15 research outputs found

    Restructuring State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) as a Strategy to Face Demonopolization Policies

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    The demonopolization policy on State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) makes SOEs as an independent corporations by prioritizing profit motives while running a business for public benefits. The opportunity for private companies to become competitors of SOEs that have been running a monopoly business is one of the challenges for SOEs to compete. Restructuring of SOEs is a strategy to survive in business. The fundamental goal to achieve is that SOEs can become the main business entity that plays a role in national development by combining corporate/business principles and public services, but it still rests on the concept of democratic economy as a characteristic of Indonesian. The main problem to improve the role of SOEs in being able to be independent and competitive would be presented through normative juridical (doctrinal) research by using secondary data as the main data. The findings in the normative-prescriptive analysis would then be interacted using qualitative descriptive analysis methods through inductive conclusions. The results is finding an external and internal improvement strategy for the company by strengthening the concept of restructuring as an effort to enhance the role SOEs to be independent, competitive, and contributive to the sovereign, fair, and prosperous national economy


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    This research aims to find out the role of the Notary in the process of transferring subsidized home ownership credit (KPR in Indonesia) at the main branch of PT.BTN Palembang. This research is a type of normative research using library research material collection techniques. The background to this writing is that in practice there is often a transfer of subsidized home ownership credit (KPR) carried out by debtors who have been placed in subsidized housing for less than 5 (five) years. This is contrary to Article 29 paragraph (4) letter e Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 Years 2021 concerning ease and assistance in obtaining housing for low-income people. The role of the Notary in this case is to make an authentic deed relating to the process of transferring subsidized home ownership credit (KPR) to the main branch of PT BTN Palembang. The deeds required in the credit transfer process are a statement of transfer of rights, a Deed of Sale and Purchase Agreement, a power of attorney to pay off the installments, and a power of attorney to take the house certificate. In this credit transfer process, in carrying out his position, the Notary must pay attention to the principle of balance


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    Business competition law requires the creation of national economic efficiency and the effectiveness and efficiency of business activities as contained in the purpose of the establishment of Law No.5 of 1999 concerning Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition. The effectiveness and efficiency of business activities are directed at creating healthy competition between business actors. While national economic efficiency is directed at fulfilling the needs of the lives of many people with indicators of increasing public welfare. One of the efforts to achieve these two things was done by enacting the de-monopolization policy of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), in which state-owned companies that had monopoly rights in certain business sectors, their monopoly rights were revoked by giving opportunities to the private sector to compete. The study of how the de-monopolization policy of SOEs can create a healthy business competition climate for the fulfillment of the needs of the people's lives is the focus of the discussion in this article. The discussion will be conducted using the documentary research method that places secondary data as the main analysis material. Analysis using a legislative approach, and a historical approach will be able to answer the problems that use the principle of benefit and principle of justice that can be used as a government consideration in enforcing the de-monopolization policy of SOEs. The main target of the de-monopolization policy of SOEs is to protect the lives of many people by guaranteeing the fulfillment of quality living need


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    Dalam Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Palembang Nomor 117/Pdt.G/2020/PN.PLG, Hakim kurang memberikan keadilan yang berimbang bagi bank mengingat sebagai kreditur telah mengalami kerugian akibat adanya tindakan wanprestasi dari debitur. Pembatalan akta perjanjian kredit juga memberi dampak bagi kinerja bank. Adapun bentuk perlindungan hukum bagi bank yang akta perjanjian kreditnya dibatalkan oleh Pengadilan adalah dengan menggunakan perlindungan hukum preventif dan perlindungan hukum represif, sebagaimana yang diatur dalam Pasal 1451 dan Pasal 1452 KUHPer.


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    Komisaris dan direksi sebagai organ dalam sebuah Perseroan Terbatas (PT) memiliki kedudukan yang penting bagi keberlangsungan jalannya kegiatan usaha sebuah PT. Komisaris bertugas mengawasi kinerja dari Direksi, dan Direksi bertugas menjalankan perseroan.. Praktik di lapangan sering kali dijumpai seorang komisaris juga berkedudukan sebagai direksi dalam sebuah PT atau dalam anak perusahaan PT. Ketika jabatan komisaris dirangkap juga sebagai direksi akan sangat memungkinkan terjadi kecurangan dalam pengelolaan PT karena yang bertugas sebagai pengawas mengawasi kinerja dirinya sendiri. Kesimpang siuran persoalan rangkap jabatan antara komisaris dan direksi ini apakah dibenarkan oleh hukum Indonesia atau tidak merupakan bahasan utama dalam artikel ini, kajian utama akan didasarkan pada norma-norma peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dengan penambahan analisis penafsiran hukum berdasarkan teori interpretasi analogi. Harapannya akan mendapatkan tambahan wawasan mengenai persoalan rangkap jabatan ini secara jelas sehingga dalam praktiknya dapat direalisasikan dengan tepat

    Legal Reasons Underlying Demonopolization by State-Owned Enterprises in Indonesia

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    Demonopolization policy towards PT. PLN (Persero) and PT. Pelindo (Persero) conducted by the Indonesian government is aimed at enhancing efficiency, the effectiveness of state-owned enterprises (SOEs), as well as global competitiveness. The rationale in determining the demonopolization policy towards the two SOEs is based on the concept of neo-liberalism market economy, which promotes efficiency and effectiveness on free market competition. The concept of neo-liberal economics is contrary to the concept of democratic economics. The concept of democratic economics based on the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia prioritizes fair efficiency. It is the reason for the Constitutional Court to return monopoly rights to PT. PLN (Persero) as an electricity provider in Indonesia. The argue of monopoly policy or demonopolization policy of SOEs is the main problem that will be elaborated through normative research methods (documentary research) by using secondary data as the main data. Problem analysis was done by qualitative juridical through of statute approach, philosophy approach, and history of law approach. This paper provides the reason of the policy of monopoly exemption on SOEs business activities, as well as the foundation of SOEs demonopolization policy taking into consideration the constitutional basis of Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution. The concept of demonopolization of SOEs is a new one that has never been described in the Indonesian literature. As a result, the demonopolization of SOEs does not divert SOEs into private companies but rather attempts to present competitors to SOEs to be able to compete in fair competition. In another side monopoly of SOEs can be implemented towards managing important production branches that control the livelihoods of many people. It is evidence of the state’s role in ensuring the welfare of its people

    Efforts To Increase The Locally Generated Revenue of Palembang: Access To Incentives And Investment

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    Regional Original Revenue (PAD) is income obtained by the region, collected based on Regional Regulations by statutory regulations that are sourced from regional taxes, regional levies, separated regional wealth management results, and others including one the incentives and investment. as a measure to stimulate economic growth. If examined based on discussions with the four commissions, they approved the 2022 APBD of the Palembang City Government of IDR 3.84 trillion with a target of IDR 1.07 trillion of Original Regional Revenue (PAD). Efforts to increase investment must be supported by the development of quality infrastructure, professional apparatus, and the bureaucratic system as well as a safe and peaceful condition of the city of Palembang. The method used in this research is empirical with a statutory approach. Using the tools of analytical prescriptive analysis. To increase Regional Original Income (PAD) there are 2 (two) social implications that can be enjoyed by the region. First, the investment provides opportunities for potential economic resources to be processed into real economic forces that can encourage local economic dynamics, which in the end will also lead to economic growth and improvement of community welfare. Second, the investment will be followed by economic activities that can create new job opportunities. The availability of new jobs will certainly increase people's income and encourage the realization of prosperity and reduce poverty

    Persepsi Masyarakat Kota Palembang Tentang Rekonstruksi Pasal Mengenai Pembagian Peran Antara Suami dan Istri Dalam Undang-Undang No.1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan

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    Sejak diberlakukannya Undang-undang No.1 tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan hingga saat ini telah berusia 42 tahun belum pernah sekalipun undang-undang ini mengalami amandemen atau perubahan atau pembaharuan. Rencana perubahan telah beberapa kali diajukan tetapi pertentangan akan isi pasal perubahan tersebutlah yang belum memperoleh kata sepakat. Penelitian ini berupaya mengkaji relevansi 2 pasal dalam Undang-undang No.1 tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan yang dihubungkan dengan kondisi masyarakat tahun 2016, kedua Pasal tersebut yaitu Pasal 31 ayat (3) dan Pasal 34, keduanya mengatur hal yang sama yaitu persoalan kesetaraan peran suami dan istri dalam rumah tangga yang masih dinyatakan dalam kelompok pengaruh kekerabatan patrilinial, dimana suami adalah kepala rumah tangga dan istri adalah ibu rumah tangga. persoalan mendasar adalah masih relefankah pengklasifikasian yang membagi perbedaan peran antara suami dan istri dalam mengurus urusan rumah tangga seperti yang dinyatakan berdasarkan Pasal 31 ayat (3) dan 34 Undang-undang No.1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan dengan kondisi masyarakat Indonesia saat ini. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa sebagian besar responden dan informan menganggap ketentuan Pasal 31 ayat (3) masih relevan dan tidak perlu mengalami perubahan, tetapi rekonstruksi terhadap Pasal 34 sepakat dilakukan mengingat isi pasal tersebut tidak sesuai lagi dengan kondisi masyarakat abad 21 yang telah mengalami pergeseran konsep pembagian peran suami-istri secara konvensional menjadi kemitraan dengan mengedepankan komunikasi dan kesepakatan bersama

    Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa Menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 Berbasis Pertanggungjawaban Kepala Desa

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    Pengelolaan keuangan desa merupakan semua hak dan kewajiban Desa yang dapat dinilai dengan uang serta segala sesuatu berupa uang dan barang yang berhubungan dengan pelaksanaan hak dan kewajiban desa. Keuangan desa dikelola berdasarkan atas asas-asas transparan, akuntabel, partisipatif serta dilakukan dengan tertib dan disiplin anggaran. Sedangkan pengelolaan Keuangan Desa adalah keseluruhan kegiatan yang meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, penatausahaan, pelaporan, dan pertanggungjawaban keuangan desa. Rencana Kerja Pemerintah Desa (RKPDesa) merupakan penjabaran dari Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Desa untuk jangka waktu 1 (satu) tahun. Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Desa (APBDesa) merupakan rencana keuangan tahunan Pemerintahan Desa. Diperlukan Peraturan Bupati/Walikota untuk mengatur mengenai Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa. Pada dasarnya tulisan ini membahas salah satu siklus dari pengelolaan Keuangan desa yaitu Pertanggungjawaban Keuangan Desa. Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan bagi aparatur desa yang terkait dengan pengelolaan keuangan desa, terutama Kepala Desa sebagai tampuk pimpinan di desa serta pertanggungjawabannya. Metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah dan diskusi. Pembahasan pada tulisan ini mengacu pada Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1979 tentang pemeritahan desa, dimana kepala desa bertanggung jawab kepada camat, tetapi setelah diberlakukannya Undang-undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang desa, maka kepala desa langsung bertanggungjawab kepada Bupati/walikota, yaitu terkait bagaimana pengelolaan dana desa secara baik