10 research outputs found

    Evaluación genética para características de peso en ganado Brahman comercial

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    Objective. Evaluate genetically the traits of birth weight and weaning weight in commercial Brahman cattle. Materials and methods. A total of 1.015 records of birth weight (BWT) and weaning weight adjusted to 270 days (WW270), were evaluated. Data correspond to the offspring born between 2002 and 2014 belonging to “La Envidia” farm, located in the municipality of Planeta Rica, Córdoba. A bi-character animal model that included, additive genetic effect, maternal effect and sex, month, year and age at weaning as fixed effects, was used. Genetic parameters were estimated using the MTDF-REML software. Results. The average and coefficient of variation (CV) of BWT was 29.62±3.13 kg and 10.59%, respectively. The mean and CV for WW270 was 216.71±26.97 kg and 12.45%, respectively. The estimates of direct heritability were 0.44±0.143 and 0.39±0.12 for BWT and WW270, respectively. Maternal heritability was 0.09±0.092 and 0.42±0.087 for BWT and WW270, respectively. The estimated genetic and phenotypic correlation between the evaluated characteristics was 0.11 and 0.13, respectively; with genetic progress per year of -2.02 kg for BWT and 7.81 kg for WW270. Conclusions. The estimations of heritability indicate the existence of direct additive genetic variability, evidencing the opportunity of genetic gain through selection. However, environment have a great influence on birth weight and weaning weight traits, which is why special attention should be paid to the handling and nutrition of females during pregnancy and of calves from birth to weaning.Objetivo. Evaluar genéticamente las características de peso al nacimiento y peso al destete en una población de ganado Brahman comercial. Materiales y métodos. Se analizaron 1.015 registros de peso al nacimiento (PN) y peso al destete ajustado a los 270 días (PA270) de crías entre los años 2002 y 2014 pertenecientes a la hacienda La Envidia, ubicada en el municipio de Planeta Rica-Córdoba. Se utilizó un modelo animal bi-carácter que incluyó efectos fijos de sexo, mes, año y edad al destete, efecto genético aditivo y el efecto materno, estimando los parámetros genéticos con el software MTDF-REML. Resultados. Se encontró un promedio para PN de 29.62±3.13kg y coeficiente de variación (CV) del 10.6%. La media para PA270 fue de 216.713±26.97kg y CV 12.5%. Los estimados de heredabilidad directa fueron de 0.44±0.14 y 0.39±0.12 para PN y PA270, respectivamente. La heredabilidad materna fue de 0.09±0.092 y 0.42±0.087 para PN y PA270, respectivamente. La correlación genética y fenotípica estimada entre las características evaluadas fue de 0.11 y 0.13, respectivamente; con progreso genético por año para PN de -2.02 y 7.81kg para PA270. Conclusiones. Las estimaciones de heredabilidad indican la existencia de variabilidad genética aditiva directa, evidenciando la oportunidad de ganancia genética por medio de selección. Sin embargo, las características de peso al nacer y peso del destete presentan gran influencia del ambiente, por lo cual se debe poner especial atención al manejo y la nutrición de las hembras durante la gestación y de los terneros desde el nacimiento hasta el destete

    Caracterización genética de las razas Hartón del Valle, Angus, Brangus, Holstein y Senepol en Colombia, usando 10 marcadores microsatélites

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    ABSTRACT: The objective of this paper is to establish a genetic characterization of the Senepol (S, n=49), Holstein (H, n= 60), Hartón del Valle (HV, n=60), Angus (A, n=61) and Brangus (Br, n=60) cattle breeds in Colombia, by using the following microsatellite markers: SPS115, INRA64, ETH225, ETH10, BM1824, INRA37, TGLA122, TGLA126, INRA32, and BM2113. A total of 142 alleles were obtained for ten analyzed loci, considering the five cattle breeds as a whole. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 9 (INRA64 and 1824) to 22 (TGLA122). The expected heterozygosity was between 0.79 (INRA32) and 0.90 (INRA37) in all the cattle breeds, respectively; and medium heterozygosity was 0.84. The average number of alleles per breed varied from 9.2 in the Senepol breed to 10.3 in the Holstein breed. The expected heterozygosity range varied from 0.75 in the Hartón del Valle breed and 0.82 in the Holstein breed, with an average of 0.79. Hardy Wienberg disequilibrium was observed (p>0.05) when the populations were analyzed with all the markers. All the populations presented a heterozygote deficit, which could be the result of a strong endogamy tendency within all the herds. The markers used in this study allowed a genetic characterization of the analyzed populations. The microsatellites panel in the Hartón del Valle breed should be increased in order to increase the reliability value. Microsatellite panels could solve parenthood cases for the remainder breeds.RESUMEN: El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar genéticamente las razas bovinas Senepol (S, n=49), Holstein (H, n= 60), Hartón del Valle (HV, n=60), Angus (A, n=61) y Brangus (Br, n=60) en Colombia, con los marcadores microsatélites SPS115, INRA64, ETH225, ETH10, BM1824, INRA37, TGLA122, TGLA126, INRA32 y BM2113. En total, 142 alelos fueron encontrados en los diez loci analizados, considerando las cinco razas como un todo. El número de alelos por locus estuvo entre 9 (INRA64 y BM1824) y 22 (TGLA122). La Heterocigosidad esperada a través de todas las razas varió entre 0.79 (INRA32) y 0,90 (INRA37) y heterocigosidad media esperada de 0.84. El número promedio de alelos por raza varió de 9.2 en la raza S a 10.3 en la raza H. El rango de la Heterocigosidad esperada entre las razas varió entre 0.75 en la raza HV y 0.82 en la raza H, con una media de 0.79. Al analizar las poblaciones con el total de marcadores, todas se encontraron en desequilibrio de Hardy Weinberg (p>0.05). Todas las poblaciones presentaron un déficit de heterocigotos, para todas las poblaciones, lo que podría ser el resultado de la fuerte tendencia a la endogamia dentro de los diferentes hatos. Los resultados indicaron que los marcadores utilizados en este estudio permitieron caracterizar genéticamente las poblaciones analizadas. En el caso de la Raza HV, se debe aumentar el panel de microsatélites para aumentar el valor de confiabilidad. Para las demás razas el panel de microsatélites permitiría resolver casos de filiación

    Study of hifi polymorphisms of the Pit-1 gene and their associations with type traits, milk yield and days open in holstein cows from Antioquia, Colombia

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    ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to determine allele and phenotypic frequencies for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of exon VI in the Pit-1 gene and their associations with type traits, milk yield, and days open. A total of 390 Holstein cows from Antioquia (Colombia) were genotyped for the Pit-1 Hin polymorphism by PCR-RFLP. We found AA, AB, and BB genotypes with a frequency of 0.03, 0.43, and 0.53, respectively. The A allele frequency was 0.35 and its presence in the genotype was associated with higher milk production, udder depth and body depth; the absence of the A allele in the genotype was associated with fewer days open. This study indicates that it is possible to develop breeding programs using the Pit-1 gene in Holstein cattle in the department of Antioquia.RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar las frecuencias alélicas y fenotípicas del polimorfismo de nucleótido simple (SNP) del exón VI del gen Pit-1 y su asociación con características de tipo, producción de leche y días abiertos. Se muestrearon un total de 390 vacas Holstein del departamento de Antioquia (Colombia), genotipificadas para el polimorfismo Hin de Pit-1 por PCR-RFLP. Se encontraron los genotipos AA, AB y BB con frecuencia de 0,03, 0,43 y 0,53, respectivamente. El alelo A tuvo frecuencia de 0,35 y su presencia en el genotipo se asoció con mayor producción de leche, profundidad de la ubre y del cuerpo; la ausencia del alelo A en el genotipo se asoció con menores días abiertos. Este estudio indica que es posible desarrollar programas de selección usando el gen Pit-1 en bovinos Holstein del departamento de Antioquia

    Longitudinal data analysis of polymorphisms in the κ-casein and β-lactoglobulin genes shows differential effects along the trajectory of the lactation curve in tropical dairy goats

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    The κ-casein (CSN-3) and β-lactoglobulin (BLG) genes are extensively polymorphic in ruminants. Several association studies have estimated the effects of polymorphisms in these genes on milk yield, milk composition, and cheese-manufacturing properties. Usually, these results are based on production integrated over the lactation curve or on cross-sectional studies at specific days in milk (DIM). However, as differential expression of milk protein genes occurs over lactation, the effect of the polymorphisms may change over time. In this study, we fitted a mixed-effects regression model to test-day records of milk yield and milk quality traits (fat, protein, and total solids yields) from Colombian tropical dairy goats. We used the well-characterized A/B polymorphisms in the CSN-3 and BLG genes. We argued that this approach provided more efficient estimators than cross-sectional designs, given the same number and pattern of observations, and allowed exclusion of between-subject variation from model error. The BLG genotype AA showed a greater performance than the BB genotype for all traits along the whole lactation curve, whereas the heterozygote showed an intermediate performance. We observed no such constant pattern for the CSN-3 gene between the AA homozygote and the heterozygote (the BB genotype was absent from the sample). The differences among the genotypic effects of the BLG and the CSN-3 polymorphisms were statistically significant during peak and mid lactation (around 40–160 DIM) for the BLG gene and only for mid lactation (80–145 DIM) for the CSN-3 gene. We also estimated the additive and dominant effects of the BLG locus. The locus showed a statistically significant additive behavior along the whole lactation trajectory for all quality traits, whereas for milk yield the effect was not significant at later stages. In turn, we detected a statistically significant dominance effect only for fat yield in the early and peak stages of lactation (at about 1–45 DIM). The longitudinal analysis of test-day records allowed us to estimate the differential effects of polymorphisms along the lactation curve, pointing toward stages that could be affected by the gene.Facultad de Ciencias VeterinariasInstituto de Genética Veterinari

    Associação de SNPs nos genes para κ-caseína e β-lactoglobulina com curvas de lactação em cabras leiteiras

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar o modelo com melhor ajuste aos dados de produção de leite, gordura, proteína e sólidos totais para cabras leiteiras, bem como associar polimorfismos de nucleotídeo único (SNPs) nos genes para κ-caseína (κ-CSN3) e β-lactoglobulina (β-LG) aos parâmetros das curvas de produção e qualidade do leite. Foram avaliados 4.160 registros de produção de leite, gordura, proteína e sólidos totais de cabras das raças Alpina, Saanen e mestiça, no Estado de Antioquia, na Colômbia. Os modelos não lineares com melhor ajuste à estrutura dos dados foram os de Nelder, para produção de leite, e de Cappio-Borlino, para qualidade do leite. As análises de associação mostraram efeito significativo do SNP κ-CSN3 sobre o pico de produção, a produção inicial e a persistência das características qualitativas do leite. Já o SNP β-LG apresentou efeito significativo sobre os picos de produção de leite e gordura, e sobre o tempo necessário para atingir o pico de produção de proteína. A identificação e a estimação da influência dos marcadores SNP avaliados sobre as curvas de lactação e a qualidade do leite podem contribuir para a seleção de caprinos leiteiros

    Longitudinal data analysis of polymorphisms in the κ-casein and β-lactoglobulin genes shows differential effects along the trajectory of the lactation curve in tropical dairy goats

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    The κ-casein (CSN-3) and β-lactoglobulin (BLG) genes are extensively polymorphic in ruminants. Several association studies have estimated the effects of polymorphisms in these genes on milk yield, milk composition, and cheese-manufacturing properties. Usually, these results are based on production integrated over the lactation curve or on cross-sectional studies at specific days in milk (DIM). However, as differential expression of milk protein genes occurs over lactation, the effect of the polymorphisms may change over time. In this study, we fitted a mixed-effects regression model to test-day records of milk yield and milk quality traits (fat, protein, and total solids yields) from Colombian tropical dairy goats. We used the well-characterized A/B polymorphisms in the CSN-3 and BLG genes. We argued that this approach provided more efficient estimators than cross-sectional designs, given the same number and pattern of observations, and allowed exclusion of between-subject variation from model error. The BLG genotype AA showed a greater performance than the BB genotype for all traits along the whole lactation curve, whereas the heterozygote showed an intermediate performance. We observed no such constant pattern for the CSN-3 gene between the AA homozygote and the heterozygote (the BB genotype was absent from the sample). The differences among the genotypic effects of the BLG and the CSN-3 polymorphisms were statistically significant during peak and mid lactation (around 40–160 DIM) for the BLG gene and only for mid lactation (80–145 DIM) for the CSN-3 gene. We also estimated the additive and dominant effects of the BLG locus. The locus showed a statistically significant additive behavior along the whole lactation trajectory for all quality traits, whereas for milk yield the effect was not significant at later stages. In turn, we detected a statistically significant dominance effect only for fat yield in the early and peak stages of lactation (at about 1–45 DIM). The longitudinal analysis of test-day records allowed us to estimate the differential effects of polymorphisms along the lactation curve, pointing toward stages that could be affected by the gene.Facultad de Ciencias VeterinariasInstituto de Genética Veterinari

    Longitudinal data analysis of polymorphisms in the κ-casein and β-lactoglobulin genes shows differential effects along the trajectory of the lactation curve in tropical dairy goats

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    The κ-casein (CSN-3) and β-lactoglobulin (BLG) genes are extensively polymorphic in ruminants. Several association studies have estimated the effects of polymorphisms in these genes on milk yield, milk composition, and cheese-manufacturing properties. Usually, these results are based on production integrated over the lactation curve or on cross-sectional studies at specific days in milk (DIM). However, as differential expression of milk protein genes occurs over lactation, the effect of the polymorphisms may change over time. In this study, we fitted a mixed-effects regression model to test-day records of milk yield and milk quality traits (fat, protein, and total solids yields) from Colombian tropical dairy goats. We used the well-characterized A/B polymorphisms in the CSN-3 and BLG genes. We argued that this approach provided more efficient estimators than cross-sectional designs, given the same number and pattern of observations, and allowed exclusion of between-subject variation from model error. The BLG genotype AA showed a greater performance than the BB genotype for all traits along the whole lactation curve, whereas the heterozygote showed an intermediate performance. We observed no such constant pattern for the CSN-3 gene between the AA homozygote and the heterozygote (the BB genotype was absent from the sample). The differences among the genotypic effects of the BLG and the CSN-3 polymorphisms were statistically significant during peak and mid lactation (around 40–160 DIM) for the BLG gene and only for mid lactation (80–145 DIM) for the CSN-3 gene. We also estimated the additive and dominant effects of the BLG locus. The locus showed a statistically significant additive behavior along the whole lactation trajectory for all quality traits, whereas for milk yield the effect was not significant at later stages. In turn, we detected a statistically significant dominance effect only for fat yield in the early and peak stages of lactation (at about 1–45 DIM). The longitudinal analysis of test-day records allowed us to estimate the differential effects of polymorphisms along the lactation curve, pointing toward stages that could be affected by the gene.Fil: Calvo Cardona, Samir Julián. Universidad de Antioquia; ColombiaFil: Cardona Cadavid, Henry. Universidad de Antioquia; ColombiaFil: Corrales, Juan David. Universidad de La Salle; Colombia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento de Producción Animal; ArgentinaFil: Munilla Leguizamon, Sebastian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento de Producción Animal; ArgentinaFil: Cantet, Rodolfo Juan Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Unidad Ejecutora de Investigaciones en Producción Animal. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Unidad Ejecutora de Investigaciones en Producción Animal; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento de Producción Animal; ArgentinaFil: Rogberg Muñoz, Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - La Plata. Instituto de Genética Veterinaria Ing. Fernando Noel Dulout; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento de Producción Animal; Argentin