318 research outputs found

    Hybrid Nanocomposites with Tunable Alignment of the Magnetic Nanorod Filler

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    For many important applications, the performance of polymer-anisotropic particle nanocomposite materials strongly depends on the orientation of the nanoparticles. Using the very peculiar magnetic properties of goethite ({\alpha}-FeOOH) nanorods, we produced goethite-poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate) nanocomposites in which the alignment direction and the level of orientation of the nanorods could easily be tuned by simply adjusting the intensity of a magnetic field applied during polymerization. Because the particle volume fraction was kept low (1-5.5 vol \%), we used the orientational order induced by the field in the isotropic phase rather than the spontaneous orientational order of the nematic phase. At the strongest field values (up to 1.5 T), the particles exhibit almost perfect antinematic alignment, as measured by optical birefringence and small-angle X-ray scattering. The results of these two techniques are in remarkably good agreement, validating the use of birefringence measurements for quantifying the degree of orientational order. We also demonstrate that the ordering induced by the field in the isotropic suspension is preserved in the final material after field removal. This work illustrates the interest, for such problems, of considering the field-induced alignment of anisotropic nanoparticles in the isotropic phase, an approach that is effective at low filler content, that avoids the need of controlling the nematic texture, and that allows tuning of the orientation level of the particles at will simply by adjusting the field intensity

    Borel summability of the 1/N expansion in quartic O(N)-vector models

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    We consider a quartic O(N)-vector model. Using the Loop Vertex Expansion, we prove the Borel summability in 1/N along the real axis of the partition function and of the connected correlations of the model. The Borel summability holds uniformly in the coupling constant, as long as the latter belongs to a cardioid like domain of the complex plane, avoiding the negative real axis.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure

    Etude théorique et numérique des singularités pour les coques elliptiques

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    Cette communication est consacrée à l'étude des singularités dans le cas des coques elliptiques. Dans le cas de coques bien inhibées, nous mettrons ensuite en évidence deux types de singularités dont l'une n'est pas classique : il s'agit d'une singularité logarithmique qui apparaît lorsque le domaine de chargement présente des coins. Dans le cas des coques elliptiques mal-inhibées (présentant une partie du bord libre), le problème limite ne satisfait plus la condition de Shapiro-Lopatinskii. Dans ce cas, le problème limite est mal posé et ses solutions ne sont plus contenues dans l'espace des distributions. On observe alors au cours du processus asymptotique un phénomène de complexification : les déplacements au voisinage du bord libre deviennent de plus en plus amples et oscillants. L'étude théorique sera complétée par des simulations numériques utilisant un logiciel éléments finis MODULEF couplé avec un logiciel de maillage adaptatif anisotrope BAMG. Cette technique permet d'approcher précisément les singularités prédites par la théorie avec un nombre réduit d'éléments

    Why Chromatic Imaging Matters

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    During the last two decades, the first generation of beam combiners at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer has proved the importance of optical interferometry for high-angular resolution astrophysical studies in the near- and mid-infrared. With the advent of 4-beam combiners at the VLTI, the u-v coverage per pointing increases significantly, providing an opportunity to use reconstructed images as powerful scientific tools. Therefore, interferometric imaging is already a key feature of the new generation of VLTI instruments, as well as for other interferometric facilities like CHARA and JWST. It is thus imperative to account for the current image reconstruction capabilities and their expected evolutions in the coming years. Here, we present a general overview of the current situation of optical interferometric image reconstruction with a focus on new wavelength-dependent information, highlighting its main advantages and limitations. As an Appendix we include several cookbooks describing the usage and installation of several state-of-the art image reconstruction packages. To illustrate the current capabilities of the software available to the community, we recovered chromatic images, from simulated MATISSE data, using the MCMC software SQUEEZE. With these images, we aim at showing the importance of selecting good regularization functions and their impact on the reconstruction.Comment: Accepted for publication in Experimental Astronomy as part of the topical collection: Future of Optical-infrared Interferometry in Europ

    The time-consistent dial-a-ride problem

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    peer reviewedIn the context of door-to-door transportation of people with disabilities, service quality considerations such as maximum ride time and service time consistency are critical requirements. To identify a good trade-off between these considerations and economic objectives, we define a new variant of the multiperiod dial-a-ride problem called the time-consistent dial-a-ride problem. A transportation planning is supposed to be time consistent if for each passenger, the same service time is used all along the planning horizon. However, considering the numerous variations in transportation demands over a week, designing consistent plan for all passengers can be too expensive. It is therefore necessary to find a compromise solution between costs and time-consistency objectives. The time-consistent dial-a-ride problem is solved using an epsilon-constraint approach to illustrate the trade-off between these two objectives. It computes an approximation of the Pareto front, using a matheuristic framework that combines a large neighbourhood search with the solution of set partitioning problems. This approach is benchmarked on time-consistent vehicle routing problem literature instances. Experiments are also conducted in the context of door-to-door transportation for people with disabilities, using real data. These experiments support managerial insights regarding the inter-relatedness of costs and quality of service

    Novel Titanium Nanospike Structure Using Low-Energy Helium Ion Bombardment for the Transgingival Part of a Dental Implant.

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    AIM(S) The aim of the study was to fabricate a nanospike surface on a titanium alloy surface using a newly established method of low-energy helium ion bombardment. Various methods to achieve nanospike formation on titanium have been introduced recently, and their antibacterial properties have been mainly investigated with respect to Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Oral pathogens such as Porphyromonas gingivalis play an important role in the development of peri-implantitis. For that reason, the antibacterial properties of the novel, nanostructured titanium surface against P. gingivalis were assessed, and a possible effect on the viability of gingival fibroblasts was evaluated. MATERIALS AND METHODS Helium sputtering was employed for developing titanium surfaces with nanospikes of 500 nm (ND) in height; commercially available smooth-machined (MD) and sandblasted and acid-etched titanium disks (SLA) were used as controls. Surface structure characterization was performed through scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Following incubation with P. gingivalis, antibacterial properties were determined via conventional culturing and SEM. Additionally, the viability of human gingival fibroblasts (HGFs) was tested through MTT assay, and cell morphology was assessed through SEM. RESULTS SEM images confirmed the successful establishment of a nanospike surface with required heights, albeit with heterogeneity. AFM images of the 500 nm nanospike surface revealed that the roughness is dominated by large-scale hills and valleys. For frame sizes of 5 × 5 μm and smaller, the average roughness is dominated by the height of the titanium spikes. ND successfully induces dysmorphisms within P. gingivalis cultures following the incubation period, while conventional culturing reveals a 17% and 20% reduction for ND compared to MD and SLA, respectively. Moreover, the nanospike surfaces did not affect the viability of human growth fibroblasts despite their sharp surface. CONCLUSION(S) This study successfully developed a novel titanium-nanospike-based structuration technique for titanium surfaces. In addition, the nanospikes did not hinder gingival fibroblast viability. Enhanced antimicrobial effects for such a novel nanospike-based resurfacing technique can be achieved through further optimizations for nanospike spacing and height parameters

    Enhanced Formation of Nanometric Titanium Cones by Incorporation of Titanium, Tungsten and/or Iron in a Helium Ion Beam

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    Surface patterning of bio-compatible titanium (Ti) shows a growing interest in the medical field. The engineering of material surfaces can achieve bactericidal properties and osteointegration improvements in order to develop medical implants. Spikes-like surface morphologies have already demonstrated the development of promising bactericidal properties. A barely new method to produce nanometric-sized cones on titanium consists of helium (He) ion irradiation using low energies ( 100 eV) and temperatures comprised between 0.25 T/T 0.5 (with T being the melting temperature of the material). Ti, iron (Fe) and/or tungsten (W) were incorporated in a He beam, and their amounts were quantified using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). The He ion energy was varied from 70 and 120 eV, the surface temperatures from 571 to 651 K for fluences approximately equal to 1024 m−2. After irradiation, the surface morphology was characterized using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Focused Ion Beam (FIB). This study demonstrated the capability for irradiated Ti surfaces to form cones with tunable density, aspect ratio, and heights with the incorporation of Ti, Fe and/or W in a He ion. Additionally, the growth rate of the cones was enhanced by about 30 times in comparison to pure He irradiation as a function of the chosen materials introduced in the He beam

    Surface Modification of ITER-like Mirrors after One Hundred Cleaning Cycles Using Radio-Frequency Plasma

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    In ITER, the metallic first mirrors (FMs) will undergo erosion due to their proximity to the fusion plasma and deposition of materials originated from the first walls (mainly beryllium). In-situ plasma cleaning is a promising technique to conserve the FMs optical properties by means of ion sputtering. In this work, the evolution of the optical properties of single-crystal (Sc) and nanocrystalline (Nc) molybdenum (Mo) and rhodium (Rh) mirrors were investigated up to 100 cycles of consecutive contamination and cleaning. Aluminum oxide (AlO) was used as contaminant to replace the toxic beryllium. The plasma cleaning was carried out using a capacitively coupled argon (Ar) plasma excited by a 60 MHz radio-frequency generator resulting in the formation of a self-bias applied on the mirrors of -280 V. The plasma potential being around 30 V, the Ar ion energy was about 310 eV. The optical properties of the mirrors were assessed using ex-situ reflectivity measurements. Moreover, the surface topography was characterized by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), focused ion beam (FIB) and roughness measurements using atomic force microscopy (AFM). ScMo and ScRh mirrors formerly exposed to 80 successful cleaning cycles using aluminum/tungsten (Al/W) deposits and air storage exhibit drastic changes in their optical properties after being subject to cleaning cycles using AlO as contaminant. Additionally, freshly polished ScRh were exposed to identical cleaning cycles. All Sc mirrors exhibited pits induced by the polishing procedure using diamond paste in addition of mounds/wavy patterns. The carbon incorporated during the polishing process was demonstrated to be responsible for the pitting of the surface. The Nc mirrors preserved their initial reflectivities after up to 100 cycles. The surface topography was systematically characterized and an average erosion rate for NcRh mirrors of about 59 nm per cycle has been estimated from FIB cross-sections. The optical properties of the Nc mirrors showed a superiority in the present study in comparison to the Sc materials due to the influence of their polishin

    Increased serum levels of MRP-8/14 in type 1 diabetes induce an increased expression of CD11b and an enhanced adhesion of circulating monocytes to fibronectin

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    The recruitment of monocytes from the bloodstream is crucial in the accumulation of macrophages and dendritic cells in type 1 diabetic pancreases. Adhesion via integrins to endothelium and extracellular matrix proteins, such as fibronectin (FN), and the production of myeloid-related protein (MRP)-8, -14, and -8/14 by recently transmigrated monocytes are thought to be instrumental in such recruitment. We determined the FN-adhesive capacity and integrin expression of monocytes of type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients and related them to the subjects' serum levels of MRP-8, -14 and -8/14. Monocytes of type 1 diabetic patients displayed an increased adhesion to fibronectin in comparison with type 2 patients and healthy control subjects but had a normal expression of the FN binding integrins CD29, CD49a, CD49d, and CD49e (although CD11b and CD18 expression was increased). MRP-8/14, which was increased in the sera of type 1 diabetic patients, induced healthy donor monocytes to adhere to FN and upregulate CD11b expression in a dosage-dependent manner. The observed MRP-induced increased adhesion of monocytes to FN and upregulation of CD11b most likely contributed to a facilitated accumulation of monocytes and monocyte-derived cells at the site of inflammation, in this case the pancreatic islets