12 research outputs found

    19. Zero Tolerance Some of the Time? Doctors and Sexual Abuse in Ontario

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    Sanda Rodgers considers another form of resistance and backlash to sexual assault reforms — the disciplinary response of the College of Physicians and Surgeons to women’s reports of sexual assault by doctors. While Susan Ehrlich discussed the subversion of sexual assault criminal law reforms through practices of trial discourse, Sanda’s research shows how the disciplinary process, which is another avenue through which women can seek redress for sexual assault and which offers the potential to avoid the many aspects of the criminal process that complainants experience as punitive, has been captured by criminal law principles and practices. She highlights reliance on psychiatric “expertise” to pathologize women and to excuse perpetrators, echoing a theme introduced by Jane Doe and further problematized by Sunny Marriner. Sanda’s analysis of “psychiatric therapy” imposed on doctors, usually as proposed by their own experts and supervised by their subordinates, illustrates the reification of psychiatric “expertise” over the safety of women patient

    Abortion: ensuring access

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    Access to abortion

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    L'avortement : garantir l'accès

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    Sexual Assault in Canada

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    Sexual Assault in Canada is the first English-language book in almost two decades to assess the state of sexual assault law and legal practice in Canada. Gathering together feminist scholars, lawyers, activists and policy-makers, it presents a picture of the difficult issues that Canadian women face when reporting and prosecuting sexual violence. The volume addresses many themes including the systematic undermining of women who have been sexually assaulted, the experiences of marginalized women, and the role of women’s activism. It explores sexual assault in various contexts, including professional sports, the doctor–patient relationship, and residential schools. And it highlights the influence of certain players in the reporting and litigation of sexual violence, including health care providers, social workers, police, lawyers and judges. Sexual Assault in Canada provides both a multi-faceted assessment of the progress of feminist reforms to Canadian sexual assault law and practice, and articulates a myriad of new ideas, proposed changes to law, and inspired activist strategies. This book was created to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Jane Doe’s remarkable legal victory against the Toronto police for sex discrimination in the policing of rape and for negligence in failing to warn her of a serial rapist. The case made legal history and motivated a new generation of feminist activists. This book honours her pioneering work by reflecting on how law, legal practice and activism have evolved over the past decade and where feminist research and reform should lead in the years to come

    Multicriteria assessment of water dynamics reveals subcatchment variability in a seemingly homogeneous tropical cloud forest catchment

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    Para mejorar el conocimiento actual de los fenómenos de lluvia-escorrentía de las cuencas de captación montañosa tropical, exploramos la utilidad de varios indicadores hidrológicos en una cuenca de bosque nuboso anidado (76,9 km2). Las métricas utilizadas pertenecen a 5 categorías: tiempo de tránsito medio del caudal base, propiedades fisicoquímicas del agua de la corriente, cobertura del suelo, parámetros topográficos e hidrométricos. Aplicamos diversas técnicas estadísticas para el análisis de datos y para contrastar hallazgos. El análisis de regresión múltiple mostró que los tiempos de tránsito medios del flujo base se podían predecir de manera eficiente por las concentraciones de sodio (más altas durante los flujos base) y las temperaturas del agua de los arroyos, lo que indica una mayor influencia de la geomorfología en lugar de las características topográficas o de la cobertura del suelo. El análisis de componentes principales reveló que no se pudo identificar ningún subconjunto específico de indicadores de cuenca como descriptores predominantes para todas las cuencas. El análisis de agrupamiento jerárquico aglomerativo proporcionó resultados concomitantes, lo que implica mayores niveles de disimilitud entre las subcuencas más pequeñas que entre las más grandes. En general, los resultados señalan una intrincada interdependencia de diversos procesos a nivel de la superficie y del subsuelo, lo que indica un alto nivel de heterogeneidad. Hacer caso omiso de la heterogeneidad de las cuencas hidrográficas anidadas o emparejadas podría llevar a conclusiones incompletas o engañosas, especialmente en las regiones montañosas tropicales donde están presentes gradientes espaciales y temporales pronunciados.To improve the current knowledge of the rainfall–runoff phenomena of tropical montane catchments, we explored the usefulness of several hydrological indicators on a nested cloud forest catchment (76.9 km2). The used metrics belong to 5 categories: baseflow mean transit time, physicochemical properties of stream water, land cover, topographic, and hydrometric parameters. We applied diverse statistical techniques for data analysis and to contrast findings. Multiple regression analysis showed that mean transit times of base flow could be efficiently predicted by sodium concentrations (higher during baseflows) and temperatures of stream water, indicating a major influence of geomorphology rather than topographic or land cover characteristics. Principal component analysis revealed that no specific subset of catchment indicators could be identified as prevailing descriptors for all catchments. The agglomerative hierarchical clustering analysis provided concomitant results, implying larger levels of dissimilarity between smaller subcatchments than between larger ones. Overall, results point out an intricate interdependence of diverse processes at surface and subsurface level indicating a high level of heterogeneity. Disregarding heterogeneity of nested or paired catchments could lead to incomplete or misleading conclusions, especially in tropical mountain regions where pronounced spatial and temporal gradients are present