11 research outputs found

    Peran Ilmu Forensik dalam Kasus-kasus Asuransi

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    Fraud and abuse is not uncommon in the field of insurance. The Coalition AgainstInsurance Fraud reported the cost of fraud in USA, which was significantly high and climbed fromyear to year. Insurance companies, especially both the Life and Health, refer their suspectedfraudulent claims to be investigated. Death verification is generally the objective of mostcontestable or suspicious death claims investigations, however some preliminary investigation findthat a case may have evolved into a criminal matter and further research is necessary. Forensicsciences in these investigations have important role

    Bukti Medis Versus Bukti Hukum

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    Medicine and Law are pragmatic and empiric activities which need evidences to prove the truth. Both evidences are based on probability, but medicine – particularly in evidence based medicine - tends to apply a scientific standard of proof, one that is claimed more certain than the standards of proof courts apply in civil and criminal proceedings. On the other hand, medicine is also called as the art of probability and the science of uncertainty


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    Untuk sebagai tambahan energi listrik di PT. PLN (Persero) Keramasan maka diperlukan sumber energi selain dari PLN untuk menghasilkan listrik salah satunya menggunakan energi matahari (Solar Cell). Solar cell yang memanfaatkan energi matahari sebagai pembangkitan listrik atau yang sering disebut PLTS (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya). Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendapatkan daya keluaran yang dihasilkan oleh solar cell dan efisiensi pada kinerja solar cell yang berpengaruh pada hasil daya keluaran listrik solar cell. Objek pada penelitian ini menggunakan solar cell tipe Polycrystalline dengan spesifikasi 250Wp dan 200Wp. Sedangkan pada rangkaiannya dilakukan variasi seri. Teknik analisis data menggunakan statistika deskriptif yaitu menggambarkan dalam bentuk tabel dan grafik. Hasil penelitian diperoleh daya keluaran tertinggi sebesar 6,11 kW dengan efisiensi sebesar 5,71%. Hasil perhitungan daya rata rata selama tujuh hari sebesar 3,35 kW. Besar kecilnya nilai efisiensi panel surya yang dihasilkan dipengaruhi oleh besar kecilnya nilai arus dan tegangan panel surya dan besar kecilnya nilai intensitas matahari yang dihasilkan terhadap kondisi cuaca

    Pendugaan Parameter Demografi dan Model Pertumbuhan Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca Fascicularis) di Pulau Peucang, Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon

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    Long tailed macaqueis one of the prospective species in International trade and still facing seriously threatened due to high demand for exporting purposes.The research was aimed at the estimation of demographic parameter and population growth model.The inventory was conducted using sensus method by concentration point Analyses were conducted on demography parameter (size and density, sex ratio,natality and mortality), and population growth model estimation. The result showed that long-tailed macaque in Peucang island, Ujung Kulon National Park (UKNP) had total population size 82 individuals, was found in 4 groups of Macaca. Population size in general was between 9 – 42 individuals/group. The age structure of the populazioln was progressive population with global sex ratio of 1 : 1,2. The life-span of long tailed macaque is beetween 0,6-0,86 depend on age structure and the general fecundity figures throughout this locationis 0.23. Fecundity ratein this research was obtained by dividing the number of individuals existing infants and compared with the individual number of productive females. The growth model of long-tailed macaquein Peucang Island was growth model adrift age


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    Long tailed macaqueis one of the prospective species in international trade and still facing seriously threatened due to high demand for exporting purposes.The research was aimed at the estimation of demographic parameter and  population growth model.The inventory was conducted using sensus method by concentration point Analyses were conducted on demography parameter (size and density, sex ratio,natality and mortality),  and population growth model estimation. The result showed that long-tailed macaque in Peucang island, Ujung Kulon National Park (UKNP) had total population size 82 individuals, was found in 4 groups of Macaca. Population size in general was between 9 – 42 individuals/group. The age structure of the populazioln was  progressive population  with global sex ratio of 1 : 1,2. The life-span of long tailed macaque  is beetween 0,6-0,86 depend on age structure and the general fecundity figures throughout this locationis 0.23. Fecundity ratein this research was obtained by dividing the number of individuals existing infants and compared with the individual number of productive females. The growth model of long-tailed macaquein Peucang Island was growth model adrift age. Keywords : Demographic parameter,Growth Model, Long-tailed macaque, Spatial distribution,Ujung Kulon National Park (UKNP)

    Pedoman Manajemen Informasi Kesehatan di Sarana Pelayanan Kesehatan

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    Buku ini memberikan pedoman mengenai 5 hal yaitu sistim kesehatan nasional, dasar teknplogi, informasi kesehatan, statistik, sistim dan teknologi informasi kesehatan serta prinsip organisasi dan supervisi.442 hal : 26 x 38 ha

    Kedaruratan Medik Edisi Revisi Pedoman Penatalaksanaan Prakti

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    445 hlm

    Kedaruratan medik

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    445 hl