131 research outputs found

    Weisheit am Kreuzweg. Zum theologischen Programm von 1Kor 1 und 2

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    The Pauline word of the cross (1Cor 1–2) unfolds an epistemological meta-theory referring to the conditions that make theology possible. The entire argumentation can be read as a dialogue with the dominant Greek-Hellenistic world-view. Within his own horizon of apocalyptic-sapiential theology Paul focuses on how the cross issues a critique of every form of thinking which does not reflect its own limitations in time and space. The word of the cross is correlated, therefore, to the expectation of a judgement about the teachers and preachers of the gospel

    Diesseits von Golgatha. Zum VerstĂ€ndnis des Kreuzestodes Jesu als SĂŒhnopfer

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    The understanding of Jesus’ death on the cross as a sacrifice of atonement is based on the multiple interpretations of Jesus’ death in the New Testament. The early Christian approaches to the interpretation of Jesus’ death as a sacrifice lead to far-reaching cultural and anthropological implications

    Antike und Urchristentum : Studien zur neutestamentlichen Theologie in ihren Kontexten und Rezeptionen

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    Antiquity and Early Christianity. Studies on New Testament Theology in its Contexts and Receptions. This collection of essays embeds Early Christian literature in its ancient contexts and in its various receptions. The map treated here covers themes such as the resurrection of Jesus and the dead, monotheism and Christology, the impact of ancient philosophy in early Christianity and aspects of Pauline theology. Das Buch bettet die urchristliche Literatur und ihre Theologien konsequent in ihre antike Umgebung ein. Die hier behandelte Landkarte umfasst theologische Zentralthemen wie die Auferstehung Jesu und der Toten, den christologischen Monotheismus, Christi Mittlerschaft, die Anthropologie und das WeltverstĂ€ndnis des Neuen Testamens. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt der Theologie des Paulus, zumal dem Philipperbrief, sowie dem Stellenwert der antiken Philosophie im frühen Christentum. Weitere Arbeiten kreisen um die exegetische Relevanz von Kulturwissenschaften und Religionspsychologie wie um die Rezeptionen biblischer Texte (Paulusbriefe, Johannesprolog) in der SpĂ€tantike (unter anderem im »Physiologus«) und in der Reformationszeit. Der Band enthĂ€lt Arbeiten des Autors, die zwischen 2002 und 2019 entstanden sind. Sein Titel nimmt Bezug auf einen gleichnamigen programmatischen Aufsatzband von Günther Bornkamm, der vor rund 60 Jahren publiziert wurde

    Hymnus, Enkomion oder Psalm? Schattengefechte in der neutestamentlichen Wissenschaft

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    For much of the twentieth century scholars tried to reconstruct various cultic hymns beneath the surface of NT texts. With the rise of rhetorical criticism the focus of research has shifted to the properties of epideictic rhetoric. Exegetes, therefore, often tend to contrast ‘encomia' with ‘hymns' or ‘psalms'. To avoid any shadow boxing one has to consider which descriptive language would fit best the texts. A brief examination of ancient hymnic traditions and their treatment in rhetoric demonstrates that while encomia interact strongly with hymns each genre has its own characteristics; hymns, whether in poetry or prose, consist especially of praise of divinities and are addressed to divinities. Future formgeschichtliche analysis has to distinguish carefully between ‘hymn' (in a narrow sense), ‘hymnic praise' and ‘encomion' (which does not refer particularly to divine beings). In early Christian literature, as far as it relates to the textual surface, we find beside hymns to God only a few hymns directed to Christ. Nevertheless Christ's divine status is praised with rich hymnic rhetorical devices. This amazing tension corresponds exactly with what we call ‘Christological monotheism

    Wahrnehmungen der Schöpfung im Neuen Testament

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    Are christians a new „people“? Detecting ethnicity and cultural friction in Paul’s letters and early christianity

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    Der Aufsatz fragt nach der Reichweite der Kategorie “Ethnicity”, zunĂ€chst in der Schrift “an Diognet”, wo die Christen als „drittes Volk“ (tertium genus) gezeichnet werden. Der 1. Korintherbrief (bes. 1,18–25) und der Römerbrief zeigen, dass Paulus auf ethnische Kate-gorien zurĂŒckgreift, um christliche IdentitĂ€t zu beschreiben.; wichtiger als die Unterschei-dung der Christen von Juden und Heiden bzw. Griechen ist aber ihre „theo-ethnische“ Zeichnung als Gottes Volk („Israel“)

    Kreuzfeuer. Paulus und seine Konflikte mit Rivalen, Feinden und Gegnern

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    The article deals with Paul’s opponents. As Philippians shows, there is a broad spectrum of phenomena: rivals and opponents whom the apostle does not consider threatening, external gentile opponents, and, finally, opponents who in Paul’s view are destroying the congregation. With regard to the latter, the historical question of a united front, that is, of an orches-trated anti-Pauline mission, is discussed. In regard to the adversaries in Second Corinthians, there is much to suggest that Paul’s use of the stereotype of blaming the sophists re-stricts the ability of scholars to reconstruct those opponents historically. Der Artikel behandelt die Gegner von Paulus. Wie der Philipperbrief zeigt, gibt es ein breites Spektrum an PhĂ€nomenen: Rivalen und Konkurrenten, die der Apostel nicht fĂŒr bedrohlich hĂ€lt, Ă€ussere pagane Gegner, schliesslich Gegner, die fĂŒr ihn die Gemeinde zerstören. Im Blick auf die letztgenannten wird die Frage einer einheitlichen Front, also einer orchestrierten Gegen-Mission, diskutiert. Bei den Gegnern im 2. Korintherbrief muss man damit rechnen, dass bestimmte Stereotype der antiken Sophistenschelte das historische Bild verdunkeln

    Synesios von Kyrene - Philosophie der Kaiserzeit und der SpÀtantike

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    Ueberweg-Article about the philosophical profile of Synesius of Cyrene (about 400 C.E.

    Genome-wide associations for birth weight and correlations with adult disease

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    Birth weight (BW) is influenced by both foetal and maternal factors and in observational studies is reproducibly associated with future risk of adult metabolic diseases including type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular disease1. These lifecourse associations have often been attributed to the impact of an adverse early life environment. We performed a multi-ancestry genome-wide association study (GWAS) meta-analysis of BW in 153,781 individuals, identifying 60 loci where foetal genotype was associated with BW (P <5x10-8). Overall, ˜15% of variance in BW could be captured by assays of foetal genetic variation. Using genetic association alone, we found strong inverse genetic correlations between BW and systolic blood pressure (rg-0.22, P =5.5x10-13), T2D (rg-0.27, P =1.1x10-6) and coronary artery disease (rg-0.30, P =6.5x10-9) and, in large cohort data sets, demonstrated that genetic factors were the major contributor to the negative covariance between BW and future cardiometabolic risk. Pathway analyses indicated that the protein products of genes within BW-associated regions were enriched for diverse processes including insulin signalling, glucose homeostasis, glycogen biosynthesis and chromatin remodelling. There was also enrichment of associations with BW in known imprinted regions (P =1.9x10-4). We have demonstrated that lifecourse associations between early growth phenotypes and adult cardiometabolic disease are in part the result of shared genetic effects and have highlighted some of the pathways through which these causal genetic effects are mediated

    Genome-wide associations for birth weight and correlations with adult disease

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    Birth weight (BW) has been shown to be influenced by both fetal and maternal factors and in observational studies is reproducibly associated with future risk of adult metabolic diseases including type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular disease. These life-course associations have often been attributed to the impact of an adverse early life environment. Here, we performed a multi-ancestry genome-wide association study (GWAS) meta-analysis of BW in 153,781 individuals, identifying 60 loci where fetal genotype was associated with BW (P\textit{P}  < 5 × 10−8^{-8}). Overall, approximately 15% of variance in BW was captured by assays of fetal genetic variation. Using genetic association alone, we found strong inverse genetic correlations between BW and systolic blood pressure (R\textit{R} g_{g} = -0.22, P\textit{P}  = 5.5 × 10−13^{-13}), T2D (R\textit{R} g_{g} = -0.27, P\textit{P}  = 1.1 × 10−6^{-6}) and coronary artery disease (R\textit{R} g_{g} = -0.30, P\textit{P}  = 6.5 × 10−9^{-9}). In addition, using large -cohort datasets, we demonstrated that genetic factors were the major contributor to the negative covariance between BW and future cardiometabolic risk. Pathway analyses indicated that the protein products of genes within BW-associated regions were enriched for diverse processes including insulin signalling, glucose homeostasis, glycogen biosynthesis and chromatin remodelling. There was also enrichment of associations with BW in known imprinted regions (P\textit{P} = 1.9 × 10−4^{-4}). We demonstrate that life-course associations between early growth phenotypes and adult cardiometabolic disease are in part the result of shared genetic effects and identify some of the pathways through which these causal genetic effects are mediated.For a full list of the funders pelase visit the publisher's website and look at the supplemetary material provided. Some of the funders are: British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, Medical Research Council, National Institutes of Health, Royal Society and Wellcome Trust
