1,799 research outputs found

    Education as a key factor to end poverty among youth in Portugal : analysis of the perceived resources portuguese schools have

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    The purpose of this dissertation was to evaluate the perceived conditions Portuguese schools have on the combat of poverty and to furtherly provide insightful suggestions. The dissertation starts by offering a new, comprehensive conceptualization of poverty, with a focus on the psychological, physiological and social aspects of what it means to be poor. A set of two studies were conducted. One is dedicated to teaching staff, non-teaching staff and other school employees from schools inserted in the “Programa Territórios Educativos de Intervenção Prioritária” (TEIP Programme), and the other is destined to parents with school-age children/teenagers from the same schools as the first study. Two questionnaires were created, one for each study. Both questionnaires included quantitative and qualitative data. Results suggest that Portuguese schools, to some degree, are conscious of the already existent resources created to combat poverty and do offer some of them, even if their quality is not perceived as being on the desired level. There is a sense that schools try and make efforts. Those efforts are, however, viewed as insufficient, which does not mean respondents perceive the schools as being the responsible parties. Other reasons, such as lack of funding, might play a role. Furthermore, the respondents had multiple suggestions that were put into nine different sections. These suggestions serve as guidelines for schools to take into account and consider according to their specific needs. Some limitations to the study were identified. However, it is believed that this study was able to give new insights to the literature namely by a) providing a new conceptualization of poverty for the youth, b) evaluating how the Portuguese schools are prepared to eradicate poverty, and c) providing concrete suggestions for schools to consider when trying to end poverty and to make schools a better place for the good development of their students.O objetivo desta dissertação foi o de avaliar as condições percecionadas das escolas portuguesas no combate à pobreza, bem como fornecer sugestões relevantes. A dissertação começa por oferecer uma nova e abrangente conceptualização da pobreza, com enfoque nos aspetos psicológicos, fisiológicos e sociais do que significa ser pobre. Foi realizado um conjunto de dois estudos. Um deles dedicado ao pessoal docente, não docente e outros funcionários de escolas inseridas no "Programa Territórios Educativos de Intervenção Prioritária" (Programa TEIP), e o outro destinado aos pais de jovens em idade escolar das mesmas escolas do primeiro estudo. Foram criados dois questionários, um para cada estudo. Ambos os questionários incluíram dados quantitativos e qualitativos. Os resultados sugerem que as escolas portuguesas, em certa medida, estão conscientes dos recursos já existentes criados para combater a pobreza e oferecem alguns deles, mesmo que a sua qualidade não seja entendida como estando no nível desejado. Há uma sensação de que as escolas tentam e fazem esforços. Esses esforços são, contudo, vistos como insuficientes, o que não significa que os inquiridos considerem as escolas como sendo as partes responsáveis. Outras razões, como a falta de financiamento, podem ter um papel a desempenhar. Além disso, os inquiridos indicaram múltiplas sugestões que foram colocadas em nove diferentes secções. Estas sugestões servem como orientações para as escolas terem em conta e para considerarem de acordo com as suas necessidades específicas. Foram identificadas algumas limitações ao estudo. No entanto, acredita-se que este estudo foi capaz de dar novas perspetivas à literatura, nomeadamente a) fornecendo uma nova conceptualização da pobreza jovem, b) avaliando como as escolas portuguesas estão preparadas para erradicar a pobreza, e c) fornecendo sugestões concretas para as escolas considerarem ao tentarem erradicar a pobreza e fazer destas um lugar melhor para o bom desenvolvimento dos seus alunos

    Steroidal CYP17 Inhibitors for Prostate Cancer Treatment: From Concept to Clinic

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    The successful application of therapeutic strategies to block the known growth stimulation property of estrogen in breast cancer, namely the aromatase (CYP19) inhibitors formestane (4-OH) and exemestane (Aromasin) [1], has paved the way for the investigation of inhibitors of other P450 enzymes that might impart the growth of hormone-dependent cancers [2]. Cytochrome P450 17α-hydroxylase,C17,20-lyase (CYP17) is at the crossroads of androgen and corticoid biosynthesis and has become a valuable target in prostate cancer (PC) treatment [3-8]. Androgens, which are produced in steroidogenic tissues, bind to the androgen receptor (AR) and initiate transcription which in turn results in the synthesis of prostate-specific proteins, as well as in cell proliferation. Systemic ablation of androgen by castration, either surgical or chemical, is highly effective in treating PC when the disease is hormone-dependent

    Problemas podais em bovinos leiteiros : um estudo de caso em sistema de produção free-stall

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    O cenário mundial estabelece o Brasil como um promissor produtor de leite mundial nos próximos anos devido a sua área, produção crescente de grãos e investimentos no setor de laticínios. A tecnificação da produção de leite trouxe um grande entrave para a maior produtividade: as enfermidades podais, as quais representam umas das afecções mais recorrentes e de difícil manejo preventivo. As lesões do casco raramente levam o animal a óbito, no entanto por causarem incômodo quando o animal fica em pé e ao caminhar, reduzem consideravelmente sua produtividade, por reduzir a quantidade de alimento ingerido, uma vez que as vacas acometidas passam boa parte do tempo deitadas. Diante desse desafio busca-se uma melhoria na sanidade, instalações, nutrição e genética que são pontos cruciais para diminuição das enfermidades podais. No desenvolvimento desse trabalho serão abordados as principais características anatômicas do casco, as principais enfermidades, suas características, fatores predisponentes, controle e tratamento das afecções podais. Este trabalho tem por objetivo levantar um estudo bibliográfico que contextualize sobre as enfermidades podais em bovinos, além de fazer um estudo de caso em uma unidade de produção situada no município de Nova Bréscia, Rio Grande do Sul, em um sistema de produção free stall. Diversos são os fatores que podem estar envolvidos na etiologia das doenças dos cascos dos bovinos, tais como, a genética, o meio ambiente (as condições dos pisos dos currais, as pastagens), o manejo (grande concentração de animais e exercícios exagerados), o clima e a nutrição. Não adianta tratar os animais doentes se não houver uma adequação da propriedade para reduzir as afecções podais. Para isto, deve-se ajustar o manejo, tanto alimentar quanto de casqueamento e limpeza do piso, bem como proceder a instalação de pedilúvio para reduzir a incidência da doença.The global scenario establishes Brazil as a promising global milk producer in the coming years due to its area, increasing grain production and investment in the dairy sector. Faced with this challenge, looking for an improvement in health, facilities, nutrition and genetics there are crucial points for reduction of foot diseases. In the development of this work will be discussed major foot diseases, their characteristics, predisposing factors and control and treatment of foot conditions.The technification of milk production has brought a great obstacle to the increasing productivity: the foot diseases, which represent one of the most recurrent affections and of difficult preventive management. Hull injuries rarely lead to death, however, because they cause discomfort when the animal is standing and when is walking, it considerably reduces its productivity by reducing the amount of food ingested, since the affected cows spend most of the time lying down.This paper aims to raise a bibliographical study that contextualizes on foot diseases in cattle, besides doing a case study in a production unit located in the municipality of Nova Bréscia, Rio Grande do Sul, in a system of production free stall. Several are the factors that may be involved in the etiology of the diseases of the hooves of cattle, such as genetics, the environment (the conditions of floors in the corrals and barns, the pastures), management (large concentration of animals and excessive exercise), climate and nutrition. It is not useful treating sick animals if there is no property suitability to reduce foot conditions. To do this, the management must be adjusted, both food and casing and cleaning of the floor, as well as the installation of foot bath to reduce the incidence of the disease

    Fuentes de fósforo con promotores de crecimiento (pgpr) en cultivo de maíz chipa (Zea mays L. var. amylacea Sturtev.)

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    La limitada disponibilidad de P en los suelos de la Región Oriental restringe la productividad del maíz chipa. La fertilización con fosfatos solubles es una de las alternativas para compensar ese déficit nutricional del cultivo. El ensayo tuvo lugar en el Departamento de Canindeyú, Distrito de Yvyrarovaná, con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de fuentes de fósforo con promotores de crecimiento (PGPR) en el cultivo de maíz chipa. Se utilizó un diseño de bloques completos al azar con arreglo factorial en parcelas divididas. Los factores fueron fuentes de fósforo (5 niveles) y PGPR (2 niveles: con y sin), dando lugar a 10 tratamientos con 4 repeticiones. Las fuentes de fosfato utilizados fueron el superfosfato triple (SFT), superfosfato simple (SFS), fosfato termomagnesiano (TFM) y roca molida (RM), aplicados a dosis de 80 kg ha-1 de P2O5, a excepción de la roca molida que fue aplicada en una dosis de 300 kg ha-1 . Los PGPR fueron aplicados a dosis de 3 mL kg -1 de semilla. Las variables evaluadas fueron: altura de planta y de inserción de mazorca, número de hojas, diámetro del tallo, longitud y diámetro de mazorca, hilera de granos por mazorca, granos por hilera de mazorca, masa de 1.000 granos, rendimiento, masa seca aérea, índice de cosecha, eficiencia agronómica y económica, así como rentabilidad. Los resultados fueron sometidos a análisis de varianza. No se encontró diferencia significativa respecto a la utilización de PGPR, pero si entre fuentes fosfatadas, todos los parámetros estudiados, excepto masa de 1.000 granos, diámetro de mazorca, índice de cosecha y eficiencia agronómica, tuvieron mejores resultados con las fuentes de P más solubles (SFT y SFS), donde medias más altas se obtuvieron con el SFT, con rendimiento de 3.870 kg ha-1 y eficiencia agronómica de 18,9 kg de granos por kg de P2O5 aplicado, generando una rentabilidad de hasta 176 % a nivel de mercado. Existe una efectividad diferenciada para las diferentes fuentes de P, donde SFT>SFS>TFM>RM.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Impact of the College of Theology Bible Teachings to the Graduates of the Adventist University of the Philippines

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    Bible teaching is indispensable to Adventist education; however, there is dearth of literature to measure its impact to students. This study examined the impact of theCollege of Theology Bible teachings among the students of the AdventistUniversity of the Philippines who graduated in 2016-2017. Descriptive designwas used to measure the impact of COT Bible teaching has had on thestudents. Data were gathered from 123 senior students using the conveniencesampling strategy. The existing Desired Spiritual Outcomes questionnaire wasused to determine its impact. Mean was used to determine the level of impact andStandard Deviation to determine whether the impact was homogenous or not.Findings revealed that the graduates’ relationship to Jesus, commitment toSeventh-day Adventist perspective and lifestyle, commitment to SDA Church,understanding of the teachings of the Bible has been highly impacted exceptmaking a difference and commitment to service. Adventist students are highlyimpacted than non-Adventist. Gender was not significant, except on commitmentto SDA church where female students showed more commitment than malestudents. In terms of their relationship with Jesus, commitment to SDA church,and commitment to service, the college of Education was highly impactedcompared to other colleges. No significant difference was found in terms of lengthof stay to AUP.COT Bible teachings have very high impact on students’understanding of Bible teachings, commitment to SDA church, and Commitmentto service. Although Relationship with Jesus was still on the high level but someaspects must be strengthened. Making a difference and Commitment to servicewas on the average level which means that Bible teachings has to be focused moreon the outcomes. Adventist students were highly impacted compared to the non-Adventist while among the different college, the COE were greatly impactedcompared to others. Future research can be focused on the non-Adventist only to see the real impact of Bible teachings on their lives. Also, bigger number of samples should be considered to have a better picture of the results

    Economic Gender gap in the Global South: How Public Institutions Matter.

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    Polkítica de acceso abierto tomada de: https://beta.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/16633One of the most challenging gender gaps in the Global South remains in the economic sphere. This paper examines how public institutions affect the gender gap in economic participation and opportunities in 74 developing and emerging countries during the period 2006-2016. We find that the public institutional environment is closely related to the economic gender gap. Specifically, the protection of property rights and guaranteeing security seem to be two key factors associated to lower economic gender inequality. Nevertheless, public institutions do not matter equally throughout economically backward countries. Whereas in emerging countries, particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean, a broad variety of institutional aspects, including undue influence on judicial and government decisions, are closely related to the economic gender gap, in low-income developing countries, such as Sub-Saharan countries, the problems of ethics and corruption stand out as a particularly remarkable element against economic gender equality. Some significant policy implications are derived from our findings regarding the potential of public institution reforms to reduce the economic gender gap