514 research outputs found

    Karakterisasi Plastik Biodegradabel dari Ldpe-g-ma dan Pati Tandan Kosong Sawit

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan suatu plastik  biodegradabel yang dapat terurai di alam, sehingga dapat menjadi salah satu solusi dalam penumpukan sampah plastik yang sulit diuraikan oleh alam. Plastik biodegradabel yang dihasilkan dari pencampuran limbah plastik polietilena jenis Low Density Polyetylene (LDPE) dengan pati Tandan kosong Sawit (TKS) yang  dimodifikasi dengan menambahkan maleat anhidrida sebagai agen pengikat silang. Untuk menghasilkan plastik biodegradabel  dilakukan  variasi perbandingan tertentu antara  limbah LDPE, pati TKS, maleat anhidrida dan benzoil peroksida (90:10:1:1), (80:20:1:1), (70:30:1:1), (60:40:1:1). Tahapan penelitian ini melakukan ekstraksi pati dari tandan kosong sawit (TKS), preparasi serbuk plastik biodegradabel dengan metode refluks menggunakan pelarut xilena dari berbagai variasi komposisi limbah LDPE, pati TKS, maleat anhidrida, dan benzoil peroksida, pencetakkan plastik biodegradabel  dengan metode kempa tekan dan karakterisasi terhadap hasil plastik biodegradabel yaitu analisa sifat mekanik dengan uji kuat tarik dan kemuluran, analisa kemampuannya terurai di alam dengan uji biodegradabel, dan analisa sifat kimianya dengan uji FTIR. Dari hasil karakterisasi dapat diperoleh kondisi optimum plastik biodegradabel yang dihasilkan Plastik biodegradabel dengan perbandingan Limbah LDPE, Pati TKS, maleat anhidrida, benzoil peroksida (60:40:1:1) yang memiliki kemampuan terurai pada tanah sampah yaitu sebesar 9,032%, harga kuat tarik 6,9410 N/m2 dan nilai kemuluran 3,1875 %, analisa sifat kimia dengan uji FT-IR menunjukan bilangan gelombang yang khas untuk ikatan antara limbah LDPE-g-MA dan Pati TKS yaitu 1165,00 cm-1 yang menunjukan gugus fungsi C-O bending

    A case report on osler-weber-rendu disease

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    Osler-Weber-Rendu disease, also known as hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) is a rare autosomal dominant genetic disorder that leads to abnormal blood vessel formation in the skin, mucous membrane and in organs such as lungs, liver, and brain. Here, we report the case of a 68-year-old postmenopausal woman who was admitted to our hospital following multiple episodes of hematemesis and melena during the past 5 days. Upper GI endoscopy revealed multiple telangiectasia with active spurting and gastric polyp. The patient was treated with 1 unit of packed red blood cells transfusion for anemia, Inj. Tranexamic acid 500 mg IV tid and Inj. Ondansetron 4 mg IV for hematemesis. Tab. Thalidomide 100 mg has been given for treating hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. The treatment of HHT is only palliative, with no consensus on the best treatment option. It is essential to promote control of thedisease as long as possible


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    Phosphate ores are in high demand around the world because they are the primary raw materials used in the manufacturing of phosphatic fertilizers and other chemicals. Since the grade of the ore is gradually declining, it is becoming economically viable to mine and beneficiate numerous lower-grade deposits, and a significant number of precious minerals are discarded due to the inadequacy of new technological advances. Thus, biological processes are becoming more appealing in mineral processing due to their lower operating costs and potential applications to beneficiate low-grade complex ores through the interaction of bacteria and mineral surfaces, resulting in surface modification and mineral separation via bio-flotation. Staphylococcus aureus was supplied by the mineral bioprocessing lab, CMRDI. Bacterial adhesion measurements revealed a higher affinity for apatite than quartz. A binary mixture containing 12.5% P2O5 and 42.5% SiO2 yielded a concentrate containing 20.15% P2O5 and 33.5% SiO2. Using the bio-flotation process with Staphylococcus aureus and the optimal conditions on natural phosphate ore, a concentrate with 30.25% P2O5 was obtained from a feed containing 21.89% P2O5.Diljem svijeta velika je potražnja za fosfatnom rudom s obzirom na to da je riječ o primarnoj sirovini koja se koristi u proizvodnji fosfatnih gnojiva i drugih kemikalija. Budući da se koncentracija rude postupno smanjuje, ekonomski je sve isplativije eksploatirati i oplemenjivati brojna ležišta niže koncentracije s obzirom na to da se znatne količine korisne mineralne sirovine nedovoljno iskorištavaju zbog neadekvatnosti novih tehnologija. Stoga biološki procesi postaju sve zanimljiviji u oplemenjivanju SiO2 mineralnih sirovina zbog nižih operativnih troškova i potencijalne primjene za obogaćivanje kompleksnih ruda niskoga stupnja koncentracije, i to interakcijom bakterija i površine minerala, što rezultira površinskom modifikacijom i odvajanjem minerala putem bioflotacije. Bakteriju Staphylococcus aureus isporučio je laboratorij za bioprocesiranje minerala, CMRDI. Mjerenja bakterijske adhezije pokazala su veći afinitet za apatit nego za kvarc. Binarna smjesa koja je sadržavala 12,5 % P2O5 i 42,5 % SiO2 dala je koncentrat koji je sadržavao 20,15 % P2O5 i 33,5 % SiO2. Postupkom bioflotacije bakterijom Staphylococcus aureus pri optimalnim uvjetima na prirodnoj fosfatnoj rudi dobiven je koncentrat s 30,25 % P2O5 iz sirovine koja je sadržavala 21,89 % P2O5

    On Finitely Null-additive and Finitely Weakly Null-additive Relative to the σ–ring

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    يهدف هذا البحث الى تقديــم مفهوم المضافات الفارغة المنتهية نسبةً الى الحلقة من النمط –σ  ومناقشــة العديد من الخصائص لهذا المفهوم. اضافةً الى ذلك قدمنا ودرســنا مفهوم المضافات الفارغة الضعيفة المنتهية نسبةً الى الحلقة من النمط–σ وهي أعـم من بعض المفاهيم  كالقياس والمضافات المعدودة والمضافات المنتهية  والمضافات الفارغة المعدودة والمضافات الفارغة الضعيفة المعدودة والمضافات الفارغة المنتهية و على هذا الاســاس برهـــنا ان كل المضاف الفارغ المنتهي يــؤدي الى المضاف الفارغ الضعيف المنتهــي . واخـــيراً درســـنا مفهوم القياس الخارجي إذ يكون اقــوى من مفهـــوم المضافات الفارغة الضعيفــة المنتهية.     This article introduces the concept of finitely null-additive set function relative to the σ– ring and many properties of this concept have been discussed. Furthermore, to introduce and study the notion of finitely weakly null-additive set function relative to the σ– ring as a generalization of some concepts such as measure, countably additive, finitely additive, countably null-additive, countably weakly null-additive and finitely null-additive. As the first result, it has been proved that every finitely null-additive is a finitely weakly null-additive. Finally, the paper introduces a study of the concept of outer measure as a stronger form of finitely weakly null-additive

    Vitamin D deficiency and low hemoglobin level as risk factors for severity of acute lower respiratory tract infections in Egyptian children: A case-control study

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    AbstractObjectiveAcute lower respiratory tract infection (ALRTI) is an important cause of morbidity in the developed world, and both morbidity and mortality in the developing world. Vitamin D has a major role in both acquired and innate immunity. Anemic children have less oxygen carrying capacity of blood. This study was done to determine the relation between vitamin D deficiency, anemia and the severity of ALRTIs in hospitalized children.MethodsThis study included 96 hospitalized infants with ALRTI, 48 diagnosed with pneumonia and 48 with bronchiolitis. Mean age was 10.67±3.143months. Matched age and sex infants with no respiratory illness were included. Serum 25 hydroxy vitamin D was measured in all cases and controls by Radio-immune assay. Hemoglobin level was measured by Coulter.ResultsVitamin D deficiency and low hemoglobin level were positively correlated with the severity of ALRTIs (r=0.798 and P=0.001) and (r=0.708, P=0.028), respectively. Low vitamin D level was significantly correlated with low hemoglobin level (r=0.708, P=0.028).ConclusionVitamin D deficiency was associated with severity of ALRTIs. Low hemoglobin level was more prevalent in those children. Improving the nutritional status in children by preventing vitamin D deficiency and low hemoglobin might influence the outcome of children with ALRTI

    2-Amino­pyrimidinium hydrogen sulfate

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    In the crystal structure of the title compound, C4H6N3 +·HSO4 −, hydrogen sulfate anions self-assemble through O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming chains along the b axis, while the cations form centrosymmetric pairs via N—H⋯N hydrogen bonds. The 2-amino­pyrimidinium pairs are linked to the sulfate anions via N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming a two-dimensional network parallel to (10). In addition, weak inter­molecular C—H⋯O contacts generate a three-dimensional network

    Extent, duration and predictors of exclusive breastfeeding in a longitudinal study: adjusting for missing data using an accelerated failure time model and multiple imputation

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    Background: The World Health Organization recommends at least 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF). Longitudinal studies facilitate estimation of EBF duration, but often suffer from loss to follow-up and missing information. The study estimates the prevalence of EBF, duration and predictors of EBF duration while adjusting for missing data using multiple imputation (MI). Methods: A longitudinal study was conducted on all women giving birth between September 2009-February 2010 in selected hospitals (N=2119). Data on EBF and socio-demographic and other characteristics were collected at birth, and at 2, 6, 12 and 24 months. Information on EBF status and duration was missing for 29%. To deal with missing data, we generated multiple datasets using logistic regression-based MI to impute missing EBF practice, and an accelerated failure time (AFT) model to impute missing duration of EBF. The latter model also identified factors associated with EBF duration. Results: The observed 64% of women practicing EBF (95%CI; 62%-66%) was adjusted, after imputation, to 62% (95%CI; 60%-65%). After imputation, the estimated median time of EBF among women practicing EBF was 4.9 months. Predictors of EBF duration were stated intention to breastfeed, religious observance, and giving formula milk while in hospital. Conclusion: Adjusting estimates of EBF practice and duration using MI is feasible and potentially important. Using an AFT model for EBF duration enables the execution of MI in such studies and allows direct interpretation of the impact of various factors on EBF duration.&nbsp

    A Dynamic Online Dashboard for Tracking the Performance of Division 1 Basketball Athletic Performance

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    Using Data Analytics is a vital part of sport performance enhancement. We collect data from the Division 1 \u27Women\u27s basketball athletes and coaches at our university, for use in analysis and prediction. Several data sources are used daily and weekly: WHOOP straps, weekly surveys, polar straps, jump analysis, and training session information. In this paper, we present an online dashboard to visually present the data to the athletes and coaches. R shiny was used to develop the platform, with the data stored on the cloud for instant updates of the dashboard as the data becomes available. The performance of athletes can be compared to the group averages, while coaches have access to all athletes and can compare them to each other and the team averages for all parameters. A simple color-coded design was utilized to convey the coaches which of the measured parameters is in an acceptable range and which is deficient. The dashboard was reviewed by the athletes, coaches, and exercise scientists and was useful for their needs

    Characterisation of polarisation-entangled photon source for quantum key distribution.

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    Master of Science in Physics. University of KwaZulu Natal, Durban 2016.Entanglement in real physical systems has been of great interest due to its importance in quantum mechanics. It has applications related to quantum information science speci cally quantum cryptography since it eliminates the possibility of photon number splitting attack during the key distribution process (Quantum Key Distribution). This thesis deals with creation, detection and characterisation of the correlated polarised photon pairs, which were emitted from a nonlinear BBO crystal via Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion (SPDC) process. The procedure that leads to the construction of a polarisation-based entangled system is discussed by considering some of the measurement techniques, which can be applied to study fundamental quantum mechanics and its applications in quantum communication. This thesis consists of a set of experiments to validate the entanglement of single photon pairs. The rst experiment realised by generating of polarised based entangled photon pairs. The quantum correlation between the entangled photon pairs have been tested by measuring the visibility of the system and by verifying the maximal violation of CHSH (Clauser, Horne, Shimony and Holt) inequality. In the second experiment, the delity of the system has been measured by carrying out the state tomography to reconstruct the two-photon density matrix and consider the interference e ect of two photons. This helps to study the preservation of the quantum state during the propagation

    Growth and linear optical properties of CuCl nanocrystals

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    Linear optical properties of CuCl nanocrystals in a NaCl matrix have been studied using optical absorption, cathodoluminescence and X-ray diffraction measurements. Our measurements showed that CuCl nanocrystals were really formed. Their average size was estimated to be 2.2 nm. Consistently with confinement effect resulting from the low size of the nanocrystals, a blue shift of excitonic levels is observed by comparison to the bulk crystal. Our analysis showed that the effect of thermal annealing depends on the temperature, the annealing time and the nature of cooling