203 research outputs found

    Netnografia e a pesquisa científica na internet

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo fomentar a discussão sobre a realização de pesquisas acadêmicas em ambientes on-line e, especialmente, em locais que soam como inadequados para a construção de um saber científico. Tendo como suporte metodológico a Netnografia e a descrição de um percurso metodológico que utilizou exclusivamente o Facebook como lócus de produção de dados, o que se conclui é que a possibilidade de invenção metodológica é, inegavelmente, um dos legados da internet para as pesquisas científicas – processo criativo que não pode excluir o rigor, a condução ética e a fidedignidade, características tão caras e imprescindíveis ao método de construção do conhecimento científico, mas que ainda impõem muitos desafios que precisam ser superados

    Coronary artery calcification and plaque characteristics in people living with HIV: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background Studies have reported that people living with HIV have higher burden of subclinical cardiovascular disease, but the data are not adequately synthesized. We performed meta-analyses of studies of coronary artery calcium and coronary plaque in people living with HIV. Methods and Results We performed systematic search in electronic databases, and data were abstracted in standardized forms. Study-specific estimates were pooled using meta-analysis. 43 reports representing 27 unique studies and involving 10 867 participants (6699 HIV positive, 4168 HIV negative, mean age 52 years, 86% men, 32% Black) were included. The HIV-positive participants were younger (mean age 49 versus 57 years) and had lower Framingham Risk Score (mean score 6 versus 18) compared with the HIV-negative participants. The pooled estimate of percentage with coronary artery calcium \u3e0 was 45% (95% CI, 43%-47%) for HIV-positive participants, and 52% (50%-53%) for HIV-negative participants. This difference was no longer significant after adjusting for difference in Framingham Risk Score between the 2 groups. The odds ratio of coronary artery calcium progression for HIV-positive versus -negative participants was 1.64 (95% CI, 0.91-2.37). The pooled estimate for prevalence of noncalcified plaque was 49% (95% CI, 47%-52%) versus 20% (95% CI, 17%-23%) for HIV-positive versus HIV-negative participants, respectively. Odds ratio for noncalcified plaque for HIV-positive versus -negative participants was 1.23 (95% CI, 1.08-1.38). There was significant heterogeneity that was only partially explained by available study-level characteristics. Conclusions People living with HIV have higher prevalence of noncalcified coronary plaques and similar prevalence of coronary artery calcium, compared with HIV-negative individuals. Future studies on coronary artery calcium and plaque progression can further elucidate subclinical atherosclerosis in people living with HIV


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    O presente trabalho teve como principal objetivo investigar possíveis colaborações da família da escola e de especialistas no processo de inclusão escolar de três crianças autistas, estudantes dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental, do município de Campo Formoso, Bahia. Para tanto, participaram do estudo as mães das crianças, uma professora de atendimento educacional especializado, uma mediadora escolar, uma psicóloga e uma fonoaudióloga. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, questionários e observação e foram analisados qualitativamente. Concluiu-se precariedade na interação entre familiares, educadores e especialistas das crianças, além da inexistência planejamento conjunto para elaboração de roteiros e de atividades a ser trabalhadas com os estudantes autistas. Destacou-se o interesse e participação das mães das crianças na busca por direitos de seus filhos e de alternativas para que a inclusão de fato aconteça.The present work had as main objective to investigate possible collaborations of the school's family and specialists in the school inclusion process of three autistic children’s students of the early years of elementary school in the municipality of Campo Formoso, Bahia. To this end, the mothers of the children, a teacher of specialized educational assistance, a school mediator, a psychologist and a speech therapist participated in the study. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews, questionnaires and observation and were analyzed qualitatively. It was concluded that there was a precarious interaction between family members, educators and children's specialists, in addition to the lack of joint planning for the elaboration of scripts and activities to be worked on with autistic students. The interest and participation of the children's mothers in the search for the rights of their children and alternatives for the actual inclusion to take place was highlighted.El objetivo principal de este estudio fue investigar posibles colaboraciones de la familia de la escuela y especialistas en el proceso de inclusión escolar de tres niños autistas, estudiantes de los primeros años de la escuela primaria, en la ciudad de Campo Formoso, Bahía. Para ello, participaron en el estudio las madres de los niños, una maestra de atención educativa especializada, una mediadora escolar, una psicóloga y una logopeda. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas, cuestionarios y observación y fueron analizados cualitativamente. Se concluyó que existía una precariedad en la interacción entre familiares, educadores y especialistas en niños, además de la falta de planificación conjunta para el desarrollo de guiones y actividades para trabajar con estudiantes autistas. Se destacó el interés y la participación de las madres de los niños en la búsqueda de los derechos de sus hijos y alternativas para que la inclusión efectivamente ocurra

    Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Polymeric Films Based on PLA / PBAT and Corn Starch and Babassu Mesocarp Starch by Flat Extrusion for Packaging

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    The influence of different amounts (1, 3 and 5%) of commercial corn starch and of babassu mesocarp starch on a (polylactic acid)/poly (butylene co-terephthalate adipate) (PLA/PBAT) based blend obtained by flat extrusion was ascertained.  The thermal and mechanical properties were determined and the results obtained are independent of the type of starch employed but are dependent on its concentration, the nucleating effect of the different starches and on the mobility of the polymer chains that make up the blend. Thermogravimetric analysis indicated the presence of two defined stages of mass loss for all films under investigation. Tensile testing shows that films containing starch had similar behavior to that of PLA in the PLA/PBAT blend, presenting high values of tensile strength, elastic modulus and tensile strength and low values of strain at break.  The results suggest that babassu mesocarp starch is viable alternatives to the production of packaging films

    Nutritional aspects and lifestyle related to depressive symptoms: a case-control study

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    Depression is a mental condition that affects more than 322 million people worldwide. The nutritional status of individuals diagnosed with depression may change. Individuals with depression may experience changes in eating habits and weight changes. The main objective of this study is to relate the nutritional aspect and lifestyle of depressive patients with the symptoms presented. Through a case-control study, nutritional status, depressive symptoms with the Beck II Inventory, physical activity, tobacco and alcohol consumption, and family history were investigated. The sample consisted of 389 individuals (217 depressive and 172 controls) with a mean age of 45.6±15.6 years (range 16 to 83 years), most of them female (78.1%). In the results obtained, most patients with depression had severe symptoms of depression. Depression was associated with a higher body mass index (BMI) and obesity. Patients with depression were less likely to consume alcohol but more likely to smoke. It is concluded that individuals with depression have a higher prevalence of overweight, smoking, family history of depression and use of medications. A multidisciplinary approach is critical for treating depression and improving patients' quality of life

    TRAJETÓRIAS COMPARTILHADAS: pesquisando, dialogando e aprendendo com a Educação Ambiental

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    Este estudo buscou considerar a trajetória do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental, Diversidade e Sustentabilidade (GEPEADS), num processo contínuo de formação de todos os atores envolvidos nas reflexões-ações promovidas desde 2003, no âmbito da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). A perspectiva de uma educação crítica e emancipatória é central para o GEPEADS, já que a preocupação com a relação ser humano-ambiente e com suas interfaces assume papel de destaque. O espaço escolar é, em qualquer nível, um lócus privilegiado para discutir as questões colocadas como desafios à vida cotidiana, e no âmbito dos processos formativos.Palavras-chave: Educação ambiental crítica, processos formativos, estudo-pesquisa.Shared Trajectories: researching, dialoguing and learning with the environmental educationAbstract: This study sought to consider the trajectory of the Group of studies and research in environmental education, diversity and sustainability (GEPEADS), in a continuous process of training of all actors involved in reflections-actions promoted since 2003, in the framework of the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). The prospect ofa critical and emancipatory education is central to the GEPEADS, since the concern with the environment and human relationship with their interfaces takes leading role. The school space is, at any level, a privileged locus to discuss the questions posed as challenges to everyday life, and within the framework of the formation processes.Keywords: critical environmental education-formation processes-research-stud

    A cost-effective microfluidic device for determination of biodiesel content in diesel blends

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    The increasing production and extensive use of biodiesel in the latest years call for the development of fast and cost-effective procedures for point-of-care analysis. One of the main quality parameters is the biodiesel content in diesel blends, which needs to conform to regional legislations. In this work, a microfluidic device exploiting chemical derivatization of alkyl esters and detection by smartphone-based digital-image colorimetry was developed. It was designed to ensure proper experimental conditions for chemical derivatization, including re- agent release, and photometric measurements. Analytes reacted with alkaline hydroxylamine yielding the cor- responding alkyl hydroxamates, measured as colored Fe(III) complexes. Analytical response was based on the measurement of the G (green) channel from RGB color system. By taking methyl linoleate as a model compound, a linear response was obtained from 0.1% to 0.6%(v/v) (Analytical signal = 69.6 +2.1 C, r = 0.999), coefficient of variation (n = 10) of 4.0% and limit of detection (99.7% confidence) of 0.04%(v/v). Procedure consumes 1.2 µL of sample, 230 µg of hydroxylamine, 480 µg of NaOH, 14 µg of Fe(III) and equivalent to 1.2 µL of 69%(v/v) HNO3. Accurate results were achieved in relation to the MIR reference method, with agreement at the 95% confidence levelThe authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from Fundaç˜ao de Amparo `a Pesquisa do Estado de S˜ao Paulo FAPESP (proc. 2021/12242–5 and 2018/07687–5). and the support from the Spanish “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” (Project PID2019–103938RB- I00) and Junta de Andalucía (Projects B-FQM-243-UGR18 and P18-RT- 2961)

    Câncer de colo do útero: percepção das mulheres sobre as práticas preventivas, atuação e importância da enfermagem nesse contexto

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    Objective: The objective of this work was to show women's perception in relation to cervical cancer preventive practices and the role of nursing in this context. Methods: The study is an integrative, descriptive and exploratory research to synthesize data on access to health services for cervical cancer in the public sector. The selection of articles was made in databases such as Scielo, PubMed, BVS and Lilacs, considering criteria such as free of charge, abstracts in Portuguese/English and online publications from 2018 to 2023. Articles prior to 2018 were excluded. The search identified 160 articles, of which 30 were potentially eligible, resulting in 9 articles after detailed abstract analysis. Submission to the Ethics Committee was not necessarily due to the exploratory nature of the research. Results: 9 scientific articles were selected, covering subjects that were separated and organized by category, where the knowledge published through them on the proposed topic was consolidated, syntactically interconnecting them in order to obtain a set of propositions and conclusions from the chosen authors. Conclusion: In view of this study, the need to improve preventive measures to increase adherence to the exam is evident, emphasizing its importance for women's health. Furthermore, it is important to strengthen women's awareness and the relationship of trust between professionals and patients, to reduce mortality from cervical cancer.Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi mostrar a percepção das mulheres em relação às práticas preventivas do câncer de colo do útero e o papel da enfermagem nesse contexto. Métodos: O estudo é do tipo pesquisa integrativa descritiva e exploratório para sintetizar dados sobre o acesso a serviços de saúde para câncer de colo de útero no setor público. A seleção de artigos foi feita em bases como Scielo, PubMed, BVS e Lilacs, considerando critérios como gratuidade, resumos em português/inglês e publicações online de 2018 a 2023. Foram excluídos artigos anteriores a 2018. A pesquisa identificou 160 artigos, dos quais 30 foram potencialmente elegíveis, resultando em 9 artigos após análise detalhada de resumos. A submissão ao Comitê de Ética não foi necessária devido à natureza exploratória da pesquisa. Resultados:  Foram selecionados 9 artigos científicos, abordando assuntos que foram separados e organizados por categoria, onde foi consolidado o conhecimento publicado através deles acerca do tema proposto, interligando-os sintaticamente a fim de obter um conjunto de proposições e conclusões dos autores escolhidos. Conclusão: Diante desse estudo, fica evidente a necessidade de melhorar as medidas preventivas para aumentar a adesão ao exame, enfatizando a importância dele para a saúde das mulheres. Além disso, é importante fortalecer a conscientização das mulheres e a relação de confiança entre profissional e paciente, a fim de reduzir a mortalidade por câncer de colo do útero