87 research outputs found

    Factors influencing minority enrollment in postsecondary vocational-technical education programs in the state of Iowa

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    A study involving minority students was undertaken to ascertain and validate pertinent variables that influenced their enrollment in the postsecondary vocational-technical education programs in the state of Iowa. The study was also used to determine: (a) whether there were significant differences in the perceptions of postsecondary vocational-technical education minority students and vocational-technical-minded minority high school seniors on the one hand, and college-minded, vocational-technical-minded, and non-college/non-vocational-technical-minded minority high school seniors on the other; (b) whether the identified variables had comparable influences on postsecondary minority students to what the students thought; (c) the sources from which minority students learned the most about the programs; and (d) whether the students had positive or negative opinions about the programs. Two different populations of students were used: postsecondary vocational-technical education minority students and minority high school seniors. The samples, chosen on the basis of minority population availability, included all postsecondary minority students enrolled in vocational-technical education programs in seven Iowa community institutions, and minority high school seniors enrolled in the Waterloo, Iowa school system. The subjects were surveyed in the spring semester of 1989. It was found that the following factors had great influence on minority student enrollment in vocational-technical education programs of study: role models, support groups, ethnic culture on the school\u27s campus, program requirements, fear of failure, counseling services, and accessibility to an institution. The results also showed that postsecondary minority students and technical-minded minority high school seniors exhibited few significant differences in their perceptions regarding the programs, but the three groups of high school seniors perceived the programs similarly. The scores of postsecondary minority students on their opinions of what would be ideal influences on their enrollment were significantly higher than the actual influences. This suggested that the students would like to be influenced more by the factors. Most of the postsecondary students and high school seniors learned about the programs from high school counselors/teachers, friends, recruiters, parents, by visiting schools, and by reading college literature. The results also showed that an overwhelmingly large majority of the students were interested with the programs and had positive opinions about them

    Modern Family Law in Southern Nigeria.

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    This work deals with the law relating to families and family relationships in Lagos and the southern Regions of the Federation of Nigeria, including the proposed Mid-West Region. It is primarily concerned with customary law; hut as statute law and principles of English law have made many incursions into the sphere of customary law, most of the topics covered have had to be treated on a comparative basis. A unified treatment, rather than a separate investigation of the laws of each ethnic group in turn, is adopted because there is happily a remarkable degree of uniformity in these laws. But any local variations that do exist are indicated in the appropriate places; and where, as in intestate succession and prohibited degrees of relationship, there are no common principles, the ethnic groups are dealt with individually or in groups falling within well defined patterns. The thesis is in two parts. Part One is concerned with the extended family. Among the items discussed here are the family as a corporate socio-legal entity; the position of family heads and family councils in contemporary society; the concept of family property and the rights therein of family members considered as individuals and disintegration of the family. Part Two is concerned with the elementary family or household. Chapters V-VII deal with the formation of family units through marriage, while Chapter XIII discusses additions thereto through adoption and guardianship. The two types of customary law marriage and the four essential requirements for a valid marriage are here investigated, the legal effect of the omission of any one of these requirements being also discussed. Chapters VIII-X analyse the law of husband and wife - including a wife's membership of her husband's extented family; her right to his name, his citizenship, his domicil and the matrimonial home. The next two chapters deal with the law of parent and child - including illegitimacy (which does exist as a status under customary law), legitimation by subsequent marriage and by acknowledgment, the affiliation of a child to one of three possible families, and the vicarious liability of parents. Finally, Chapter XIV discusses the dissolution of marital relations - the point being made that whereas a wife's death brings a marriage to an end for all purposes, a husband's death leaves intact the wife's status as a married woman for a number of purposes

    Forest Machinery Fires: Trends in New Zealand Forest Harvesting Sector

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    Fires in forest machines are typically catastrophic in terms of machine destruction and can develop rapidly to be a risk to the machine operator. They are an issue worldwide and there can be larger consequences such as starting a major forest fire. This paper describes trends in machine fire occurrences in the New Zealand forest harvesting sector. A total of 224 machinery fire incidents were recorded over an 8 year period from 2007 to 2014. Trends in forest machinery fires in the sector were identified and summarized. Late morning (10 am-noon) and mid-afternoon (2–4 pm) showed the highest incidence of machine fire, corresponding to periods with the highest level of work. Excluding the main holiday months, there was a correlation of machine fires to average monthly temperature. Summary statistics on causes of fire ignition showed that 40% were attributed to electrical and hydraulic faults; however, some remain unidentified as the fires commenced after work was completed. A short survey of industry managers was carried out to ascertain machine fire perceptions. 67% agreed that machine fire was an issue, and only 33% thought the current industry procedures were sufficient to mitigate them. The report concludes with proactive measures to reduce the incidence of forest machine fire risk

    The phonetics and phonology of the standard dialect of Igbo.

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    This thesis is a phonetic and phonological study of the Standard dialect of Igbo. The type of speech form which we refer to as the Standard dialect is defined in the first chapter of the thesis. This represents the type of speech form which is considered more 'central' with respect to the existing local dialects in the languuage, and which is more widely understood in the different localities in Igbo land. This is the dialect that has emerged as the literary dialect of Igbo; the dialect that is used in the written literature in the language, and for radio and other media broadcasts in the Igbo languaage. The thesis is organised into six chapters. The introductory first chapter states, among other things, the theoretical frarmwork for the inguistic analysis presented in the thesis. The question of dilects in the Igbo language, which has figured very prominently in the previous studies on this language, is also discussed in the first chapter. In chapter 2, the phonctic description of the speech sounds of the standard dialect is presented. Some instrumental data from mingograms, speotrograms and palatograms have been used, where necessary, in the description. The results obtained from the instrumental tests are presented in part II of the thesis. A brief analysis of the phonemic contrasts of the speech sounds is also given in chapter 2. Chapter 3 deals with the distinctive feature analysis of the phonological segments of the standard dialect. In the analysis presented in this chapter, we have used the multivalue distinctive feature system, where this is considered more appropriate than the binary distinctive feature system. The model of multivalue distinctive features we used in our analysis represents a modified version of those proposed in Ladefoged (1971/l975) in Williamson (l976). Chapter 4 deals with the morpheme structure analysis of the standard dialect, Certain generalizations describing the constraints/ redundancies in the morpheme structure of the standard dialect are stated, using the system of Morpheme structure Conditions as defined in Stanley (1967) and in Hyman (1975). chapter 5 we describe the phonological processes that operate in the Igto language. The phonological processes include vowel assimilation, vowel contraction with the resultant process of diphthongi-zation, vowel harmony etc. These phonological processes have been known to be consistent in the different dialects of Igbo. Consequently, what has been described generally for the Igbo language is, in this respect, equally relevant to the standard dialect. Chapter 6 deals with the tonology of the Igbo language. Igbo being a tone language, the question of tones plays significant role in the phonology of this language. Like the phonological processes, the features of tone are basically consistent in all the dialects of Igbo. Apart from describing the general tonological structure of Igbo, the thesis devotes special attention to the question of downstep in the language. The downstep has been at the centre of discussions in the previous studies on Igbo tonology. The downstep, no doubt, plays a stratagic role in Igbo tonology; and any views which one may hold about the downstep will obviously affect the nature of the rules that could be devised to account for the tone features and the tone changes in the language. Other problems relating to Igbo tonology are reviewed in this chapter

    Forcasting Natural Gas Consumption in Nigeria using the Modified Grey Model (MGM(1,1,⊗b))

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    Accurate prediction of the natural gas consumption in Nigeria is crucial to Gas management. This study utilizes the improved Grey model (MGM(1,1,⊗b)), which is an improvement of the modified Grey model (MGM(1,1)), to forecast the natural gas consumption of Nigeria for the year 2021 to 2025. A secondary data retrieved from the NNPC 2019 annual statistics bulletin was used to build a model for this prediction. Noting that MGM(1,1) model uses the Grey action quantity as a unique real number which do not reflect the uncertainty nature of Grey systems. A model (MGM(1,1,⊗b)) was developed such that it extends the MGM(1,1) model to retain the uncertainty nature of Grey systems. The new modified Grey model (MGM(1,1,⊗b)) was used to make prediction of the natural gas consumption of Nigeria and the results shows that the (MGM(1,1,⊗b)) model gives a prediction interval which the actual value is bracketed. This implies that natural gas consumption of Nigeria for 2021 to 2025 lies within the (MGM(1,1,⊗b)) model prediction values for the same year


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    Chronic liver disease is one of the major health issues which occur throughout the world irrespective of age, sex, region or race. Liver diseases have being ranked the fifth most common cause of death and the second leading cause of mortality amongst all digestive diseases with approximately 2 million deaths per year worldwide. Aimed at determining the relative prevalence of chronic liver diseases in Nigeria, this shows that up to 46% of global diseases and 59% of the mortality is due to chronic liver diseases and almost 35 million people in the world die of chronic diseases with liver disease rate steadily increasing over the years. In Nigeria, (35 million) 2-20% of the population, are infected with hepatitis B and C virus with a prevalence rate of 4.3%-23.3% and 0.5-15% been reported respectively from different part of the country depending on the geographical location. A prevalence rate of 4.3% was reported from Port Harcourt, 5.7% from Ilorin, 11.6% from Maiduguri, and 8.3% from Zaria, 6.78% from Ado-Ekiti among pregnant women, 13.50% from Lagos, 11.50% from Abuja Urban among HIV Patients with a seroprevalence of 23.3% been reported among patients attending all clinics in Kano

    Serum adiponectin and metabolic profile in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome in relation to body mass index

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    Background: Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a common endocrine disorder which affects approximately 5-10% of women in reproductive age. It is both a reproductive endocrinopathy and a metabolic disorder.Methods: 160 women aged 18 to 40 years attending obstetrics and gynaecology clinic at Federal medical centre, Owerri, Imo State Nigeria were recruited and divided into 2 groups (women diagnosed with PCOS using Rotterdam criteria and control) of 80 participants each. Anthropometric data were collected, and participants categorized into 3 based on BMI. Fasting blood samples was collected for biochemical analyses. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences SPSS version 23.0, and level of significance set at p<0.05.Results: The mean serum levels of adiponectin and high density lipoprotein (HDL-C) were significantly lower while fasting plasma glucose, serum insulin, homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance, total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL-C), very low density lipoprotein (VLDL-C) and triglyceride were significantly higher in women with PCOS when compared with the control (p<0.05) as well as in obese when compared with normal weight women with PCOS (p<0.05). BMI negatively correlated with serum adiponectin and HDL-C, but positively correlated with FPG, insulin, HOMA-IR, TC, TG, LDL-C and VLDL-C in women with PCOS (p<0.05).Conclusions: This study highlights the prevalent biochemical and metabolic derangements in PCOS patients and was more evident in the obese and overweight patients. Early detection with subsequent application of preemptive measures including lifestyle modifications are therefore essential in the management of PCOS patients

    Antimicrobial activities of Carica papaya leaf against diarrhoea causing agents

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    The advent of science to the search for antibiotics principally depends on medicinal plants as raw materials. This present study evaluated the antimicrobial effect of Carica papaya leaf extracts against bacterial and fungal agents that causes diarrhoea. Fresh tender roots and leaves of this plant was collected, air-dried, powdered and percolated in n-hexane, methanol and aqueous solvents. The antimicrobial activities of the extract against test organisms were tested by using agar well diffusion assay and the MIC, MBC and MFC values were determined by agar dilution assay. The results revealed that the crude methanol and aqueous extracts of Carica papaya had no anti-fungal activity, but have antibacterial activity. N.hexane extract of C. papaya had most activity than other solvents with MIC ranged from 25 mg/ml to 50 mg/ml and MBC ranged from 50 mg/ml to 100 mg/ml.These results suggest that paw paw leaf extract is recommended as a diarrhoea disease remedy