138 research outputs found

    Increased D-dimer value and occult cancer in the absence of detectable thrombosis.

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    Fibrin formation and removal occurs continuously during the development of malignancy. Accordingly, hemostatic disorders in cancer patients are a rather frequent observation and range from asymptomatic laboratory changes to massive thromboembolism or haemorrhage. We document the case of an asymptomatic women, who was enrolled as a healthy control in a study and showed up with a substantially increased D- dimer value. After ruling out the most probable sources of D-dimer elevation, such as thrombosis, inflammation and trauma, she underwent laboratory and radiological investigations for malignancy, which were consistent with a colorectal metastatic adenocarcinoma. This case allow us to hypothesize that screening for occult malignancy in the presence of apparently inexplicable elevated D-dimer values may be taken into consideration

    Molecular simplification of natural products: Synthesis, antibacterial activity, and molecular docking studies of berberine open models

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    Berberine, the main bioactive component of many medicinal plants belonging to various genera such as Berberis, Coptis, and Hydrastis is a multifunctional compound. Among the numerous interesting biological properties of berberine is broad antimicrobial activity including a range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. With the aim of identifying berberine analogues possibly endowed with higher lead-likeness and easier synthetic access, the molecular simplification approach was applied to the secondary metabolite and a series of analogues were prepared and screened for their antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial test species. Rewardingly, the berberine simplified analogues displayed 2–20-fold higher potency with respect to berberine. Since our berberine simplified analogues may be easily synthesized and are characterized by lower molecular weight than the parent compound, they are further functionalizable and should be more suitable for oral administration. Molecular docking simulations suggested FtsZ, a well-known protein involved in bacterial cell division, as a possible target

    Influence of age and gender variations on glomerular filtration rate estimated by the MCQE formula

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    Uvod: U kliničkoj se praksi stopa glomerularne filtracije (enq. glomerularfil-tration rate, GFR) rutinski određuje jednadžbom temeljenoj na koncentraciji kreatinina u serumu, razvijenoj i potvrđenoj u okviru studije MDRD (engl. Modification of Dietin Renal Disease Study, MDRD). Međutim, budući da jednadžba podcjenjuje smanjenje GFR, razvijena je jednadžba MCQE (engl. Mayo Clinic Quadratic Equation, MCQE). Ispitanici i metode: Svrha ovoga istraživanja bila je analizirati utjecaj varijacije dobi i spola kod određivanja GFR pomoću jednadžbe MCQE. Iz baze podataka našega laboratorijskog informatičkog sustava uzeti su rezultati 16.631 određivanja koncentracije kreatinina u serumu provedenih na uzastopnim ispitanicima. Rezultati: Razlika u određivanju GFR između muškaraca i žena bila je statistički značajna kod računanja objema jednadžbama (MDRD i MCQE). Statistički značajne razlike zabilježene su kod svih dobnih skupina u razredima od po deset godina kod računanja jednadžbom MCQE, a kod računanja jednadžbom MDRD samo kod ispitanika starijih od 51 godine. Zabilježena je i statistički značajna razlika u srednjoj vrijednosti GFR određenoj objema jednadžbama između različ itih dobnih skupina u razredima od po deset godina kod oba spola. Zaključak: Rezultati ove epidemiološke analize potvrđuju da se niti jednadžbom MCQE ne mogu nadomjestiti varijacije dobi i spola.Background: In clinical practice, the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is routinely estimated by the creatinine-based equation developed and validated from the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) Study. However, since this formula estimates the rate of decline in GFR, the Mayo Clinic Quadratic Equation (MCQE) has been developed. Petients and methods: The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of age and gender variations on GFR estimated by this new equation. Results of 16,631 serum creatinine tests performed in consecutive outpatients were retrieved from the database of our Laboratory Information System. GFR was estimated by both the MDRD and MCQE formulas. Results: The difference in the estimated GFR between males and females was significantly different when calculated with either MDRD or MCQE formula. Significant gender differences were observed in all age decades by MCQE and in subjects aged >51 years by MDRD. A significant difference in the mean GFR values estimated by either formula was also observed between different age decades in both genders. Conclusions: The results of this epidemiological analysis indicated the MCQE formula also fail to compensate for age and gender variations

    Cancer and fertility preservation: International recommendations from an expert meeting

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    In the last years, thanks to the improvement in the prognosis of cancer patients, a growing attention has been given to the fertility issues. International guidelines on fertility preservation in cancer patients recommend that physicians discuss, as early as possible, with all patients of reproductive age their risk of infertility from the disease and/or treatment and their interest in having children after cancer, and help with informed fertility preservation decisions. As recommended by the American Society of Clinical Oncology and the European Society for Medical Oncology, sperm cryopreservation and embryo/oocyte cryopreservation are standard strategies for fertility preservations in male and female patients, respectively; other strategies (e.g. pharmacological protection of the gonads and gonadal tissue cryopreservation) are considered experimental techniques. However, since then, new data have become available, and several issues in this field are still controversial and should be addressed by both patients and their treating physicians. In April 2015, physicians with expertise in the field of fertility preservation in cancer patients from several European countries were invited in Genova (Italy) to participate in a workshop on the topic of "cancer and fertility preservation". A total of ten controversial issues were discussed at the conference. Experts were asked to present an up-to-date review of the literature published on these topics and the presentation of own unpublished data was encouraged. On the basis of the data presented, as well as the expertise of the invited speakers, a total of ten recommendations were discussed and prepared with the aim to help physicians in counseling their young patients interested in fertility preservation. Although there is a great interest in this field, due to the lack of large prospective cohort studies and randomized trials on these topics, the level of evidence is not higher than 3 for most of the recommendations highlighting the need of further research efforts in many areas of this field. The participation to the ongoing registries and prospective studies is crucial to acquire more robust information in order to provide evidence-based recommendations

    A morphometric system to distinguish sheep and goat postcranial bones.

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    Distinguishing between the bones of sheep and goat is a notorious challenge in zooarchaeology. Several methodological contributions have been published at different times and by various people to facilitate this task, largely relying on a macro-morphological approach. This is now routinely adopted by zooarchaeologists but, although it certainly has its value, has also been shown to have limitations. Morphological discriminant criteria can vary in different populations and correct identification is highly dependent upon a researcher's experience, availability of appropriate reference collections, and many other factors that are difficult to quantify. There is therefore a need to establish a more objective system, susceptible to scrutiny. In order to fulfil such a requirement, this paper offers a comprehensive morphometric method for the identification of sheep and goat postcranial bones, using a sample of more than 150 modern skeletons as a basis, and building on previous pioneering work. The proposed method is based on measurements-some newly created, others previously published-and its use is recommended in combination with the more traditional morphological approach. Measurement ratios, used to translate morphological traits into biometrical attributes, are demonstrated to have substantial diagnostic potential, with the vast majority of specimens correctly assigned to species. The efficacy of the new method is also tested with Discriminant Analysis, which provides a successful verification of the biometrical indices, a statistical means to select the most promising measurements, and an additional line of analysis to be used in conjunction with the others

    A morphometric system to distinguish sheep and goat postcranial bones.

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    Distinguishing between the bones of sheep and goat is a notorious challenge in zooarchaeology. Several methodological contributions have been published at different times and by various people to facilitate this task, largely relying on a macro-morphological approach. This is now routinely adopted by zooarchaeologists but, although it certainly has its value, has also been shown to have limitations. Morphological discriminant criteria can vary in different populations and correct identification is highly dependent upon a researcher's experience, availability of appropriate reference collections, and many other factors that are difficult to quantify. There is therefore a need to establish a more objective system, susceptible to scrutiny. In order to fulfil such a requirement, this paper offers a comprehensive morphometric method for the identification of sheep and goat postcranial bones, using a sample of more than 150 modern skeletons as a basis, and building on previous pioneering work. The proposed method is based on measurements-some newly created, others previously published-and its use is recommended in combination with the more traditional morphological approach. Measurement ratios, used to translate morphological traits into biometrical attributes, are demonstrated to have substantial diagnostic potential, with the vast majority of specimens correctly assigned to species. The efficacy of the new method is also tested with Discriminant Analysis, which provides a successful verification of the biometrical indices, a statistical means to select the most promising measurements, and an additional line of analysis to be used in conjunction with the others

    Proposta di una “checklist” per il prelievo di sangue venoso

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    The collection of venous blood is central in clinical laboratory activity. Although there is widespread perception that this practice is simple and free of complications and side effects, it is undeniable that the vast majority of laboratory errors arises from ignorance, incompetence or negligence during venipuncture. It has hence become advisable to prepare a document in simplified form of checklist, consisting of a concise but comprehensive list of activities to be completed or verified in order to prevent errors during venous blood collection. In the intention of authors, this synthetic checklist is a modular tool, adaptable to different local contexts, it can be easily and gradually implemented, it is supported by scientific evidence and consensus of experts and created with the support of different healthcare professionals and it is adherent to the best practices and requires minimal resources for implementation. It is reasonable to assume that this checklist may be able to withstand system and individual changes, strengthening the standards for safety of both operators and patients, limiting potential failure patterns. We hope that the checklist may be implemented in all healthcare facilities where routine venous blood collection is performed, after adaptation to suit characteristics of local organization

    Preoperative Red Cell Distribution Width and 30-day mortality in older patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery: a retrospective cohort observational study

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    Increased red cell distribution width (RDW) is associated with poorer outcomes in various patient populations. We investigated the association between preoperative RDW and anaemia on 30-day postoperative mortality among elderly patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery. Medical records of 24,579 patients aged 65 and older who underwent surgery under anaesthesia between 1 January 2012 and 31 October 2016 were retrospectively analysed. Patients who died within 30 days had higher median RDW (15.0%) than those who were alive (13.4%). Based on multivariate logistic regression, in our cohort of elderly patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery, moderate/severe preoperative anaemia (aOR 1.61, p = 0.04) and high preoperative RDW levels in the 3rd quartile (>13.4% and ≤14.3%) and 4th quartile (>14.3%) were significantly associated with increased odds of 30-day mortality - (aOR 2.12, p = 0.02) and (aOR 2.85, p = 0.001) respectively, after adjusting for the effects of transfusion, surgical severity, priority of surgery, and comorbidities. Patients with high RDW, defined as >15.7% (90th centile), and preoperative anaemia have higher odds of 30-day mortality compared to patients with anaemia and normal RDW. Thus, preoperative RDW independently increases risk of 30-day postoperative mortality, and future risk stratification strategies should include RDW as a factor

    The diagnostic and prognostic value of red cell distribution width in cardiovascular disease, current status and prospective

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    The red blood cell distribution width (RDW) is an index of the heterogeneity of circulating red blood cell size, which along with other standard complete blood count (CBC) parameters are used to identify hematological system diseases. Besides hematological disorders, several clinical studies have shown that an increased in the RDW may be associated with other diseases including acute pancreatitis, chronic kidney disease, gastrointestinal disorders, cancer, and of special interest in this review, cardiovascular disease (CVD). The diagnostic and prognostic value of RDW in different CVD (acute coronary syndrome, ischemic cerebrovascular disease, peripheral artery disease, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, and acute ischemic stroke) has been reviewed in this article, to provide an understanding how its measurement may be applied to improve the management of these conditions.Keywords: RDW, Biomarker, Cardiovascular disease