75 research outputs found


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    Some principles on which it is expedient to lean in the process of the development of materials of distant educational courses are considered: support on multiplicity of form of representation of information in consciousness; an account of conformity to law of maintenance of information in semantic memory of man; integration of educational information in the personal experience; orientation on the future real professional activity at the design of base of executive knowledge. Application of principles is illustrated by the examples of tasks in the distance educational course «Experimental psychology».Рассмотрены некоторые принципы, на которые целесообразно опираться при разра­ботке материалов дистанционных учебных курсов: опора на множественность формы ре­презентации информации в сознании; учет закономерности сохранения информации в семантической памяти человека; интегрирование учебной информации в личный опыт; ориентация на будущую реальную профессиональную деятельность при моделировании базы исполнительных знаний. Применение принципов проиллюстрировано примерами заданий дистанционного учебного курса «Экспериментальная психология».Розглянуто деякі принципи, на які доцільно спиратись при розробці матеріалів дис­танційних навчальних курсів: спирання на множинність форм репрезентації інформації у свідомості; урахування закономірностей збереження інформації у семантичній пам’яті людини; інтегрування навчальної інформації в особистий досвід; орієнтація на майбутню реальну професійну діяльність при моделюванні бази виконавчих знань. Застосування принципів проілюстровано прикладами завдань дистанційного навчальною курсу «Екс­периментальна психологія»

    Numerical modelling of radiant energy extinction by water medium containing bubbles and particles of various natures

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    In the framework of the Mie theory, we developed a numerical model of weakly absorbing medium, containing particles having an arbitrary chemical composition. This model can be applied to the study of the extinction characteristics of the optical radiation by a water layer with gas bubbles or volume-shape particles. The results of the numerical experiment illustrate changes in optical properties of the water due to the presence of bubbles or solid particles. The work displays some calculations of the extinction efficiency factor, the extinction coefficient, and transmission function at visible wavelengths. The influences of concentration and sizes of gas bubbles on the extinction characteristics of optical radiation are illustrated. Features of the extinction of radiant energy are discussed as dependent on a size parameter and a complex index of refraction of scatterers

    The origin of methane in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf unraveled with triple isotope analysis

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    The Arctic Ocean, especially the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS), has been proposed as a significant source of methane that might play an increasingly important role in the future. However, the underlying processes of formation, removal and transport associated with such emissions are to date strongly debated. CH4 concentration and triple isotope composition were analyzed on gas extracted from sediment and water sampled at numerous locations on the shallow ESAS from 2007 to 2013. We find high concentrations (up to 500 µM) of CH4 in the pore water of the partially thawed subsea permafrost of this region. For all sediment cores, both hydrogen and carbon isotope data reveal the predominant occurrence of CH4 that is not of thermogenic origin as it has long been thought, but resultant from microbial CH4 formation. At some locations, meltwater from buried meteoric ice and/or old organic matter preserved in the subsea permafrost were used as substrates. Radiocarbon data demonstrate that the CH4 present in the ESAS sediment is of Pleistocene age or older, but a small contribution of highly 14C-enriched CH4, from unknown origin, prohibits precise age determination for one sediment core and in the water column. Our sediment data suggest that at locations where bubble plumes have been observed, CH4 can escape anaerobic oxidation in the surface sediment

    Methane fluxes during the initiation of a large-scale water table manipulation experiment in the Alaskan Arctic tundra

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    Much of the 191.8 Pg C in the upper 1 m of Arctic soil of Arctic soil organic mater is, or is at risk of, being released to the atmosphere as CO2 and/or CH4. Global warming will further alter the rate of emission of these gases to the atmosphere. Here we quantify the effect of major environmental variables affected by global climate change on CH4 fluxes in the Alaskan Arctic. Soil temperature best predicts CH4 fluxes and explained 89% of the variability in CH4 emissions. Water table depth has a nonlinear impact on CH4 efflux. Increasing water table height above the surface retards CH4 efflux. Decreasing water table depth below the surface has a minor effect on CH4 release once an aerobic layer is formed at the surface. In contrast with several other studies, we found that CH4 emissions are not driven by net ecosystem exchange (NEE) and are not limited by labile carbon supply

    Developing and Using Empirical Bio-Optical Algorithms in the Western Part of the Bering Sea in the Late Summer Season

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    This study aimed to assess the applicability of global bio-optical algorithms for the estimation of chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentration (C) and develop regional empirical bio-optical algorithms for estimating C and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) content (D) from ocean remote sensing reflectance spectra in the western part of the Bering Sea in the late summer period. The analysis took into account possible problems with the different relative contributions of phytoplankton and CDOM to water-leaving radiance and possible errors associated with the atmosphere correction procedure for ocean color satellite data. Shipborne remote sensing measurements obtained using an above-water hyperspectral ASD HandHeld spectroradiometer, satellite measurements collected via MODIS and VIIRS radiometers, and in situ measurements of C and D in seawater were used. The simulated values of the different multispectral satellite radiometers with daily or 2-day global coverage, obtained by applying the corresponding spectral response functions to ship hyperspectral data, were also analyzed. In this paper, a list of recommended regional bio-optical algorithms is presented. Recommendations are given depending on the possible quality of atmospheric correction and the purpose of use. To obtain more precise estimations of C, OC3/OC4-like algorithms should be used. If the atmosphere correction is poor, then use OC2-like algorithms in which spectral bands in the 476–539 nm range should be used to estimate C and bands near 443 nm to estimate D; however, in the last case, this will provide only the order of magnitude. To estimate more independent fields of C and D, it is necessary to use a spectral range of 501–539 nm for chl-a and bands near 412 nm in the case of modern satellite radiometers (e.g., OLCI or SGLI), for which this band is not the first. Additionally, we showed that global bio-optical algorithms can be applied with acceptable accuracy and similar recommendations


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    Розглянуто  результати  емпіричного  дослідження  по  перевірці  ефективності  засво­єння  знань  у  процесі  роботи  з комп’ютерним  навчальним  посібником,  розробленим на  основі  підходу  до  формування  когнітивних  структур  особистості  засобами  інформа­ційних  технологій.  Проаналізовано  взаємозв’язок  деяких  особистісних  характеристик суб’єктів  пізнання  з  емоційним  задоволенням/незадоволенням  від  роботи  з  комп’ютерно-опосередкованою навчальною системою


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    Викладено результати поетапного емпіричного дослідження уявлень українських керівників про лідерство та соціальну відповідальність. Наведено факторну структуру соціальної відповідальності організації. Для прогнозування прояву соціальної відповідальності українських організацій на основі оцінювання керівниками якостей ідеального лідера побудовано кореляційно-регресійну модель.Представлены  результаты  поэтапного  эмпирического  исследования  представлений  украинских  руководителей  о  лидерстве  и  социальной  ответственности. Рассматривается факторная структура социальной ответственности организации. Построена корреляционно-регрессионная модель для прогнозирования проявления социальной ответственности украинских организаций на основе оценки руководителями качеств идеального лидера.Background. The problem of leadership, ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been researched in the works by Annebel H.B. De Hoogh and Deanne N. Den Hartog, E. Cornuel, K. Kalshoven et al.Objective. This research is aimed to de?ne what leader’s personal characteristics and skills in?uence the Ukrainian managers’ perception of corporate social responsibility            (N = 121; 57 males; 64 females).Method. In the framework called grounded theory the participants (Ukrainian managers) were asked to generate as many descriptors as possible to describe an ideal leader in organizations. Thus, a 61-descriptor questionnaire was created that should be assessed using Likert scale. For measurement CSR a 21-item questionnaire “Social Responsibility Scale for Organization” was developed. This tool was adapted for the Ukrainian sample and based on the questionnaire “Perceived Role of Ethics and Social Responsibility” which connects ethical and socially responsible behaviour to different aspects of the organizational effectiveness.Results. Factor analysis identi?ed ?ve ethical dilemmas for compatibility of social responsibility and pro?t in Ukrainian organizations, i.e. Social responsibility vs pro?t (f1), Pro?t vs social responsibility (f2), Balanced combination of social responsibility and pro?t (f3), Role of Social Responsibility in the successful organizational performance (f4), Global vision of social responsibility (f5).Astandard multiple regression was performed between ?ve ethical dilemmas as the dependent variables and leadership descriptors (61 items) as independent variables. Results of multiple regression analyses de?ned benevolent (beta = 0,386) as the main leader’s trait that predicts f1; ?ve independent variable contributed signi?cantly to prediction of f2: authoritative (beta = 0,234), con?ict manager (beta = 0,286), charismatic (beta = 0,256) with positive correlation and honest (beta = -0,307), benevolent (beta = -0,241) with negative correlation; two descriptors cooperative (beta = 0,252), stress resisted (beta = -0,215) predict f3. Four characteristics benevolent (beta=0,403), hardy (beta = 0,306), tolerant (beta = 0,303), a person to trust (beta = 0,379) have positive correlations with f4 whereas the four descriptors thinking (beta = -0,348), care about his/ her health (beta = -0,205), hard-working (beta = -0,227), able to manage (beta = -0,227) negatively correlates with the factor mentioned above. F5 is predicted by two leader’s traits moving (heartfelt) (beta = 0,331), authoritative (beta =-0,207).Conclusions. The research results can be applied for designing a training pro-gramme for business school students to form their corporate global vision for successful business


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    Викладено результати поетапного емпіричного дослідження уявлень українських керівників про лідерство та соціальну відповідальність. Наведено факторну структуру соціальної відповідальності організації. Для прогнозування прояву соціальної відповідальності українських організацій на основі оцінювання керівниками якостей ідеального лідера побудовано кореляційно-регресійну модель


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    The aim of the work was to study the impact of glycine on Spirulina growth and photosynthetic processes intensity. For research the culture of Spirulina platensis (Gom.) Geitl cyanobacterium strain LGU — 603 from collection of Kholodny Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was used. The cultivation process was carried out in Zaruk nutrient medium in a vertical tubular apparatus of 8 cm in diameter and of volume 2 dm3 in a constant mixing of the culture medium with air. Introduction of glycine in a cultural environment resulted in the increase of the Spirulina productivity, maintenance of basic photosynthetic pigments and protein. Glycine introduction allowed to increase the growth rate of spirulina and to content achieve the high density of the culture due to the increased length of log-phase. Intensification of Spirulina platensis growth and its productivity increase was due to the fragmentation of cyanobacteria trichomes, so the increase of trichomes number with a small number of cells, which grow quickly. The degree of fragmentation depended on the concentration of introduced glycine and on the culture development stadium and also on introduced glycine concentration