777 research outputs found

    Climates and environmental conditions during the first millennium AD in Tafí valley (Tucumán, Argentina)

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    This paper is aimed to recognize climatic and environmental conditions prevailing during the main occupation of La Bolsa 1 archaeological site (ca. 200 BC-900 AD) through palynological analysis of archaeological soil samples taken from agricultural structures. During the period studied, the vegetal communities which had developed in the Tafi valley suffered local variations, as a consequence of alternating dry and humid periods, the last ones possibly coincided with the introduction of agriculture in the region. Recognized vegetal communities did not show evidences of human effects (v.g. maize pollen grains).O presente trabalho apresenta as condições climáticas e ambientais existentes durante o principal processo de ocupação do sítio La Bolsa 1 (cerca 200 AC-900 DC), através de análises palinológicas de amostras provenientes de estruturas resultantes da atividade agrícola. Durante o período estudado, as comunidades vegetais desenvolvidas no Vale de Tafi sofreram variações locais, como consequência da alternância de períodos secos e úmidos. Estes últimos, teriam coincidido com o início das atividades agrícolas na região. As comunidades vegetais encontradas não mostraram evidências de efeito antrópico (v.g. grãos de pólen de milho).Fil: Grill, Silvia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Bahía Blanca. Instituto Geológico del Sur; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Franco Salvi, Valeria Leticia. Centro de Estudios Históricos "Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Salazar, Julián. Centro de Estudios Históricos "Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Argentin

    Nutrient removal by apple, pear and cherry nursery trees

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    Given that nursery is a peculiar environment, the amount of nutrients removed by nursery trees represents a fundamental acquisition to optimize fertilization strategies, with economic and environmental implications. In this context, we determined nutrient removal by apple, pear and cherry nursery trees at the end of the nursery growing cycle. We randomly removed 5 leafless apple (Golden Delicious/EMLA M9; density of 30,000 trees ha-1), pear (Santa Maria/Adams; density of 30,000 trees ha-1) and cherry (AlexTM/Gisela\uae; density of 40,000 trees ha-1) trees from a commercial nursery. Trees were divided into roots (below the root collar), rootstock (aboveground between root collar and grafting point) and variety (1-year old above the grafting point). For each organ we determined biomass, macro (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S,) and micro (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and B) nutrient concentration. Pear trees were the most developed (650 g tree-1, equal to 1.75 and 2.78 folds than apple and cherry trees, respectively) whereas, independently of the species, variety mostly contributed (>50%) to the total tree biomass, followed by roots and then aboveground rootstock. However, the dry biomass and nutrient amount measured in rootstocks (including roots) represent the cumulative amount of 2 and 3seasons, for Gisela\uae 6 (tissue culture) and pome fruit species (generated by mound layering), respectively. Macro and micronutrients were mostly concentrated in roots, followed by variety and rootstock, irrespective of the species. Independently of the tissue, macronutrients concentration hierarchy was N>Ca>K> P>Mg>S. Removed N by whole tree accounted for 6.58, 3.53 and 2.49 g tree-1 for pear, apple and cherry, respectively, correspondingto almost 200, 107 and 100 kg N ha-1, respectively. High amounts of K and Ca were used by pear (130-140 kg ha-1) and apple trees (~50 and 130 kg ha-1 of K and Ca, respectively), while ~25 kg K ha-1 and 55 kg Ca ha-1 were calculated for cherry nursery trees. Among micronutrients, Fe was the most required (~3 kg ha-1) independently of the species. B removal ranged between 1.2 and 2.4 kg ha-1 (80, 40 and 30 mg tree-1 for pear, apple and cherry, respectively) whereas Mn, Cu and Zn accounted for few hundred g ha-1, irrespective of the species. Given that nutrient concentration among tissues resulted within the same order of magnitude, irrespective of the species, differences in removal were mainly driven by the tree biomass as proved by the significant correlations between plant dry biomass with most of the nutrients we observed

    Perda Auditiva Induzida por Níveis de Pressão Sonora Elevados em um dentista - Relato de caso

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    Perda Auditiva Induzida por Níveis de Pressão Sonora Elevados (PAINPSE) é a diminuição gradual da acuidade auditiva, devido exposição continuada a níveis elevados de pressão sonora. Configura-se como uma perda do tipo neurossensorial, geralmente bilateral, irreversível e progressiva ao tempo de exposição aos níveis elevados de pressão sonora. Inicialmente acomete frequências auditivas entre 3000 a 6000 Hz. Cessada a exposição, não haverá progressão da redução auditiva. Dentre os profissionais expostos estão os dentistas, profissionais da saúde expostos a ruídos provenientes dos equipamentos em seus consultórios. Diante disso, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar um caso de PAINPSE em um dentista, cuja importância baseia-se na escassez de relatos médicos sobre esse tema na literatura. V.L.S., 59 anos, masculino, dentista, apresentou-se com queixa de hipoacusia bilateral progressiva nos últimos cinco anos. Referiu dificuldade em dialogar com as pessoas por não conseguir escutá-las a todo o momento. Quando trabalha por um período maior que o habitual percebe piora da acuidade auditiva. Dentista há 32 anos, nega uso de tampões auriculares. Ao exame otológico foram observados ausência de eritema, estenoses, cerúmen, corpos estranhos, otorragia ou otorréia em condutos auditivos externos; membranas timpânicas íntegras. Solicitado audiometria, evidenciando perda auditiva neurossensorial nas frequências de 3000 a 8000Hz bilateralmente, de grau leve-moderado à direita e moderado à esquerda. O paciente foi informado da doença e da sua irreversibilidade, sendo a profissão o provável causador da mesma. Foi orientado a reduzir a carga horária de trabalho, realizar acompanhamento audiológico periódico e adotar medidas de prevenção. Diante do caso, a principal hipótese diagnóstica seria PAINPSE. Considerada quando ocorre exposição a níveis de pressão sonora de intensidade maior que 85 dB, atuantes sobre a orelha suscetível durante oito horas diárias, ou dose equivalente, ao longo de anos. O paciente do caso, dentista de longa data, exposto a ruídos durante todo o período de trabalho, se enquadrou nesta hipótese. O dentista deve adotar a utilização de protetores auriculares durante o uso de instrumentos ruidosos, para minimizar os riscos de PAINPSE. No relato o paciente negou a utilização de protetores, favorecendo a hipótese diagnóstica. Sobre a avaliação da perda auditiva, a audiometria tonal é o exame de escolha. Em relação ao tratamento, apenas existem cuidados preventivos para PAINPSE. Diante da hipótese diagnóstica PAINPSE, conclui-se que o dentista é afetado pela doença e quanto mais tempo é exposto ao ruído sem equipamento de proteção, maior será a chance de perda auditiva

    Espacios de memoria: Una apuesta al debate

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    Los memoriales, museos y sitios de memoria de diversa índole se han convertido en estrategias privilegiadas para elaborar, transmitir y resignificar pasados atravesados por violencia institucional, represión política, genocidios, dictaduras y guerras en los más diversos lugares del mundo. Nuestra propuesta de abordaje de este tema reconoce tres ejes que se ofrecen a indagaciones en profundidad: las modalidades de construcción de los espacios de memoria, las modalidades de apropiación de los memoriales y las diferentes claves narrativas y estrategias a partir de las cuales se representan los pasados de represión y violencia estatal.Fil: Durán, Valeria. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda; ArgentinaFil: Messina, Luciana Silvia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Geografía "Romualdo Ardissone"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Salvi, Valentina Isolda. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    C6orf10 low-frequency and rare variants in italian multiple sclerosis patients

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    In light of the complex nature of multiple sclerosis (MS) and the recently estimated contribution of low-frequency variants into disease, decoding its genetic risk components requires novel variant prioritization strategies. We selected, by reviewing MS Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS), 107 candidate loci marked by intragenic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with a remarkable association (p-value <= 5 x 10(-6)). A whole exome sequencing (WES)-based pilot study of SNPs with minor allele frequency (MAF) <= 0.04, conducted in three Italian families, revealed 15 exonic low-frequency SNPs with affected parent-child transmission. These variants were detected in 65/120 Italian unrelated MS patients, also in combination (22 patients). Compared with databases (controls gnomAD, dbSNP150, ExAC, Tuscany-1000 Genome), the allelic frequencies of C6orf10 rs 16870005 and IL2RA rs12722600 were significantly higher (i.e., controls gnomAD, p = 9.89 x 10(-7) and p < 1 x 10(-20)). TET2 rs61744960 and TRAF3 rs138943371 frequencies were also significantly higher, except in Tuscany-1000 Genome. Interestingly, the association of C6orf10 rs16870005 (Ala431Thr) with MS did not depend on its linkage disequilibrium with the HLA-DRB1 locus. Sequencing in the MS cohort of the C6orf10 3' region revealed 14 rare mutations (10 not previously reported). Four variants were null, and significantly more frequent than in the databases. Further, the C6orf10 rare variants were observed in combinations, both intra-locus and with other low-frequency SNPs. The C6orf10 Ser389Xfr was found homozygous in a patient with early onset of the MS. Taking into account the potentially functional impact of the identified exonic variants, their expression in combination at the protein level could provide functional insights in the heterogeneous pathogenetic mechanisms contributing to MS.In light of the complex nature of multiple sclerosis (MS) and the recently estimated contribution of low-frequency variants into disease, decoding its genetic risk components requires novel variant prioritization strategies. We selected, by reviewing MS Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS), 107 candidate loci marked by intragenic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with a remarkable association (p-value ≤ 5 × 10−6). A whole exome sequencing (WES)-based pilot study of SNPs with minor allele frequency (MAF) ≤ 0.04, conducted in three Italian families, revealed 15 exonic low-frequency SNPs with affected parent-child transmission. These variants were detected in 65/120 Italian unrelated MS patients, also in combination (22 patients). Compared with databases (controls gnomAD, dbSNP150, ExAC, Tuscany-1000 Genome), the allelic frequencies of C6orf10 rs16870005 and IL2RA rs12722600 were significantly higher (i.e., controls gnomAD, p = 9.89 × 10−7 and p < 1 × 10−20). TET2 rs61744960 and TRAF3 rs138943371 frequencies were also significantly higher, except in Tuscany-1000 Genome. Interestingly, the association of C6orf10 rs16870005 (Ala431Thr) with MS did not depend on its linkage disequilibrium with the HLA-DRB1 locus. Sequencing in the MS cohort of the C6orf10 3′ region revealed 14 rare mutations (10 not previously reported). Four variants were null, and significantly more frequent than in the databases. Further, the C6orf10 rare variants were observed in combinations, both intra-locus and with other low-frequency SNPs. The C6orf10 Ser389Xfr was found homozygous in a patient with early onset of the MS. Taking into account the potentially functional impact of the identified exonic variants, their expression in combination at the protein level could provide functional insights in the heterogeneous pathogenetic mechanisms contributing to MS

    Teledermoscopy in the Diagnosis of Melanocytic and Non-Melanocytic Skin Lesions: NurugoTM Derma Smartphone Microscope as a Possible New Tool in Daily Clinical Practice

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    Background: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, teledermoscopy has been increasingly used in the remote diagnosis of skin cancers. In a study conducted in 2020, we demonstrated a potential role of an inexpensive device (NurugoTM Derma) as a first triage to select the skin lesions that require a face-to-face consultation with dermatologists. Herein, we report the results of a novel study that aimed to better investigate the performance of NurugoTM. Objectives: (i) verify whether the NurugoTM can be a communication tool between the general practitioner (GP) and dermatologist in the first assessment of skin lesions, (ii) analyze the degree of diagnostic–therapeutic agreement between dermatologists, (iii) estimate the number of potentially serious diagnostic errors. Methods: One hundred and forty-four images of skin lesions were collected at the Dermatology Outpatient Clinic in Novara using a conventional dermatoscope (instrument F), the NurugoTM (instrument N), and the latter with the interposition of a laboratory slide (instrument V). The images were evaluated in-blind by four dermatologists, and each was asked to make a diagnosis and to specify a possible treatment. Results: Our data show that F gave higher agreement values for all dermatologists, concerning the real clinical diagnosis. Nevertheless, a medium/moderate agreement value was obtained also for N and V instruments and that can be considered encouraging and indicate that all examined tools can potentially be used for the first screening of skin lesions. The total amount of misclassified lesions was limited (especially with the V tool), with up to nine malignant lesions wrongly classified as benign. Conclusions: NurugoTM, with adequate training, can be used to build a specific support network between GP and dermatologist or between dermatologists. Furthermore, its use could be extended to the diagnosis and follow-up of other skin diseases, especially for frail patients in emergencies, such as the current pandemic context

    PID 10042 Evaluación de la influencia de las intervenciones Enfermería y de la Psicología de la Música en el cumplimiento del tratamiento, la capacidad funcional, la calidad de vida y las relaciones sociales de los pacientes psiquiátricos de Concepcion

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    La articulación de las intervenciones de seguimiento a través del proceso de enfermería (PAE) y sesiones de psicología de la música, han tenido el objetivo de contribuir a mejorar su calidad de vida, adherencia al tratamiento y relaciones interpersonales, brindándole recursos para la interacción y manejo de situaciones problemáticas. Se administraron instrumentos que evalúan adherencia al tratamiento (DAI-10) y calidad de vida (QOL), en dos instancias: pre y pos intervención. Se desarrollaron doce  meses de intervenciones de Enfermería y de Psicología de la Música. El QOL  arrojo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre  el pre y pos test en el factor de las relaciones interpersonales, en el rol instrumental fueron moderados, manteniéndose igual en el factor funciones  intrapsíquicas. El grupo instituido con los enfermeros y el grupo de Música es el lugar de expresión, y  red más significativa. Las habilidades sociales desarrolladas, deben ser ampliadas a otras áreas: la laboral, educativa, social.

    Detection and Investigation of Extracellular Vesicles in Serum and Urine Supernatant of Prostate Cancer Patients

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    none13no: Prostate Cancer (PCa) is one of the most frequently identified urological cancers. PCa patients are often over-diagnosed due to still not highly specific diagnostic methods. The need for more accurate diagnostic tools to prevent overestimated diagnosis and unnecessary treatment of patients with non-malignant conditions is clear, and new markers and methods are strongly desirable. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) hold great promises as liquid biopsy-based markers. Despite the biological and technical issues present in their detection and study, these particles can be found highly abundantly in the biofluid and encompass a wealth of macromolecules that have been reported to be related to many physiological and pathological processes, including cancer onset, metastasis spreading, and treatment resistance. The present study aims to perform a technical feasibility study to develop a new workflow for investigating EVs from several biological sources. Serum and urinary supernatant EVs of PCa, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) patients, and healthy donors were isolated and investigated by a fast, easily performable, and cost-effective cytofluorimetric approach for a multiplex detection of 37 EV-antigens. We also observed significant alterations in serum and urinary supernatant EVs potentially related to BPH and PCa, suggesting a potential clinical application of this workflow.openSalvi, Samanta; Bandini, Erika; Carloni, Silvia; Casadio, Valentina; Battistelli, Michela; Salucci, Sara; Erani, Ilaria; Scarpi, Emanuela; Gunelli, Roberta; Cicchetti, Giacomo; Guescini, Michele; Bonafè, Massimiliano; Fabbri, FrancescoSalvi, Samanta; Bandini, Erika; Carloni, Silvia; Casadio, Valentina; Battistelli, Michela; Salucci, Sara; Erani, Ilaria; Scarpi, Emanuela; Gunelli, Roberta; Cicchetti, Giacomo; Guescini, Michele; Bonafè, Massimiliano; Fabbri, Francesc
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