1,791 research outputs found

    Analisis kebijakan moneter Islam M. Umer Chapra

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    ABSTRAKSI Penulis : Mitra Sami Gultom NIM : 91212042728 Pembimbing : 1. Prof. Dr. Amiur Nuruddin, MA 2. Dr. Saparuddin Siregar, SE. Ak. M.Ag Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsep pemikiran M.Umer Chapra yang bercorak inventarisasi, yakni mengumpulkan karya M.Umer Chapra yang berhubungan dengan moneter Islam. Secara lebih khusus penelitian ini ingin mengetahui 1) strategi pengembangan moneter M.Umer Chapra, 2) sumber pengembangan moneter M.Umer Chapra, 3) instrument kebijakan moneter M.Umer Chapra. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi kepada sumber primer dan sekunder. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tokoh atau penelitian biografis. Pendekatan yang digunakan ialah pendekatan sejarah (historical approach). Adapun dalam pencarian data, penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian pustaka (library research) dengan membaca karya-karya M.Umer Chapra sebagai sumber pokok dan sumber pendukung. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan perbedaan yang paling signifikan antara kebijakan moneter konvensional dan Islam ialah dari instrumen kebijakan moneternya. Kebijakan moneter konvensional menggunakan variabel suku bunga sebagai stabilator instrumen kebijakan moneternya, antara lain: (1) Operasi pasar terbuka, (2) Fasilitas diskonto, (3) Rasio cadangan wajib, dan (4) Imbauan moral. Sedangkan Instrumen kebijakan moneter Islam menekankan pada instrumen yang terbebas dari variabel suku bunga, M.Umer Chapra menjelaskan mengenai instrument kebijakan moneter yang tidak menggunakan variabel bunga, diantara instrument tersebut ialah: (1) Target pertumbuhan dalam M dan M0, (2) Saham publik terhadap deposito unjuk (uang giral), (3) Cadangan wajib resmi, (4) pembatasan kredit, (5) Alokasi kredit yang berorientasi kepada nilai, dan (6) Teknik yang lain. Semua instrumen itu memiliki karakteristik dan proses kerja berbeda, yang sesungguhnya dirancang atas asumsi situasi ekonomi yang sedang atau akan terjadi. Instrumen (1) Target pertumbuhan M dan M0, merupakan instrument kebijakan moneter dalam rangka mengatur jumlah uang beredar dengan melakukan tiga alokasi jumlah uang yang ada. Alokasi tersebut dibagi untuk pemerintah, bank komersial, dan LKS lainnya. Dan harus sesuai dengan target pertumbuhan yang telah ditentukan, sehingga jumlah uang beredar tidak akan berlebihan atau kekurangan Instrument (2) Saham publik terhadap deposito unjuk, diartikan sebagai langkah instrumen kebijakan moneter dengan menganjurkan adanya mobilisasi dana dari bank komersil yang terkumpul dalam deposito untuk dialirkan kepada pemerintah, sehingga pemerintah memilki pendapatan lain selain pajak yang akan dgunakan untuk membiayai proyek-proyek kesejahteraan sosial, sehingga pada akhirnya akan meningkatkan optimalisasi output (GDP) dan stabilisasi harga. Instrument (3) dan instrument (4) dihadirkan hampir sejenis dengan instrument pada kebijakan konvensional, akan tetapi yang membedakan ialah tingkat suku bunganya. Pada instrument (3) ini, ketika pemerintah ingin melakukan monetary expansive maka rasio cadangan wajib diturunkan, sedangkan ketika kebijakan yang diambil ialah monetary contractive maka langkah yang dilakukan ialah sebaliknya. Selanjutnya di instrument (4) otoritas moneter membuat batasan atas alokasi kredit yang harus dikucurkan, baik dalam keadaan ekonomi booming ataupun resesi. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menghindari adanya decoupling (kesenjangan sektor moneter-sektor riil), sehingga roda perekonomian akan berjalan beriringan. Intrumen (4) Pembatasan kredit, dilakukan berbarengan dengan instrument (5) Alokasi kredit yang berorientasi pada nilai. Berorientasi pada nilai dimaknai dengan kegiatan kredit yang dikucurkan bagi kegiatan-kegitan masyarakat dalam menyediakan barang/jasa yang dibutuhkan bersama dan alokasi bagi kegiatan wirausaha untuk usaha kecil dan menengah (UMKM).Terakhir instrumen (6) tekhnik lain, dilakukan dengan cara-cara lain yang mampu dan telah banyak digunakan di negara islam lainnya, antara lain moral suasion, OMO (SUKUK), Refinance ratio, dan rasio peminjaman. Dengan sejumlah intrumen berdasarkan pemikiran Umer Chapra ini, Islam dapat menjalankan kebijakan moneternya dengan tanpa menggunakan variabel bunga. Penjelasan mengenai bagaimana instrument-instrumen dalam kebijakan moneter Islam bekerja dalam mengatur peredaran jumlah uang beredar

    Financial Attitude and Spiritual Intelligence as Predictors of Financial Management Behavior in LAZISMU Employees Muhammadiyah Center

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    Introduction to The Problem: Indonesian people have a low level of financial management, because in general they have not been able to place which ones are needs and which ones are desires.Purpose/Objective Study: This study aims to see the influence of financial attitude on financial management behavior in employees of LAZISMU Muhammadiyah Center and also the influence of spiritual intelligence on financial management behavior on employees of LAZISMU Employees Muhammadiyah Center.Design/Methodology/Approach: The type of research used is quantitative with a causality approach. The population in this study was all employees of LAZISMU Muhammadiyah Center, so that as many as 55 respondents were obtained after sampling with purposive sampling. Data analysis techniques use multiple linear regression.Findings: The results showed that Financial Attitude has a positive and significant effect on Financial Management Behavior and similarly Spiritual Intelligence also has a positive and significant effect on Financial Management Behavior. The results of this study on an R2 basis had a considerable influence, namely 70.6% while the remaining 29.4% of other factors outside this study

    Angular Momentum Distribution Function of the Laughlin Droplet

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    We have evaluated the angular-momentum distribution functions for finite numbers of electrons in Laughlin states. For very small numbers of electrons the angular-momentum state occupation numbers have been evaluated exactly while for larger numbers of electrons they have been obtained from Monte-Carlo estimates of the one-particle density matrix. An exact relationship, valid for any number of electrons, has been derived for the ratio of the occupation numbers of the two outermost orbitals of the Laughlin droplet and is used to test the accuracy of the MC calculations. We compare the occupation numbers near the outer edges of the droplets with predictions based on the chiral Luttinger liquid picture of Laughlin state edges and discuss the surprisingly large oscillations in occupation numbers which occur for angular momenta far from the edge.Comment: 11 pages of RevTeX, 2 figures available on request. IUCM93-00

    D-brane Dynamics in RR Deformation of NS5-branes Background and Tachyon Cosmology

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    We study D-brane dynamics in the gravity dual background of ODp theories using the effective action on the worldvolume of the brane. We explore the similarities of the system with the rolling tachyon, including the exponential decrease of pressure at late times. We also consider the case where the worldvolume theory on a D3-brane is coupled to gravity and construct a cosmological model. By considering the time reversal symmetric solutions, we find that we can have both closed and open universes depending on the initial value of the radial mode on the brane. We compare the models with tachyon driven cosmologies and find limits where slow roll inflation is realized.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, a subsection added on Maldacena-Nunez background. To be published in Nuclear Physics

    Edge of a Half-Filled Landau Level

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    We have investigated the electron occupation number of the edge of a quantum Hall (QH) droplet at ν=1/2\nu=1/2 using exact diagonalization technique and composite fermion trial wavefunction. We find that the electron occupation numbers near the edge obey a scaling behavior. The scaling result indicates the existence of a well-defined edge corresponding to the radius of a compact droplet of uniform filling factor 1/2. We find that the occupation number beyond this edge point is substantial, which is qualitatively different from the case of odd-denominator QH states. We relate these features to the different ways in which composite fermions occupy Landau levels for odd and even denominator states.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Breaking barriers: Providing education independence and opportunities for migrant workers communities in Southeast Asia

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    This article presents a community engagement initiative aimed at empowering Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) under the care of the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur. The hybrid program, conducted over the span of one semester from October to December 2023, addressed various challenges faced by the PMI community. The initiative incorporated a mix of online and on-site activities to enhance the economic and business knowledge and skills of the participants

    Numerical Test of Disk Trial Wave function for Half-Filled Landau Level

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    The analyticity of the lowest Landau level wave functions and the relation between filling factor and the total angular momentum severely limits the possible forms of trial wave functions of a disk of electrons subject to a strong perpendicular magnetic field. For N, the number of electrons, up to 12 we have tested these disk trial wave functions for the half filled Landau level using Monte Carlo and exact diagonalization methods. The agreement between the results for the occupation numbers and ground state energies obtained from these two methods is excellent. We have also compared the profile of the occupation number near the edge with that obtained from a field-theoretical method. The results give qualitatively identical edge profiles. Experimental consequences are briefly discussed.Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev. B. 9 pages, 6 figure

    Numerical Tests of the Chiral Luttinger Liquid Theory for Fractional Hall Edges

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    We report on microscopic numerical studies which support the chiral Luttinger liquid theory of the fractional Hall edge proposed by Wen. Our calculations are based in part on newly proposed and accurate many-body trial wavefunctions for the low-energy edge excitations of fractional incompressible states.Comment: 12 pages + 1 figure, Revte

    New mitogenome and nuclear evidence on the phylogeny and taxonomy of the highly zoonotic tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto

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    Cystic echinococcosis, a zoonotic disease caused by Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato (s.l.), is a significant global public health concern. Echinococcus granulosus s. l. is currently divided into numerous genotypes (G1-G8 and G10) of which G1-G3 are the most frequently implicated genotypes in human infections. Although it has been suggested that G1-G3 could be regarded as a distinct species E. granulosus sensu stricto (s. s.), the evidence to support this is inconclusive. Most importantly, data from nuclear DNA that provide means to investigate the exchange of genetic material between G1-G3 is lacking as none of the published nuclear DNA studies have explicitly included G2 or G3. Moreover, the commonly used relatively short mtDNA sequences, including the complete coxl gene, have not allowed unequivocal differentiation of genotypes G1-G3. Therefore, significantly longer mtDNA sequences are required to distinguish these genotypes with confidence. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the phylogenetic relations and taxonomy of genotypes G1-G3 using sequences of nearly complete mitogenomes (11,443 bp) and three nuclear loci (2984 bp). A total of 23 G1-G3 samples were analysed, originating from 5 intermediate host species in 10 countries. The mtDNA data demonstrate that genotypes G1 and G3 are distinct mitochondrial genotypes (separated by 37 mutations), whereas G2 is not a separate genotype or even a monophyletic cluster, but belongs to G3. Nuclear data revealed no genetic separation of G1 and G3, suggesting that these genotypes form a single species due to ongoing gene flow. We conclude that: (a) in the taxonomic sense, genotypes G1 and G3 can be treated as a single species E. granulosus s. s.; (b) genotypes G1 and G3 should be regarded as distinct genotypes only in the context of mitochondrial data; (c) we recommend excluding G2 from the genotype list. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe
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