4,530 research outputs found

    Removal and Contraction Operations in nnD Generalized Maps for Efficient Homology Computation

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    In this paper, we show that contraction operations preserve the homology of nnD generalized maps, under some conditions. Removal and contraction operations are used to propose an efficient algorithm that compute homology generators of nnD generalized maps. Its principle consists in simplifying a generalized map as much as possible by using removal and contraction operations. We obtain a generalized map having the same homology than the initial one, while the number of cells decreased significantly. Keywords: nnD Generalized Maps; Cellular Homology; Homology Generators; Contraction and Removal Operations.Comment: Research repor

    Methodical Madness: How ADHD Affects Daily Life

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    Let me begin by saying that this project is not a kind of “self-help” document. While it may come off that way, that is not the primary objective of my project. My primary objective is to provide people with necessary, and in my opinion, essential information surrounding the experiences and struggles of daily life with ADHD. I am not here to make anyone feel guilty for treating someone with ADHD poorly, nor am I here to convince you that people with ADHD are the same as their neurotypical peers (spoiler alert, we aren’t). Additionally, this is not the kind of project where I try and convince people they have ADHD, nor am I going to push for those who do have ADHD to seek medication or other forms of treatment

    Religion and Politics: The Influence of Religious Affiliation and Beliefs on Political Participation

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    Religion has had a significant effect on voter participation in the United States and continues to change with society as it continues to develop into a more diverse environment. The “God Gap”, a coined term used to describe the more religiously attentive an individual is the more likely they are to vote Republican. Many different survey studies of the 2004 American National Election Survey (ANES) have supported this term with data showing a gap between republican and democratic votes when individuals report their attendance to religious services more than once a week. Of those that participated in the 2016 American National Election Survey (ANES) 45% identified more closely with the democratic party and 40% identified more closely with the republican party. With the party identification of the participants stated it is important to note that 60% of these participants have attended church or a religious service. The statistical significance of having a religious affiliation plays a limited component when taking into account an individual’s political party identification. This paper shows that religious beliefs play an important factor when participants think of voting as a duty or a choice given to all Americans. Lastly, discussed are test implications and where further research analysis should be directed


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    El propósito de esta memoria es plasmar conocimientos y experiencias en la narrativa del proceso electoral Municipal de Toluca en el 2012 para detallar una serie de vivencias, hipótesis, teorías, o quizá, siendo más simplista, un listado de propuestas que a juicio particular serian de mucha utilidad política para futuros aspirantes a cargos de elección popular en el Municipio de Toluca, las cuales además de los aspectos que se presentan, se basa en experiencias adquiridas al participar en dicho proceso electoral. Pocos trabajos desarrollados para la titulación abordan el ámbito electoral municipal, su disminuida relevancia postelectoral, principalmente derivada del nivel de gobierno que se trata y de su relativa importancia socioeconómica, política y cultural en el contexto estatal o nacional; lo cual, lleva a descartarlo, como opción para los pasantes de las áreas sociales, ya sea porque quedan solamente como datos estadísticos o porque la probabilidad de elaborar un producto académico aceptable es nula. Cuando en 1996 se puso en marcha la pluralización del sistema de partidos políticos en el Estado de México, dando lugar a la elaboración de teorías político-electorales, que, sin demerito de su contenido científico, no se describían y no hacen referencia a sucesos o hechos materiales que los ilustren pragmáticamente, como si todos los lectores fueran peritos en la abstracción científica. Por eso aquí, al citar la palabra teoría, tenemos que dar a entender de lo que estamos hablando, esto es, en lo general un conocimiento especulativo puramente racional, independientemente de toda aplicación, y, no es más que una serie de hipótesis cuyas consecuencias se aplican a toda un ciencia o parte de ella

    Modelagem do banco de dados do meio físico destinado ao estudo da paisagem na microrregião de Foz do Iguaçu/PR

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    Anais do V Encontro de Iniciação Científica e I Encontro Anual de Iniciação ao Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação – EICTI 2016 - 05 e 07 de outubro de 2016 – Sessão Ciências Exatas e da TerraOs objetivos do trabalho são a de criação e gerenciamento de um banco de dados georreferenciados para Microrregião de Foz do Iguaçu/PR envolvendo aspectos do meio físico, em especial, relevo, solos e hidrografia como subsídio à análise da paisagem regional. A microrregião geográfica de Foz do Iguaçu localiza-se ao sul do Brasil, na porção oeste do Estado paranaense com uma extensão territorial de 5.580 km2, e população de 408.800 habitantes (IBGE, 2010). Esta abriga onze municípios, sendo eles: Céu Azul, Foz do Iguaçu, Itaipulândia, Matelândia, Medianeira, Missal, Ramilândia, Santa Terezinha de Itaipu, São Miguel do Iguaçu, Serranópolis do Iguaçu, e Vera Cruz do Oeste (figura 1). A Microrregião Geográfica de Foz do Iguaçu faz parte do Terceiro Planalto paranaense, que geologicamente é composto por rochas eruptivas básicas que se decompõem em solos argilosos vermelhos muito coesos, conhecidos como terra rocha. (Maack, 1968). Em relação ao relevo, este se compõe de baixa dissecação, com topos aplainados, vertentes convexas e vales em V aberto modelado por rochas vulcânicas basálticas, do grupo Serra Geral, espigões de divisores de água, escarpa estrutural e chapadas dos derrames de trapp mesozoicas recobertas por sedimentos Eo- e Neo- Cretáceo. (MAACK, 1968; MINEROPAR, 2006). A microrregião está na zona climática subtropical úmida quente, como denominada por Maack esta é característica por ter um verão quente, onde as temperaturas são superiores a 22oC no verão e com mais de 30 mm de chuva no mês mais seco

    Acute Effects of a Weight Loss Supplement on Endurance, Heart Rate, and Respiratory Exchange Ratio

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the acute effects of a weight loss supplement on endurance, heart rate (HR), and respiratory exchange ratio (RER). METHODS: Thirty-one (athletic and non-athletic) male and female subjects (male=15, female=16), between the ages of 18 and 40, were familiarized with the study protocol and performed the Bruce protocol on the first day. The study utilized a randomized, double blind, crossover, in which a subject would be given a placebo or supplement on two separate days. Each condition began with the subject reaching a hydration status at or below 1.010. Once the hydration levels were reached, the subject would receive an envelope, containing either supplement or placebo, to open and ingest 3 capsules. 30 minutes after the subject ingested the capsules, they would run on a treadmill, at 80% VO2 Max, until volitional fatigue. HR and RER were collected and monitored every three minutes during the running session. When the subject reached volitional fatigue, running time was recorded. RESULTS: There were no significant condition*time and condition*category interactions, but there were significant condition (p=.03) and time (p=.01) main effects for RER. There were also significant condition (p=.03) main effects on the endurance for non-athletic females. Significant condition*category interaction (p\u3c.01) and time main effects (p\u3c.01) were observed for HR. CONCLUSIONS: The results showed that the weight loss supplement caused a significantly higher RER during the first 15 minutes of exercise. This may have been caused by the ingestion of caffeine resulting in vasoconstriction of the blood vessels surrounding the adipose tissue, causing a decrease in fatty acid mobilization, and therefore eliciting an increase in glycogen use. The non-athletic females may have had a greater response, which could be due to the greater caffeine to body weight ratio when compared to males and a lower daily caffeine ingestion than their athletic counterparts

    Demand and Congestion in Multiplex Transportation Networks

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    Urban transportation systems are multimodal, sociotechnical systems; however, while their multimodal aspect has received extensive attention in recent literature on multiplex networks, their sociotechnical aspect has been largely neglected. We present the first study of an urban transportation system using multiplex network analysis and validated Origin-Destination travel demand, with Riyadh’s planned metro as a case study. We develop methods for analyzing the impact of additional transportation layers on existing dynamics, and show that demand structure plays key quantitative and qualitative roles. There exist fundamental geometrical limits to the metro’s impact on traffic dynamics, and the bulk of environmental accrue at metro speeds only slightly faster than those planned. We develop a simple model for informing the use of additional, “feeder” layers to maximize reductions in global congestion. Our techniques are computationally practical, easily extensible to arbitrary transportation layers with complex transfer logic, and implementable in open-source software

    Target detection in insects: optical, neural and behavioral optimizations.

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    This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conb.2016.09.001Motion vision provides important cues for many tasks. Flying insects, for example, may pursue small, fast moving targets for mating or feeding purposes, even when these are detected against self-generated optic flow. Since insects are small, with size-constrained eyes and brains, they have evolved to optimize their optical, neural and behavioral target visualization solutions. Indeed, even if evolutionarily distant insects display different pursuit strategies, target neuron physiology is strikingly similar. Furthermore, the coarse spatial resolution of the insect compound eye might actually be beneficial when it comes to detection of moving targets. In conclusion, tiny insects show higher than expected performance in target visualization tasks.Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Grant ID: FA9550-15-1-0188