14 research outputs found

    Consideraciones metodológicas para el estudio del turismo desde el metabolismo socio-ecológico

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    Artículo de resultados[Introducción]: La construcción del mundo moderno a partir de modelos de especialización extractiva, ha generado la descapitalización material de la naturaleza, afectando de forma especial a América Latina, por ser uno de los mayores exportadores de materia. El concepto de metabolismo en las ciencias sociales es una propuesta teórico-metodológica que se encarga de cuantificar las entradas y salidas de materia y energía en los sistemas socio-ecológicos, con esta información, se puede determinar si una actividad económica, como el turismo, es resiliente o está sobrepasando la capacidad de regeneración de los recursos. [Objetivo]: Indagar sobre los métodos que pueden ser utilizados en la investigación socio-metabólica del turismo. [Metodología]: A través de un proceso de exploración en la bibliografía, se identificaron un conjunto de conocimientos que revelaron las metodologías preexistentes, como una posibilidad para evaluar y, en su caso, modificar patrones de producción y consumo en diversos espacios turísticos. [Resultados]: Se presenta un balance en relación con dichos métodos, los elementos que los componen, así como la posibilidad de adopción por la actividad turística; determinado, con ello, una aportación al estudio de la relación turismo y ambiente. [Conclusiones]: Finalmente, se concluye que estos métodos pueden apoyar para una mejor comprensión de las interdependencias entre el bienestar social y los servicios físicos proporcionados por el metabolismo de la actividad turística con miras hacia la sustentabilidad.[Introduction]: The material construction of the modern world at the global level, based on models of extractive specialization, has generated the material decapitalization of nature, especially affecting Latin America, as it is one of the largest exporters of matter. The concept of metabolism in the social sciences is a theoretical-methodological proposal that quantifies the inputs and outputs of matter and energy in social-ecological systems. With thiinformation, it is possible to determine whether an economic activity, such as tourism, is resilient or is exceeding the regenerative capacity of resources. [Objective]: To investigate the methods that can be used in the socio-metabolic research of tourism. [Methodology]: Through a process of exploration in the literature, a body of knowledge was identified that revealed pre-existing methodologies as a possibility for evaluating and, if necessary, modifying production and consumption patterns in various tourist areas. [Results]: A balance is presented in relation to these methods, the elements that compose them, as well as the possibility of adoption by the tourist activity; thus determining a contribution to the study of the relationship between tourism and the environment. [Conclusions]: Finally, it is concluded that these methods can support a better understanding of the interdependencies between social welfare and the physical services provided by the metabolism of the tourist activity with a view to sustainability.Conacy


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    Artículo de revisiónEl turismo involucra un ciclo metabólico que consiste en la transformación de energía y materiales en productos y servicios, para uso y disfrute del turista. En esta práctica se llevan a cabo procesos de absorción, transformación y consumo de recursos, los cuales, se expulsan como desechos o residuos con importantes impactos sobre la biodiversidad y las dinámicas sociales de los destinos. El metabolismo socio-ecológico constituye un enfoque útil para analizar las transformaciones ambientales generadas por la actividad turística; por lo tanto, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión de la literatura existente en torno a este tema de estudio, con la finalidad de reconocer patrones de interpretación y aplicación en el turismo. Algunos resultados determinan que en esta disciplina son pocas las investigaciones abordadas, por lo que se muestra como un tema emergente; sin embargo, el turismo cuenta con suficientes elementos metabólicos propios de transformación, que merecen ser analizados de manera particular. Tourism involves a metabolic cycle that consists of the transformation of energy and materials into products and services, for the use and enjoyment of tourists. In this practice, processes of absorption, transformation and consumption of resources are carried out, which are expelled as waste or residues with significant impacts on biodiversity and the social dynamics of destinations. Socio-ecological metabolism is a useful approach for analysing the environmental transformations generated by tourism activity; therefore, the aim of this paper is to review the existing literature on this topic of study, with the aim of recognising patterns of interpretation and application in tourism. Some results show that there is little research in this discipline, which is why it is an emerging topic; however, tourism has enough metabolic elements of transformation that deserve to be analysed in a particular wa

    Toward Improving Early Diagnosis of Congenital Chagas Disease in an Endemic Setting.

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    BACKGROUND: Congenital Trypanosoma cruzi transmission is now estimated to account for 22% of new infections, representing a significant public health problem across Latin America and internationally. Treatment during infancy is highly efficacious and well tolerated, but current assays for early detection fail to detect >50% of infected neonates, and 9-month follow-up is low. METHODS: Women who presented for delivery at 2 urban hospitals in Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia, were screened by rapid test. Specimens from infants of infected women were tested by microscopy (micromethod), quantitative PCR (qPCR), and immunoglobulin (Ig)M trypomastigote excreted-secreted antigen (TESA)-blots at birth and 1 month and by IgG serology at 6 and 9 months. RESULTS: Among 487 infants of 476 seropositive women, congenital T. cruzi infection was detected in 38 infants of 35 mothers (7.8%). In cord blood, qPCR, TESA-blot, and micromethod sensitivities/specificities were 68.6%/99.1%, 58.3%/99.1%, and 16.7%/100%, respectively. When birth and 1-month results were combined, cumulative sensitivities reached 84.2%, 73.7%, and 34.2%, respectively. Low birthweight and/or respiratory distress were reported in 11 (29%) infected infants. Infants with clinical signs had higher parasite loads and were significantly more likely to be detected by micromethod. CONCLUSIONS: The proportion of T. cruzi-infected infants with clinical signs has fallen since the 1990s, but symptomatic congenital Chagas disease still represents a significant, albeit challenging to detect, public health problem. Molecular methods could facilitate earlier diagnosis and circumvent loss to follow-up but remain logistically and economically prohibitive for routine screening in resource-limited settings

    Estrategias lúdicas para mejorar la expresión oral en los niños y niñas del 1° grado del nivel primaria de la Institución Educativa N° 82758, distrito de Bolívar, San Miguel Cajamarca

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    La expresión oral, constituye la forma más relevante del lenguaje desde las perspectivas funcional y pragmática, particularmente en niños y niñas. Nuestro trabajo de investigación, se realizó con el objetivo de diseñar Estrategias Lúdicas para mejorar la Expresión Oral en los niños y niñas del Primer grado de la I.E. No 82758. Distrito de Bolivar, San Miguel - Cajamarca. Metodológicamente aplicamos una lista de cotejo sobre el desarrollo de la expresión oral, entrevistas y recojo de testimonios. Luego se procedió a examinar el problema a la luz de la Teoría Cognitiva de Jean Piaget y el Modelo Pedagógico de María Montessori, que sirvieron de fundamento a la propuesta denominada “Estrategias Lúdicas para mejorar la Expresión Oral en los niños y niñas del Primer Grado de la I.E. N° 82758 – Distrito de Bolívar, San Miguel - Cajamarca”. Los resultados confirman que la expresión oral desarrollada en los niños y niñas del nivel primario es deficiente; ya que no expresan con naturalidad sus ideas, sentimientos, emociones y experiencias en situaciones comunicativas colectivas, de diálogos, narraciones, juegos y explicaciones; son inhibidos; no comprenden lo que se les dice y hacen caso omiso; no se expresan con seguridad y coherencia; no utilizan progresivamente algunas normas de comunicación verbal, etc. Estas deficiencias son consecuencia del poco estímulo que imparte el docente al desarrollar sus sesiones de aprendizaje, por el uso de técnicas tradicionales, dedicarse más al llenado de libros, pintando hojas, figuras y letras en vez de contribuir al desarrollo de sus habilidades comunicativas. Se concluye como logros de la investigación, la justificación del problema y haber presentado la propuesta, vale decir haber matrimoniado la base teórica con la propuesta

    Kamishibai methodological strategy to promote reading comprehension in third grade students of the I.E.R. José Antonio Galán, El Jordán, in the municipality of Cartagena del Chaira, Caguán.

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    La adaptación del kamishibai como estrategia didáctica pedagógica surge como metodología para contribuir a mejorar los procesos de comprensión lectora de los estudiantes que presentan deficiencias lectoras, en la Institución Educativa Rural José Antonio Galán Sede El Jordán, de la Inspección de Remolino del Bajo Caguán, del Municipio de Cartagena del Chairá, Departamento del Caquetá, la comprensión lectora es una de las habilidades de mayor importancia a desarrollar en los distintos niveles de formación académica, la propuesta se fundamenta en la lectura de textos visuales como elemento que busca mejorar el hábito de la lectura, a través de la técnica del kamishibai que ayude a generar una experiencia significativa en el aula, al hablar de comprensión lectora hacemos referencia a un proceso supremamente complejo donde intervienen diversos factores asociados al lector, al texto y al contexto, es a partir de esta implementación y de y talleres donde la lectura de imágenes es decir del texto visual que componen en mayor proporción la didáctica, el estudiante empieza a realizar un proceso de reconstrucción del sentido global del texto. Es de gran importancia tener en cuenta que la forma como está concebido el kamishibai (secuencias) ayuda a generar una asociación de la imagen con la historia originando una modificación de estas estructuras con el fin de enriquecerlas con respecto a las temáticas planteadas y ayudar a la comprensión de los textos utilizados para cada actividad; teniendo en cuenta una Información mínima, necesaria para comunicar de manera precisa los contenidos y alcances del proyecto de intervención novedosa que apostará por la creatividad y la iniciativa personal, para así acercar a los niños de Educación básica primaria del grado tercero al mundo literario de los cuentos, utilizando como medio de consecución la técnica narrativa del Kamishibai, Para finalizar se elaboró una propuesta educativa para que se promueva el hábito lector de una forma artística, lúdica y significativa.The adaptation of the kamishibai as a pedagogical didactic strategy arises as a methodology to contribute to improve the reading comprehension processes of students who present reading deficiencies, in the Rural Educational Institution José Antonio Galán Sede El Jordán, of the Inspectorate of Remolino del Bajo Caguán, of the Municipality of Cartagena del Chairá, Department of Caquetá, reading comprehension is one of the most important skills to develop in the different levels of academic training, The proposal is based on the reading of visual texts as an element that seeks to improve the habit of reading, through the kamishibai technique that helps to generate a meaningful experience in the classroom, when talking about reading comprehension we refer to a supremely complex process involving various factors associated with the reader, the text and the context, it is from this implementation and workshops where the reading of images and the visual text that make up the greater proportion of the didactic, the student begins to make a process of reconstruction of the overall meaning of the text. It is of great importance to take into account that the way the kamishibai is conceived (sequences) helps to generate an association of the image with the story originating a modification of these structures in order to enrich them with respect to the proposed themes and help the understanding of the texts used for each activity; Translated with DeepL.com (free version

    Congenital Chagas disease in Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia, is dominated by Trypanosoma cruzi lineage V.

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    BACKGROUND: This study identified Trypanosoma cruzi discrete typing units (DTUs) in maternal and infant specimens collected from two hospitals in Bolivia, using conventional genotyping and DTU-specific serotyping. METHODS: Specimens from 142 mothers were used, including 24 seronegative and 118 seropositive individuals; 29 women transmitted T. cruzi to their infants. Maternal and infant parasite loads were determined by quantitative real-time PCR. Maternal sera were tested with an in-house parasite lysate ELISA and serotyped by a lineage-specific peptide ELISA, targeting the trypomastigote small surface antigen (TSSA). Trypanosoma cruzi genotypes in infected infants were determined by a triple PCR-RFLP assay. RESULTS: All infant specimens were genotyped as TcV. Maternal parasite loads and absorbance values by the lysate ELISA were significantly higher for transmitters compared with non-transmitters. Among seropositive mothers, 65.3% had positive results by the TSSA II/V/VI peptide ELISA. No significant difference in reactivity to TSSA II/V/VI was observed for transmitters compared with non-transmitters (79.3% vs 60.7%, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings reinforce the difficulty in obtaining sufficient sample numbers and parasite DNA to investigate the interaction between parasite genetics and the risk of congenital transmission and argue for the inclusion of DTU-specific serotyping in prospective studies

    Trypanosoma cruzi-infected pregnant women without vector exposure have higher parasitemia levels: implications for congenital transmission risk.

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    Congenital transmission is a major source of new Trypanosoma cruzi infections, and as vector and blood bank control continue to improve, the proportion due to congenital infection will grow. A major unanswered question is why reported transmission rates from T. cruzi-infected mothers vary so widely among study populations. Women with high parasite loads during pregnancy are more likely to transmit to their infants, but the factors that govern maternal parasite load are largely unknown. Better understanding of these factors could enable prioritization of screening programs to target women most at risk of transmission to their infants.We screened pregnant women presenting for delivery in a large urban hospital in Bolivia and followed infants of infected women for congenital Chagas disease. Of 596 women screened, 128 (21.5%) had confirmed T. cruzi infection; transmission occurred from 15 (11.7%) infected women to their infants. Parasite loads were significantly higher among women who transmitted compared to those who did not. Congenital transmission occurred from 31.3% (9/29), 15.4% (4/26) and 0% (0/62) of women with high, moderate and low parasite load, respectively (χx2 for trend 18.2; p<0.0001). Twin births were associated with higher transmission risk and higher maternal parasite loads. Infected women without reported vector exposure had significantly higher parasite loads than those who had lived in an infested house (median 26.4 vs 0 parasites/mL; p<0.001) with an inverse relationship between years of living in an infested house and parasite load.We hypothesize that sustained vector-borne parasite exposure and repeated superinfection by T. cruzi may act as an immune booster, allowing women to maintain effective control of the parasite despite the down-regulation of late pregnancy

    Deep Sequencing to Detect Diversity of Trypanosoma cruzi Infection in Patients Coinfected With Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Chagas Disease.

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    Chagas disease, caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, can reactivate and cause severe acute disease in immunocompromised patients such as those infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). We conducted amplicon deep sequencing of a 327-bp fragment of the tcscd5 gene using an Ion Torrent PGM directly from clinical samples from HIV patients with high parasitemia. We describe the within-host diversity, both characterizing the discrete typing unit of the infections and confirming the presence of multistrain infections, directly from clinical samples. This method can rapidly provide information on the genetic diversity of T. cruzi infection, which can have direct impacts on clinical disease