239 research outputs found

    Innovative Nutritional Aspects of locally produced Italian cheeses

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    Il formaggio sta dimostrando possedere, oltre alle caratteristiche nutrizionali classiche, degli aspetti nutrizionali innovati derivanti dalle proprietà di peptidi bioattivi contenuti nella frazione proteica caseinica del formaggio e rilasciati in seguito a proteolisi, ed ancora dalle proprietà di acidi grassi insaturi, quale l’acido linoleico coniugato. L’obiettivo di tale studio di dottorato è stato indagare su questi aspetti nutrizionali innovativi in formaggi tipici italiani quali Grana Padano e TrentinGrana, che pur essendo due formaggi molto simili tra loro, differiscono per l’uso della molecola antibatterica lisozima solo per la produzione del Grana Padano. Simulazioni in vitro della digestione gastrointestinale, nei campioni dei due formaggi a diversi tempi di stagionatura, ha dimostrato che esiste una relazione positiva tra tempo di stagionatura e digeribilità del calcio nel Grana Padano ,quando vengono considerati nella correlazione i risultati dei campioni con stagionatura superiore ai 24 mesi. A tempi di stagionatura inferiori a 24 mesi, i risultati di digeribilità del calcio del Grana Padano sono dispersi come appare nei campioni di TrentinGrana analizzati. Inoltre l’analisi RP-HPLC della distribuzione molecolare degli oligopeptidi dei campioni dei due formaggi, dimostra che la frazione peptidica coinvolta nel legame del calcio e quindi nel suo assorbimento, è quella compresa tra 1000 e 1500 D, e che l’analisi Seldi ha rilevato essere quella dei peptidi attivi fosfocaseinici. Inoltre differenze tra i due formaggi con e senza lisozima, appaiono solo per campioni tra 15 e 20 mesi di stagionatura, in cui campioni di formaggio senza lisozima appaiono più idrolizzati di quelli che lo contengono. Quindi dai risultati ottenuti appare che le differenze del profilo peptidico apportate dal lisozima non modificano le proprietà dei fosfopeptidi di assorbimento del calcio, forse influenzate da altri fattori che intervengono nella produzione del formaggio. L’attività ACE-inibitoria di abbassamento della pressione arteriosa esercitata da peptidi bioattivi è stata testata nei due formaggi, dimostrando che né il tempo di stagionatura e il grado di proteolisi, né il lisozima sono correlati all’attività ACE-inibitoria. Ed infine per l’importante ruolo che ha il minerale calcio nella dieta, indici di digeribilità del minerale in diversi alimenti sono stati considerati, in modo da poter formulare in maniera corretta diete alimentari coprendo il fabbisogno giornaliero con l’adeguato apporto energetico. I formaggi hanno dimostrato possedere indici di digeribilità del calcio superiori ad altri alimenti vegetali o a base di soia. In particolare il valore di digeribilità del Calcio del Grana Padano calcolato in vitro ha confermato il valore ottenuto in vivo , pari a 80%.This study aimed to investigate about the not common known nutritional aspects of cheeses, which derive from their chemical components. In fact, in addition to the supply of macronutrient, cheeses are gaining interest as a source of bioactive peptides, of conjugated linoleic acid or for the new insight in the metabolic role of calcium. In vitro simulation of human gastrointestinal digestion revealed that cheeses have an higher digestibility of calcium than other foods, because of their casein-derived bioactive phosphopetides (CPPs) content has the ability to carry calcium minerals and avoid calcium precipitation, making it available for intestinal absorption. The in vitro calcium digestibility was calculated for different foods- cheeses, soya based foods and vegetables- to correct cover calcium requirements with an equilibrate energy intake. Calcium digestibility was also assessed in different ripened time Italian locally produced, semi fat, hard cheeses, Grana Padano and TrentinGrana. The main difference between them is the use or not of lysozyme during manufacturing. In Grana Padano samples, produced using lysozyme, there is a positive relationship between aging and dCa (r2 = 0.27; P 24 months aged are considered (Grana Padano dCa results of samples less 24 months aged are quite widespread) , while in TrentinGrana, produced without the use of lysozyme, no significant correlation has been detected. RP-HPLC distribution analysis of oligopeptides molecular weight of these cheese showed that the only difference between them is that cheeses without lyzozyme, aged between 15 and 20 months, are more hydrolyzed than the same ripened time Grana Padano samples. Moreover the fraction of oligopeptides involved in calcium binding ranges between 1000 and 1500 D. SELDI analysis confirmed CPPs presence in this range. Therefore changes in cheese peptidic profiles probably caused by the use of lysozyme do not influence calcium digestibility because according to this study there is not a connection between change in peptidic profile and calcium digestibility results. The difference in calcium digestibility in Grana Padano samples aged over 24 month results should be probably ascribed also to the influence of other factors occurring during cheese manufacturing. Moreover, ACE-inhibitory activity of bioactive peptides was tested on in vitro digested Grana Padano and TrentinGrana samples with different ripening times. Correlation was not found between ACE-inhibitory activity and proteolysis level in different ripened time samples nor the lysozyme influence in releasing ACE-inhibitory bioactive peptides

    Infezioni di Cylindrocarpon obtusisporium su piante di vite in Sicilia

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    Da barbatelle dell'ibrido 225 Ruggeri con sviluppo stentato e imbrunimenti del legno, ai quali corrispondevano accumuli di gomma nei vasi dello xilema, provenienti da un vivaio siciliano, è stata isolata una specie fungina identificata come Cylindrocarpon obtusisporium WOLLENW. Inoculando il fungo su talee dello stesso portinnesto è stata riprodotta la sindrome osservata nelle infezioni naturali e dal legno imbrunito si è potuto poi reisolare tale agente patogeno. Si conclude che i fenomeni di deperimento riscontrati sulle barbatelle di vite in vivaio sono causati da infezioni di C. obtusisporium, specie, a quanto risulta, non ancora segnalata su Vitis.Infections of Cylindrocarpon obtusisporium on grapevines in SicilyA decline of rooted cuttings of the grapevine hybrid 225 Ruggeri, caracterized by stunting, black discoloratìon of the wood and gum inclusions of xylem vessels, has been detected in a Sicilian nursery. A species of fungus, namely C. obtusisporium WOLLENW., has been isolated from the affected tissues. By artificial inoculations carried out on cuttings of the same rootstock, the isolate of C. obtusisporium has induced the syndrome observed in naturally occurring infections. The causal agent has been reisolated on an artificial medium from such affected vines. C. obtusisporium, apparently not yet reported on Vitis, seems to be the causal agent of the decline phenomena observed in the nursery. 

    Difese naturali e artificiali nella Catania del secolo XVII

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    [EN] After being the center of political and military events of the Kingdom of Sicily in the XIV and XV centuries, the city of Catania gradually lost its military importance , so that under the Emperor Charles V the city had to build by itself its modern defense bastions. The bastion front was completed only in the side towards the sea, while only a few bastions -some of which remained unfinished- interrupted the rest of the curtain wall, which was characterized by a crown of more than fifty “rompitratta” towers, leaning against the walls of the XIV century. In fact, apart from the front towards the sea, the rest of the walls perimeter was some way defended by natural elements: southwards the sandy shoreline shallows prevented from ships approaching, northwards the rugged lava skiing obstructed the approach to the city. In 1669, a new lava flow surrounded the city from the west and partly from the south making military unusable both the old Suevian castle and the curtain wall, while creating another natural defense. When between 1674 and 1768, following the revolt of Messina, the city of Catania was under the threat of an imminent attack of the French troops, the Spaniards reinforced the fortifications only at those points where lava natural defense was missing. In one of these gates was built a fort with a gateway, later named Fortino Vecchio to distinguish it from a monumental gate built in the XVIII century. In this paper it is proposed the study of this XVII century fortification through the architectural survey: in addition to the door remains a long curtain wall, nowadays incorporated by the houses of the urban expansion of the XVIII and XIX centuries that has conditioned its morphologyDi San Lio, E.; Galizia, M.; Santagati, C. (2015). Difese naturali e artificiali nella Catania del secolo XVII. En Defensive architecture of the mediterranean: XV to XVIII centuries. Vol. I. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 299-306. https://doi.org/10.4995/FORTMED2015.2015.1711OCS29930

    Hereditary Angioedema and Psychopathology: Neurobiology, Stress and Attachment Styles

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    Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) is considered an autosomal dominant disorder, characterized by a quantitativeand/or qualitative deficit of C1 esterase inhibitor. The aim of the study is to establish the relationshipbetween HAE, clinical events, and neurobiological and psychopathologicalparameters, which could influence the phenotype of the disease and thereforeits manifestation in terms of quality, severity and duration of symptoms. Materialsand Methods: observational study, cross-sectional, non-interventional, cohortof 46 patients with diagnosis of hereditary angioedema. ExclusionCriteria: current pharmacological treatment with ACE-inhibitors,glucocorticoids, psychotropic drugs, immunomodulators, anesthetics. A blood sampling was performed to measure cortisol,IL-6, TNF-α and catecholamines, medical examination, psychiatric examination toinvestigate the clinical characteristics of HAE and presence of life events, psychometric evaluation. Any correlation was assessed by Spearman Rho. Results the sample consists of 46 patients, including 22 women (47,8%) e 24 men (52,2%). Averageage of onset of symptoms is equal to 14,61 ± 12,46. High values ??of IL-6 (1,83 ± 3,9) and TNF-α (10,2 ± 27,5) were relatedwith severity of pathology . Conclusions levels of IL-6and TNF-α are in agreement with the increase in the number of attacks of HAE. There is a relationshipbetween increased levels of IL-6 and high scores on Hamilton Depression RatingScale and on Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale and a higher subjective perceptionof disease severity. The higher was the perceived stress, the greater will bethe subjective perception of disease severity and the presence of pathologicalattachment styles

    De Grunenberg’s fortifications in Augusta. Knowledge and conservation of a neglected heritage

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    [EN] Between 1674 and 1678, a land and naval war occurred just off the east coast of Sicily, between France and Spain. The town of Augusta had a wide natural harbour but an inadequate defence system: thus, it was easily conquered by the French army. After the war the fortifications of the town were updated. In this respect, the military engineer Carlos De Grunenberg built new fortifications on the isthmus that connected the town to the mainland. Historical and landscape value of De Grunenberg’s fortifications derives from their specific position in the area where the old town, surrounded by the sea, meets the mainland and the modern quarters. Unfortunately, the fortress was conceived as to be built on a flat ground, rather than on a slope. Its clay foundation wasn’t taken into account and serious instabilities, caused by earthquakes and the action of the sea, now urge for consolidation and restoration works, which represent the issue of the present proposal.Di San Lio, E.; Vitale, MR.; Aliffi, F.; Macca, S. (2015). De Grunenberg’s fortifications in Augusta. Knowledge and conservation of a neglected heritage. En Defensive architecture of the mediterranean: XV to XVIII centuries. Vol. I. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 119-126. https://doi.org/10.4995/FORTMED2015.2015.1731OCS11912

    Decay control of cold stored Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan. fruit by pre- and postharvest application of potassium phosphite

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    The effectiveness of pre- and postharvest application of potassium phosphite against naturally occuring postharvest decay and storage disorders on clementine Monreal fruit (Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan.) was investigated. Phosphite solutions were applied according to the following experimental protocol: by spraying fruit on the trees (2.5 g/L), at fruit colour breaking and 15 days before harvest; by the combination of preharvest (2.5 g/L) and postharvest dipping application (4 g of a.i./L). Preharvest applications were compared to Phosethyl-Al solution (2.5 g/L) and water control. Decay and disorders were assessed after 30 days of cold storage at 6±1°C and 90-95% RH, followed by 7 days of shelf life at 20±2°C. The combination of pre- and postharvest application of phosphite was more effective in reducing green (Penicillium digitatum Sacc.) and blue mould (P. italicum Weh.) incidence, as compared to water control, but it was not so effective in reducing the incidence of minor decay. Potassium phosphite treatments, before harvest and in pre-postharvest combination, significantly reduced chilling injury and aging with respect to water control. Based on these results, pre and postharvest application of potassium phosphite can be considered a useful strategy to be included in an integrated approach for controlling green and blue mould of citrus fruit in storage

    Weight gain at 3 months of antiretroviral therapy is strongly associated with survival: evidence from two developing countries

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    BACKGROUND: In developing countries, access to laboratory tests remains limited, and the use of simple tools such as weight to monitor HIV-infected patients treated with antiretroviral therapy should be evaluated. METHODS: Cohort study of 2451 Cambodian and 2618 Kenyan adults who initiated antiretroviral therapy between 2001 and 2007. The prognostic value of weight gain at 3 months of antiretroviral therapy on 3-6 months mortality, and at 6 months on 6-12 months mortality, was investigated using Poisson regression. RESULTS: Mortality rates [95% confidence interval (CI)] between 3 and 6 months of antiretroviral therapy were 9.9 (7.6-12.7) and 13.5 (11.0-16.7) per 100 person-years in Cambodia and Kenya, respectively. At 3 months, among patients with initial body mass index less than or equal to 18.5 kg/m (43% of the study population), mortality rate ratios (95% CI) were 6.3 (3.0-13.1) and 3.4 (1.4-8.3) for those with weight gain less than or equal to 5 and 5-10%, respectively, compared with those with weight gain of more than 10%. At 6 months, weight gain was also predictive of subsequent mortality: mortality rate ratio (95% CI) was 7.3 (4.0-13.3) for those with weight gain less than or equal to 5% compared with those with weight gain of more than 10%. CONCLUSION: Weight gain at 3 months is strongly associated with survival. Poor compliance or undiagnosed opportunistic infections should be investigated in patients with initial body mass index less than or equal to 18.5 and achieving weight gain less than or equal to 10%

    Evaluating adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy with use of pill counts and viral load measurement in the drug resources enhancement against AIDS and malnutrition program in Mozambique

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    Background. Maintaining treatment adherence among the growing number of patients receiving antiretroviral treatment in Africa is a dramatic challenge. The objective of our study was to explore the results of a computerized pill count method and to test the validity, sensitivity, and specificity of this method with respect to viral load measurement in an African setting. Methods. We performed a prospective, observational study involving patients who received first-line highly active antiretroviral therapy in Mozambique from 1 April 2005 through 31 March 2006. Enrolled patients had received treatment for at least 3 months before the study. For defining treatment adherence levels, pill counts were used, and the results were analyzed with viral load measurements at the end of the observation period. Results. The study involved 531 participants. During the 12 months of observation, 137 patients left the program or discontinued first-line therapy. Of the remaining 394 patients, 284 (72.1%) had >95% treatment adherence; of those 284 patients, 274 (96.5%) had a final viral load <1000 copies/mL. A Cox proportional hazards analysis revealed that the relationship between >95% treatment adherence and the final viral load was closer than that between >90% treatment adherence and viral load. Conclusions. Treatment adherence >95% maximizes the results of the nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitor-based regimen. The pill count method appears to be a reliable and economic tool for monitoring treatment adherence in resource-limited settings

    Evaluating adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy with use of pill counts and viral load measurement in the drug resources enhancement against AIDS and malnutrition program in Mozambique

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    Background. Maintaining treatment adherence among the growing number of patients receiving antiretroviral treatment in Africa is a dramatic challenge. The objective of our study was to explore the results of a computerized pill count method and to test the validity, sensitivity, and specificity of this method with respect to viral load measurement in an African setting. Methods. We performed a prospective, observational study involving patients who received first-line highly active antiretroviral therapy in Mozambique from 1 April 2005 through 31 March 2006. Enrolled patients had received treatment for at least 3 months before the study. For defining treatment adherence levels, pill counts were used, and the results were analyzed with viral load measurements at the end of the observation period. Results. The study involved 531 participants. During the 12 months of observation, 137 patients left the program or discontinued first-line therapy. Of the remaining 394 patients, 284 (72.1%) had >95% treatment adherence; of those 284 patients, 274 (96.5%) had a final viral load <1000 copies/mL. A Cox proportional hazards analysis revealed that the relationship between >95% treatment adherence and the final viral load was closer than that between >90% treatment adherence and viral load. Conclusions. Treatment adherence >95% maximizes the results of the nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitor-based regimen. The pill count method appears to be a reliable and economic tool for monitoring treatment adherence in resource-limited settings
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