criterios asociados al impacto de las características de la batería en el futuro de los VE’s a nivel mundial

    Concentración Económica en el Mercado Cervecero Ecuatoriano. // Economic Concentration in the Ecuadorian Brewery Market.

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    Las fusiones entre competidores son una práctica empresarial común que genera importantes consecuencias para el mercado, una de ellas es la concentración económica, que puede perjudicar la libre competencia a corto, mediano y largo plazo. En Ecuador el mercado cervecero es un interesante eje de estudio, pues constituye un mercado altamente concentrado, con pocos participantes y en él, la Superintendencia de Control de Poder de Mercado estableció las condiciones para la fusión entre dos de sus participantes más relevantes: Cervecería Nacional (SABMiller) y Ambev (Anheuser-Busch Inbev). Este artículo analiza la concentración económica del sector cervecero ecuatoriano y los efectos de la fusión entre éstos dos competidores. Es un estudio cuali - cuantitativo en el cual se evaluaron las características del sector cervecero ecuatoriano y las condiciones de la fusión efectuada, para determinar, a través de indicadores de concentración y datos de volúmenes de venta del sector entre 2013 y 2015- cuáles son los niveles de concentración y posibles tendencias en cuanto a la oferta y comportamiento de dicho sector; demostrándose que existe un mercado altamente concentrado, con un índice de Herfindahl superior a 9000, y con condiciones que nublan la posibilidad de competencia en el mercado a corto plazo. AbstractMergers between competitors are a common business practice that generates important consequences for the market, one of them is economic concentration, which can affect the free competition in the short, medium and long term. In Ecuador, the beer market is an interesting area of study, since it represents a highly concentrated market, with few participants in which the Superintendence of Market Power Control has established the conditions for the merger between two of its most relevant participants: National Brewery (SABMiller) and Ambev (Anheuser-Busch Inbev). This article analyzes the economic concentration of the Ecuadorian beer sector and the effects of the merger between these two competitors. This research is a qualitative-quantitative study in which the characteristics of the Ecuadorian beer sector and the conditions of the merger were evaluated, to determine the levels of concentration and possible trends in the supply and behavior of this sector by using concentration indicators and data of sales volumes between 2013 and 2015. That showed that there is a highly concentrated market, with a Herfindahl index above 9000, and with conditions that null the possibility of short-term market competition.

    Factores que Afectan la Variación de los Ingresos FOB por Exportación de Banano y Plátano Ecuatoriano

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    Exports of raw materials are a fundamental source of income in Latin American countries. Banana and plantain are two of the products that Ecuador exports the most worldwide, which is why the variation in income from these items directly affects the entry of foreign currency into the national economy. The objective of this research is to determine the factors that influence this income variation through analysis and econometric decomposition of the Ecuadorian banana and plantain export time series in the period 2013-2017; as a result of the decomposition, the negative and positive peaks of the irregular component have been obtained and identified; and, these in turn have been categorized according to an analysis of the business environment, with has led to define the key factors that influence the variation in FOB income from the export of Ecuadorian bananas and plantains. The results obtained are relevant since they are an input for the institutions responsible for the generation of public policies to protect and improve the competitiveness of these products in international markets.Las exportaciones de materias primas en los países latinoamericanos constituyen una fuente fundamental de ingresos para atender sus presupuestos. El banano y plátano son parte de los productos que el Ecuador más exporta a nivel mundial, razón por la cual, la variación de los ingresos por este rubro afecta de manera directa al ingreso de divisas en la economía nacional. El objetivo de la presente investigación consiste en la determinación de los factores que inciden en esta variación, a través del análisis y la descomposición econométrica de la serie temporal de exportación de banano y plátano ecuatoriano en el período 2013 -2017. Como resultado de la descomposición se ha obtenido e identificado los picos negativos y positivos del componente irregular y estos, a su vez, han sido categorizados de acuerdo a un análisis de entorno empresarial, con lo que, finalmente, se ha logrado definir los factores claves que influyen en la variación de los ingresos FOB por exportación de banano y plátano ecuatoriano. Los resultados obtenidos son relevantes, ya que se convierten en un insumo para que las instituciones responsables de la generación de políticas públicas protejan y mejoren la competitividad de estos productos en los mercados internacionales

    Profitability analysis of a silvo-pastoral system in Colombia: Economic and environmental benefits

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    Cattle production systems generate considerable environmental impacts, among which deforestation and the emission of methane by ruminants stand out. Consequently, technological innovations within this sector must be focused on achieving sustainable production in both economic and environmental terms. Silvo-pastoral systems (SPS) as a productive alternative allow an increase in economic yields while generating environmental benefits and ecosystem services. This study is aimed at evaluating the environmental-economic benefits of implementing two SPS in Colombia, namely (i) Urochloa brizantha cv. Toledo + Leucaena leucocephala and (ii) Urochloa hybrid cv. Cayman + Leucaena leucocephala. They are compared with two monoculture systems (M), namely (i) Urochloa brizantha cv. Toledo and (ii) Urochloa hybrid cv. Cayman. The evaluation comprises two components, an economic evaluation, which estimates the potential improvements in profitability of meat production in the SPS through with the cost-benefit analysis methodology, and an environmental evaluation, which estimates the economic value of the environmental benefits and ecosystem services generated in the SPS. This resulting economic-environmental value is integrated into the economic evaluation, achieving a sustainability analysis of the studied SPS. The results show better profitability indicators for the SPS, such as the net present value, internal rate of return, and benefit-cost ratio, which further improve when the results of the environmental evaluation are incorporated. Likewise, SPS are less sensitive to external shocks. Regarding the environmental values, economic values for the reduction of methane emissions of US6.12percattleandforthemicroclimaticregulationofUS6.12 per cattle and for the microclimatic regulation of US 2,026 per ha are estimated for the SPS. The results thus suggest an improvement in economic profitability added to the value of ecosystem services and environmental benefits that they incorporate. This type of evidence can be used to promote the adoption of SPS in regions with low productivity and high deforestation rates, such as in large parts of Colombia