53 research outputs found

    Innovación pedagógica en educación física: una propuesta de orientación basada en AICLE

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    In today's society, languages, especially English language, have acquired great relevance due to the unstoppable process of globalization. Schools must adapt to these kind of social demands. Because of this fact, methodologies such as Content Led Integrated Language Learning (CLIL) are being used more and more often. Here a didactic unit for working orienteering by using CLIL is proposed in order to demonstrate that Physical Education (PE) provides a suitable context in which the use of the language is significant and relevant. Through this proposal, it is shown the great potential of PE to enhance language learning

    Juegos motores para niños y niñas con parálisis cerebral

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    This paper suggests using motor games with children with functional diversity, specifically, with cerebral palsy. As any other child, those with cerebral palsy should play and learn while playing. The characteristics of these children are described because knowing about them will help to adapt the motor games so that they will take more advantage of the benefits of this methodological tool. This is the reason why here some methodological indications are explained, because if they are taken into account, children with cerebral palsy will be more easily included in the games and will take more profit from them

    Características del Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos de Educación Física y Lengua Extranjera

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    Learning English has become one of the main objectives for the educational system and it has been suggested that the learning of this language is done through content. Due to physical education's characteristics and idiosyncrasy, it seems to be one of the most likely subjects to use English as the language of communication. However, to use it properly, many points have to be considered paying attention to both the peculiarities of physical education and the language learning theories. This paper analyses these singularities linking them with some of the key factors of content and language integrated learning (CLIL). In order to improve English learning, the role of the language is highlighted, but taking account the fact that physical education's features must be preserved. Finally, to test and evaluate the implementation of the theoretical framework, we present an empirical and practical learning experience that contrasts and highlights these arguments

    La pedagogía del deporte desde una interpretación filosófico-hermenéutica agonal

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    El artículo analiza la pedagogía del deporte empleando un enfoque hermenéutico basado en interpretar la esencia del deporte, a raíz del contraste entre la vertiente agonal, que se relaciona con el ámbito educativo, y la certaminal, más cercana al competitivo. De la confrontación entre los valores antiguos y modernos del deporte emerge la pedagogía agonal, cuyo espíritu, además, permite comprender la interrelación entre la democracia y el deporte, regulados en ambos casos por el enfrentamiento dialógico (agonal) y dialéctico (certaminal) aplicado a partir de principios comunitarios. Finalmente, se sugieren algunos principios metodológicos para la aplicación de la pedagogía deportiva agonal

    Service-learning in physical education teacher education: towards a critical and inclusive perspective

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    The purpose of this study was to analyse the impact of servicelearning (SL) in physical education teacher education students (PETEs). The PETEs (n = 169) completed one of the editions of a SL program carried out between 2015-2018. This program consisted of designing and leading motor game sessions to facilitate the inclusion of 116 children with special educational needs (SEN). The program was based on Kolb's learning stages to promote reflection and critical thinking. Reflective journals were used as an instrument to gather information from their experiences. These data were analysed qualitatively through a multiphase approach, initial open-coding and axial coding, using NVivo (10) software. Results were displayed through the categories of Butin's Conceptual Model: technical, cultural, political, and post-structural perspectives. SL provided the pre-service teachers an inclusive educational experience, allowing them to link theory and practice in a truly operative way

    Actividad física y síndrome de Down: el juego motor como recurso metodológico

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    Este artículo propone y justifica el juego motriz como herramienta metodológica para niños y niñas con síndrome de Down. El juego motriz fomenta un estilo de vida saludable basado en la actividad física y el deporte y, además, favorece el desarrollo integral de todos los participantes. A lo largo del texto se justifica porqué los juegos motrices son adecuados especialmente para los niños y niñas con síndrome de Down, ofreciéndose además diversas pautas metodológicas que resulta interesante tener en cuenta a la hora de llevarlos a cabo. Por último, se presentan varios juegos a modo de ejemplo de la propuesta

    Learning with Older Adults through Intergenerational Service Learning in Physical Education Teacher Education

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    (1) Background: The population of older adults is growing faster but most of them experience physical, psychological, and social limitations. Higher education should reflect these concerns by providing students appropriate skills to support a sustainable society and putting the acquired theoretical knowledge into practice. Intergenerational Service Learning (SL) is an educational approach capable of contributing to these requirements. The goal of the study was to analyze the effects of an intergenerational SL program from the complementary perspective of the different agents involved. (2) Methods: The study used hermeneutic phenomenological methodology, widely used in educational research. A total of 23 (three female) Physical Education Teacher Education students (PETEs) and 20 older adults (three male) participated. Reflective journals were used for PETEs and semi-structured group interviews for older adults. (3) Results: The following categories emerged from PETEs: social sensitivity and disconfirmation of negative stereotypes, academic and professional learnings, satisfaction and personal growth, and desire for social justice. From older adults, four complementary categories emerged: disconfirmation of negative stereotypes, improvement of physical function, satisfaction and desire of continuity, and social interaction. (4) Conclusions: Intergenerational SL offers important social and educational inputs by deconstructing negative stereotypes and providing positive experiences to both PETEs and older adults.This research was funded by (1) UJI- A2019-01”, (2) University of Granada, Plan FIDO 2018, Quality and Innovation Unit, project nº572, and (3), Scholarship to CGG, Initiation in Research by Vice-Rector´s O ce for Scientific Policy and Research, UGR

    Tema 7: Procesos transversales. Reflexión, registro, sistematización y comunicación y evaluación [Documento]

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    Este es el último tema del curso, y presenta en qué consisten los procesos transversales del itinerario del aprendizaje-servicio, que consisten en “reflexión”, “registro, sistematización y comunicación” y “evaluación”. Seguidamente, en el tema se comparten diversas herramientas digitales de potencial utilidad en estos procesos transversales y se finaliza con una propuesta de actividad de aplicación

    The motor game as methodological tool for boys and girls with functional diversity

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    Este artículo plantea la utilización del juego motriz como herramienta metodológica en el Young Athletes Program de Special Olympics o con cualquier niño o niña que presente algún tipo de necesidad educativa especial. Tras haber contextualizado en qué consiste el Young Athletes Program se lleva a cabo un breve análisis sobre los juegos motrices, tomando como referencia diversas definiciones, y los diversos beneficios que generan en estos niños y niñas; puesto que favorecen no solo una mejora a nivel físico, sino su desarrollo integral. Se presentan, además, diversos juegos a modo de ejemplo de aquellos que podrían ser utilizados y que se aprovechan de los beneficios comentados.This article suggests using motor games as a methodological tool in the Young Athletes Program of Special Olympics or with any child with any kind of disability. After contextualizing what is the Young Athletes Program, an analysis about the motor games is carried out taking into account several definitions. Some of its advantages are also set forth given the fact that motor games not only enhance the children’s physical developement, but they favour an integrated development. Several games are presented in order to show some ideas that might be used taking advantage of all the benefits that have been stated

    Service-Learning with College Students toward Health-Care of Older Adults: A Systematic Review

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    Service-Learning (SL) has become a teaching methodology that promotes social and personal skills while helping groups in need and at risk of social exclusion. This paper is a systematic review of the literature on SL experiences and research on college subjects in the area of health-care promotion in settings for older adults. After an exhaustive search, 43 peer-reviewed publications were classified according to frequency and geographical distribution, sample and duration of the programs, research methodologies, data collection instruments used, and main outcomes investigated. The results indicate that the research methodologies used tended to be qualitative and mixed, while the variety of samples and duration of interventions was very broad. The instruments used were mainly interviews and questionnaires, and the programs were developed specially in the United States of America. The groups receiving most SL were healthy older adults and older adult populations with aging disabilities and illnesses. The articles in the present review highlight that SL can have a positive effect on older adults’ health promotion and can enhance their community participation.This research was supported by the University of Granada, Plan FIDO 2018, Quality and Innovation Unit, project nº572, and call of micro-project by “UGR-Solidarity” area, 201