209 research outputs found

    Artistic elements as the tools in the textile surfaces and upholstered furniture

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    The interpretation of the design can be seen in the making of conditions for living in the everyday life. With the whole development of the environment that means sociological, cultural and technological development is considered that the buyers want the products to be a symbol of their lifestyle. Although the design has the same characteristics as art, it is different in ways so it can solute the problems and satisfy the buyers with the product they bought. The design as an activity to solute problems includes a lot of factors: technology, production and usage. The furniture as a part of the design is an object of the creative actions of the people that reflect the ways of life, traditions, the people that made them, the scale of development of arts and technology, materials and the method of production by one nation or region. Art has many common things with architecture, an indivisible part of interior and secures comfort. Characteristics of the modern furniture are: the unity of use, functionality, techno-economical and aesthetically performances, durability and security when using the furniture

    Space, composition, vertical wall ...

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    The space in which it is an integral segment of our life is nourished with many functional and decorative elements. One aspect for consideration of vertical walls or The vertical gardens and their aesthetic impact in space called function. Vertical gardens bordering the decoration to totally functional garden in areas where there is little oxygen and space, ideal for residential buildings and public spaces where missing greenery, special place occupies in interior design where their expression space gets another dimension called monumental. Aesthetic problem in vertical gardens is achieved by shaping the sector identification in the space by selecting a specific plant species composition and spatial composition; to create comfort in the interior space representation

    Land Art – Аrt of Landscape

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    "The rule of nature is smugly interpreted as an adequate substitute for governing themselves." - Rejnhold Nejbur. Land art or the art of landscape art is that should not be surprising, to fascinate, leaving question marks, but also to give answers that challenge the current definitions, to break existing collective awareness of art and a new model. Land art is created outdoors, organic or conceptual art that uses natural materials opens the dimension of nature that was unknown until now. This art has redefined landscapes in the world, creates an ambivalent relationship with the recipient. Land art is becoming more interesting and provocative subject in contemporary art that is challenging for a specific engagement in various natural spaces.To create this specific form artist often use materials found in the environment where they build and ask themselves objects, the choice is often the elements that are sustainable and associated with the space hire

    Bionics in industrial design

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    The design represents the external appearance of a product or object. The design is what makes the product appealing, beautiful and desirable, and thus significantly affects the product sales and the increase in its commercial and artistic value. The industrial design of a certain product is consisted of three-dimensional and two-dimensional features of the product visible in its normal use. The three-dimensional features are the form and the lines of the product, and the two-dimensional are the patterns, lines, colours, texture and their combination. The basic conditions what a design should fulfil are individuality and uniqueness, and its features not only to meet the technical function but to have an artistic value as well

    Movement and rhythm in indoor and outdoor space indoor

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    Whenever we talk about interior and exterior, it is always a space where functional forms, which creates movement and rhythm. There is a close connection between the problems of balance and movement. At present, which impair a balance type appears feeling of motion. Traffic could be directed if it follows a certain direction, or chaotic, if not dominant logic of the arrangement to an axle. Repetition and arrangement of homogeneous elements in a certain way creates a sense of rhythm. Changes that may be expressed rhythm relate to shape, size, brightness, color, texture, orientation. Movement and rhythm are important elements of space and the development of the ability to display undergo evolution

    Space – intеrior and exterior

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    Space can be closed, semi-closed and open. The interior is closed and half closed space and the exterior is half closed and open space. Forms in space occupy part of it and mutually correspond, but when the area is closed at the same time limited but is ready for framing and is open when it is completely free and provides opportunities to shape but creativity should be a high level to be filled with different content than most which closed forms are functional

    Application of symmetry in the traditional architecture of the 19th and early 20th century in Macedonia

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    Application of symmetric placement of structural elements, spatial structure, open layout, facade shape and overall concept is often a feature of the house from 19th and early 20th century. The applications of the ideal set of symmetric elements are considered quality contribution to architectural-constructive solution. Symmetry was observed in interior equipment with built-in furniture, the form of fences, standing on stairs, decoration of interior doors, fireplace decorations, use of facade elements, layout erkernite outlets, look at frontier, decorative elements and balcony etc.. The connection to the purpose of indoor space can be recognized on the outside facade, by grouping the window open position or the balcony. The use of anthropomorphic measures in humans is an essential starting point for dimensioning objects of traditional architecture. Most prominent and clearly visible element of symmetry is the main facade of the buildings of traditional architecture. Harmonization is achieved with symmetric solution primarily to meet the physical, technical, design and artistic concept

    Chardak-universal functional space in a traditional house from the 19th and the beginning of 20th century in Republic of Macedonia

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    The chardak- as most evident spatial and functional element is dominant and polyvalent meaning, where analyze its impacts in all segments of the traditional way of living and building houses. Basic spatial, functional and contextual meanings balcony related facilities in urban areas, but the same characteristics, we can conclude and habitats from rural areas in certain facilities families had a higher status in society and economic base. This analysis is concerning to his spatial structure, constructive incorporation, substantive conception, decorative harmony, communication versatility, attitude and relationship to the surrounding area and other polyvalent features

    Application of water surfaces in landscape architecture

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    The water areas have been an inseparable part of the park architecture, since its early development. Today it is almost unimaginable not to predict water surfaces in the design of parks and gardens. The only elements that have changed through the years are the composition and the positioning of the water surfaces in a given location. Aesthetic value of certain aquatic forms and motives may have changed, but their application and significance have always been in accordance with the needs of the time period. The monotony caused by excessive foliage is cleared up with implementation of water surfaces in the parks. They are one of the most important aesthetic elements. Their application (in natural or artificial form), significantly enriches the visual composition of each park. Water elements are of extreme importance for the quality of life and the sustainability of the ecosystems, and at the same time they contribute for increasing the attractiveness of the landscape