29 research outputs found

    Chyby českých žáků ve výslovnosti německých číslovek a výslovnost číslovek v učebnicích německého jazyka

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    Autor: Rudolf Salvetr Vedoucí práce: PhDr. Pavla Nečasová, Ph. D. Univerzita Karlova v Praze Název práce: Chyby českých žáků ve výslovnosti německých číslovek a výslovnost číslovek v učebnicích německého jazyka. Počet stran: 94 Název: Chyby českých žáků ve výslovnosti německých číslovek a výslovnost číslovek v učebnicích německého jazyka. Abstrakt: Cílem práce je odhalit chyby, kterých se čeští žáci dopouští při výslovnosti německých číslovek. Výzkum byl proveden metodou pozorování, jež byla provedena formou analýzy nahrávek. Díky výsledkům analýzy je možné identifikovat jevy a číslovky, které jsou pro české žáky mimořádně obtížné. Ve druhé části práce jsou na základě několika stanovených kritérií z fonetického hlediska analyzovány učebnice. Cílem analýzy učebnic je zvolit učebnice, které s výslovností pracují kvalitně. Na základě analýzy učebnic jsou navržena některá cvičení, která by se měla v učebnicích objevit a přispět tak ke zvýšení kvality výslovnosti německých číslovek českými žáky. Klíčová slova: analýza, cvičení, chyby, nahrávky, německé číslovky, učebnice, výslovnostAuthor: Rudolf Salvetr Supervisor: PhDr. Pavla Nečasová, Ph. D. Charles University in Prague Title: Mistakes of Czech pupils in the pronunciation of German numerals and the pronunciation of numerals in the textbooks of German language. Number of pages: 94 Title: Mistakes of Czech pupils in the pronunciation of German numerals and the pronunciation of numerals in the textbooks of German language. Summary: The aim of the thesis is to reveal mistakes which Czech pupils make in the pronunciation of German numerals. For the research the the method of observation has been chosen which has been carried out through recording of the pronunciation. Afterwards the recordings were analysed. Due to the analysis we can identify difficult phenomena and numerals. In the second part of the thesis some textbooks have been analysed from the phonetic point of view. The aim of the analysis is to find textbooks which work with the pronunciation in a sophisticated way. Consequently, there are suggested some exercises which can help improve the quality of pronunciation of German numerals by Czech pupils. Key words: analysis, exercises, German numerals, mistakes, pronunciation, recordings, textbooksKatedra germanistikyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Problematické jevy ve výslovnosti německých číslovek českými mluvčími

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    Title: pronunciation numerals by speakers Summary: aim of the thesis is to difficult phenomena as as pronunciation is which occur yprrn numerals. At same time two groups are compared. have different and differ in the method of observation which was carried out w,u'" ...".u rl""",-rI ofthe Afterwards the were analysed. to the results recordings it is which are difficult for but there were no differences in pronunciation mentioned groups.Title: pronunciation numerals by speakers Summary: aim of the thesis is to difficult phenomena as as pronunciation is which occur yprrn numerals. At same time two groups are compared. have different and differ in the method of observation which was carried out w,u'" ...".u rl""",-rI ofthe Afterwards the were analysed. to the results recordings it is which are difficult for but there were no differences in pronunciation mentioned groups.Katedra germanistikyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Mechanism of the Intermediary Phase Formation in Ti-20 wt. % Al Mixture during Pressureless Reactive Sintering

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    This work aims to describe the mechanism of intermediary phases formation in TiAl20 (wt. %) alloy composition during reactive sintering. The reaction between titanium and aluminum powders was studied by in situ diffraction and the results were confirmed by annealing at various temperatures. It was found that the Ti2Al5 phase formed preferentially and its formation was detected at 400 degrees C. So far, this phase has never been found in this alloy composition during reactive sintering processes. Subsequently, the Ti2Al5 phase reacted with the titanium, and the formation of the major phase, Ti3Al, was accompanied by the minor phase, TiAl. Equations of the proposed reactions are presented in this paper and their thermodynamic and kinetic feasibility are supported by Gibbs energies of reaction and reaction enthalpies

    Kinetic and thermodynamic description of intermediary phases formation in Ti-Al system during reactive sintering

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    Reactive sintering is currently considered as a promising production route for titanium aluminides in many research works. However, the published descriptions of the reaction mechanism are contradictory or lacking, especially at the temperatures below the melting point of aluminium. This work aims to fill this gap, providing the description of the reactive sintering process at the temperatures between 400 and 900 degrees C. The phases' formation sequence and reaction kinetics were studied and explained using experimental model (Ti/Al diffusion couple) and real reactively sintered samples of equiatomic Ti-Al compressed powder blend. Moreover, phase formation was thermodynamically assessed. It was revealed that Ti2Al5 phase formed preferentially. This phase has not been reported previously as a starting phase in reactive sintering. According to results obtained by experimental model, its formation is controlled by diffusion at 700 degrees C. This phase reacted with aluminium forming pure TiAl3 phase or with titanium, resulting in TiAl phase. Subsequently, TiAl phase reacted with titanium, leading to the Ti3Al phase, or with already present Ti2Al5 phase yielding TiAl2 intermetallic compound. Titanium-rich Ti3Al phase could form only at the temperature of 600 degrees C or above

    Formation of Ni-Ti intermetallics during reactive sintering at 800-900 °C

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    In this work the formation of intermetallics in the Ni-Ti system by reactive sintering at 800-900 degrees C was studied. The mechanism and kinetics of the reactions, which led to Ni-Ti phases, were determined by thermal analysis, in-situ XRD and the application of an experimental model consisting of nickel-plated titanium. It was found that the formation of Ni-Ti phases below the transformation temperature of titanium is controlled by diffusion. Above this temperature, the reactions switch to the rapid Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis (SHS) mode

    Effect of Double-Step and Strain-Assisted Tempering on Properties of Medium-Carbon Steel

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    The present work aimed to study the properties of medium-carbon steel during tempering treatment and to present the strength increase of medium-carbon spring steels by strain-assisted tempering (SAT). The effect of double-step tempering and double-step tempering with rotary swaging, also known as SAT, on the mechanical properties and microstructure was investigated. The main goal was to achieve a further enhancement of the strength of medium-carbon steels using SAT treatment. The microstructure consists of tempered martensite with transition carbides in both cases. The yield strength of the DT sample is 1656 MPa, while that of the SAT sample is about 400 MPa higher. On the contrary, plastic properties such as the elongation and reduction in area have lower values after SAT processing, about 3% and 7%, respectively, compared to the DT treatment. Grain boundary strengthening from low-angle grain boundaries can be attributed to the increase in strength. Based on X-ray diffraction analysis, a lower dislocation strengthening contribution was determined for the SAT sample compared to the double-step tempered sample

    Comparison of Ni-Ti-Si Alloy Prepared by Various Powder Metallurgy Routes

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    Problems in the pronunciation of German numerals by Czech speakers

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    Title: pronunciation numerals by speakers Summary: aim of the thesis is to difficult phenomena as as pronunciation is which occur yprrn numerals. At same time two groups are compared. have different and differ in the method of observation which was carried out w,u'" ...".u rl""",-rI ofthe Afterwards the were analysed. to the results recordings it is which are difficult for but there were no differences in pronunciation mentioned groups

    Mistakes of Czech pupils in the pronunciation of German numerals and the pronunciation of numerals in the textbooks of German language

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    Author: Rudolf Salvetr Supervisor: PhDr. Pavla Nečasová, Ph. D. Charles University in Prague Title: Mistakes of Czech pupils in the pronunciation of German numerals and the pronunciation of numerals in the textbooks of German language. Number of pages: 94 Title: Mistakes of Czech pupils in the pronunciation of German numerals and the pronunciation of numerals in the textbooks of German language. Summary: The aim of the thesis is to reveal mistakes which Czech pupils make in the pronunciation of German numerals. For the research the the method of observation has been chosen which has been carried out through recording of the pronunciation. Afterwards the recordings were analysed. Due to the analysis we can identify difficult phenomena and numerals. In the second part of the thesis some textbooks have been analysed from the phonetic point of view. The aim of the analysis is to find textbooks which work with the pronunciation in a sophisticated way. Consequently, there are suggested some exercises which can help improve the quality of pronunciation of German numerals by Czech pupils. Key words: analysis, exercises, German numerals, mistakes, pronunciation, recordings, textbook

    Possibilities for improvement of mechanical properties of high-strength medium-carbon SiCr steels

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