87 research outputs found
Map and explain a position in the PC supply chain
Background Supply chains in low margin, high innovation speed industries with strong customers generate a highly competitive environment. The conditions for such environment are continuously changing and put high demands on its actors. FlatFrog is a case company, which was founded in 2007 and develops a unique touch technology targeting a wide range of screens sizes and applications. External capital from Intel capital, among others, has enabled FlatFrog to aim for integrating their touch solution in the PC market. In order to be able to enter this low margin, highly competitive market, FlatFrog wants to analyze the alternative business models available, e.g. uses a licensing model or taking full product ownership and the risk of initial investments in terms of material and production facilities. The PC value chain and supply chain are tense and there is no space for decreasing economic margins in exchange for additional features. The result is highly competitive environment, which is extremely hard for new actors to enter. Hence, FlatFrog has an interest in investigating their initial position in the supply chain and which possible solutions there are in order to gain good profitability. IV Purpose The purpose of this thesis is to map and explain FlatFrogÂŽs position in the PC touch supply chain and how it implies corresponding ways of making business and enter the market. By research create an understanding of the market, its actors and characteristics. Method In this thesis, a combination of the system approach and the actors approach was used as scientific approach. The data was collected by interviews, observations, focus groups, a literature review and continuous market research. The analysis was approached by an inductive approach where real life observations, by participating in meetings and studies of the latest trends in the consumer electric market, has been adopted after suitable models and accepted research to create a trustworthy analysis. Conclusion The choice of business model and supply chain set up not only should consider the characteristics of the specific company. It should also be based on the conditions of the market and the improvement of competition. The choice of model should always be challenged since these conditions continuously are changing. From a theoretical standpoint, a license model would be the optimal choice due to less risk and a fast market entrance. After increased insights and experience of the market and its supply chain it may not be realizable because of the characteristics of the market. Operational reality will always beat best theoretical strategy and a product owner model could even be a requirement to enter the market. Even if it not may result in short term profitability, future benefits generated by greater control could be enjoyed. Hence, it is difficult to determine the most optimal business model and supply chain set up for a specific company. It is in large extent dependent of the current status and agility of the market which will change over time
Positive gender congruency effects on shopper responses: Field evidence from a gender egalitarian culture
Sulfatide Recognition by Colonization Factor Antigen CS6 from Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli
The first step in the pathogenesis of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) infections is adhesion of the bacterium to the small intestinal epithelium. Adhesion of ETEC is mediated by a number of antigenically distinct colonization factors, and among these, one of the most commonly detected is the non-fimbrial adhesin coli surface antigen 6 (CS6). The potential carbohydrate recognition by CS6 was investigated by binding of recombinant CS6-expressing E. coli and purified CS6 protein to a large number of variant glycosphingolipids separated on thin-layer chromatograms. Thereby, a highly specific binding of the CS6-expressing E. coli, and the purified CS6 protein, to sulfatide (SO3-3GalÎČ1Cer) was obtained. The binding of the CS6 protein and CS6-expressing bacteria to sulfatide was inhibited by dextran sulfate, but not by dextran, heparin, galactose 4-sulfate or galactose 6-sulfate. When using recombinantly expressed and purified CssA and CssB subunits of the CS6 complex, sulfatide binding was obtained with the CssB subunit, demonstrating that the glycosphingolipid binding capacity of CS6 resides within this subunit. CS6-binding sulfatide was present in the small intestine of species susceptible to CS6-mediated infection, e.g. humans and rabbits, but lacking in species not affected by CS6 ETEC, e.g. mice. The ability of CS6-expressing ETEC to adhere to sulfatide in target small intestinal epithelium may thus contribute to virulence
Stödjande sociala nÀtverk och livet som ny förÀlder
Forskning pekar pÄ att övergÄngen till förÀldraskap ofta skapar stress hos de nyblivna förÀldrarna. Denna stress kan ha negativa effekter pÄ sÄvÀl förÀldrarnas egen hÀlsa som pÄ barnets vÀlmÄende. Forskning pekar ocksÄ pÄ att olika former av sociala nÀtverk kan fungera stödjande och minska denna stress genom att erbjuda emotionellt, informativt och instrumentellt stöd, i form av till exempel ekonomiska bidrag, hjÀlp med barnomsorg och hushÄllsarbete. Det Àr pÄ grund av olika samhÀllsförÀndringar inte sjÀlvklart att alla förÀldrar i dagens samhÀlle har tillgÄng till stödjande nÀtverk i form av familj, slÀkt eller vÀnner. MÄnga förÀldrar deltar dock i olika babyaktiviteter och i studien undersöks om och hur förÀldrar med smÄ barn upplever att dessa aktiviteter erbjuder dem stöd. I studien intervjuas tjugo förÀldrar och det framkommer att majoriteten av dessa deltar Äterkommande i flera babyaktiviteter och dÄ sÀrskilt i öppna förskolan och aktiviteter som arrangeras av olika religiösa samfund. I rapporten visas att babyaktiviteter erbjuder förÀldrarna en möjlighet att bryta den isolering de upplever att de hamnar i nÀr de fÄr barn samt ger dem en chans att möta nya vÀnner. Babyaktiviteter ger dem möjlighet att utbyta erfarenheter och information samt normaliserar deras kÀnslor inför förÀldraskapet och deras egna upplevelser. Babyaktiviteter ger dessutom förÀldrarna vÀlbehövd avlastning dÄ de fÄr hjÀlp att aktivera sina barn under en del av dagen. I studien pekas dock pÄ att inte alla förÀldrar upplever att babyaktiviteter fungerar stödjande för dem. Slutsatsen blir trots detta att dessa aktiviteter ofta fyller en viktig funktion för förÀldrar med smÄ barn och erbjuder ett vÀrdefullt stöd i deras förÀldraskap.The transition to parenthood often creates a great amount of stress among new parents. This stress can have negative effects on both the parents' and their child's wellbeing. A vigorous social network can be important in trying to handle problems by providing information as well as emotional and instrumental support. Given the societal changes that have taken place, it is questionable whether all parents today have this kind of social network. However, many parents of young children in Sweden are involved in various baby activities and the study examines whether and how parents feel these baby activities offer them support. The majority of parents interviewed for the present study take part in many recurrent baby activities. Baby activities offer parents an opportunity to break the isolation they feel they fall into when they are home with children and give them a chance to meet new people. The activities allow them to exchange information and to normalize their feelings about parenting. Baby activities also help parents activate their children during part of the day. Not all parents feel that baby activities offer them support. Still, on the whole these activities are important to parents with young children and provide them valuable support in their parenting
Barns arbete i Sverige : En del av barndomen, en vÀg till vuxenlivet
Föreliggande arbete Ă€r en etnografisk studie av barn, barndom och arbete i Sverige. Studien var förlagd till tvĂ„ samhĂ€llen, ett pĂ„ landsbygden och ett nĂ€ra en stor svensk stad. I studien undersöks hur barndom konstrueras i dagens Sverige. I studien anvĂ€nds ett barnperspektiv och fokus Ă€r pĂ„ barnens definitioner av arbete. I studien undersöks hur barnen förstĂ„r de olika aktiviteter i vilka de deltar i sitt vardagsliv, vilka aktiviteter barnen menar Ă€r arbete och varför. I studien undersöks vilka motiv barnen har för att delta i de olika formerna av arbete. Sammanlagt deltog 100 barn i klass 4-9 i studien. Materialet till studien samlades in mellan 2004-2006. Materialet samlades i under ett fĂ€ltarbete dĂ€r metoder som gruppintervjuer, enkĂ€ter och tidsdagböcker anvĂ€ndes. Material samlades ocksĂ„ in med hjĂ€lp av deltagande observation, genom att barnen tog bilder med engĂ„ngskameror samt skrev essĂ€er och ritade teckningar. Dessa metoder anvĂ€ndes för att öka barnens möjligheter att delta och pĂ„verka forskningsprocessen samt för att lyfta fram barnens perspektiv vad gĂ€ller arbete. Studien visar att arbete Ă€r ett mĂ„ngtydigt begrepp. Barnen vidgar den traditionella betydelsen av arbete och anvĂ€nder tvĂ„ olika definitioner av arbete. Den ena Ă€r en definition dĂ€r arbete jĂ€mstĂ€lls med formellt, betalt förvĂ€rvsarbete, ett jobb. Den andra definitionen Ă€r mer inkluderande. I denna ryms bĂ„de betalt, obetalt, formellt och informellt arbete. I denna definition inkluderar barnen dessutom utbildande aktiviteter sĂ„som skola och fritidsaktiviteter vilka innehĂ„ller element av lĂ€rande. Detta arbetsbegrepp inkluderar sĂ„ledes Ă€ven olika former av identitetsarbete. Studien illustrerar att barnen genom sina aktiviteter bidrar till konstruktionen av barndomen samt understryker den roll arbete spelar i denna konstruktion.This is an ethnographic study of children, childhood and work in Sweden. The study was conducted in two communities, one rural and one urban, and it explores how childhood is constructed in contemporary Sweden. The study uses a child perspective and focuses on the childrenâs definitions of work. It investigates how children understand the different activities in which they take part in everyday life and which activities they understand as work and why. Furthermore, it investigates childrenâs incentives for engaging in various forms of work. In total, 100 schoolchildren in grades 4-9 participated in the study. The material used was collected during 2004-2006. During the fieldwork, material was collected through group interviews, questionnaires and time diaries, through participant observation and the use of disposable cameras and childrenâs essays and drawings. The methods were chosen to increase the childrenâs possibilities to participate and influence the research process and to highlight the childrenâs perspective on work. The study shows that work is a multifaceted concept. The children broaden our traditional definition of work, using two concurrent definitions. One definition equates work with formal, paid, gainful employment â a job. The other definition is more inclusive, accommodating paid, unpaid, formal and informal work. Moreover, in the latter definition, children also include educational activities such as school and spare time activities that involve an element of learning. Thus, various forms of identity work are also included in the concept of work. The study illustrates childrenâs contribution to the social construction of childhood and underlines the role work plays in this construction
En del av barndomen, en vÀg till vuxenlivet : Barns arbete i sverige
Barn i Sverige deltar i mĂ„nga olika produktiva aktiviteter. MĂ„nga vuxna och barn Ă€r dock tveksamma till om barn verkligen utför âriktigtâ arbete. Artikeln visar att arbete Ă€r ett mĂ„ngtydigt begrepp ur barnens synvinkel. I artikeln visas att barn i Sverige arbetar, men barnen Ă€r osĂ€kra pĂ„ om deras aktiviteter verkligen Ă€r âriktigtâ arbete. Riktigt arbete Ă€r sĂ„dant vuxna gör pĂ„ den formella arbetsmarknaden. Barn hjĂ€lper till. Barnen vidgar dock betydelsen av arbete och anvĂ€nder tvĂ„ olika definitioner av arbete. En definition jĂ€mstĂ€ller arbete med formellt, betalt förvĂ€rvs och yrkesarbete. Den andra Ă€r mer inkluderande. Den rymmer Ă€ven obetalt och informellt arbete. HĂ€r inkluderar barnen utbildande aktiviteter som skola och fritidsaktiviteter. Arbetsbegreppet inkluderar sĂ„ledes Ă€ven former av identitetsarbete. Den dubbla innebörd barnen lĂ€gger i termen arbete understryker att arbete inte bara Ă€r en del av barndomen hĂ€r och nu, utan en framĂ„triktad aktivitet som leder dem till det framtida vuxenlivet
GlÀdje, en avgörande motivationsfaktor i grupptrÀning
MÀnniskan blir allt mer hÀlsomedveten i dagens samhÀlle, hon gÄr till friskvÄrdsanlÀggningar för att motionera i grupp och styrketrÀna. Att finna motivationen till att trÀna kan dock vara svÄrt. Denna studies syfte var att undersöka vad som motiverar deltagarna under ett grupptrÀningspass. Genom ett kvalitativt tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt anvÀnds semistrukturerade intervjuer för att ta del av intervjupersonernas unika upplevelser under trÀningspassets gÄng. Som teoretisk utgÄngspunkt anvÀndes i studien Self Determination Theory. I resultatet framkom det hur deltagarna motiverades av gruppen, instruktören och musiken. Resultatet av detta ledde till en ny huvudkategori som behandlade hur viktigt det var med glÀdje och att ha roligt. Dessa kategorier resulterade i 27 detaljerade underkategorier som beskrev vad som i huvudsak motiverade deltagarna till grupptrÀning. Slutligen visade det sig att glÀdjen var den mest avgörande faktorn av de alla för att motivera deltagarna till fortsatt trÀning
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