10,842 research outputs found

    A salary system for the assignment problem

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    We propose a modification to the concept of the potential of agame à la Hart-Mas Colell to determine a salary system for theassignment problem. We obtain explicit formulas for the potentialof the assignment problem and for it's corresponding salarysystem. Also, we establish some properties of this salary systemand we give an interpretation in terms of the Shapley value.assignment problem

    Is information and communication technology (ICT) the right strategy for growth in Mexico?

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    Although empirical evidence available suggests that information and communication technologies (ICT) have positively contributed to important sectors of the Mexican economy, it is still unknown to which extent ICT have truly contributed to productivity among these sectors. The increasing implementation and imports of ICT technologies, the growing demand for ICT-skilled human capital and training, the rising level of wages and the large demand and adoption of these technologies seem to indicate a positive correlation between ICT implementation and economic growth in Mexico. To answer whether ICT may be a key strategy for economic growth in the Mexican economy is the main purpose of this work. --Information technology,total factor productivity,growth,knowledge,human capital,technology diffusion

    An elementary characterization of the Gini index

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    The Gini coefficient or index is perhaps one of the most used indicators of social and economic conditions. In this paper we characterize the Gini index as the unique function that satisfies the properties of scale invariance, symmetry, proportionality and convexity in similar rankings. Furthermore, we discuss a simpler way to compute it.Gini index, income inequality, axiomatization

    Development of a multiblock procedure for automated generation of two-dimensional quadrilateral meshes of gear drives

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    This article describes a new multiblock procedure for automated generation of two-dimensional quadrilateral meshes of gear drives. The typical steps of the multiblock schemes have been investigated in depth to obtain a fast and simple way to mesh planar sections of gear teeth, allowing local mesh refinement and minimizing the appearance of distorted elements in the mesh. The proposed procedure is completed with two different mesh quality enhancement techniques. One of them is applied before the mesh is generated, and reduces the distortion of the mesh without increasing the computational time of the meshing process. The other one is applied once the mesh is generated, and reduces the distortion of the elements by means of a mesh smoothing method. The performance of the proposed procedure has been illustrated with several numerical examples, which demonstrate its ability to mesh different gear geometries under several meshing boundary conditions

    Solutions without dummy axiom for TU cooperative games

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    In this paper we study an expression for all additive, symmetric and efficient solutions, i.e., the set of axioms that traditionally are used to characterize the Shapley value except for the dummy axiom. Also, we obtain an expression for this kind of solutions by including the self duality axiom. These expressions allow us to give an alternative formula for the consensus value, the generalized consensus value and the solidarity solution. Furthermore, we introduce a new axiom called coalitional independence which replaces the symmetry axiom and use it to get similar results.axiomatic characterization

    Quasi-Ballistic Electron Transport in Random Superlattices

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    We theoretically study electron transport in disordered, quantum-well based, semiconductor superlattices with structural short-range correlations. Our system consists of equal width square barriers and quantum wells with two different thicknesses. The two kinds of quantum wells are randomly distributed along the growth direction. Structural correlations are introduced by adding the constraint that one of the wells always appears in pairs. We show that such correlated disordered superlattices exhibit a strong enhancement of their dc conductance as compared to usual random ones, giving rise to quasi-ballistic electron transport. Our predictions can be used to demonstrate experimentally that structural correlations inhibit the localization effects of disorder. We specifically describe the way superlattices should be built and experiments should be carried out for that purpose.Comment: REVTeX 3.0, 7 pages, 4 figures on request from FD-A ([email protected]). Submitted to Physical Review B. Preprint MA/UC3M/12/199

    Absence of localization and large dc conductance in random superlattices with correlated disorder

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    We study how the influence of structural correlations in disordered systems manifests itself in experimentally measurable magnitudes, focusing on dc conductance of semiconductor superlattices with general potential profiles. We show that the existence of bands of extended states in these structures gives rise to very noticeable peaks in the finite temperature dc conductance as the chemical potential is moved through the bands or as the temperature is increased from zero. On the basis of these results we discuss how dc conductance measurements can provide information on the location and width of the bands of extended states. Our predictions can be used to demonstrate experimentally that structural correlations inhibit the localization effects of disorder.Comment: REVTeX 3.0, 14 pages, 11 figures available on request from ED ([email protected]). Submitted to Phys Rev B. MA/UC3M/06/9
