1,177 research outputs found

    Fleeting Film: Using Story to Seek Archival Permanence in the Transitory and Globalized Digital Visual Effects Industry

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    © 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston. Archiving is a long-standing vocation, founded on principles such as provenance, original order, truth, evidence, preservation and permanence. A far cry from the visual spectacle and movable feast of film visual effects (VFX) - a transitory and globalized industry of disposable firms, ever-advancing technologies and a roving workforce which craft digital animations and seamless effects for the big screen. In this paper we utilize the concept of "story" as a premise to bring together the seemingly different vocations of archival science and film VFX. Through an exploration of digital film production and archival practice under the context of storytelling, we aim to highlight the need for archivists to work with the VFX industry to ensure evidence of this culturally significant aspect of filmmaking and cinema discourse is preserved into the future. As well present the argument that archives are more than collections of historical evidence. Archives are story - and archivists are storytellers

    Flow, suspension, and mixing dynamics in DASGIP bioreactors: Part 1

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    The bioreactor flow environment has a significant impact on process performance, especially in stem cell cultures. The work of Correia et al found intermittent agitation modes to improve induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)‐cardiomyocyte differentiation yields; however, to date, the impact within the flow has not been fully characterized. This work aims to characterize the flow dynamics occurring within a commercially available DASGIP bioreactor, equipped with a two‐blade paddle impeller, operating under different agitation modes and for two bottom geometries. The paddle impeller configuration generated an axial flow profile due to a large impeller D/T and blade confinement with the bioreactor wall. The application of intermittent agitation was shown to induce two transient spikes in flow velocity and shear stress, the amplification of which increased with dwell duration. Marginally increasing the dwell duration was shown previously to increase differentiation yields, therefore it can be stipulated that introduction of these spikes was favorable toward cardiogenic differentiation

    Studies on table grape germplasm grown in Northern Greece. 2. Seedlessness, berry and must characteristics

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    From 1991 to 1993 nine quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the grape berry and its must were evaluated using local and introduced table grape cultivars of the grapevine collection of the Greek Gene Bank. The data indicate a distinct variation in the grape germplasm in all characters and demonstrate the usefulness of the genetic material as a donor of important genes for grapevine improvement. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) produced 2 factors representing 68.1% of the total variation. PC1, explaining 43.6% of the total variance, is highly correlated with berry size parameters and characteristics of the berry structure. By Cluster Analysis the assessed cultivars were separated into distinct groups; while seedlessness, was associated with small berry detachment force from the pedicel, late maturity was combined with high acid and low sugar content and a large number of seeds per berry was accompanied by low sugar content

    Studies on table grape germplasm grown in Northern Greece. I. Maturity time, bunch characteristics and yield

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    41 local and introduced table grape cultivars of the Greek Gene Bank in Thessaloniki were evaluated and documented with regard to 10 important morphological and viticultural characteristics, e.g. maturity time, bunch form and crop yield from 1991 tb 1993. The data indicate great variation within the grape germplasm in all characters and stress the importance of the genetic material as a donor of valuable genes for further grapevine improvement. Among the earliest cultivars is the Greek newbred Attiki (harvest time: end of July), while the local traditional Sideritis was shown to be the latest maturing cultivar (end of October). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed 3 factors representing 69.6% of the total variation. PC1, explaining 40.6% of the total variance, is highly correlated with time of maturity and crop yield. PC2, may be considered as the bunch size factor. The assessed cultivars were classified by cluster analysis into distinct groups, 2 of which contained all early and most of the late season cultivars

    Tumore des biliären Trakts: Häufigkeit, Diagnostik und Therapie

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    Die malignen Tumoren des biliären Trakts, unterteilt in Gallenblasen- und Gallengangskarzinome, sind eher selten. Dennoch wurden in den vergangenen Jahren Fortschritt in Diagnostik und Therapie erzielt. Neben Verbesserung der operativen Techniken als einzige kurative Option konnte auch ein chemotherapeutischer Standard bei fortgeschrittenen Tumoren etabliert werden. Multimodal Konzepte stehen im Fokus des Forschungsinteresses

    Impact of hydrodynamics on iPSC-derived cardiomyocyte differentiation processes

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    Cardiomyocytes (CMs), derived from pluripotent stem cells (PSCs), have the potential to be used in cardiac repair. Addition of physical cues, such as electrical and mechanical stimulations, have proven to significantly effect morphology, density, cardiogenesis, maturity and functionality of differentiated CMs. This work combines rigorous fluid dynamics investigation and flow frequency analysis with iPSC differentiation experiments to identify and quantify the flow characteristics leading to a significant increase of differentiation yield. This is towards a better understanding of the physical relationship between frequency modulation and embryoid bodies suspension, and the development of dimensionless correlations applicable at larger scales. Laser Doppler Anemometry and Fast Fourier Transform analysis were used to identify characteristic flow frequencies under different agitation modes. Intermittent agitation resulted in a pattern of low intensity frequencies at reactor scale that could be controlled by varying three identified time components: rotational speed, interval and dwell times. A proof of concept biological study was undertaken, tuning the hydrodynamic environment through variation of dwell time based on the engineering study findings and a significant improvement in CM yield was obtained. This work introduces the concept of fine-tuning the physical hydrodynamic cues within a three-dimensional flow system to improve cardiomyocyte differentiation of iPSC

    An unusual “venous circle” of the internal mammary vein encountered during microvascular anastomosis and implications for practice

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    The internal mammary vessels are commonly used for anastomosis in breast reconstruction. The anatomy when using the 2nd ICS has been shown to be predictable and hence preferentially used by the senior author. We present an unusual case of internal mammary vein bifurcation and immediate confluence forming a ‘venous circle’

    On the Evaluation of the Hyperthermic Efficiency of Magnetic Scaffolds

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    Goal: Deep-seated tumors (DST) can be treated using thermoseeds exposed to a radiofrequency magnetic field for performing local interstitial hyperthermia treatment (HT). Several research efforts were oriented to the manufacturing of novel biocompatible magnetic nanostructured thermo-seeds, called magnetic scaffolds (MagS). Several iron-doped bioceramics or magnetic polymers in various formulations are available. However, the crucial evaluation of their heating potential has been carried out with significantly different, lab specific, variable experimental conditions and protocols often ignoring the several error sources and inaccuracies estimation. Methods: This work comments and provides a perspective analysis of an experimental protocol for the estimation methodology of the specific absorption rate (SAR) of MagS for DST HT. Numerical multiphysics simultions have been performed to outline the theoretical framework. After the in silico analysis, an experimental case is considered and tested. Results: From the simulations, we found that large overestimation in the SAR values can be found, due to the axial misplacement in the radiofrequency coil, while the radial misplacement has a lower impact on the estimated SAR value. Conclusions: The averaging of multiple temperature records is needed to reliably and effectively estimate the SAR of MagS for DST HT