302 research outputs found


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    The practical and efficient prevention of the transmission of COVID-19 infection is through vaccination. However, there are challenges associated with refusing or postponing vaccination due to skepticism regarding the efficacy and safety of vaccines, particularly among pregnant women. The risk factors of pregnant women tend to make this vulnerable group reluctant to uptake the vaccines. Motivation influences personal hesitancy in deciding, especially regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. Therefore, this study investigated the correlation between motivation and hesitancy related to COVID-19 vaccines in expectant mothers at the Bening Nawangsari Midwife Clinic, Bekasi City. In this cross-sectional study, as many as 301 pregnant mothers were chosen using the consecutive sampling method. The Motivations of Vaccination Questionnaire and The Reasons for Hesitation Questionnaire were employed when collecting the data. After calculating the data with the Chi-Square test, a significant relationship between motivation and vaccine hesitancy was revealed (p-value= 0.001). It was concluded that there was a significant relationship between expectant mothers' motivation and hesitation to receive the COVID-19 vaccine

    Understanding Conflict: An Exploration of the Relationship between Horizontal Inequality and Violent Conflict

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    In this dissertation, I examine the relationship between horizontal inequality and violent conflict dynamics. Mass violent conflict is a debilitating social issue associated with economic deprivation, health crises, and loss of life. Scholars across various disciplines have studied its determinants. Several authors suggest the importance of horizontal inequality, or relative inequality between groups, for determining the likelihood of violent conflict. However, data limitations have prevented researchers from confidently asserting the generalizability or certainty of horizontal inequality’s potential effect on conflict. It is also possible that horizontal inequality could have an effect on the dynamics of a conflict, such as which groups become involved in conflict. However, few researchers have examined horizontal inequality’s relationship with other conflict dynamics. I fill some of these gaps by using census data to examine the relationship between horizontal inequality and 1) violent conflict occurrence, and 2) group involvement in conflict. I calculate six measures of social and economic horizontal inequality for each relevant cultural group in eight countries using census data ranging from 1971-2011, and I combine these data with existing data on political horizontal inequality. I then analyze how indicators of horizontal inequality relate to the likelihood of conflict in a given year, and the likelihood of a given group engaging in conflict. Results support the hypothesis that horizontal inequality correlates with conflict dynamics; however, the specific way in which a society is unequal affects whether conflict occurrence or group involvement are more or less likely. Just as relative inequality seems to affect conflict differently than absolute inequality, the specific factors that are unequal appear to have differential effects on conflict occurrence and group involvement. Results also suggest that horizontal inequality does not just affect conflict, but also conflict dynamics. It seems the relationship between horizontal inequality and conflict dynamics could be more complex than previously thought. Further attention should be dedicated to pursuing additional data and studying this topic. Policy implications include that reducing social, political, and economic inequality between groups might help mitigate violent conflict, and that ameliorating the most pernicious forms of inequality might have the most significant effect

    Financial Literacy and Victimization

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    This paper examines the relationship between financial literacy (FL) and susceptibility to economic victimization. Susceptibility to victimization functions as a proxy variable for victimization. It employs a modified, quasi-experimental case study approach and pulls from survey and interview data. It measures changes to FL and susceptibility to victimization after a FL workshop was delivered to a sample of refugees based in a city in southeastern US. Results demonstrate that FL seemed to increase for those within the treatment group. Subsequent changes to susceptibility to victimization indicated a decrease. The study also notes some evidence of a multiplier and reverse multiplier effect. Implications for future research, policy, and behavioral theories are discussed

    Analisis Efisiensi Saluran Pemasaran Jambu Mete di Desa Rakadua, Kecamatan Poleang Barat, Bombana

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    The main problem in this study is that the cashews sold by farmers are still in the form of logs and not in processed form (processed cashew kernels). The purpose of this study was to analyze the trading system and marketing margins of cashew in Rakadua Village, Bombana Regency. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach which aims to provide an overview of the research problem. Based on the results of the study, the trade system used by cashew farmers in Rakadua Village, Poleang Barat District, Bombana Regency has used these four trading channels. Marketing channel I is the simplest trading system pattern, while marketing channel II, III, and IV are the most complex channels, namely by passing the most intermediaries. The results of this study may become the basis in the process of formulating policies issued by the government in order to improve the quality of cashews, especially for farmers.Permasalahan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa jambu mete yang dijual petani masih dalam bentuk gelondongan dan bukan dalam bentuk olahan (biji mete olahan). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis tataniaga dan margin pemasaran jambu mete di Desa Rakadua Kabupaten Bombana. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran pada masalah penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa saluran tataniaga yang digunakan oleh petani jambu mete di Desa Rakadua Kecamatan Poleang Barat Kabupaten Bombana telah menggunakan empat saluran tataniaga tersebut. Saluran pemasaran I merupakan pola tataniaga yang paling sederhana, sedangkan saluran pemasaran II, III, dan IV merupakan saluran yang paling kompleks yaitu dengan melewati perantara paling banyak. Hasil penelitian ini semoga menjadi dasar dalam proses penyusunan kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah agar dapat meningkatkan kualitas jambu mete khususnya untuk pihak petani

    The Effects of Pointing Gestures on Visual Attention

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    Visual attention is a process that involves concentrating on select features, such as sensory cues, within the complex environment. Sensory cues within the visual field capture and redirect our attention. Previous research on eye gaze revealed that direct gaze captures attention. In the present study, pointing gestures and motion cues were tested together in a visual search task to examine their effects on attention. Participants were instructed to identify a target letter presented on one of four hands. Initially, two hands displayed a pointing gesture while the other two displayed an open gesture. Next, a target letter appeared, one open hand switched to pointing and one pointing hand switched to open, and the other two hands maintained their original gesture. The findings revealed that participants’ response times varied across the stimuli, with an interaction between the gesture and motion of the target hand. When the gesture was static before and after the appearance of the target letter, responses were faster to the pointing than open hand gesture. When the gesture of the target hand switched with the presentation of the target letter, however, responses were faster when the hand was initially pointing and switched to open than the reverse. There are two possible explanations for this finding: the pointing hand attracted attention to that location before the switch or the sudden onset of the open gesture attracted attention quicker. These findings reveal that gesture’s effect on attentional processes is affected by motion

    Crigler-Najjar Syndrome Type 2 in an Adult: A Rare Presentation

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    Introduction: Crigler-Najjar syndrome type 2 (CNS type 2) is a rare disorder that causes elevated levels of bilirubin in the blood (nonhemolytic unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia). The main symptom of CNS type 2 is persistent jaundice. It is caused by genetic changes in the UGT1A1 gene and the inheritance is autosomal recessive. Genetic testing of the UGT1A1 gene for mutations is the diagnostic clincher. We report one such rare case. Case report: A 75-year-old male presented with history of right-sided weakness with right-sided facial weakness, MRI brain revealed an infarct in the left side of brain with general physical findings suggestive of icterus. Conclusion: Diagnosing and managing these patients may be challenging. Our aim is to draw attention of the treating physicians towards this disease with the help of this case report

    Peningkatan Disolusi Nifedipin dari Mikrokristalnya yang Dibuat Melalui Pengendapan Antisolvent dengan Keberadaan Poloxamer 188 atau Natrium Lauril Sulfat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan laju disolusi nifedipin melalui pembentukan mikrokristalnya. Mikrokristal nifedipin dibuat melalui pengendapan antisolvent dengan keberadaan poloxamer 188 atau natrium lauril sulfat pada tiga konsentrasi (1%, 3%, dan 5%) sebagai stabilisator dan peningkatan keterbasahan. Karakterisasi mikrokristal yang dilakukan meliputi morfologi, spektrofotometer inframerah, difraksi sinar-X dan uji disolusi. Profil disolusi nifedipin dari mikrokristalnya menunjukkan peningkatan dibandingkan dengan serbuk nifedipin. Kecepatan disolusi terbaik nifedipin dari mikrokristalnya dengan keberadaan NLS adalah mikrokristal nifedipin-natrium lauril sulfat 5% sedangkan untuk profil disolusi nifedipin dari mikrokristalnya dengan keberadaan poloxamer 188 dalam berbagai konsentrasi tidak berbeda secara bermakna. Profil disolusi nifedipin terbaik dari mikrokristal nifedipin-natrium lauril sulfat dan poloxamer 188 tidak berbeda secara bermakna. Campuran fisik serbuk nifedipin-surfaktan dengan perbandingan 9:1 memberikan profil disolusi lebih baik dari mikrokristalnya. Hasil pengamatan mikrokristal melalui SEM tidak menunjukkan perbedaan morfologi kristal. Sementara hasil pemeriksaan serapan inframerah, difraksi sinar X memberikan parameter yang sama. Perbedaan kecepatan disolusi nifedipin dari serbuk nifedipin, mikrokristal, dan campuran fisik bukan disebabkan oleh perbedaan bentuk kristal (polimorfisme) tetapi karena adanya perbedaan ukuran partikel dan keberadaan surfaktan.Kata Kunci: nifedipin, poloxamer 188, natrium lauril sulfat, disolusi, pengendapan antisolvent, mikrokristal. The aim of this study is to enhance the dissolution rate of nifedipine through formation its microcrystal. Microcrystals of nifedipine are made by antisolvent precipitation with presence poloxamer 188 (PLX) and sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) within three concentrations (1%, 3%, 5%) as stabilitator and wet improver. Then, the crystal characterization will be carried out through crystal morphology, infrared spectrum, x-ray diffraction pattern, and dissolution test. Dissolution rate profile of nifedipine from microcrystal showed enhancement was comapared by nifedipine powder. The best dissolution rate profile of nifedipine from microcrystal with presence of SLS is nifedipine microcrystal-SLS 5% whereas for dissolution rate profiles of nifedipine from microcrystal with presence of PLX within some concentration were not different significantly. Dissolution rate of nifedipine from microcrystal-SLS 5% was not different significantly with dissolution rate profiles of nifedipin from microcrystal with presence of PLX. Physical mixture of nifedipine powder-surfactant showed dissolution rate profiles better than its microcrystal. The crystal morphology which observed by SEM did not showed differences. The characterization with infrared spectrophotometer, X-ray diffraction showed the same result for all sample. The difference of dissolution rate of nifedipine was not caused by the shape of its crystal (polymorphism) but by the difference of particle size and presence of surfactant.Keyword: nifedipine, poloxamer 188, sodium lauryl sulfate, dissolution, antisolvent precipitation, microcrystal

    Preeclampsia factor de riesgo para trastornos del espectro autista

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    Objetivo: Determinar fuerza de asociación entre preeclampsia y el desarrollo de Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA). Método: se realizó un estudio observacional-analítico con diseño de casos y controles retrospectivo. La población estuvo constituida por 345 niños divididos en dos grupos: 115 niños con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) y 230 sin esta patología atendidos en Consultorio Externo de Neuropediatría del Hospital Belén de Trujillo, durante el periodo de enero del 2010 hasta diciembre del 2018. Resultados: Se encontró asociación entre el trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) y la preeclampsia (OR: 2.48; p< 0.001; IC=95% 1.56-3. 97). La proporción de casos expuestos fue de 47.8%, asimismo la proporción de controles expuestos fue de 26.9%. De forma general el género masculino (OR 1.29; p>0,331; IC=95% 0,77-2,15). Con respecto a la prematuridad (OR 2.08; p< 0,004; IC=95% 1,26-3,42). El peso promedio de los recién nacidos en el grupo de los casos fue de 2749,54 ± 659,87 g frente 3040,79 ± 680,72 g del grupo de niños sin TEA. La edad materna no tuvo asociación, p=0.080. Conclusión: La preeclampsia constituye un factor de riesgo significativo para el desarrollo de los Trastornos del Espectro Autista.Objective: To determine the strength of association between preeclampsia and the development of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Method: an observational-analytical study with retrospective case-control design was carried out. The population consisted of 345 children divided into two groups: 115 children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and 230 without this pathology attended in the Neuropediatric External Clinic of the Belen de Trujillo Hospital, during the period from January 2010 to December 2018. Results: Results: An association was found between autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and preeclampsia (OR: 2.48; p <0.001; CI = 95% 1.56-3. 97). The proportion of exposed cases was 47.8%, also the proportion of exposed controls was 26.9%. In general, the male gender (OR 1.29; p> 0.331; CI = 95% 0.77-2.15). With respect to prematurity (OR 2.08; p <0.004; CI = 95% 1.26-3.42). The average weight of newborns in the case group was 2749.54 ± 659.87 g versus 3040.79 ± 680.72 g in the group of children without ASD. Maternal age had no association, p= 0.080. Conclusion: Preeclampsia is a significant risk factor for the development of Autism Spectrum Disorders.Tesi
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