19 research outputs found

    The Yield Gap Maize under Intensive Cropping System in Central Java

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    The study aimed to estimate the level of the yield gaps of maize in major producing areas, point out the causes of yield gaps in farmers’ maize fields, and identify opportunities to the existing yield gaps through management practices of maize production in Central Java. This is the strategy for closing the existing yield gaps to achieve food self-sufficiency in agricultural land. Methods to estimates the yield gaps should cover data sources on physical conditions (weather and soil), management practices, and smallholder shapes. The relevant methods for estimating actual yields (Ya), potential (Yp), and water-limited (Yw) were compared. The yield gaps of maize under intensive cropping systems in rainfed ecosystems resulted in significant differences in all cultivation situations. The lowland rainfed maize showed Ya, Yp, and Yw values of 5.57, 12.83, and 12.47 ton/ha, respectively. The major causes of the yield gaps include variety, land preparation, and water issues concerned with the limited water inputs

    Evaluasi Lapang Rekomendasi Pemupukan Padi Sawah Berdasarkan Pemupukan Hara Spesifik Lokasi Berbasis Internet di Jawa Tengah Indonesia

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    At the recent, guide of Site Specific of Nutrient Management (SSNM) was developed by International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in collaboration with Indonesia Agency for Agriculture Research and Development (IAARD) through online media based on internet website. To establish this recommendation technology, field evaluation of SSNM online application based on NM-Rice website was conducted. The assessment was conducted in Trayu and Dukuh Village of Banyudono Sub District of Boyolali District of Central Java Indonesia on dry season 2013 (May-September 2013). The assessment result showed that SSNM rice yield of about 63,2% of farmers in Trayu Village higher than FFP. Yield gap difference of SSNM online varied about 1-20% higher than FFP, whereas the others are almost similar until lower than FFP yield, by variation about 1-11%. The assessment of fertilizer recommendation in Dukuh Village showed that only about 33,3% of farmers cooperator have SSNM yield higher than FFP. Whereas, the others have SSNM online yield lower than FFP which its involved about 10% of farmers have similar yield between SSNM and FFP. An average of NPK rate of SSNM online in Trayu Village is lower than FFP. SSNM online rate for N fertilizer recommendation in this location are about 133 kg/ha  (93,9% lower than FFP), P2O5 about 38 kg/ha (73,8% lower than FFP), and K2O about 38 kg/ha (14,5% lower than FFP). Whereas in Dukuh Village, N rate of SSNM online recommendation are about 131 kg/ha (109,7% lower than FFP), P2O5 about 31 kg/ha (29,3% higher than FFP) and K2O about 30 kg/ha (63,3% higher than FFP). Generally, fertilizer recommendation based on SSNM online have benefit about 4,43% from existing

    Peningkatan Ketersediaan Phosphat pada Tanah Masam Melalui Inokulasi BPF dan Penambahan Bahan Organik

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    Minarsih S, Samijan S, Arianti FD. 2020. Increasing the availability of phosphate in acid soils through inoculation of phosphate solubilizing bacteria and adding organic matter to the soil. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-8 Tahun 2020, Palembang  20 Oktober 2020. pp. xx.  Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Phosphate is one of the macro elements whose availability is limited in acid soils because it is bound by soil minerals. Phosphate solubilizing bacteria are able to dissolve phosphate bound by soil minerals so that its availability increases, the addition of organic matter is also able to increase the availability of phosphate through organic acids resulting from its decomposition. This study aims to determine the types of phosphate solubilizing bacteria and kinds of organic matter that can increase the availability of phosphate in the soil. The experiment was carried out in the greenhouse of Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. Using a completely randomized design with 2 factors. Factor I was the inoculation of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria consisting of 3 levels, namely without inoculation of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (I0), Bacillus subtilis inoculation (I1), and Pseudomonas fluorescent inoculation (I2). The second factor are the type of organic material consisting of 4 levels, namely: no organic matter (B0), rice straw (B1), Tithonia diversifolia (B2), and Leucaena leucochepala (B3). The results showed that the use of Tithonia diversifolia organic matter independently proved to be the most effective in increasing available P in the soil by 261%. Bacillus subtilis combined with organic rice straw was able to increase the availability of P by 169%, then followed by the combination of Bacillus subtilis with organic material Tithonia diversifolia was able to increase P by 155% and the combination of Bacillus subtilis with Leucaena leucochepala increased P by 23%

    Evaluasi Lapang Rekomendasi Pemupukan Padi Sawah Berdasarkan Pemupukan Hara Spesifik Lokasi Berbasis Internet di Jawa Tengah Indonesia

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    At the recent, guide of Site Specific of Nutrient Management (SSNM) was developed by International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in collaboration with Indonesia Agency for Agriculture Research and Development (IAARD) through online media based on internet website. To establish this recommendation technology, field evaluation of SSNM online application based on NM-Rice website was conducted. The assessment was conducted in Trayu and Dukuh Village of Banyudono Sub District of Boyolali District of Central Java Indonesia on dry season 2013 (May-September 2013). The assessment result showed that SSNM rice yield of about 63,2% of farmers in Trayu Village higher than FFP. Yield gap difference of SSNM online varied about 1-20% higher than FFP, whereas the others are almost similar until lower than FFP yield, by variation about 1-11%. The assessment of fertilizer recommendation in Dukuh Village showed that only about 33,3% of farmers cooperator have SSNM yield higher than FFP. Whereas, the others have SSNM online yield lower than FFP which its involved about 10% of farmers have similar yield between SSNM and FFP. An average of NPK rate of SSNM online in Trayu Village is lower than FFP. SSNM online rate for N fertilizer recommendation in this location are about 133 kg/ha  (93,9% lower than FFP), P2O5 about 38 kg/ha (73,8% lower than FFP), and K2O about 38 kg/ha (14,5% lower than FFP). Whereas in Dukuh Village, N rate of SSNM online recommendation are about 131 kg/ha (109,7% lower than FFP), P2O5 about 31 kg/ha (29,3% higher than FFP) and K2O about 30 kg/ha (63,3% higher than FFP). Generally, fertilizer recommendation based on SSNM online have benefit about 4,43% from existing.</p


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    The physical and chemical properties of the growing medium for root trainer of rubber are critical to support plant growth. This study aimed to obtain the best medium for growing rootstock rubber seedlings in the root trainer.  Rubber clone PR 300 seeds were germinated for 21 days, then raised in root trainer pots for five months. The treatments evaluated were a mixture of cocopeat, Rawapening peat, and manure at different ratios.  The experiment was designed in a Randomized Block Design, three replications, 30 plants per replicate, totaling 720 plants. The observed variables were N, P, K, Mg, C-organic content, pH, and cation exchange capacity of cocopeat, peat, and manure, as well as plant growth (height, stem diameter, wet weight, and dry weight). ANOVA used for analyzing data, followed with the Duncan Multiple Range Test at 5% level. The results showed that there were three best root trainer media for PR 300 rubber rootstock seedlings were a mixture of cocopeat + peat (1:1), cocopeat + peat + manure (1:2:1), and cocopeat + peat + manure (2:1:1). The growth and compactness of the roots are outstanding, so the seedlings are easily removed from the root trainer pots without significant damage. Based on the initiation and cost, the best root trainer medium is a mixture of cocopeat + peat + manure (1: 2:1). It is necessary to study the use of other types of peat soils apart from Rawapening. Also, it needs to be observed further plant growth after inoculation with the stem and after planting in the field.Keywords : Planting medium, Rawapening peat, rubber clone PR 300


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    ABSTRAKErupsi Gunung Merapi mengakibatkan rusaknya sarana dan prasarana budidaya perikanan serta kuantitas dan kualitas air yang menurun di Kabupaten Magelang. Tujuan dari kegiatan Ipteks bagi Masyarakat (IbM) ini adalah penerapan teknologi budidaya ikan lele dumbo secara super intensif melalui aplikasi probiotik pada pakan dan penumbuhan bioflok pada media pemeliharaan. Program di bidang Budidaya Perikanan ini perlu dilakukan melalui kerjasama dengan dua mitra yaitu Kelompok Pembudidaya Ikan Mina Sentosa di Desa Bojong dan Kelompok Pembudidaya Ikan Mitra Mina di Desa Ngrajek, Kecamatan Mungkid, Kabupaten Magelang. Hasil yang telah dicapai dalam kegiatan IbM ini setelah dilakukan perbaikan fisik dan non fisik adalah a) Peningkatan IPTEKS Kelompok Pembudidaya Ikan (Pokdakan) pembesaran lele dari tingkat teknologi sederhana menjadi teknologi intensif-super intensif dengan aplikasi probiotikdan biofok; b) Peningkatan kelulushidupan (SR) menjadi 95% dan penurunan FCR dari 1,1 menjadi 0,8; 3; c) Peningkatan produksi dan nilai produksi dari 10-15 kg/m3 menjadi 50-60 kg/m3 dan d) Peningkatan keuntungan dan pendapatan sebesar 445%. Oleh karena itu perlu sosialisasi penerapan teknologi ini ke pokdakan lain melalui program Minapolitan di Kabupaten Magelang dan perlunya pendampingan dan pembinaan kerjasama antara pembenih, pembesar, penanganan pasca panen dan pemasaran oleh dinas terkait

    Axillary shoots derived from shoot tips in in vitro mass propagation of Anoectochilus formosanus Hayata

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    Axillary shoot proliferation in in vitro mass propagation of Anoectochilus formosanus was successfully established via selection of different explant types, accessions and culture media to plantlet acclimatization. In the initiation stage, shoot tips and Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium containing 1.5 mg l-1 N6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and 0.25 mg l-1 α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) were determined as high potential explant and medium for axillary shoot regeneration of A-1 and A-2 accessions of A. formosanus compared to others. High axillary shoots up to 7.0 shoots per explant with 1.0 cm shoot height and 9.8 leaves per explant derived from shoot tip explants of A-1 accession were signifycantly induced and proliferated in MS medium supplemented with 1.25 mg l-1 BAP and 0.25 mg l-1 NAA. Higher root formation up to 2.4 roots per shoot and 1.0 cm root length of A-1 accession was easily prepared on Hyponex medium (2 g l-1 20N:20P:20K) containing 150 ml l-1 coconut water (CW). While high survival rate of acclimatized plantlets as high as 90.4 % was successfully done by planting them in plastic boxes containing a mixture of burned rice-husk and organic manure (1:1, v/v) after 2 months. In the study, it was also revealed that in in vitro culture of A-1 accession of A. formosanus showed higher response compared to A-2 accession in all in vitro culture stages. The successful established protocol expected can be applied for preparing high-quality planting materials for commercial purposes and developing new route of in vitro mass propagation for other species of A. formosanus


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    WeRise merupakan teknologi (IRRI-JIRCAS-Badan Litbang Pertanian) spesifik tadah hujan yang membantu petani menentukan waktu tanam yang tepat sesuai distribusi hujan dan varietas yang diinginkan. Penelitian dilakukan di Nusa Tenggara Barat dan Jawa Tengah tahun 2018 dengan melibatkan 15 petani di setiap lokasi. Kegiatan ini membandingkan pertanaman dengan waktu tanam sesuai rekomendasi WeRise (1) dan sesuai kebiasaan petani (2), menggunakan varietas yang sama yaitu Inpari 41 yang merupakan VUB spesifik lahan tadah hujan. Pengaruh perlakuan dianalisis mengunakan Uji T pada taraf 5%. Prediksi waktu tanam terbaik sesuai hasil rekomendasi WeRise di NTB pada ± 1 Desember 2018, sedangkan kesepakatan waktu tanam petani dilakukan pada ± 15 November 2018. Sementara itu, hasil rekomendasi WeRise di Jawa Tengah ternyata sama dengan petani, yaitu pada tanggal ± 15 November 2018. Namun demikian, pengujian tetap dilaksanakan mengikuti alternatif rekomendasi kedua/ketiga meskipun prediksi hasilnya lebih rendah (1 Desember 2018). Hal ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh informasi tingkat validitas aplikasi WeRise terhadap tingkat hasil. Hasil gabah dari perlakuan WeRise dan praktek petani tidak berbeda nyata dengan rata-rata hasil sebesar 5,01 t ha-1 untuk perlakuan WeRise dan 4,84 t ha-1 untuk praktek petani di Jawa Tengah dan rata-rata hasil sebesar 5,44 t ha-1 untuk perlakuan WeRise dan 5,65 t ha-1 untuk praktek petani di NTB. Artinya pada validasi awal ini WeRise sudah menunjukkan performa yang cukup baik dengan hasil setara dengan petani. Namun diduga prediksi Werise di Jawa Tengah masih terlalu rendah atau hanya 54% dari hasil riil, sedangkan prediksi di NTB mencapai 102%.WeRise is a rainfed specific technology (IRRI-JIRCAS-IAARD) that helps farmers to determine planting time according to rainfall distribution and specific variety. The research was conducted in West Nusa Tenggara (WNT) and Central Java at 2018, involving 15 farmers in each location. It compared planting time according to WeRise’s recommendation (1) and farmers’ practice (2), using the same variety, namely Inpari 41, which is a specific high yielding variety for rainfed. It was analyzed using the T test at the 5% level. The best WeRise’s recommendations in WNT was ± 1 December 2018, while farmers’ planting time was carried out on ± 15 November 2018. Meanwhile, in Central Java WeRise’s recommendations was same as the farmers, on ± 15 November 2018. However, testing was still carried out following the second / third alternative WeRise recommendation even though the yield prediction were lower (1 December 2018). The yield from WeRise treatment and farmer practices was not significantly different with an average yield of 5.01 t ha-1 for the WeRise treatment and 4.84 t ha-1 for farmer practice in Central Java and an average yield of 5.44 t ha-1 for the WeRise treatment and 5.65 t ha-1 for farmer practice in WNT. This means that in this initial validation WeRise had shown a fairly good performance with equivalent yield to farmers. However, it was suspected that Werise’s prediction in Central Java was still too low or 54% lower than the actual yield, while the prediction in NTB reaches 102%