4,408 research outputs found

    Soft Skills: A Comparative Analysis Between Online and Classroom Teaching

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    Currently the Spanish universities are making a great effort to effectively incorporate the development and assessment of generic skills in their training programs. Information and communications technologies (ICT) offer a wide range of possibilities but create uncertainty among teachers about the process and results. It is considered of interest to conduct a study to analyze the extent to which social skills like commitment, communication and teamwork are acquired by students and teachers. It seeks to ascertain the influence of the learning context, online or classroom training, in the development of these personal skills among the participants in the sample. For this study two universities have been chosen, Universidad a Distancia de Madrid (UDIMA) offering online training environment, and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) with classroom training modality. A total of 257 individuals, 230 students and 27 teachers have answered the survey called Evalsoft. This instrument was designed in the project with the same name by a research team from Universidad Complutense of Madrid (UCM). Some interesting conclusions can be highlighted: it is in the online context where there are higher levels of commitment and teamwork than in the classroom modality; teachers have higher social skills that students and these improve with age. Sex and the training program appear to influence these social skills

    Effect Of Labour Flexibility On Productivity In The Andalusian Hotel Industry

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    The authors analyze the effect of labour flexibility on productivity in the Andalusian hotel industry. For this purpose, the authors use the results from the Quality, Productivity and Competitiveness in the Hospitality Industry for Andalusia project (PO7/SEJ-02889). The model used considers three employment shares - open-ended contracts, temporary contracts, and part-time contracts. However, it should be borne in mind that the Spanish model of labour flexibility has mainly focused on the use of temporary contracts rather than other human resource management practices, such as internal labour flexibility

    Educational Mismatch And Returns On Human Capital In The Spanish Hospitality And Travel Agency Sectors

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    This paper investigates the importance of returns on human capital and educational mismatch in determining wages in the Spanish hospitality sector and the travel agency sector using an expanded version of the Mincer wage equation (1974). In addition, we analyze the impact of several job characteristics and personal characteristics on wages. Using data from the 2006 Spanish Wage Structure Survey, we estimate separate regressions for each education group under analysis: overeducated, undereducated and adequately educated workers, following the method used by Kiker et al. (1997) and using a procedure similar to that used by Strauss and Maisonneuve (2007). The regressions show specific estimated parameters of the variables included in all wage equations implemented for each analyzed group. Thus, educational mismatch is determinant for the returns on human capital in both sectors and it also has a significant and differential impact on wage formation in each educational group. Moreover, this fact has also been shown in the other variables of the model that represent both the personal characteristics of workers and job-specific characteristics. Therefore, according to the methodology used in our study, the real hourly wage may be quantitatively influenced by the variables in a model depending on whether the educational level of the workers matches the educational requirements of the job performed. Finally, it is important to note that evidence has been found regarding the impact of firm size on wage returns and the data also has provided evidence of wage differentials by gender in the Spanish hospitality industry

    Evolución histórica de los vehículos aéreos no tripulados hasta la actualidad

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    The origin and development of unmanned aviation has been almost matched that of manned aviation, starting both from an almost common point. As in conventional manned aviation, military applications, have been the motor of technological development and the potential applications of these types of systems throughout much of the twentieth century and early twenty-first century. Finally it has been in relatively recent times that these systems are experiencing an impressive boom due to the discovery of the wide variety of commercial and civil operations that are able to perform very effectively. This paper attempts to summarize the historical evolution that these systems have suffered and in the end, to present a quick analysis of the major civil / commercial applications, trying to provide an overview of the main types of systems, their classification and general configuration.Peer Reviewe

    Assessing Creativity In Engineering Students: A Comparative Between Degrees and Sudents In First And Last Year

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    An online open access test (CREAX self-assessment) has been used in this work so that students from degrees in engineering in the Universidad Polite¿cnica of Madrid (UPM) could self-assess their creative competence after several classroom activities. Different groups from the first year course have been statistically compared using data from their assessment. These first year students had different professors in the subject ?Technical Drawing? and belonged to several degrees in the UPM. They were as well compared regarding sex and a group of first year students was also compared to another last year group of the degree so as to observe possible differences in the achievement of this competence. Only one difference was detected concerning sex in one of the degrees. Among degrees, the higher marks obtained by students who had done specific exercises for the development of creativity in class is highlighted. Finally, a significantly high mark was observed in students during their last year of degree with respect to first year students. The tool CREAX has become very useful in the assessment of this competence in the UPM degrees in which it has been implemented

    Estrategias de cobranza para reducir la cartera morosa en la Empresa Telecomunicaciones M&W Sac – Chota, 2021

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    El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo Proponer estrategias de cobranza para reducir la cartera de morosidad de la empresa M&W SAC – Chota, 2021. El cual tuvo como metodología un enfoque cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo propositivo y diseño no experimental de corte trasversal, se tuvo una muestra de 194 usuarios, se utilizó como técnica la encuesta y como instrumento el cuestionario. los resultados obtenidos señalan que el 66% de los usuarios están de acuerdo que la empresa no considera buenas estrategias para realizar contacto con el cliente. El cual se concluye que el índice de morosidad de la empresa M&W SAC., de acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos señalan que el 67% de los usuarios se encuentran en condición de deudores. El cual refieren que la empresa de Telecomunicaciones M&W si se preocupa por darles todas las facilidades de pago. Sin embargo, consideran que la empresa no cuenta con buenas estrategias para realizar contacto con el cliente.TesisGestión empresarial y emprendimient

    Durabilidad de hormigones autocompactantes con prestaciones especiales expuestos en atmósferas marinas y urbanas.

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    El hormigón autocompactante es aún una tecnología relativamente nueva y se tiene un escaso conocimiento acerca del comportamiento frente a durabilidad de este material. Sin embargo, la creciente tendencia al desarrollo de códigos y normativas que contemplan tanto la durabilidad del hormigón desde la fase de diseño como el empleo de nuevos materiales, implica un mayor conocimiento de las propiedades durables de este tipo de hormigón. En el presente trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos a partir de un estudio de durabilidad con hormigón autocompactante convencional fabricado con filler calizo, así como hormigones autocompactantes, con la misma dosificación pero modificados bien con incorporación de fibras (metálicas y poliméricas) o bien con sustitución del filler calizo por residuos de lodos de naturaleza caliza. Se han llevado a cabo tanto ensayos en laboratorio para determinación de indicadores de durabilidad como ensayos de exposición durante un año a atmósferas naturales (marina y urbana con distinta humedad relativa). Los indicadores de durabilidad analizados arrojan una elevada calidad de los distintos hormigones autocompactantes, lo cual se confirma a partir de ensayos de exposición en atmósferas reales. Si bien no se ha visto que la incorporación de fibras influya en la interacción de este material con el cloruro ni con el CO2, la sustitución del filler calizo por residuo de lodo indica un ligero aumento en la carbonatación y el transporte de cloruros

    Fourier series diffractive lens with extended depth of focus

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    Angular diffractive lenses have been proven to achieve a narrow beam waist with a long depth of focus. We generalize these type of lenses by defining the angular distribution of the focal length as a Fourier series. The Fourier coefficients of the lens are optimized, using Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm, to minimize the beam width and increase its uniformity for a given depth of focus. In order to obtain a fast simulation during the optimization process, we used Chirp Z-transform algorithm. Finally, we performed an experimental verification of the results using a Spatial Light Modulator. The Fourier series diffractive lens presents a more uniform and narrower beam than previous angular lenses, in both simulations and experiments. These results may find applications in the design of contact and intraocular lenses with extended depth of focus, laser focusing and imaging systems

    Constructing virtual 5-dimensional tori out of lower-dimensional network cards

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    [EN] In the Top500 and Graph500 lists of the last years, some of the most powerful systems implement a torus topology to interconnect themillions of computing nodes they include. Some of these torus networks are of five or six dimensions, which implies an additional difficulty as the node degree increases. In previous works, we proposed and evaluated the nD Twin (nDT) torus topology to virtually increase the dimensions a torus is able to implement. We showed that this new topology reduces the distances between nodes, increasing, therefore, global network performance. In this work, we present how to build a 5DT torus network using a specific commercial 6-port network card (EXTOLL card) to interconnect those nodes. We show, using the same number of cards, that the performance of the 5DT torus network we are able to implement using our proposal is higher than the performance of the 3D torus network for the same number of compute nodes.Spanish MINECO; European Commission, Grant/Award Number: TIN2015-66972-C5-1-R and TIN2015-66972-C5-2-R; JCCM, Grant/Award Number: PEII-2014-028-P; Spanish MICINN, Grant/Award Number: FJCI-2015-26080Andújar-Muñoz, FJ.; Villar, JA.; Sanchez Garcia, JL.; Alfaro Cortes, FJ.; Duato Marín, JF.; Fröning, H. (2017). Constructing virtual 5-dimensional tori out of lower-dimensional network cards. Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience. 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpe.4361S11
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