
Artistic elements as the tools in the textile surfaces and upholstered furniture


The interpretation of the design can be seen in the making of conditions for living in the everyday life. With the whole development of the environment that means sociological, cultural and technological development is considered that the buyers want the products to be a symbol of their lifestyle. Although the design has the same characteristics as art, it is different in ways so it can solute the problems and satisfy the buyers with the product they bought. The design as an activity to solute problems includes a lot of factors: technology, production and usage. The furniture as a part of the design is an object of the creative actions of the people that reflect the ways of life, traditions, the people that made them, the scale of development of arts and technology, materials and the method of production by one nation or region. Art has many common things with architecture, an indivisible part of interior and secures comfort. Characteristics of the modern furniture are: the unity of use, functionality, techno-economical and aesthetically performances, durability and security when using the furniture

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