94 research outputs found

    Biologiyani fanini o’qitishda zamonaviy metodlardan foydalanish

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    Наr qanday ijtiinoiy jamiyatda yosh avlod ta’lim-tarbiyasi muayyan maqsad asosida tashkil etiladi. Ta’lim-tarbiyadan asosiy maqsad ijtimoiy jamiyat taraqqiyoti, uning rivojlanish yo‘nalishi, ijtimoiy munosabatlar mazmunidan kelib chiqqan holda belgilanadi. Bugungi kunda Respublikamizda tashkil etilayotgan talim-tarbiyaning asosiy maqsadi komil insonni tarbiyalash, voyaga yetkazish iborat. Hozirgi vaqtda biologiya yosh avlodga ekologik madaniyat, inson salomatligi, o‘simlik va hayvonot dunyosi kabi bir biridan qiziqarli hayot uchun muhim bo‘lgan bir qancha muhim sohalarni o‘z ichiga oladi. Shunday ekan fanni o‘qitishda zamonaviy metodlarning o‘rni katta. Ushbu maqolada biologiyani o‘qitishning zamonaviy metodlari haqida ma’lumotlar keltirilgan

    Water-Physical Properties Of Soils In Drip Irrigation Of Cotton

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    The article presents the results of the research conducted on the study of the processes that took place in the water-physical parameters of the stands during the maintenance of cotton varieties under different irrigation technologies in the conditions of the fields of the southern region of Uzbekistan. In this, 5 varieties of cotton (Bukhara-102, Sultan, Istiqlal-14, SP-1607 and Surkhan-106) were studied under irrigation and drip irrigation (TS). In the experiment, irrigations were carried out in different order (65-70-65 in TS, 70-70-65 percent in control watered with 70-75-65) according to limited field moisture capacity of the soil (ChDNS). As a result of scientific research, Istiqlal-14 and SP-1607 varieties of cotton were accepted as suitable for growing cotton in TS fields, and they were recommended for planting in production. It should be noted that the basic water-physical properties of the soil, such as volume mass, porosity, and water permeability, were improved in TS compared to the irrigated areas, the water consumption during irrigation was reduced by 40-45 percent, and the cotton yield was 10-15 percent higher. In general, drip irrigation has been found to be an effective technology in cotton care under the hot and dry climate conditions of the southern region


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    As can be seen from the article which discusses the state of financing projects in the energy sector and the problems observed in it, the development processes of the energy sector, the status of thermal, wind and solar power plants in our country and their difference from each other in terms of their effectiveness, as well as alternative financing directions. The purpose of the study is to analyze the financing and sustainability of infrastructure projects in the energy sector

    Hypothyroidis as a risk factor for cholelistics

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    The article gives information about hypothyroidis as a risk factor for cholelistics

    The main heat-technical parameters of solar greenhouses in the southern climate of Uzbekistan

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    In the article, the main thermal and technical parameters of solar greenhouses in the climatic conditions of the city of Karshi, southern region of Uzbekistan, were studied. The results of the calculation of the heat load of solar greenhouses with different transparent coatings with a useful area of 100 m2 in the conditions of the city of Karshi are presented. According to the calculation results, it was determined that the maximum heat load of the studied semi-cylindrical one-layer film sunken greenhouse is equal to Qhe=50600 W (50.6 kW), and that of the two-layer film greenhouse Qhe=29614 W (29.61 kW) is equal to

    Water Consumption and High Temperature Tolerance in Cultivation Using Different Irrigation Methods of Developed, New and Prospective Varieties of Cotton in the Conditions of Barren Grass Soils

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    The article presents the results of field experimental research on selection of regionalized, new and promising varieties of cotton suitable for root system drip irrigation (TS) and their maintenance based on drought-resistant and resource-efficient technologies in the conditions of barren soils of old irrigated meadows of Surkhandarya region. In the conducted research, cotton varieties Bukhara-102 (control), Sultan, Istiqlal14, SP-1601, Surkhan-106 were watered before irrigation with respect to the limited field moisture capacity (ChDNS) in the control variants of 7070-60 percent, drip irrigation. and in the experimental options of irrigation, field studies were conducted on irrigation at 65-70-65 and 70-75-65 percent. As a result, in the southern climatic region of our Republic, the optimal irrigation procedure, irrigation rate and seasonal irrigation rates, as well as indicators of high temperature tolerance, were studied in the irrigation of local regionalized, new and promising varieties of cotton

    Results of application of water-saving technologies in rice farming

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    The article presents the results of field studies on the application of sprinkling and drip irrigation technologies in the cultivation of rice in the soil and climatic conditions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan based on the tasks defined in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 2, 2021, No. PD-4973 "On measures for the further development of rice growing". This article presents the results of field and laboratory studies on the application of rain and drip irrigation technologies in the cultivation of rice, primary irrigation regimes suitable for the soil and climatic conditions of the research object, the mechanical composition of the soil, salinity levels, salinity of irrigation water and the use of water-saving technologies in the cultivation of rice in experimental versions. The influence of the hydrochemical state of water on the soil and the yield of rice and its quality indicators were determined in the field conditions of the experiment

    Mathematical modeling the heat balance of a solar pond device

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    This article describes the method of accumulation and use of solar energy in the development of heat energy necessary for industrial processes and building heat supply in the southern climate of Uzbekistan. The thermal and technical calculation of the experimental solar pond built in the city of Karshi (size is 0.7m and 1.5m, height is 1.5m) is presented in the research paper. The energy storage efficiency of the solar pond layers was calculated analytically at 25% salt concentration of pond water, in values of 700 W/m2, 800 W/m2, 900 W/m2 and 1000 W/m2 of solar radiation, in values of 20 оС, 25 оС, 30 оС, 35 оС of ambient temperature in the non-stationary mode of solar pond device. Mathematical model of the time variation of layer temperatures was developed (on the basis of boundary conditions) during the propagation and absorption of solar radiation along the depth of the solar pond