73 research outputs found

    Gender Matters: Identity, Risk Perception and Preventive Interventions for Alcohol Consumption among Adolescents Using a Qualitative Approach

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    The epidemiological information available in Spain and the Community of Madrid highlights two relevant facts regarding alcohol consumption: an increase in binge drinking in teenagers and a reduction/reversal of the gender gap, particularly at young ages. This article aims to describe some of the factors related to alcohol use in teenagers, especially those related to gender and risk perception. A qualitative study was designed with semi-structured interviews and a discussion group with students from the city of Madrid aged 14 to 18 years. A descriptive analysis of the content of the replies of 28 teenagers was conducted. The results show that alcohol consumption has an identity component, both in terms of transition to adulthood and gender role performance. Consumption is also associated with risks, especially those determined by gender inequality, which teenagers learn to manage as a means of survival in nightlife. Preventive campaigns typically lack a gender perspective and a focus on risk prevention. To reduce the prevalence of consumption and associated risks, these strategies need to be reformulated with a gender perspective

    Diálogo y respeto: bases para la construcción de un sistema de salud intercultural para las comunidades indígenas de Puerto Nariño, Amazonas, Colombia

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    This paper presents the ideas on health and disease as well as proposals regarding the health care system voiced by indigenous communities belonging to the Tikunas, Cocama and Yagua ethnicities of the Puerto Nariño municipality in the department of Amazonas, Colombia. The study was conducted between 2010 and 2013. The tools used to obtain the data were participant observation, interviews and discussion groups. The study evidenced a profound lack of information and understanding on the part of state health agencies. As a principal demand, indigenous communities ask to be heard when decisions affecting their health or their way of understanding health are made. These results should be taken into account in the development of future health programs and provide a basis for the construction of an adequate intercultural health system for the town of Port Nariño.Este artículo presenta las concepciones sobre salud-enfermedad y las propuestas en torno al sistema sanitario planteadas por las comunidades indígenas pertenecientes a las etnias Tikuna, Cocama y Yagua del municipio de Puerto Nariño en el departamento del Amazonas, Colombia. El estudio se realizó entre los años 2010 y 2013. Las herramientas utilizadas para obtener los datos fueron la observación participante, la entrevista y los grupos de discusión. La investigación evidenció falta de información y entendimiento muy profundos por parte de los organismos estatales de salud. Como demanda principal, las comunidades indígenas piden ser escuchadas cuando se tomen decisiones que afectan a su salud o a su manera de entenderla. Se espera que los resultados obtenidos sean tenidos en cuenta en la elaboración de futuros programas de salud y aporten una base para la construcción de un sistema de salud intercultural adecuado para el municipio de Puerto Nariño

    Urban and social determinants of alcohol and tobacco consumption among adolescents in Madrid

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    Objective: This study aims to describe the accessibility to and promotion of alcohol and tobacco around secondary schools in Madrid and its distribution in relation with area-level socioeconomic deprivation; analyze the relationship between this exposure and individual consumption characteristics of students between 14 and 18 years old; and explore other facilitators of this consumption. Method: Mixed-methods study conducted in three phases: 1) we collected data on accessibility to and promotion of alcohol and tobacco in the environment using systematic social observation around 55 secondary schools; 2) we administered 2287 questionnaires among the students in these centers to gather information about characteristics and determinants of consumption; and 3) we conducted 20 semi-structured interviews and one discussion group to deepen in the results obtained in surveys and systematic social observation. We will use Geographic Information Systems to integrate and analyze the data from a spatial perspective. (c) 2023 SESPAS. Published by Elsevier Espan similar to a, S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Cooperación para el desarrollo descentralizada en Salud y Medio Ambiente: Evaluación de barreras y oportunidades

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    OBJETIVOS Describir las barreras y oportunidades percibidas tanto por organismos financiadores como por ONGs solicitantes, referentes a la eficiencia de cooperación para el desarrollo descentralizada de la comunidad de Madrid. Describir las barreras y oportunidades percibidas tanto por financiadores como por financiados, para aplicar el enfoque Ecosalud en los proyectos de cooperación para el desarrollo. Describir las características (en términos de pertinencia y diseño, eficacia, eficiencia, impacto y sostenibilidad, así como de aplicación del enfoque Ecosalud) de los proyectos sobre salud y medio ambiente subvencionados por organismos financiadores como por ONGs de la Comunidad de Madri

    Using photovoice to generate policy recommendations to improve the alcohol urban environment: A participatory action research project

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    The place where we live, work and play may influence our alcohol drinking behaviours. This study aimed to present local policy recommendations on urban determinants for alcohol consumption prevention in a lowincome and a high-income area of Madrid (Spain) using a participatory action research method, with photo voice and nominal group techniques. Participants (n = 26) engaged in a photovoice project initiated a process of critical reflection by discussing and analysing their alcohol environment based on photographs they took themselves. At the end of six week group discussion sessions, participants identified 33 themes related to their alcohol environment. They later met to translate the final categories into urban policy recommendations using a logical framework approach. Then, with a nominal group, they prioritized these recommendations based on time, impact, feasibility, and cost. Finally, participants produced a total of 61 policy recommendations for the improvement of the alcohol environment, highlighting the need for researcher-community collaborations when designing public health interventions

    Diseño de un catálogo de recursos online para la mejora de la comunicación sanitario – paciente inmigrante = Design of an online resources catalog to improve communication between health professional and immigrant patient

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    Resumen: Introducción. Las dificultades comunicativas presentes entre sanitarios y pacientes inmigrantes obstaculizan el acceso a la atención médica e influyen negativamente en el estado de salud de dichos pacientes. Disponer de recursos que faciliten la comunicación mejoraría la calidad asistencial que recibe este colectivo. Objetivo. Presentar el proceso de creación de un catálogo digital de recursos de comunicación online para mejorar con su utilización la comunicación entre profesionales sanitarios e inmigrantes. Material y Método. Búsqueda en Internet y posterior selección de recursos para su inclusión el catálogo, y el desarrollo de un portal web destinado a reunir de forma organizada dichos recursos. Resultados. Se han incorporado materiales útiles en contexto de la atención en consulta, la Promoción de la salud y la Atención farmacéutica (destacando recursos de ámbitos como salud sexual y reproductiva, atención materno-infantil, Promoción de la salud y comunicación interpersonal). El catálogo ya está disponible en www.saludinmigrantes.es. Discusión. Los recursos de comunicación profesional sanitario-paciente inmigrante en distintos idiomas creados en España son escasos y se encuentran repartidos de manera muy dispersa por la red, por lo que un catálogo que los aglutine e incorpore de manera continua y sistemática resulta conveniente y eficaz para mejorar el proceso comunicativo.Palabras clave: Comunicación intercultural, Inmigrantes, Catálogo de recursos Abstract: Introduction. Communication difficulties that appear between immigrant patients and health professionals impede access to health care services and adversely affect the health of this sector of the population. Providing communication resources would be a way to improve the quality of care received by this group. Objective. To present the process of creating an online communication resources catalog to improve communication between health professionals and immigrants. Materials and Methods. Internet search and resources selection to include it in the catalog, and developing a web designed to collect and to organize these resources. Results. Useful materials have been incorporated, related with the context of care in consultation, Health Promotion and the Pharmaceutical care (highlighting areas such as sexual and reproductive health, maternal and child health promotion and interpersonal communication). The catalog is now available in www.saludinmigrantes.es. Discussion. The communication resources created in Spain are scarce and widely dispersed across the network, so a catalog that brings them together and incorporate it continuously and systematically is convenient and effective way to improve the communication process.Keywords: Intercultural communication, Immigrants, Resource catalo

    Working the interdisciplinary integration: Assesing a bridge activity between two subjects of Environmental Sciences Degree

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    [EN] This paper describes how an interdicisciplinar group of teachers implements a bridge-activity between two subjects in 2nd course of Environmental Sciences degree. The main goal is to develop both generic and specific competencies related to interdisciplinary work. Students evaluate if these innovation proposals are adequate to develop these skills and what impact produces in their own learning. As main conclusion, to note that coordination between teachers to interconnect subjects within degrees is a very appropriate intervention to provide students with a comprehensive education and skills, they value these activities very positively.[ES] El presente trabajo describe cómo un grupo interdicisciplinar de docentes implanta una actividad puente entre dos asignaturas del 2º curso de grado de Ciencias Ambientales, con el objetivo de desarrollar competencias tanto genéricas como específicas relacionadas con la interdiciplinariedad. Los alumnos evalúan si estas propuestas de innovación docente son adecuadas para desarrollar dichas competencias y qué impacto producen en su propio aprendizaje. Como conclusión principal, destacar que la coordinación entre docentes y el trabajo para interconectar asignaturas dentro de los grados es un ámbito de intervención muy oportuno para dotar a los estudiantes de una formación en competencias e integral, ya que ellos valoran este tipo de actividades muy positivamente.Sandín Vázquez, M.; Lazo Vitoria, X.; Giménez Baldazo, M.; Rodríguez Martínez, M. (2016). Trabajando la integración interdisciplinar: Evaluación de una actividad puente entre dos asignaturas del Grado en Ciencias Ambientales. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 14(1):245-260. doi:10.4995/redu.2016.5907.SWORD24526014

    Residents perceptions of the alcohol environment: A participatory photovoice project in two districts with different socio-economic status in a large city

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    The purpose of this study was to present the alcohol environment as perceived by its residents in two districts of Madrid using the Photovoice participatory methodology. Secondly, we compared the results according to the socio-economic status of the districts. The study was conducted in the city of Madrid, Spain, in two districts with different socio-economic status. A total of 26 people participated, who took and discussed photographs about their alcohol environment. They grouped them into 33 final categories, such as the socialising role of alcohol or the alcohol advertising. Co-authors further grouped participants final categories into seven general areas. The participants in the Photovoice project have helped to deepen the understanding of the alcohol urban environment. These results may help to design more effective policies to prevent hazardous alcohol consumption.This work was supported by the Plan Nacional sobre Drogas, Spain [grant numbers 2016I047]; The HeartHealthy Hoods project was funded by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme, European Union [FP7/2007–2013/ERC Starting Grant Heart Healthy Hoods Agreement no. 623 336893]; and IM received a research fellowship from the University of Alcala, Spain that enables her to develop this study. Ethics approval We conducted this study in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, and received ethical approval by the Ethics Committee of the Universidad de Alcala (CEI/HU/2017/09).S

    Availability, Promotion, and Signs of Alcohol Consumption: A Mixed Methods Study of Perceived Exposure and Objective Measures

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    This study describes the alcohol environment comparing residents' perceptions and objective measures in two different income-level districts. Measures were gathered between 2017 and 2018 in two districts with different income levels in Madrid, Spain. We obtained perceived measures using Photovoice. We procured objective measures through social systematic observation. Data were integrated using triangulation. Perceived and objective measures of the alcohol environment were characterized and compared in terms of alcohol availability, alcohol promotion, and signs of alcohol consumption. The integration was classified as agreement, partial agreement, or dissonance. The results related to alcohol availability and signs of its consumption showed high agreement. Availability was high in both areas, which was recognized by residents. Residents of the high-income district (HID) discussed fewer signs of alcohol consumption, whilst those in the low-income district (LID) reported extensive signs of consumption. Such observations agreed with the objective measures. There were dissonances between the approaches for alcohol promotion. Although the alcohol promotion was higher in HID according to the objective measures, it was deeply discussed by LID residents. Both methodologies helped us deepen the understanding of the alcohol environment. These results may help design more effective interventions to prevent hazardous drinking

    Changes in perceptions of the alcohol environment among participants in a Photovoice project conducted in two districts with different socio-economic status

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    Perceptions of the alcohol environment may influence alcohol consumption patterns. The purpose of this study was to describe changes in perceptions of the urban alcohol environment as experienced by residents of two districts with different socio-economic status after taking part in a Photovoice study. The study was conducted in Madrid, Spain, in a district with a high socio-economic status (HSES) and another district with a low socio-economic status (LSES). A Photovoice project was conducted with 26 participants divided into four groups based on sex and district. Groups met over five sessions in which they discussed photographs taken by the participants themselves on the subject of alcohol in their neighbourhood. A qualitative, descriptive and thematic analysis of participants' discourses was performed to explore changes in their perceptions of the alcohol environment over the project sessions. Changes in perceptions of the alcohol environment were observed in all groups over the project. The process of change varied by districts' socio-economic characteristics and gender. Greater changes in perceptions of the alcohol environment were observed in HSES, especially among women, as the participants had a much more positive initial view of their alcohol environment. In LSES, participants showed a more critical perception of the alcohol environment from the beginning of the study, and this broadened and intensified over the course of the sessions. Changes in perceptions also varied by thematic categories, including some categories that were discussed from the start (e.g. socialising and alcohol consumption) and categories that only emerged in later sessions (e.g. alcohol advertising). Involvement in a Photovoice project has favoured a shift in the participant's perceptions of their alcohol environment towards more critical positions, widening their scope of perceived elements and raising their awareness of specific problems, such as alcohol advertising and social role of alcohol consumption in relation to alcohol exposure
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