279 research outputs found

    Solving Complex Data-Streaming Problems by Applying Economic-Based Principles to Mobile and Wireless Resource Constraint Networks

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    The applications that employ mobile networks depend on the continuous input of reliable data collected by sensing devices. A common application is in military systems, where as an example, drones that are sent on a mission can communicate with each other, exchange sensed data, and autonomously make decisions. Although the mobility of nodes enhances the network coverage, connectivity, and scalability, it introduces pressing issues in data reliability compounded by restrictions in sensor energy resources, as well as limitations in available memory, and computational capacity. This dissertation investigates the issues that mobile networks encounter in providing reliable data. Our research goal is to develop a diverse set of novel data handling solutions for mobile sensor systems providing reliable data by considering the dynamic trajectory behavior relationships among nodes, and the constraints inherent to mobile nodes. We study the applicability of economic models, which are simplified versions of real-world situations that let us observe and make predictions about economic behavior, to our domain. First, we develop a data cleaning method by introducing the notion of “beta,” a measure that quantifies the risk associated with trusting the accuracy of the data provided by a node based on trajectory behavior similarity. Next, we study the reconstruction of highly incomplete data streams. Our method determines the level of trust in data accuracy by assigning variable “weights” considering the quality and the origin of data. Thirdly, we design a behavior-based data reduction and trend prediction technique using Japanese candlesticks. This method reduces the dataset to 5% of its original size while preserving the behavioral patterns. Finally, we develop a data cleaning distribution method for energy-harvesting networks. Based on the Leontief Input-Output model, this method increases the data that is run through cleaning and the network uptime

    Valorar el uso de la técnica del "storytelling" en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera: inglés

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    El uso de la técnica del storytelling como método para la enseñanza del inglés, está cada vez más presente en la educación primaria debido a su gran potencial a la hora de trasmitir conocimientos, motivar al alumnado y como potenciador de la oralidad que caracteriza esta asignatura. Es por ello, que este trabajo de Fin de Grado se presenta como una revisión bibliográfica sobre el uso que se da de este en las aulas, investigando, además, la cantidad de producción que hay acerca del tema en diferentes bases de datos y revistas electrónicas, todo ello con la finalidad de valorar el uso que se da de esta técnica en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera, inglés.The use of the storytelling technique as a method for teaching English is increasingly in primary education due to its great potential for transmitting knowledge, motivating students and as a way for developing the orality that characterizes this subject. This Final Proyect is presented as a bibliographic review of its use in classrooms, also investigating the amount of production about this topic in different databases and electronic journals. All this with the purpose to value the use of this technique in the teaching and learning of the foreign language, English

    Análisis de la expresión del complejo inflamosoma durante el período de implantación embrionario en ratón

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    La primera etapa del embarazo humano y la preñez murina se caracteriza por ser pro- inflamatoria, durante ésta se da una comunicación entre el embrión y el útero mediante señales moleculares, que pueden determinar el rechazo o la aceptación del embrión por el endometrio uterino. Una de las primeras señales que el embrión envía al útero es la proteína interleucina 1 beta en el endometrio para activar la producción de moléculas que favorezcan la implantación. Durante la implantación se lleva a cabo un proceso inflamatorio en el cual la interleucina 1 beta juega un papel importante, ya que promueve el cambio de fenotipo de las células estromales del endometrio, así como le infiltración de células inmunes en el sitio de implantación. Sin embargo, para que esto pueda suceder, la interleucina 1 beta debe ser primero procesada por un complejo multiprotéico conocido como el inflamasoma. Este complejo consta de un receptor, que se unirá a la caspasa 1 por medio de un intermediario con el propósito de activar a la enzima caspasa 1 y escindir a la IL-1B. Para que se lleve a cabo la formación de este complejo, es necesario que se activen y/o repriman moléculas involucradas en su expresión, realización y represión, moléculas que hasta éste momento no han sido identificadas; el objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar los niveles de expresión de las moléculas involucradas en la formación del complejo inflamasoma mediante PCR en tiempo real de los días 4.5 pc, 7.5 pc y 10.5 pc, utilizando como control la etapa de diestro del ciclo estral. Los resultados de éste análisis mostraron que existe una expresión diferencial de las moléculas involucradas en la formación del complejo inflamasoma, y da indicios de formación de los inflamasomas de pirina, NBlrp3 y Aim2, así como la participación de otros NLRs durante la implantación.The first stage of human and mouse pregnancy is characterized by been pro- inflammatory, during this comunication between the mbryo and the uterus molecular signals are vigen, which can determine the acceptance or rejecton of the embryo by the endometrium of the uterus. One of the first signals sent by the embryo to the uterus is interleukin 1 beta protein, which is detected by the interleukin- 1 beta receptor in the endometrium to actívate the production of molecules that favor implantation. During the implantation is performed an inflammatory process in which interleukin- 1 beta plays an important role, since it promotes the phenotype change of endomertrial stromal cells as long as infiltration of the immune cells at the site of implantation. However for this to happen, interleukin-1 beta must first be processed by a multiprotein complex known as the inflammasome. This complex consists of a receptor, which will join the caspase 1 via an intermediary for the purpose of activating the enzime caspase 1 in order to cleave IL-1B. To carry out the formation of this complex, it’s necessary to actívate and/ or repress molecules involved in its expression, signaling and repression, molecules that until this momento have not been identified; the aim of this work was to analyze the expression levels of molecules involved in the formation of the inflammasome complex by real- time PCR in days 4.5 pc, 7.5 pc and 10.5 pc, using as control the diestrus stage of the estrous cycle. The results of this analysis showed that there is a differential expression of molecules involved in the formation of the pyrin inflammasome, the Nlrp3 inflammasome, and the AIM2 inflammasome as well as the involvement of other NLRs during implantation

    El principio de legalidad y la potestad discrecional en derecho administrativo

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    El principio de la legalidad es imprescindible en todo Estado de derecho aunque las estructuras económicas cambien en cada Estado pero la unión a la norma jurídica es la misma

    La irrupción del cálculo del coste efectivo en la Contabilidad analítica local: principales cambios entre el proyecto y la orden hap/2075/2014, de 6 de noviembre

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    En este trabajo tratamos de acercarnos al controvertido concepto de coste efectivo que ha irrumpido con fuerza en el ámbito de la administración local y cuyo cálculo será obligatorio para todas las entidades locales a partir de 2014 al objeto de cumplir con las exigencias establecidas en la Ley de Transparencia.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    La política de cooperación al desarrollo en España: análisis de la información revelada por las universidades públicas españolas

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    El presente trabajo se enmarca dentro de un trabajo de investigación dirigido al estudio de la participación de la Universidad Pública Española en la política nacional de Cooperación al Desarrollo. Dicha investigación se orienta al análisis empírico de las acciones de Cooperación de las Universidades, los recursos destinados a las mismas y su control, así como las variables que condicionan su realización, su eficacia, eficiencia e impacto. En esta comunicación efectuamos un examen de la información publicada por las Universidades en el ámbito de la docencia.Universidad de Málaga.Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucia Tec

    Soft Skills: A Comparative Analysis Between Online and Classroom Teaching

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    Currently the Spanish universities are making a great effort to effectively incorporate the development and assessment of generic skills in their training programs. Information and communications technologies (ICT) offer a wide range of possibilities but create uncertainty among teachers about the process and results. It is considered of interest to conduct a study to analyze the extent to which social skills like commitment, communication and teamwork are acquired by students and teachers. It seeks to ascertain the influence of the learning context, online or classroom training, in the development of these personal skills among the participants in the sample. For this study two universities have been chosen, Universidad a Distancia de Madrid (UDIMA) offering online training environment, and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) with classroom training modality. A total of 257 individuals, 230 students and 27 teachers have answered the survey called Evalsoft. This instrument was designed in the project with the same name by a research team from Universidad Complutense of Madrid (UCM). Some interesting conclusions can be highlighted: it is in the online context where there are higher levels of commitment and teamwork than in the classroom modality; teachers have higher social skills that students and these improve with age. Sex and the training program appear to influence these social skills

    Diseño de un curso de e-learning en cartografía temática

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    Los grandes avances en las nuevas tecnologías, evidentes en materias técnicas y científicas, repercuten también en campos menos visibles para los profesionales de la topografía y cartografía. La educación también se ve afectada y, como consecuencia de ello, surgen nuevas modalidades de enseñanza como el e-learning. Su potencial es incuestionable, pues rompe con barreras espaciales y temporales. Sin embargo, plantear cursos de este tipo no está exento de dificultades, pues exige una adaptación a las particularidades del medio y establecer un nuevo modelo de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En esta exposición se presentan las consideraciones realizadas por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid en el diseño de un curso e-learning de Cartografía Temática ofrecido por el Instituto Geográfico Nacional, incidiendo en las ventajas de aplicar estándares en la gestión de contenidos y el uso de plataformas educativas virtuales que los acepten

    Immature rats show ovulatory defects similar to those in adult rats lacking prostaglandin and progesterone actions

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    Gonadotropin-primed immature rats (GPIR) constitute a widely used model for the study of ovulation. Although the equivalence between the ovulatory process in immature and adult rats is generally assumed, the morphological and functional characteristics of ovulation in immature rats have been scarcely considered. We describe herein the morphological aspects of the ovulatory process in GPIR and their response to classical ovulation inhibitors, such as the inhibitor of prostaglandin (PG) synthesis indomethacin (INDO) and a progesterone (P) receptor (PR) antagonist (RU486). Immature Wistar rats were primed with equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) at 21, 23 or 25 days of age, injected with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) 48 h later, and sacrificed 16 h after hCG treatment, to assess follicle rupture and ovulation. Surprisingly, GPIR showed age-related ovulatory defects close similar to those in adult rats lacking P and PG actions. Rats primed with eCG at 21 or 23 days of age showed abnormally ruptured corpora lutea in which the cumulus-oocyte complex (COC) was trapped or had been released to the ovarian interstitum, invading the ovarian stroma and blood and lymphatic vessels. Supplementation of immature rats with exogenous P and/or PG of the E series did not significantly inhibit abnormal follicle rupture. Otherwise, ovulatory defects were practically absent in rats primed with eCG at 25 days of age. GPIR treated with INDO showed the same ovulatory alterations than vehicle-treated ones, although affecting to a higher proportion of follicles. Blocking P actions with RU486 increased the number of COC trapped inside corpora lutea and decreased ovulation. The presence of ovulatory defects in GPIR, suggests that the capacity of the immature ovary to undergo the coordinate changes leading to effective ovulation is not fully established in Wistar rats primed with eCG before 25 days of age

    Assessing Creativity In Engineering Students: A Comparative Between Degrees and Sudents In First And Last Year

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    An online open access test (CREAX self-assessment) has been used in this work so that students from degrees in engineering in the Universidad Polite¿cnica of Madrid (UPM) could self-assess their creative competence after several classroom activities. Different groups from the first year course have been statistically compared using data from their assessment. These first year students had different professors in the subject ?Technical Drawing? and belonged to several degrees in the UPM. They were as well compared regarding sex and a group of first year students was also compared to another last year group of the degree so as to observe possible differences in the achievement of this competence. Only one difference was detected concerning sex in one of the degrees. Among degrees, the higher marks obtained by students who had done specific exercises for the development of creativity in class is highlighted. Finally, a significantly high mark was observed in students during their last year of degree with respect to first year students. The tool CREAX has become very useful in the assessment of this competence in the UPM degrees in which it has been implemented