17 research outputs found

    Reconstructing stakeholder relationships using ‘corporate social responsibility’ as a response strategy to cases of corporate irresponsibility: The case of the 2010 BP spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

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    Purpose When organisations behave irresponsibly, a question remains: Can they use a messaging strategy based in the organisation’s commitment social responsibility to effectively respond to the crisis? The purpose of this chapter is to analyse stakeholder attitudes and their antecedents in such a case. Because of its scope, magnitude and use of a response strategy based on messages of social responsibility, the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico serves as an excellent case for measuring the effectiveness of such a messaging strategy. Methodology/approach The present study drew from two data sources: a content analysis of interactions on BP’s Facebook page (N=1,515) as well as an image survey of BP (N=749). Findings BP’s messaging strategy had limited positive effects in terms of (1) being viewed as a ‘socially responsible’ organisation and (2) creating significant good will towards the company. However, these data also reveal that BP has effectively opened lines of communication between stakeholders and the company. Practical and social implications This study has two central implications. First, for both organisations and activists, personal investment and the relevance of issues are both critical in order to change stakeholder attitudes about organisations. Second, based on this research, we can begin to develop stakeholder profiles based on age, sex and political identity. Originality/value In the last couple of years, considerable attention has been paid to describing and analysing the response strategies that organisations deploy; however, scant attention has been paid to measuring stakeholder evaluations of those crisis response strategies

    Calculating non-controlling interest in the presence of goodwill impairment

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    Purpose - The primary aim of this paper is to illustrate how goodwill impairment loss should be accounted for when measuring non-controlling interest in subsidiaries. Design/methodology/approach - The paper uses two scenarios to illustrate how non-controlling interest in subsidiaries should be measured in the presence of goodwill impairment loss. Findings - The way the management of a reporting entity values the non-controlling interest in a subsidiary will result in different amounts being disclosed in financial statements for non-controlling interest in earnings, non-controlling interest, retained earnings and total equity. Research limitations/implications - The paper uses two scenarios to illustrate a simple consolidation with a parent entity, a subsidiary and a sub-subsidiary. Practical implications - Practical guidance on how goodwill impairment losses under International Accounting Standard 36 Impairment of Assets when measuring non-controlling interest under International Financial Reporting Standard 3 Business Combination, is provided. Originality/value - The paper corrects any misunderstanding that may exist on the impact goodwill impairment losses have on closing equity when non-controlling interest is calculated under the different methods of valuing non-controlling interest

    Uma Análise Comparativa dos Fatores de Rejeição nos Periódicos de Diferentes Estratos de Administração

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    Resumo A publicação de artigos científicos é um dos requisitos impostos aos pesquisadores brasileiros e contribui decisivamente para a reputação, mobilidade e benefícios financeiros destes. Para aferir a qualidade das publicações, a Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) criou o Sistema Qualis, que classifica os periódicos em oito estratos – de A1 (mais alto) a C (mais baixo), inferindo diferenças de qualidade dos artigos a partir dos estratos dos periódicos em que são publicados. Este artigo examina as falhas e as lacunas que representam fatores para a rejeição de artigos submetidos aos periódicos de Administração, comparando os motivos de rejeição entre periódicos de diferentes estratos. Metodologicamente, realizamos um estudo empírico com dados obtidos por questionário junto a 82 editores de periódicos de Administração. Contrariamente às expectativas, os resultados não deixam evidentes diferenças muito significativas nas lacunas que levam à rejeição de artigos entre periódicos de diferentes estratos. Este artigo tem contribuições e implicações para pesquisadores, editores e agências reguladoras. Vale destacar que o leitor atento consegue identificar os problemas e as lacunas mais frequentes e fica mais preparado para produzir melhores artigos para futuras submissões

    Toward the Theory of Enterprise: Dialogue Between Business and Economics Women Scholars

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    Studies on gender accounting are quite recent. Drawing upon criticism of dominant economic theories as developed within Feminist Economics, this paper aims to provide an original contribution to studies on gender accounting by establishing whether the (male) assumptions of the theory of the enterprise can be submitted to critical revision. As a foray into a field of research that we intend to further explore in the future, this paper focuses on the work of Italian women scholars Isa Marchini and Rosella Ferraris Franceschi. More specifically, it ponders the contribution they gave to the discipline in order to identify innovative insights that could enable original and enriching criticism to mainstream theories

    Social Accounting in Italy: The Pioneering Contribution of Women Scholars

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    The theme of women scholars‘ role and their contribution to initially promote social and environmental accounting and reporting is relatively new. Consequently there are many gaps to fill in concerning several topics developed within the aforementioned emerging research strand. Starting from this premise, the aim of this paper is to present a discussion about women ―master pioneers‖ of social accounting in Italy. The research design develops through a deductive and inductive approach. The deductive approach is based on a literature review concerning social and environmental accounting and gender accounting. The inductive approach is empirically constructed and focused on the scientific and academic career of two Italian female scholars. The comparative analysis of the two cases helps to point out the relevance of women‘s contribution as well as to ―disclose‖ their role in promoting social and environmental accounting and reporting in Italy

    Value Relevance vis-à-vis Disclosure on Business Combinations and Goodwill Recognized by Publicly Traded Brazilian Companies

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    Abstract The objective of this study is to examine the value relevance of the level of disclosure on business combinations and goodwill recognized by publicly traded Brazilian companies. The research sample is composed of publicly traded Brazilian companies that carried out any type of business combination, as the acquiring entity, between 2010 and 2013, yielding a total sample of 202 observations. To measure the disclosure level of each, a metric was created based on CPC-15 R1 (2011) to examine certain disclosure items in order to render a greater level of detail. Data collection was carried out using the footnotes to the annual consolidated standardized financial statements (DFPs) available from the São Paulo Stock Exchange (BM&FBOVESPA) website. The results revealed that disclosure levels for business combinations are positively and significantly associated with the stock price of the companies analyzed. As to the recognition of goodwill during business combinations, despite the fact that it represents a significant share of the value of the transactions, no statistical significance explaining stock price behavior was found. It also bears mentioning that the average level of disclosure identified in the explanatory notes in the sample was very low, indicating that companies need to improve when it comes to transparency of information