11 research outputs found

    Status of Seaweed K. alvarezii Cultivation Sustainability as a Strategic Direction for Seaweed Management in Baubau City, Southeast Sulawesi

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    This study aims to examine its sustainability status. This study used survey techniques and interviews with seaweed cultivators to collect data. Sustainability data on seaweed cultivation include social, economic, and ecological aspects. The Rapseaweed approach (Rapid Appraisal for Seaweed) has been modified from Rapfish (Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries) to evaluate the sustainability status of seaweed in a multidisciplinary manner. Analysis of the sustainability of K. alvarezii seaweed cultivation using the MDS method. The Rapseaweed analysis reveals that the ecological sustainability index value is 57.76, and the availability of seeds is the most sensitive attribute, with a change in root mean square RMS value of 4.59. Seaweed marketing is the most sensitive attribute, with a change in root mean square RMS value of 12.96, and the economic dimension index value is 65.62. The cultivator's habits have the highest index value of 69.75% for the social dimension, with a root mean square RMS change value of 10.47. All dimensions are considered to be "sufficiently sustainable" by these index values. In the three dimensions, each RMS value indicates that there are sensitive attributes whose existence is suppressed or paid attention to. To obtain a strategic direction for the management of seaweed cultivation in Baubau City based on the RMS value, which has been ranked from highest to lowest, a seaweed management strategy for related stakeholders, namely the local government, the industrial sector, and the cultivating community, namely; strengthening coastal communities' capacity to maximize seaweed cultivation activities, ensuring market availability and price stability, and increasing production at seaweed cultivation centre locationsDimensi ekologi, ekonomi, dan sosial dari pembangunan berkelanjutan diperlukan untuk mengukur status keberlanjutan kegiatan budidaya rumput laut di kota pesisir Baubau untuk arah strategi pengelolaan. Akibatnya, strategi manajemen diperlukan untuk memastikan kelangsungan jangka panjang dari operasi budidaya rumput laut. Sebagai panduan strategi pengelolaan budidaya rumput laut K. alvarezii di pesisir Kota Baubau Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji status kelestariannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik survei dan wawancara dengan pembudidaya rumput laut untuk mengumpulkan data. Data keberlanjutan budidaya rumput laut meliputi aspek sosial, ekonomi, dan ekologi. Pendekatan Rapseaweed (Penilaian Cepat untuk Rumput Laut) telah dimodifikasi dari Rapfish (Penilaian Cepat untuk Perikanan) untuk mengevaluasi status keberlanjutan rumput laut secara multidisiplin. Analisis keberlanjutan budidaya rumput laut K. alvarezii menggunakan metode MDS. Analisis Rapseaweed menunjukkan bahwa nilai indeks keberlanjutan ekologi adalah 57,76, dan ketersediaan benih adalah atribut yang paling sensitif, dengan perubahan nilai RMS root mean square sebesar 4,59. Pemasaran rumput laut merupakan atribut yang paling sensitif, dengan perubahan nilai RMS root mean square sebesar 12,96, dan nilai indeks dimensi ekonomi sebesar 65,62. Kebiasaan pembudidaya memiliki nilai indeks tertinggi sebesar 69,75% untuk dimensi sosial, dengan nilai perubahan RMS root mean square sebesar 10,47. Semua dimensi dianggap "cukup berkelanjutan" dengan nilai indeks ini. Pada ketiga dimensi tersebut, setiap nilai RMS menunjukkan adanya atribut-atribut sensitif yang keberadaannya ditekan atau diperhatikan. Untuk mendapatkan arahan strategis pengelolaan budidaya rumput laut di Kota Baubau berdasarkan nilai RMS yang telah diurutkan dari tertinggi hingga terendah, strategi pengelolaan rumput laut bagi stakeholder terkait yaitu pemerintah daerah, dunia industri, dan masyarakat pembudidaya , yaitu; penguatan kapasitas masyarakat pesisir untuk memaksimalkan kegiatan budidaya rumput laut, memastikan ketersediaan pasar dan stabilitas harga, serta meningkatkan produksi di lokasi sentra budidaya rumput laut. &nbsp

    Isolasi Bakteri Pendegradasi Minyak Solar Dari Perairan Teluk Pare-Pare

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    This study aims to acquire the diesel oil degrading microbia in Pare-Pare port. This study was conducted at the Laboratory of Microbiology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Alauddin Makassar. The method is descriptive exploratory study. The data was analyzed by tables and graphs. The results showed that three isolates of bacteria isolated from the Pare-Pare Bay that can degrade diesel oil as Bacillus sp., Psedomonas aeruginosa, and Alkaligenes feacalis. P. aeruginosa is the best bacteria in degrading diesel oil


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    This study was aimed to determine the water quality and seaweed growth and the relationship between  oceanographic parameters and the growth of seaweed Eucheuma cottonii. This research was carried out from June-July 2021 at a seaweed cultivation location in Old Takalar, Mappakasunggu District, Takalar Regency. The seaweed cultivation method used is the longline method placed at three cultivation sites. Oceanographic parameters of physicochemical waters measured were temperature, salinity, pH, brightness, depth, current velocity, tides, nitrate, phosphate and dissolved oxygen. For the measurement of the growth of E. cottonii seaweed, the absolute growth was measured using One Way Anova analysis to determine differences in seaweed growth at each station of E. cottonii cultivation location. The correlation between oceanographic parameters and the growth of E. cottonii seaweed was analyzed using a correlation test. The results showed that the water quality at the cultivation site was within a reasonable range for seaweed cultivation in Old Takalar. The results of One Way Anova showed that there were significant differences in seaweed growth at each station where E. cottonii was cultivated. The results of the correlation test showed that the oceanographic parameters of the waters were very strongly correlated with the growth of E. cottonii seaweed, namely temperature, brightness, and depth

    Diversity and Abundance of Phytoplankton in the Coastal Waters of South Sulawesi

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    Phytoplankton are primary producers that can be used as seawater condition indicators. Certain phytoplankton can proliferate, causing harmful algal blooms (HABs). The coastal waters of South Sulawesi, Indonesia are under pressure from land-based processes and activities resulting in inputs of organic and inorganic materials. This study analysed phytoplankton diversity and abundance in coastal waters around South Sulawesi. Phytoplankton were sampled and seawater parameters (salinity, temperature, turbidity, pH, nitrate concentration) measured in-situ at six stations around seven major river estuaries in three seaways (Makassar Strait, Flores Sea, Gulf of Bone). Phytoplankton taxonomic composition, abundance and indices of diversity (H’), evenness (E), and dominance (D) were analysed. Phytoplankton from 31 species and three classes (Bacillariophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Dinophyceae) were identified. Phytoplankton abundance and community structure differed significantly between sites and seaways but were not significantly correlated with water quality parameters although Dinophyceae abundance correlated significantly with observed pollution levels. Phytoplankton abundance was strongly influenced by the Dinophyceae, especially Ceratium furca, a potential HAB species; Cyanophyceae had the strongest influence on species richness but least on community structure. C. furca abundance was strongly correlated negatively with species richness, H’ and E, and positively with D, indicating negative impacts of this species on phytoplankton communities

    Aplikasi Metode Multycriteria Decision Making (MCDM)dengan Teknik Pembobotan Dalam Mengidentifikasi dan Mendesain Kawasan Konservasi Perairan Daerah di Kabupaten Luwu Utara, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    The study, in 2012, has successfully formulated with the MCDM for each allocation of  space in KKPD allotment (core areas, sustainable fisheries zone, used zone, and other zones). This weighting techniques need to be tested and  be implemented in identifying and designing the KKPD in the study area. This study aims to identify and map the biophysical conditions and the potential of coastal and marine natural resources in marine conservation area candidate, North Luwu Regency; to identify the areas suitable for the KKPD based on weighting technique with the MCDM method; and to evaluate potential candidates for marine protected areas in the coastal region. This study used a survey method to perform in  situ measurements of physico-chemical parameters, conducted a survey of coastal ecosystems using the transect method. The socio-economic data of coastal communities were collected using the questionnaire. The biophysical conditions and marine resources were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods. The results showed that the candidate region has a rich diversity  of coastal ecosystems, but the ecosystem, particularly seagrass beds and coral reefs have been in damaged category. Only the mangrove ecosystem that was still in a good condition category with moderate-to-heavy levels of density. There were 6 species of seagrasses and 6 species of mangroves and 71 species of reef fish. It was discovered 2 regions  corresponding to the allotment of the Core Zone, which is in the Region I and III with the total area of 654.22 hectares. For sustainable fisheries zone, Region  II and IV would be the first choice with the total area of 620.27 hectares. The Used Zone was identified in the Region V with total area of 480.66 hectares. The total area of the region was equal to 1755.15 hectares. Marine protected areas of was suggested to the protection of coastal ecosystems including mangroves, seagrass beds, and coral reefs and its associated biota, especially the protection of local feeding ground of several species (sea turtles and dugongs).


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    Aquaculture activities produce organic wastes that are discharged into coastal waters and may impact the water quality. This research aimed to study the status of organic pollution and its spatial distribution on the west coast of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Water was sampeld from two locations (Punaga Village, Takalar Regency (an open water system), and Bojo Village, Barru District (in a bay, a semi-closed water system)). Water quality was assessed by using the STORET index. Whilst to assess the spatial distribution of organic waste, an interpolation technique was used. Results showed that the water quality was categorized as highly polluted by organic pollution. The distribution of the organic pollutant, however, showed a different spatial pattern between the two locations. The difference was may be due to the different origin of the pollutant and geomorphology of the sampling locations


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    Perairan pantai Kota Makassar, termasuk dua muara sungai yang mengapit, yaitu Sungai Jeneberang dan Sungai Tallo banyak mendapat inputan logam dari badan sungai dan dari daratan utama, berupa limbah industri dan limbah perkotaan.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan distribusi spasial konsentrasi Pb, Cd, Cu, dan Zn serta fraksi bioavailable di sedimen perairan pantai Kota Makassar. Penelitian dilakukan di wilayah perairan pantai Kota Makassar, mulai dari muara Sungai Jeneberang hingga muara Sungai Tallo. Pengukuran logam dilakukan pada sedimen berukuran < 63 μm. Spesiasi logam pada fraksi sedimen ditentukan dengan metode Community Bureau of Reference (BCR) Three-steps Sequential method yang menghasilkan fraksi exchangeable dan acid soluble, reducible, serta oxidisable. Interpolasi sebaran spasial logam di sedimen dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) yaitu block kriging (BK) dengan  program Arc View.  Sebaran logam sangat ditentukan oleh input atau sumber dari daratan dimana sebaran spasial logam Pb, Cd, Cu, dan Zn di sedimen meningkat ke arah utara pantai Kota Makassar.  Sebaran spasial fraksi 1 (terlarut dalam asam, acid reducible) logam Pb dan Cu tidak berbanding lurus dengan sebaran konsentrasi totalnya  di sedimen. Sedangkan sebaran spasial fraksi 1 logam Cd dan Zn berbanding lurus dengan sebaran konsentrasi totalnya di sedimen

    Fraksinasi Logam Pb dalam Sedimen Laut Untuk Estimasi Nilai Potensial Biovaibility di Kepulauan Wilayah Perairan Provinsi Maluku Utara

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    Determination of the geochemical fractionation of metals is also important to identify sources of metal pollutants in waters, whether they originate from natural processes or originate from human activities. This study aims to analyze the potential availability of Pb metal in sediments for biota and analyze the relationship between sediment grain size and total organic matter with the geochemical characteristics of Pb metal. The research was carried out in the North Maluku Waters Region in March 2023. consisting of 4 stations namely Ternate Island (Bastiong Harbor and Waters around Pertamina Jambula), Tidore (PLTU Waters) and Halmahera (Waters around the NHM Gold Mining area). And each station consists of 3 points. Sample testing was carried out at the Chemical Oceanography Laboratory, Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University. And metal analysis was carried out at the Agency for Standardization and Industrial Services Policy Testing Laboratory BBSP JIHPMM Makassar City. Metal concentrations in the sediment fraction were determined by the BCR Sequential Extraction method (Based on Sarkar et al., (2014) The results showed that the total fraction was unstable at station 1, 2 and 3 were higher than the non-labile fraction, while at station 4 it was found that the total non-labile fraction was higher than the labile fraction

    Pancreatic surgery outcomes: multicentre prospective snapshot study in 67 countries

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