1,470 research outputs found

    Cuidados de enfermería y su incidencia en las infecciones respiratorias asociadas a la ventilación mecánica invasiva

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    El cuidado de los pacientes de terapia intensiva es algo muy complejo en comparación con los cuidados que recibe un paciente internado en una sala común. El personal de enfermería de los servicios de terapia intensiva debe tener el conocimiento necesario, y la capacidad de ejecutar cada una de las acciones requeridas para estos pacientes, es decir que debe saber manejar los monitores del respirador, cuidados del tubo endotraqueal, como conectar un circuito al respirador, entre otras. Estas revisten de fundamental importancia en la atención diaria del paciente. Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo conocer cuál es el grado de calidad y el impacto de los cuidados de enfermería, y su relación con la aparición de neumonía asociada a la ventilación mecánica invasiva (NAV), en el servicio de terapia intensiva de adultos del Hospital Español durante el periodo de mayo a noviembre del 2014. Es un estudio cuantitativo de tipo correlacional, no experimental de corte transversal y aplicado. Se tomó como muestra a 24 enfermeros del servicio de terapia intensiva de adultos de dicho hospital.Fil: Vega, Sandra E.. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..Fil: San Martin, Jacqueline I.. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería.

    Do Students Value On-Campus Field-Based Education? A Case Study of Science Educational Initiatives in the Jock Marshall Reserve

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    Fieldwork, known for fostering more engaging and authentic learning experiences, is an established tradition in higher education which is changing; increasingly run on-campus for financial and logistical reasons and enhanced through education technologies to reflect industry practices. Here we examine student perceptions of on-campus fieldwork with the aim of understanding if on-campus fieldwork was valued and why, to be able to compare against literature on off-campus fieldwork. We explore student views on activities at the Jock Marshall Reserve, an on-campus nature reserve of Monash University, Australia using mixed-methods approach. An online survey targeted students undertaking four subjects across first to third year and received 116 responses. In alignment with off-campus fieldwork studies, we found that overwhelmingly respondents highly valued fieldwork with dominant reasons being; 1) developed skills relevant to ‘real-world’ science, 2) reinforced theoretical learning, and 3) was more engaging than traditional study, with some benefits to their wellbeing. The novel perceptions related to increased convenience and authenticity. Since a majority of respondents wished to undertake on-campus fieldwork more frequently, this study suggests that the inclusion of on-campus fieldwork should be considered within science curriculum in higher education

    Fluorescent and Electroactive Monoalkyl BTD-Based Liquid Crystals with Tunable Self-Assembling and Electronic Properties

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    We report here on a series of redox active benzothiadiazole-based luminophores ffinctionalized on one edge with a phenyl-nonyl substituent, which confers these molecules a rodlike shape and a tendency to self-assemble into layered superstructures. On the other edge, the molecules are endowed with different p-substituted phenyl rings, which allows the modulation of their redox and optical properties on the basis of the electronic nature of the terminal substituents. We have found that just one lateral alkyl chain is sufficient to induce mesomorphism in these molecules, which present nematic or smectic mesophases upon therinal treatment. Single-crystal analysis allows us to get an insight into the nature of the forces responsible for different supramolecular assemblies in these derivatives, and point to a strong contribution of the terminal groups in the different arrangements observed. The interesting redox and optical properties together with their self-assembling tendencies render these new materials interesting candidates for optoelectromcs

    Immune-Mediated Mechanisms in Cofactor-Dependent Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis: Effect of Cofactors in Basophils and Mast Cells

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    Cofactors may explain why in some cases food ingestion leads to anaphylaxis while in others elicits a milder reaction or tolerance. With cofactors, reactions become more severe and/or have a lower allergen threshold. Cofactors are present in up to 58% of food anaphylaxis (FAn). Exercise, NSAIDs, and alcohol are the most frequently described, although the underlying mechanisms are poorly known. Several hypotheses have suggested the influence of these cofactors on basophils and mast cells (MCs). Exercise has been suggested to enhance MC activation by increasing plasma osmolarity, redistributing blood flow, and activating adenosine and eicosanoid metabolism. NSAIDs' cofactor effect has been related with cyclooxygenase inhibition and therefore, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) production. Indeed, overexpression of adenosine receptor 3 (A3) gene has been described in NSAID-dependent FAn; A3 activation potentiates FcϵRI-induced MC degranulation. Finally, alcohol has been related with an increase of histamine levels by inhibition of diamino oxidase (DAO) and also with and increase of extracellular adenosine by inhibition of its uptake. However, most of these mechanisms have limited evidence, and further studies are urgently needed. In conclusion, the study of the immune-related mechanisms involved in food allergic reactions enhanced by cofactors is of the utmost interest. This knowledge will help to design both tailored treatments and prophylactic strategies that, nowadays, are non-existent

    Robust Odd-Parity Superconductivity in the Doped Topological Insulator NbₓBi₂Se₃

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    We present resistivity and magnetization measurements on proton-irradiated crystals demonstrating that the superconducting state in the doped topological insulator NbxBi2Se3 (x=0.25) is surprisingly robust against disorder-induced electron scattering. The superconducting transition temperature TC decreases without indication of saturation with increasing defect concentration, and the corresponding scattering rates far surpass expectations based on conventional theory. The low-temperature variation of the London penetration depth Δλ(T) follows a power law [Δλ(T)T2] indicating the presence of symmetry-protected point nodes. Our results are consistent with the proposed robust nematic Eu pairing state in this material

    Deterministic polarization chaos from a laser diode

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    Fifty years after the invention of the laser diode and fourty years after the report of the butterfly effect - i.e. the unpredictability of deterministic chaos, it is said that a laser diode behaves like a damped nonlinear oscillator. Hence no chaos can be generated unless with additional forcing or parameter modulation. Here we report the first counter-example of a free-running laser diode generating chaos. The underlying physics is a nonlinear coupling between two elliptically polarized modes in a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser. We identify chaos in experimental time-series and show theoretically the bifurcations leading to single- and double-scroll attractors with characteristics similar to Lorenz chaos. The reported polarization chaos resembles at first sight a noise-driven mode hopping but shows opposite statistical properties. Our findings open up new research areas that combine the high speed performances of microcavity lasers with controllable and integrated sources of optical chaos.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Applying NV center-based quantum sensing to study intracellular free radical response upon viral infections

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    Although viruses are known to modify the free radical concentration in infected cells, the exact location and concentrations of such changes remain unknown. Although this information is important to understand the virus pathogenesis and design better anti-viral drugs or vaccines, obtaining it with the conventional free radical/ROS detection techniques is impossible. Here, we elucidate the utility of diamond magnetometry for studying the free radical response of baby hamster kidney-21 cells upon Semliki Forest virus infection. Specifically, we optically probe the alterations in free radical concentration near infectious viruses via measuring the spin–lattice relaxation (T(1)) of NV defect ensembles embedded in intracellular nanodiamonds. We performed measurements both at random locations as well as close to the virus entry by conjugating viruses to nanodiamond sensors. We observed alterations of T(1), which represent the intracellular free radical concentration during the viral replication process. Moreover, relaxometry is also used to monitor real-time free radical variation during the early infectious process
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