3,781 research outputs found

    Modal logic S4 as a paraconsistent logic with a topological semantics

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    In this paper the propositional logic LTop is introduced, as an extension of classical propositional logic by adding a paraconsistent negation. This logic has a very natural interpretation in terms of topological models. The logic LTop is nothing more than an alternative presentation of modal logic S4, but in the language of a paraconsistent logic. Moreover, LTop is a logic of formal inconsistency in which the consistency and inconsistency operators have a nice topological interpretation. This constitutes a new proof of S4 as being "the logic of topological spaces", but now under the perspective of paraconsistency

    The Library as an Academic Partner in Student Retention and Graduation: The Library’s Collaboration with the Freshman Year Seminar Initiative at the Bronx Community College

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    In order for academic libraries to continue to demonstrate their value in an age of accountability, developing strong collaborations is essential. Collaborations provide a first rate opportunity for librarians not only to demonstrate their value to the institution and the research practices of the faculty but to facilitate teaching students how to navigate an increasingly diverse and at times confusing information environment driven by access to several technologies. For students entering college, learning early how to navigate the library and its resources can become an important element to their academic success. Inclusion of the library faculty into the development and teaching modules of student orientations and first year seminars, such as the ones designed at the Bronx Community College of the City of New York, provide a great step in establishing our value in promoting retention and graduation

    The Librarian and the Collaborative Design of Effective Library Assignments: Recommendations for Faculty on Question Design for Student Success in Research Assignments

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    The success of library research assignments depends to some extent on the quality of the research question posed to students. Librarians can help teaching faculty craft more effective research assignments through intentional partnerships where librarians discuss with faculty how to pose well-structured research questions, what library resources are available to support the research and what a faculty member expects a student to learn from the exercise

    Simulation study for investment decisions on the EcoBoost camshaft machining line

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    Design/redesign of manufacturing systems is a complex, risky, and expensive task. Ford Motor Company’s Valencia Engine Plant faces this challenge as it plans to upgrade its machining and assembly lines to introduce the new EcoBoost engines. The research project described in this paper aimed to support the transition process particularly at the camshaft machining line by using simulation modelling techniques. A series of experiments was carried out using the simulation model developed, and recommendations were proposed based on the results of these experiments to support the decision as to where to invest on the line. The outcomes from the research project indicated that investment is required in terms of increasing the capacity of two bottleneck operations through retooling and improving the conveyor routing logic in one key area. Keywords: simulation modelling, closed-loop network, automotive production system

    Description of Silvinichthys pedernalensis n. sp. (Teleostei, Siluriformes) from the Andean Cordillera of southern South America

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    Descripción de Silvinichthys pedernalensis sp. n. (Teleostei, Siluriformes) de la cordillera de los Andes en la parte meridional de Sudamérica Se describe una nueva especie, Silvinichthys pedernalensis, en un arroyo andino de la provincia de San Juan, en Argentina, a partir del patrón de coloración y caracteres merísticos, morfométricos y osteológicos. S. pedernalensis difiere notablemente de todos los demás miembros conocidos del género Silvinichthys debido a la combinación de los siguientes rasgos: ausencia de cintura y aleta pélvica, hueso supraorbital ancho, 14–18 odontoides interoperculares, 6–8 odontoides operculares, 7 radios ramificados de la aleta pectoral, 11 radios de la aleta dorsal, 7 pterigióforos de la aleta dorsal, 6 radios branquióstegos, 14 radios dorsales procurrentes de la aleta caudal y 15 ventrales, 16 costillas, 39 vértebras, pigmentación marmórea oscura de la cabeza y el cuerpo, altura de la cabeza (9,9–12,2% de la longitud estándar [LE]), ancho interorbital (28,3–36,1% de la longitud de la cabeza [LC]), longitud de la barbilla nasal (27,3–39,0% LE), longitud de la barbilla maxilar (39,5–61,7% LE), longitud de la barbilla submaxilar (24,7–41,9% LE), longitud del hocico (40,6–44,4% LC), altura del cuerpo (10,1–12,6% LE), ancho de la aleta anal (10,2–11,7% LE) y longitud del pedúnculo caudal (19,3–21,5% LE).Descripción de Silvinichthys pedernalensis sp. n. (Teleostei, Siluriformes) de la cordillera de los Andes en la parte meridional de Sudamérica Se describe una nueva especie, Silvinichthys pedernalensis, en un arroyo andino de la provincia de San Juan, en Argentina, a partir del patrón de coloración y caracteres merísticos, morfométricos y osteológicos. S. pedernalensis difiere notablemente de todos los demás miembros conocidos del género Silvinichthys debido a la combinación de los siguientes rasgos: ausencia de cintura y aleta pélvica, hueso supraorbital ancho, 14–18 odontoides interoperculares, 6–8 odontoides operculares, 7 radios ramificados de la aleta pectoral, 11 radios de la aleta dorsal, 7 pterigióforos de la aleta dorsal, 6 radios branquióstegos, 14 radios dorsales procurrentes de la aleta caudal y 15 ventrales, 16 costillas, 39 vértebras, pigmentación marmórea oscura de la cabeza y el cuerpo, altura de la cabeza (9,9–12,2% de la longitud estándar [LE]), ancho interorbital (28,3–36,1% de la longitud de la cabeza [LC]), longitud de la barbilla nasal (27,3–39,0% LE), longitud de la barbilla maxilar (39,5–61,7% LE), longitud de la barbilla submaxilar (24,7–41,9% LE), longitud del hocico (40,6–44,4% LC), altura del cuerpo (10,1–12,6% LE), ancho de la aleta anal (10,2–11,7% LE) y longitud del pedúnculo caudal (19,3–21,5% LE).Silvinichthys pedernalensis, a new species, is described from an Andean stream in Provincia San Juan, Argentina, based on its coloration pattern, and its meristic, morphometric and osteological characters. S. pedernalensis differs markedly from all other known members of the genus Silvinichthys as a result of the combination of the absence of pelvic girdle and fin, the wide supraorbital bone, the number of interopercle odontodes 14–18, the number of opercular odontodes 6–8, the branched pectoral–fin rays 7, the dorsal–fin rays 11, the number of dorsal pterygiophore 7, the branchiostegal rays 6, the dorsal procurrent caudal–fin rays 14 and ventral 15, the ribs 16, the vertebrae 39, the dark marmorated pigmentation on the body and head, the head depth 9.9–12.2% SL, the interorbital wide 28.3–36.1% HL, the nasal barbel length 27.3–39.0% SL, the maxillary barbel length 39.5–61.7% SL, the submaxillary barbel length 24.7–41.9% SL, the snout length 40.6–44.4% HL, the body depth 10.1–12.6% SL, the anal base fin 10.2–11.7% SL, and the caudal peduncle length 19.3–21.5% SL

    On the hereditary character of new strong variations of weyl type theorems

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    Berkani and Kachad [18], [19], and Sanabria et al. [32], introduced and studied strong variations of Weyl type Theorems. In this paper, we study the behavior of these strong variations of Weyl type theorems for an operator T on a proper closed and Tinvariant subspace W ⊆ X such that T n (X) ⊆ W for some n ≥ 1, where T ∈ L(X) and X is an infinite-dimensional complex Banach space. The main purpose of this paper is to prove that for these subspaces (which generalize the case T n (X) closed for some n ≥ 0), these strong variations of Weyl type theorems are preserved from T to its restriction on W and vice-versa. As consequence of our results, we give sufficient conditions for which these strong variations of Weyl type Theorems are equivalent for two given operators. Also, some applications to multiplication operators acting on the boundary variation space BV [0, 1] are given

    A note on preservation of generalized fredholm spectra in berkani’s sense

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    In this paper, we study the relationships between the spectra derived from B-Fredholm theory corresponding to two given bounded linear operators. The main goal of this paper is to obtain sufficient conditions for which the spectra derived from B-Fredholm theory corresponding to two given operators are respectively the same. Among other results, we prove that B-Fredholm type spectral properties for an operator and its restriction are equivalent, as well as obtain conditions for which B-Fredholm type spectral properties corresponding to two given operators are the same. As application of our results, we obtain conditions for which the above mentioned spectra and the spectra derived from the classical Fredholm theory are the same

    Towards a better learning models through OCWs and MOOCs

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    echnological advances of XXth century have induced a profound change in society and, therefore, in the high education. Internet supposed a qualitative difference, as information and digital images flooded into homes around the world. The Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) is a medium sized university of Spain that has been involved in the development of digital video content (Polimedia) to support teaching processes for several years. Joint with Polimedia and other learning objects (virtual laboratories, applets, etc.), the UPV promoted the construction of OCWs. Along with the improvement of technology, MOOCs appeared as e-learning material. In this work, we analyze the advantages and drawbacks of OCWs and MOOCs when they are used in our classroom. This experience has led us to incorporate in our methodology the flip teaching

    Weyl type theorems for restrictions of bounded linear operators

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    In this paper we give sufficient conditions for which Weyl’s theorems for a bounded linear operator T, acting on a Banach space X, can be reduced to the study of Weyl’s theorems for some restriction of T.peerReviewe
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