1,013 research outputs found

    Los estudios universitarios de los profesionales de la salud ocupacional en Francia, Portugal y Reino Unido: Aproximación comparada

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    Se presenta una aproximación comparativa a los estudios de nivel superior en prevención de riesgos laborales en tres países de la Unión Europea: Francia, Portugal y Reino Unido. Con la selección de estos países se pretende describir las principales tendencias o líneas de trabajo que se están siguiendo en este campo, ejemplificadas en casos particulares. Desde un modelo muy escolarizado como el francés, pasando por otro también bastante regulado pero que permite muy diversas vías de acceso a la profesión como el portugués, hasta un contexto más liberal como el británico. En los aspectos más relevantes de la comparación se hace también una somera aproximación al conjunto de la Europa de los quince, para aportar una visión de conjunto que permita entender mejor el contexto general en el que conviven las distintas experiencias.This article introduces a comparative approach on the different higher education levels of occupational health and safety studies in three EU countries: France, Portugal and the United Kingdom. Such selection aims at describing the main trends and task lines in the field of health and safety education through particular cases. Cases vary from strictly academic, in the case of France, to strongly regulated models with different forms of access, like in Portugal, to more liberal patterns like the ones found in the UK. The most relevant aspects of this comparison also examine EU countries as a whole to allow a better understanding of the general context in which these experiences occur

    Start-Up Valuation : Bumble Inc. case study

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    This paper has been based on which methods should be used in order to value a Start-Up. The structure of the paper has been divided into four parts. In the first part, we have mainly defined what a start-up is. It has been clarified which are the main characteristics that distinguish a start-up from a more mature company, such as the lack of history, its profitability, its dependence on private capital, the risk it presents, the number of different investors and rounds needed to raise funding and finally the illiquid nature of an investment in a start-up. We then proceeded to define what a VC is and how it works. The different types of financing rounds in which start-ups participate in order to obtain financing were studied. Finally, some technological trends that will mark the industry in the future were defined. The second part of the work focused on studying the main types of company valuations that exist. A distinction has been made between two different types depending on their suitability when valuing a start-up, since, as has been said, these have different characteristics to more mature companies, so that the methods normally used may not be useful. On the one hand, traditional valuation methods have been studied, including DCF, LB O, Public Comparables and Precedent Transaction. On the other hand, valuation methods for start-ups have been studied, including the Venture Capital Method, the Real Options Method, the First Chicago Method, the Berkus Approach and several others. Next, the impact of different subjective factors on the valuation of start-ups was discussed. Finally, the points of the shareholders agreement that could affect the valuation of a company have been mentioned. In the third part of the paper, a case study of the company Bumble Inc, a company that owns online dating platforms, has been carried out. The company has been studied in depth, as well as the market in which it operates. Then, the different valuation methods mentioned in the second part of the paper were calculated and compared in a joint analysis. Finally, in the fourth part of the paper, a series of conclusions have been drawn about start-up valuations and how they are influenced by interest rate change

    What makes people bond?: A study on social interactions and common life points on Facebook

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    In this paper we aim at understanding if and how, by analysing people's profile and historical data (such as data available on Facebook profiles and interactions, or collected explicitly) we can motivate two persons to interact and eventually create long-term bonds. We do this by exploring the relationship between connectedness, social interactions and common life points on Facebook. The results are of particular importance for the development of technology that aims at reducing social isolation for people with less chances to interact, such as older adults

    El sistema de valores del conquistador guatemalteco a través de las fuentes documentales

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    Sistemas de Información Geográfica. Infraestructura básica para la planificación y el desarrollo de los asentamientos

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    En este artículo no se pretenden dictar las pautas concretas para el establecimiento de un campo de refugiados –para ello existen tratados exclusivos del tema–, sino que más bien, proponiéndolo como "escenario" y con la excusa de tratar el tema de las Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica (y en concreto los SIG), se plantea una reflexión más de fondo sobre la información de partida al momento de enfrentarnos a los diferentes proyectos y situaciones de emergencia. Es esencial que entendamos la información como la infraestructura básica para el desarrollo sobre la que debemos pensar, reflexionar y plantear soluciones a la hora de que las administraciones, organismos y agencias –tanto públicas como privadas– asuman su responsabilidad, y conforme a la capacidad que cada una tenga, comience a compartir y difundir toda esa información de manera lógica y ordenada, pero sobre todo solidaria. Palabras clave: Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG), Cooperación, Ordenación Territorial, Análisis Territorial, Emergencia.Peer Reviewe

    Archaeologists at the factory. A brief tour of the historiography of industrial archeology

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    La Arqueología Industrial, tantas veces adjetivada como joven disciplina, se encuentra hoy en un punto próximo a la madurez. Sin embargo, todavía adolece de fuertes carencias –como por ejemplo la elaboración de seriaciones tipológicas de los materiales producidos por la industria–, al tiempo que buena parte de los debates científicos que acompañaron a su nacimiento –como el del marco cronológico del que debe ocuparse– aún no se han cerrado por completo. Asimismo, su implantación sigue siendo muy heterogénea a nivel global, y mientras que en algunos países posee ya una amplia tradición y aceptación –caso de Inglaterra o Estados Unidos–, en otros, como España, se encuentra en pleno desarrollo y no existe un perfil profesional propio para los arqueólogos industriales. En las líneas que siguen trataremos de esbozar cuál ha sido el recorrido de la Arqueología Industrial desde que apareciera de la mano del amateurismo hasta consolidarse como una disciplina científica. Este artículo no pretende ser exhaustivo; a pesar de la vida relativamente corta de la Arqueología Industrial, una visión completa de su historiografía requeriría un trabajo de un volumen mucho mayor, ya que en las últimas décadas ha experimentado una gran expansión a nivel tanto académico como social, y se ha extendido por la mayor parte del planeta. Nuestra pretensión, por tanto, es plantear cómo, cuándo y dónde surgió, así como qué caminos siguió en su desarrollo, haciendo especial hincapié en los casos británico (por ser el lugar en el que nació) y español.Industrial Archaeology, so many times described as a young discipline, is nowadays very close to its maturity. However, it still has several important lacks like, for example, the inexistence of typological series for industrial materials. In addition, some of the earliest scientific discussions about Industrial Archaeology are still opened. Moreover, the Industrial Archaeology implementation is still very heterogeneous over the world, and while in England or in the USA the discipline is well known and deeply accepted by now, in other countries, like in Spain, although it is currently developing, there is not a professional profile for industrial archaeologists yet. In the next lines we will try to offer a view about the evolution of Industrial Archaeology, from its amateur origins to its consolidation as a scientific discipline. This text does not intend to be exhaustive: Despite the short life of Industrial Archaeology, a full view of its historiography would need a larger work due to the real expansion experimented by our discipline during the last decades, at academic and social levels. We will try to show when, how and where Industrial Archaeology rose, and how was its evolution, specially focusing on England (as its birthplace) and Spain

    Study and use of textile substrates as a vehicle system for biomedical applications

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    The encapsulation efficiency and the drug delivery of microcapsules of soluble drugs with chitosan is directly influenced by many factors during the process that have not been studied yet. The aim of this project is to make a first approach of the influence of the variables of the process as the concentration of the components of the microcapsules, the stirring times, the process temperature, molar ratios and many other variables. In this project, several combinations of this variables have been tested and analyzed afterwards in order to compare their results and have a first view of the influence of each variable. Also the drug delivery essay have been studied and analyzed to see the effect of different fabrics in different samples of microcapsules, and modeled for achieving a controlled drug release