Studies on table grape germplasm grown in Northern Greece. I. Maturity time, bunch characteristics and yield


41 local and introduced table grape cultivars of the Greek Gene Bank in Thessaloniki were evaluated and documented with regard to 10 important morphological and viticultural characteristics, e.g. maturity time, bunch form and crop yield from 1991 tb 1993. The data indicate great variation within the grape germplasm in all characters and stress the importance of the genetic material as a donor of valuable genes for further grapevine improvement. Among the earliest cultivars is the Greek newbred Attiki (harvest time: end of July), while the local traditional Sideritis was shown to be the latest maturing cultivar (end of October). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed 3 factors representing 69.6% of the total variation. PC1, explaining 40.6% of the total variance, is highly correlated with time of maturity and crop yield. PC2, may be considered as the bunch size factor. The assessed cultivars were classified by cluster analysis into distinct groups, 2 of which contained all early and most of the late season cultivars

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