488 research outputs found

    Assessment of adsorption kinetics for removal Copper Ions from aqueous solutions using Egg Shells as a Bioabsorbent

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    Adsorption process kinetics study showed the possibility of using egg shell as a natural adsorbent, and this has had a high effectiveness in eliminating ions of Cu ion from water solution. The experiments were conducted in a temperature range of 293 - 323 K, with the initial concentration of Cu ions of 5 mg/L and adsorbent of 5 mg/L. At during in experiments, pH Solution value was set to 6, and the amount of absorbed ions was determined the following time interactions: 10, 30, 40, 60, and 120 minutes. The experiments were conducted in an electric shaker, at 200 rpm speed. The data the pseudo-second row model depends on the value of the correlation coefficient (R2), The results data suggest that this model describes the adsorption system well when the correlation coefficient R2 > 0.900. which indicates that this model is more applicable and better describes the examined adsorption processes in this study and speed of interacting with adsorbent and active places present on the surface of the biosphere

    Use Of Eggshell As Adsorbent In Elimination Of Pb (Ii) And Cd (Ii) From Aqueous Solutions

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    Excessive discharge of toxic metals into water surfaces as a result of increased production has become the main ecological problem due to the lack of efficiency of techniques that would deal with industrial liquid waste. These metals accumulate at high toxicity levels and cause a serious impact on aquatic organisms without a visible sign. They can cause poisoning or toxic effects even in lower concentrations. Therefore, these toxic heavy metals include cadmium, manganese, copper, lead, nickel, cobalt and chromium. They are highly toxic metals when they are brought into the body and have a direct effect on humans and animals, and indirectly through the food chain. In this paper, a study was carried out to investigate the possibility of using lower biomass wastes in powdered sintered (egg shell) adsorption of lead metal Pb (II) lead, Cd (II) from aqueous solutions, and the effect of the initial concentration Pb (II) , Cd (II) on the adsorption efficiency on the surface of sintered (egg shell)

    Observations on rift valley fever virus and vaccines in Egypt

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    Rift Valley Fever virus (RVFV, genus: Phlebovirus, family: Bunyaviridae), is an arbovirus which causes significant morbidity and mortality in animals and humans. RVFV was introduced for the first time in Egypt in 1977. In endemic areas, the insect vector control and vaccination is considering appropriate measures if applied properly and the used vaccine is completely safe and the vaccination programs cover all the susceptible animals. Egypt is importing livestock and camels from the African Horn & the Sudan for human consumption. The imported livestock and camels were usually not vaccinated against RVFV. But in rare occasions, the imported livestock were vaccinated but with unknown date of vaccination and the unvaccinated control contacts were unavailable for laboratory investigations. Also, large number of the imported livestock and camels are often escaped slaughtering for breeding which led to the spread of new strains of FMD and the introduction of RVFV from the enzootic African countries. This article provide general picture about the present situation of RVFV in Egypt to help in controlling this important disease

    Le financement de la politique de l’eau en AlgĂ©rie: analyse du budget d’équipement du secteur de l’hydraulique de 1990 Ă  2013

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    Ces derniĂšres annĂ©es en AlgĂ©rie, d’importants investissements dans les infrastructures de mobilisation, d’adduction et de distribution de l’eau ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s (barrages, transferts et dessalement de l’eau de mer). Cet article prĂ©sente une analyse du budget d’équipement destinĂ© au secteur des ressources en eau Ă  partir de 1990. Les rĂ©sultats de notre analyse montrent d’abord une sous consommation du budget Ă  partir de l’annĂ©e 2000, due aux faibles capacitĂ©s d’absorption du secteur, ensuite l’accaparement par le sous-secteur de l’AEP/adduction de la part la plus importante avec une moyenne de 56% (2005-2013) de la consommation totale du secteur. Le dĂ©veloppement de l’AEP/adduction s’est fait au dĂ©triment des autres sous-secteurs, notamment celui de l’irrigation qui n’a bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© que de 4% des dĂ©penses globales.Mots clĂ©s: Budget d’équipement, Secteur de l’hydraulique, AlgĂ©rieJEL Classification : H61, Q25, Q2

    Artificial Intelligence Investing in Academic Libraries: Reality and Challenges

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    This study deals with the changes that occur because of the artificial intelligence techniques in academic libraries, using the survey method (descriptive and analytical) in describing and analyzing the reality of employing and using artificial intelligence technology in Saudi academic libraries, and the extent of the libraries\u27 readiness to invest this technology and the challenges they face. The study concludes that there is a lack of physical equipment that is available inside the headquarters of academic libraries for technological development, and this explains the result related to the weak awareness of the concept of artificial intelligence among the majority of workers in those libraries by 69%

    Bacillus Thuringiensis Var. Aizawai HD-137 as a Potential Agent for Biological Control

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    Four strains of Bacillus thuringiensis were screened for their chitinolytic activity on colloidal chitin. B. thuringiensis var. aizawai HD-137 with the GenBank accession number HM173355 showed the highest chitinase activity, which was recorded after 2 days of incubation. The optimum condition for high chitinase production was Nutrient Yeast extract, Salt Medium, NYSM, with 0.2% colloidal chitin, two days of incubation, pH 6 and 30°C. The novel strain B. thuringiensis var. aizawai HD-137 is also considered as a powerful phytopathogenic control agent in which it showed inhibition of the mycelial growth of some phytopathogenic fungi, Alternaria solani, Rhizopus B1 and B2, Fusarium solani and Aspergillus flavus. The clear zones of mycelial inhibition ranged from 12 to 19mm. The partial nucleotides sequence of chitinase gene from B. thuringiensis var. aizawai HD-137 showed similarities to the chitinase producing bacteria in the GenBank, and it was more related to B. thuringiensis (AB699714, GQ921840 and GQ921842) and B. ehimensis chi60 (AB110081). It is obvious that the B. thuringiensis var. aizawai HD-137 is considered as a significant biocontrol agent against phytopathogenic fungi

    Agreement between Serology and Histology for detection of Helicobacter pylori infection

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    Objective: To determine the percentage agreement between serology and histology for detection of Helicobacter (H.) pylori infection. Study Design: Cross-sectional analytical study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Pathology and Microbiology, The Aga Khan University and Hospital, Karachi, from January to December 2009. Methodology: Fifty subjects were selected by non-probability purposive sampling from laboratory data who had serological testing of H. pylori IgG antibody, prior to histological evaluation of endoscopic gastric or/and duodenal biopsies. Serological Quantification of H. pylori IgG was carried out with HpG screen ELISA kit (Genesis Diagnostics, UK), using an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for detection of IgG antibodies against H. pylori. Manufacturer\u27s recommended cutoff value was used and results were considered positive when greater than 7 U/ml. For histological diagnosis, an expert histopathologist characterized the presence of spiral bacteria in the mucosal layer or the surface of epithelial cells on microscopic examination, as a positive test. Results: An agreement of 0.72 was found by Kappa statistics between serology and histopathology results and a good diagnostic accuracy (86%) of serological testing was observed for the diagnosis of H. pylori infection. Conclusion: A substantial agreement was found between serology and histopathology results to detect the H. pylori infection. Laboratory-based serologic testing using ELISA technology to detect IgG antibodies is inexpensive, noninvasive and convenient method to detect the H. pylori infection in primary care setting
