11 research outputs found

    Biomethanation potential of biological and other wastes

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    Anaerobic technology has been traditionally applied for the treatment of carbon rich wastewater and organic residues. Anaerobic processes can be fully integrated in the biobased economy concept for resource recovery. After a brief introduction about applications of anaerobic processes to industrial wastewater treatment, agriculture feedstock and organic fraction of municipal solid waste, the position of anaerobic processes in biorefinery concepts is presented. Integration of anaerobic digestion with these processes can help in the maximisation of the economic value of the biomass used, while reducing the waste streams produced and mitigating greenhouse gases emissions. Besides the integration of biogas in the existing full-scale bioethanol and biodiesel production processes, the potential applications of biogas in the second generation lignocellulosic, algae and syngas-based biorefinery platforms are discussed.(undefined

    Partial epilepsy with pericentral spikes: A new familial epilepsy syndrome with evidence for linkage to chromosome 4p15

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    The genetic analysis of simple Mendelian epilepsies remains a key strategy in advancing our understanding of epilepsy. in this article, we describe a new family epilepsy syndrome, partial epilepsy with pericentral spikes, which we map to chromosome 4p15. We distinguish it clinically, electrophysiologically, and genetically from previously described Mendelian epilepsies. the family described is a large Brazilian kindred of Portuguese extraction in which affected family members manifest a variety of seizure types, including hemiclonic, hemitonic, generalized tonic-clonic, simple partial (stereotyped episodes of epigastric pain), and complex partial seizures consistent with temporal lobe epilepsy. the syndrome is benign, either requiring no treatment or responding to a single antiepileptic medication. Seizure onset is in the first or second decades of life, with seizures in individuals up to the age of 71 years and documented encephalogram changes up to the age of 30 years. A key feature of partial epilepsy with pericentral spikes is a characteristic encephalogram abnormality of spikes or sharp waves in the pericentral region (centroparietal, centrofrontal, or centrotemporal). This distinctive encephalogram abnormality of pericentral spikes unites these several seizure types into a discrete family epilepsy syndrome. As with other familial epilepsies, the inherited nature of this new syndrome may be overlooked because of the variability in penetrance and seizure types among affected family members.Inst Neurol, Dept Clin & Expt Epilepsy, London WC1N 3BG, EnglandInst Neurol, Dept Mol Pathogenesis, London WC1N 3BG, EnglandChalfont Ctr Epilepsy, Natl Soc Epilepsy, Chalfont, Bucks, EnglandUniv London Imperial Coll Sci Technol & Med, Sch Med, Charing Cross Hosp, DIv Neurosci & Psychol Med, London, EnglandUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Psychiat, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Psychiat, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Statistical voxel-wise analysis of ictal SPECT reveals pattern of abnormal perfusion in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy Análise estatística baseada em voxel do SPECT ictal revela um padrão de alteração perfusional em pacientes com epilepsia de lobo temporal

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the pattern of perfusion abnormalities in ictal and interictal brain perfusion SPECT images (BSI) from patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). METHOD: It was acquired interictal and ictal BSI from 24 patients with refractory TLE. BSIs were analyzed by visual inspection and statistical parametric mapping (SPM2). Statistical analysis compared the patients group to a control group of 50 volunteers. The images from patients with left-TLE were left-right flipped. RESULTS: It was not observed significant perfusional differences in interictal scans with SPM. Ictal BSI in SPM analysis revealed hyperperfusion within ipsilateral temporal lobe (epileptogenic focus) and also contralateral parieto-occipital region, ipsilateral posterior cingulate gyrus, occipital lobes and ipsilateral basal ganglia. Ictal BSI also showed areas of hypoperfusion. CONCLUSION: In a group analysis of ictal BSI of patients with TLE, voxel-wise analysis detects a network of distant regions of perfusional alteration which may play active role in seizure genesis and propagation.<br>OBJETIVO: Investigar o padrão de anormalidades perfusionais no SPECT de perfusão cerebral (SPC) ictal e interictal na epilepsia de lobo temporal (ELT). MÉTODO: Foram realizados SPCs ictal e interictal de 24 pacientes com ELT que foram analisados visualmente e com o statistical parametric mapping (SPM2). A análise estatística comparou o grupo de pacientes versus um grupo controle de 50 voluntários. RESULTADOS: Na análise do SPM não foram observadas diferenças significativas no grupo de SPC interictal. No grupo de SPC ictal o SPM revelou hiperperfusão no lobo temporal ipsilateral (foco epileptogênico) e também na região parieto-occipital contralateral, porção posterior do cíngulo ipsilateral, lobos occipitais e núcleos da base ipsilateral. O SPC ictal também mostrou áreas de hipoperfusão. CONCLUSÃO: Em uma análise de grupo do SPC ictal de pacientes com ELT, a análise baseada em voxel detecta uma rede de alteração perfusional em regiões distantes que pode ter uma função ativa na origem e propagação das crises

    Urban prevalence of epilepsy: populational study in São José do Rio Preto, a medium-sized city in Brazil Prevalência urbana da epilepsia: estudo populacional em São José do Rio Preto - cidade de médio porte do Brasil

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    The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of epilepsy in the urban population of São José do Rio Preto. This is a medium-sized city of 336000 inhabitants, located in the northwest of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. METHOD: A crosssectional epidemiological investigation with a randomized sample was performed in two phases, a screening phase and a confirmation of the diagnosis phase. The gold standard was a clinical investigation and neurological examination. The chi-square test was used in analysis of the results and p-value value < 0.05 was considered significant. Prevalence was calculated with 95% confidence interval. RESULTS: The study sample size was 17293 individuals, with distributions of gender, age, and race similar to the general population. The prevalence per 1000 inhabitants of epilepsy was 18.6, of these 8.2 were active, defined as at least one seizure within the last two years. The prevalence per 1000 inhabitants for the age groups (years) was 4.9 (04), 11.7 (514), 20.3 (1564) and 32.8 (65 or over). CONCLUSION: Prevalence of both accumulated and active epilepsy was elevated, comparable to other developing nations, in particular those of Latin America. However, the prevalence of epilepsy in childhood was low, whilst in aged individuals it was high similar to industrialized nations.<br>ANTECEDENTES: O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a prevalência da epilepsia na população urbana de São José do Rio Preto, com 336000 habitantes, localizada no noroeste do Estado de São Paulo/ Brasil. MÉTODO: O estudo populacional, tipo corte transversal, em amostra aleatória, constituiuse de uma fase de rastreamento, mediante um questionário. O padrão ouro para confirmação diagnóstica foi a história clínica e o exame neurológico. Os testes do c² e intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC95%) foram usados para análise dos resultados, tendo sido considerados significantes os de valor p< 0,05. RESULTADOS: A amostra estudada foi de 17293 pessoas, cuja distribuição quanto ao sexo, à faixa etária e à raça foram semelhantes à da população em geral. A prevalência de epilepsia por 1000 hab. foi 18,6, sendo 8,2 para ativa considerandose, pelo menos, uma crise no período dos últimos 2 anos. A prevalência na faixa etária de 0 a 4 anos foi 4,9, de 5 a 14, 11,7; de 15 a 64, 20,3; e acima dos 65 anos foi 32,8. CONCLUSÃO: As prevalências de epilepsia acumulada e ativa foram elevadas, semelhantes às dos países em desenvolvimento, em particular, aos da América Latina. A prevalência de epilepsia na infância foi baixa, enquanto que nos idosos foi elevada, semelhantes às observadas em países desenvolvidos. Estes resultados são relevantes no planejamento de medidas sanitárias, adequação ao tratamento da população, considerando a alta prevalência encontrada, para minimizar o impacto da epilepsia na população

    Association of Piriform Cortex Resection With Surgical Outcomes in Patients With Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

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    Importance A functional area associated with the piriform cortex, termed area tempestas, has been implicated in animal studies as having a crucial role in modulating seizures, but similar evidence is limited in humans. Objective To assess whether removal of the piriform cortex is associated with postoperative seizure freedom in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) as a proof-of-concept for the relevance of this area in human TLE. Design, Setting, and Participants This cohort study used voxel-based morphometry and volumetry to assess differences in structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans in consecutive patients with TLE who underwent epilepsy surgery in a single center from January 1, 2005, through December 31, 2013. Participants underwent presurgical and postsurgical structural MRI and had at least 2 years of postoperative follow-up (median, 5 years; range, 2-11 years). Patients with MRI of insufficient quality were excluded. Findings were validated in 2 independent cohorts from tertiary epilepsy surgery centers. Study follow-up was completed on September 23, 2016, and data were analyzed from September 24, 2016, through April 24, 2018. Exposures Standard anterior temporal lobe resection. Main Outcomes and Measures Long-term postoperative seizure freedom. Results In total, 107 patients with unilateral TLE (left-sided in 68; 63.6% women; median age, 37 years [interquartile range {IQR}, 30-45 years]) were included in the derivation cohort. Reduced postsurgical gray matter volumes were found in the ipsilateral piriform cortex in the postoperative seizure-free group (n = 46) compared with the non–seizure-free group (n = 61). A larger proportion of the piriform cortex was resected in the seizure-free compared with the non–seizure-free groups (median, 83% [IQR, 64%-91%] vs 52% [IQR, 32%-70%]; P < .001). The results were seen in left- and right-sided TLE and after adjusting for clinical variables, presurgical gray matter alterations, presurgical hippocampal volumes, and the proportion of white matter tract disconnection. Findings were externally validated in 2 independent cohorts (31 patients; left-sided TLE in 14; 54.8% women; median age, 41 years [IQR, 31-46 years]). The resected proportion of the piriform cortex was individually associated with seizure outcome after surgery (derivation cohort area under the curve, 0.80 [P < .001]; external validation cohorts area under the curve, 0.89 [P < .001]). Removal of at least half of the piriform cortex increased the odds of becoming seizure free by a factor of 16 (95% CI, 5-47; P < .001). Other mesiotemporal structures (ie, hippocampus, amygdala, and entorhinal cortex) and the overall resection volume were not associated with outcomes. Conclusions and Relevance These results support the importance of resecting the piriform cortex in neurosurgical treatment of TLE and suggest that this area has a key role in seizure generation