4,140 research outputs found

    Heat asymmetries in nanoscale conductors: The role of decoherence and inelasticity

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    We investigate the heat flow between different terminals in an interacting coherent conductor when inelastic scattering is present. We illustrate our theory with a two-terminal quantum dot setup. Two types of heat asymmetries are investigated: electric asymmetry ΔE\Delta_E, which describes deviations of the heat current in a given contact when voltages are exchanged, and contact asymmetry ΔC\Delta_C, which quantifies the difference between the power measured in two distinct electrodes. In the linear regime, both asymmetries agree and are proportional to the Seebeck coefficient, the latter following at low temperature a Mott-type formula with a dot transmission renormalized by inelasticity. Interestingly, in the nonlinear regime of transport we find ΔEΔC\Delta_E\neq\Delta_C and this asymmetry departure depends on the applied bias configuration. Our results may be important for the recent experiments by Lee et al. [Nature (London) 498, 209 (2013)], where these asymmetries were measured.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. Minor changes; published versio

    Un modelo de intervención para una motricidad expresiva y creativa

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    Las actividades físicas artístico-expresivas desarrollan el potencial expresivo, comunicativo,estético y creador del niño. Pero para poder hacerlo con éxito precisamos herramientas didácticas, de acuerdo con los nuevos paradigmas educativos, que posibiliten llevarlo a cabo de forma práctica en el aula. En el presente artículo reflexionamos sobre los principios que deben regir su diseño e implementación, utilizando los recursos que nos brindan los procesos creativos, y proponemos un modelo de intervención didáctica elaborado específicamente para tal fin: el proceso 3-E

    MOSAIX: a tool to built large mosaics from GALEX images

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    Large sky surveys are providing a huge amount of information for studies of the interstellar medium, the galactic structure or the cosmic web. Setting into a common frame information coming from different wavelengths, over large fields of view, is needed for this kind of research. GALEX is the only nearly all-sky survey at ultraviolet wavelengths and contains fundamental information for all types of studies. GALEX field of view is circular embedded in a squared matrix of 3840 x 3840 pixels. This fact makes it hard to get GALEX images properly overlapped with the existing astronomical tools such as Aladin or Montage. We developed our own software for this purpose. In this article, we describe this software and makes it available to the community.Comment: 7 pages, including 8 figures, accepted by Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Double responsibility of foreign language teachers: Primary student-teachers’ perceptions of linguistic and cultural content

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    Scholars all over the world have been arguing for foreign language instruction which combines linguistic and cultural content. Eliminating the cultural side results in a deficient process. This study explored prospective teachers’ perceptions of both constituents, since they will ultimately be responsible for their implementation in the foreign language classroom. To this end, 137 students from three European universities were chosen and asked to fill out an online questionnaire with Likert scale items. Data was collected and interpreted using the free statistics software package R (R Core Team, 2019). The findings confirmed that the relevance of linguistic / cultural issues was unanimously acknowledged (98,5%), speaking was appointed as the most desired target skill (97,1%), interpersonal relations (88,3%) as the most important aspect of socio-cultural knowledge, and lessons with native speakers (94,2%) as the most relevant classroom resourc

    Automating decision making to help establish norm-based regulations

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    Norms have been extensively proposed as coordination mechanisms for both agent and human societies. Nevertheless, choosing the norms to regulate a society is by no means straightforward. The reasons are twofold. First, the norms to choose from may not be independent (i.e, they can be related to each other). Second, different preference criteria may be applied when choosing the norms to enact. This paper advances the state of the art by modeling a series of decision-making problems that regulation authorities confront when choosing the policies to establish. In order to do so, we first identify three different norm relationships -namely, generalisation, exclusivity, and substitutability- and we then consider norm representation power, cost, and associated moral values as alternative preference criteria. Thereafter, we show that the decision-making problems faced by policy makers can be encoded as linear programs, and hence solved with the aid of state-of-the-art solvers

    Variation of the ultraviolet extinction law across the Taurus-Auriga star forming complex. A GALEX based study

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    The Taurus-Auriga molecular complex (TMC) is the main laboratory for the study of low mass star formation. The density and properties of interstellar dust are expected to vary across the TMC. These variations trace important processes such as dust nucleation or the magnetic field coupling with the cloud. In this article, we show how the combination of near ultraviolet (NUV) and infrared (IR) photometry can be used to derive the strength of the 2175 \AA\ bump and thus any enhancement in the abundance of small dust grains and PAHs in the dust grains size distribution. This technique is applied to the envelope of the TMC, mapped by the GALEX All Sky Survey (AIS). UV and IR photometric data have been retrieved from the GALEX-AIS and the 2MASS catalogues. NUV and K-band star counts have been used to identify the areas in the cloud envelope where the 2175 \AA\ bump is weaker than in the diffuse ISM namely, the low column density extensions of L1495, L1498 and L1524 in Taurus, L1545, L1548, L1519, L1513 in Auriga and L1482-83 in the California region. This finding agrees with previous results on dust evolution derived from Spitzer data and suggests that dust grains begin to decouple from the environmental galactic magnetic field already in the envelope.Comment: Accepted in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Tratamientos de Revenido de Larga Duración en Aceros de Temple al Aire

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    Las propiedades mecánicas obtenidas industrialmente en un acero de temple al aire eran inferiores a lo especificado por el fabricante. El sistema de tratamiento térmico estaba diseñado para trabajar en continuo, de forma quelas piezas templaran al aire a la salida de un horno túnel donde se realizaba su austenización; dándose posteriormente un tratamiento de revenido. Un estudio de la micro estructura obtenida después del temple muestra la presencia de bainita con importantes cantidades de austenita residual. Teniendo en cuenta los medios disponibles, se ha desarrollado un sistema de tratamientos térmicos de revenido de larga duración, alguno de ellos en dos etapas. De esta forma se ha podido obtener una micro estructura más favorable, consistente en una combinación de bainita y bainita revenida. Estos tratamientos han conseguido duplicar los valores de límite elástico y carga de rotura, manteniendo la dureza elevada que era un requisito imprescindible de diseño del material