2,061 research outputs found

    Integrating HBIM models in the management of the public use of heritage buildings

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    [Otros] Le plus grand défi à relever pour bien gérer l¿accès du public aux édifices patrimoniaux et assurer la faisabilité à long terme de leur réutilisation est d¿établir une relation durable entre les visiteurs et les biens. L¿objectif de ce document est donc d¿identifier le rôle potentiel de la modélisation des données sur les bâtiments historiques (MDBH) pour l¿usage du public dans les bâtiments patrimoniaux. L¿étude, qui fait partie d¿un projet de recherche en science de la conception, limite sa portée à l¿élaboration des deux premières étapes d¿un protocole de MDBH complet pour l¿utilisation publique du patrimoine, en mettant l¿accent sur la gestion des visiteurs, la programmation de la conservation préventive et de l¿interprétation et de la diffusion du patrimoine afin de résoudre les difficultés décelées dans la gestion de ces quatre domaines. La méthodologie suivie comprend une revue de la littérature, une analyse d¿études de cas, des entrevues avec des intervenants, des visites sur le terrain et l¿analyse de documents techniques. Les résultats indiquent que la MDBH peut aider à améliorer et à optimiser la gestion de l¿utilisation des bâtiments historiques par le public.[EN] The greatest challenge in managing public access to heritage buildings and ensuring the long-term feasibility of their reuse is to establish a sustainable relationship between visitors and assets. The aim of this paper is thus to identify the potential role of Historic Building Information Modelling (HBIM) for public use in heritage buildings. The study, which is part of a design science research project, limits its scope to the development of the two first stages of a comprehensive HBIM protocol for the public use of heritage, focusing on visitor management, programming preventative conservation, and heritage interpretation and dissemination to solve the difficulties detected in the management of these four areas. The methodology followed involves a literature review, case study analysis, interviews with stakeholders, field visits, and analysis of technical documents. Results indicate that HBIM can help to improve and optimize the management of the public use of historic buildings.Authors thank the Editorial Board of the Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering and the reviewers at the 6th BIM-Lean workshop held at the University of Huddersfield for their reviews and useful comments. In addition, we also thank the experts in public use management for the data provided in the interviews, as well as the San Juan del Hospital, Monastery of the Descalzas Reales, and Cerralbo Museum for allowing us to use them as case studies.Salvador-García, E.; G-Valldecabres, J.; Viñals Blasco, MJ. (2020). Integrating HBIM models in the management of the public use of heritage buildings. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. 47(2):228-235. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjce-2018-0338S228235472Alonso-Monasterio, P. 2014. Análisis de la eficiencia comunicativa y las funciones interpretativas de los mapas turísticos para la visita de espacios con patrimonio. Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de València.Baik, A., and Boehm, J. 2017. Jeddah heritage building information modelling (JHBIM). In Heritage building information modelling. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, London and New York. pp. 133–153.Barazzetti, L., Banfi, F., Brumana, R., Oreni, D., Previtali, M., and Roncoroni, F. 2015. HBIM and augmented information: towards a wider user community of image and range-based reconstructions. In The international archives of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences. Vol. XL-5/W7, pp. 35–42.British Standards Institution (BSI). 2013. BS: 7913: Guide to the conservation of historic buildings.Bruno, S., De Fini, M., and Fatiguso, F. 2018. Historic building information modelling: performance assessment for diagnosis-aided information modelling and management. In Automation in Construction. Vol. 86, pp. 256–276.Casu, P., and Pisu, C. 2016. BIM application in documenting and recreating lost architectural heritage. In Handbook of research on visual computing and emerging geometrical design tools. IGI Global. pp. 144–173.Cos-Gayón López, F., Cordón Llácer, J., Anquela Julián, A.B., and Bonet Edesa, J.A. 2016. Aplicacions de realidad virtual inmersiva en el Teatro Romano de Sagunto (Valencia, España). In EUBIM. Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain. pp. 138–149.Counsell, J., and Taylor, T. 2017. What are the goals of HBIM. In Heritage building information modelling. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, London and New York.Edwards, J. 2017. It’s BIM but not as we know it! In Heritage building information modelling. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, London and New York.Garagnani, S., and Manferdini, A.M. 2013. Parametric accuracy: Building information modeling process applied to the cultural heritage preservation. In 3DArch2013. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Trento, Italia. pp. 87–92.García Hernández, M. 2003. Turismo y conjuntos monumentales: capacidad de acogida turística y gestión de flujos de visitantes. Tirant lo Blanch. València.Ham, S. 1992. Environmental interpretation. A practical guide for people with big ideas and small budgets. North American Press.Hawas, S., and Marzouk, M. 2017. Integrating value map with building information modelling approach for documenting historic buildings in Egypt. In Heritage building information modelling. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, London & New York.Hegazy, Y.S. 2017. HBIM applications in Egyptian heritage sites. In Heritage building information modelling. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, London & New York.Hilfert, T., & König, M. (2016). Low-cost virtual reality environment for engineering and construction. Visualization in Engineering, 4(1). doi:10.1186/s40327-015-0031-5Jordan-Palomar, I., Tzortzopoulos, P., García-Valldecabres, J., & Pellicer, E. (2018). Protocol to Manage Heritage-Building Interventions Using Heritage Building Information Modelling (HBIM). Sustainability, 10(4), 908. doi:10.3390/su10040908Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de España. 2011. Plan nacional de conservación preventiva. Secretaría General Técnica. Centro de publicaciones. Edited by Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte.Salvador García, E., García-Valldecabres, J., & Viñals Blasco, M. J. (2018). The use of HBIM models as a tool for dissemination and public use management of historical architecture: A review. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 13(01), 96-107. doi:10.2495/sdp-v13-n1-96-107UNESCO. 2014. 37 C/4 Estrategia a medio plazo. Paris, France.(2004). Journal of Management Studies, 41(2). doi:10.1111/joms.2004.41.issue-2Viñals, M.J., and Alonso-Monasterio, P. 2013. Analysis of the spatial standards and perceptual components of the recreational carrying capacity applied to archaeological sites. Case study of Castellet de Bernabé (Lliria, Spain). In Methods and analysis on tourism and environment. Edited in Mondejar. Nova Science, New York. pp. 109–120.Viñals, M.J., Morant, M., and Alonso-Monasterio, P. 2013. Key issue in the ancient theatres recreational carrying capacity assessment studies. In Prototype of management plan for enhancement of new actualities. Juan, F. (coord.), Universitat Politècnica de València. pp. 89–96.Viñals, M. J., Martínez, I., Abdennadher, A., & Teruel, L. (2014). A recreational carrying capacity assessment of the 16th century Spanish Fort of Santiago on the Island of Chikly, Tunisia. Defence Sites II. doi:10.2495/dshf140161Viñals, M.J., Mayor, M., Martínez-Sanchis, I., Alonso-Monasterio, P., and Morant, M. 2017. Turismo sostenible y patrimonio: herramientas para la puesta en valor y planificación. Universitat Politècnica de València

    Flipped Learning to improve students' motivation in Physical Education

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    Background: Active methodologies have emerged in which they focus their importance of the teaching-learning process in students and not only on the result. In this way, research has been conducted using the active methodology Flipped Learning (FL) in all areas of Primary, Secondary and Higher Education. Objective: The current study aims to analyze the effect on student motivation after an intervention with the FL teaching technique, using a Parkour Didactic Unit in primary school students. Methods: One hundred students of 6th grade of Primary (11-12 years old) participated in this study, of which, 45 were girls and 55 were boys. It was randomly decided that 6ºB and 6ºD would follow the teaching styles that were already used in the center regularly (TRAD group) and otherwise, the 6ºA and 6ºC groups used FL teaching technique by watching videos created by the principal investigator for the present investigation (FLIP group). The Motivation Questionnaire in Physical Education in primary education and personal interview were applied before and after intervention. Results: The results showed an increase of intrinsic motivation (p < .001), identified motivation (p < .001) and introjected motivation (p < .001) in FLIP group. Moreover, external motivation, as well as the amotivation of the students, has decreased after the intervention. Regarding the TRAD group, a significant decrease in intrinsic motivation and identified motivation was observed. According to qualitative results, the most remarkable thing is that students consider FL as more fun, efficient, accepted and motivating. Conclusions: Intrinsic motivation increased significantly and amotivation values decrease in FL group. FL approach allows using more time in Physical Education classes and, consequently, it is perceived as more fun for the students

    Understanding the apparent superiority of over-sampling through an analysis of local information for class-imbalanced data

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    Data plays a key role in the design of expert and intelligent systems and therefore, data preprocessing appears to be a critical step to produce high-quality data and build accurate machine learning models. Over the past decades, increasing attention has been paid towards the issue of class imbalance and this is now a research hotspot in a variety of fields. Although the resampling methods, either by under-sampling the majority class or by over-sampling the minority class, stand among the most powerful techniques to face this problem, their strengths and weaknesses have typically been discussed based only on the class imbalance ratio. However, several questions remain open and need further exploration. For instance, the subtle differences in performance between the over- and under-sampling algorithms are still under-comprehended, and we hypothesize that they could be better explained by analyzing the inner structure of the data sets. Consequently, this paper attempts to investigate and illustrate the effects of the resampling methods on the inner structure of a data set by exploiting local neighborhood information, identifying the sample types in both classes and analyzing their distribution in each resampled set. Experimental results indicate that the resampling methods that produce the highest proportion of safe samples and the lowest proportion of unsafe samples correspond to those with the highest overall performance. The significance of this paper lies in the fact that our findings may contribute to gain a better understanding of how these techniques perform on class-imbalanced data and why over-sampling has been reported to be usually more efficient than under-sampling. The outcomes in this study may have impact on both research and practice in the design of expert and intelligent systems since a priori knowledge about the internal structure of the imbalanced data sets could be incorporated to the learning algorithms

    Magnetic actuator based on giant magnetostrictive material Terfenol-D with strain and temperature monitoring using FBG optical sensor

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    We have designed a temperature and strain monitoring system for a magnetic actuator based on the giant magnetostrictive material Terfenol-D (Tb0.3 Dy0.7Fe1.92) with Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors. Magneto-elastic properties of Terfenol-D depend on magnetization, stress pre-history, and temperature. In order to simultaneously monitor these effects, we have implemented a system based on a cylindrical Terfenol-D rod monitored with four FBGs that allows making the appropriate compensations on the strain measurement due to temperature drift. We have measured the magnetostriction in the axial and the transverse directions for the Terfenol-D rod with two perpendicular FBGs, and calculated the Poisson ratio. An additional mechanical system for strain amplification has been designed in order to increase sensitivity, by a factor of 4, in the strain measurement with the FBG sensor.García Miquel, ÁH.; Barrera Vilar, D.; Amat, R.; Kurlyandskaya, GV.; Sales Maicas, S. (2016). Magnetic actuator based on giant magnetostrictive material Terfenol-D with strain and temperature monitoring using FBG optical sensor. Measurement. 80(2):201-206. doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2015.11.035S20120680

    Auto-instruções: estratégia de regulação atencional da THDA

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    A estratégia de auto-instruções tem vindo a ser reconhecida como uma relevante forma de regulação cognitivo-comportamental no incremento das capacidades atencionais, nomeadamente em sujeitos com Transtorno do Deficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade (TDAH). Neste artigo foi avaliada a atenção seletiva e a atenção sustentada em 2 grupos, ambos formados por pessoas com e sem TDAH, sendo que a um deles foi solicitada a realização de auto-instrução, com o objetivo de verificar se o uso desta estratégia promove as capacidades da atenção. Os resultados demonstraram que os sujeitos que realizam a estratégia de auto-instruções, quer apresentem ou não TDAH, manifestam melhores resultados do que os sujeitos que não a realizaram.Self-instruction strategy has been recognized as a relevant strategy in cognitive and behavioural regulation as a way of improving attention skills, namely in subjects with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This paper aims at demonstrating the effectiveness of this strategy regarding this disorder in subjects with and without ADHD as a mean of promoting attention skills, particularly selective and sustained attention. The results showed that subjects who performed the verbal self-instruction strategy presented better results in both attention processes assessed, than those who did not do it

    Propuesta para el manejo de información clínica basada en la NOM-168 por medio de un dispositivo móvil y la tecnología NFC

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    Resumen: Si un expediente clínico no se encuentra completo un prestador de servicios médicos no contará con la información necesaria para ofrecer una mejor atención al paciente. Actualmente existen esfuerzos para contar con un expediente clínico completo y de acceso rápido, pero en situaciones de emergencia la principal fuente de información para brindar una mejor atención es el paciente, pero este no siempre se encuentra disponible para proporcionar información. En el presente artículo se propone una metodología para el manejo de información clínica por medio de la tecnología inalámbrica NFC y los dispositivos móviles. Como producto final de dicha metodología se obtuvo una aplicación móvil Android. La información clínica que fue manejada en dicha metodología, se obtuvo a partir de la NOM-168 que establece los datos mínimos por los que se debe componer un expediente clínico. Dicha información clínica fue comparada con el estándar HL7 CDA Versión 2 para obtener un documento XML, el cual fue utilizado como una plantilla para crear documentos clínicos electrónicos.La incorporación de la tecnología NFC en dicha metodología fue necesaria para almacenar y recuperar la información clínica en la memoria de tags NFC. La ventaja de lo anterior es que un tag NFC tiene distintas presentaciones como puede ser un calcomanía o una tarjeta de identificación, por lo que los pacientes pueden fácilmente transportar información clínica. Y además dicha información puede ser accedida por medio de un dispositivo móvil con NFC incluso si los pacientes se encuentran en un estado que no puedan facilitar información. Palabras clave: NOM-168, Android, NFC, HL7

    The use of HBIM models as a tool for dissemination and public use management of historical architecture: a review

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    [EN] Disseminating detailed and accessible information about the built heritage is fundamental to help understand the value and meaning of that heritage to society. Recent research highlights the potential of the Historic Building Information Modelling (HBIM) system for managing and disseminating heritage. However, this area is still in an early stage of development. This study aims to present a state-of-the-art review on the use of HBIM for both disseminating the value of historic architecture and managing the public use of heritage assets. The research methodology consisted of extensive bibliographic computer database searches of the study topic through specialized search tools. To this end, significant keywords have been used, such as HBIM to culture dissemination, HBIM to ICT and HBIM to public use management, among others. A total of 85 papers were initially selected. After a preliminary reading, 37 studies have been selected for this review. Later, a quantitative and critical analysis identifying the main themes and perspectives of these academic papers has been carried out. The results indicate that technological solutions have been developed to convert HBIM into models suitable for portable devices, the purpose of which is to offer virtual tours (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) applications, as well as architectural heritage maintenance applications. There are also gaps in knowledge that have allowed us to establish a starting point for future research. As a conclusion, we can advance that it is essential to further the heritage interpretation of HBIM information so that the non-expert public can better understand architectural assets and their history. Also observable is the need for optimizing HBIM processes for heritage diffusion and public use management. Finally, we also noted it would be very useful to identify the most efficient way of collecting and processing data in order to achieve the best HBIM technical information for dissemination purposes.This research has stemmed from out of the successful results obtained in the research project entitled ‘Designing a database for managing architectural heritage information and knowledge’, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain, and developed by the article’s authors.Salvador-García, E.; G-Valldecabres, J.; Viñals Blasco, MJ. (2018). The use of HBIM models as a tool for dissemination and public use management of historical architecture: a review. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning. 13(1):96-107. https://doi.org/10.2495/SDP-V13-N1-96-107S9610713

    Forced Convection Heat Transfer from a Finite-Height Cylinder

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    [EN] This paper presents a large eddy simulation of forced convection heat transfer in the flow around a surface-mounted finite-height circular cylinder. The study was carried out for a cylinder with height-to-diameter ratio of 2.5, a Reynolds number based on the cylinder diameter of 44 000 and a Prandtl number of 1. Only the surface of the cylinder is heated while the bottom wall and the inflow are kept at a lower fixed temperature. The approach flow boundary layer had a thickness of about 10% of the cylinder height. Local and averaged heat transfer coefficients are presented. The heat transfer coefficient is strongly affected by the free-end of the cylinder. As a result of the flow over the top being downwashed behind the cylinder, a vortex-shedding process does not occur in the upper part, leading to a lower value of the local heat transfer coefficient in that region. In the lower region, vortex-shedding takes place leading to higher values of the local heat transfer coefficient. The circumferentially averaged heat transfer coefficient is 20 % higher near the ground than near the top of the cylinder. The spreading and dilution of the mean temperature field in the wake of the cylinder are also discussed.The simulation was carried out using the supercomputing facilities of the Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. MGV has been partially supported by grant TRA2012-37714 of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.García Villalba, M.; Palau-Salvador, G.; Rodi, W. (2014). Forced Convection Heat Transfer from a Finite-Height Cylinder. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. 93(1):171-187. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10494-014-9543-7S171187931Ames, F., Dvorak, L.: Turbulent transport in pin fin arrays: experimental data and predictions. J. 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    Nuevos conocimientos sobre la invernada y migración de la gaviota báltica Larus fuscus fuscus Linnaeus, 1758 (Charadriiformes: Laridae) en España

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    La gaviota sombría, Larus fuscus (Linnaeus, 1758), es una especie politípica cuya situación taxonómica sigue siendo revisada por parte de algunos científicos. La subespecie nominal Larus fuscus fuscus o “gaviota báltica” está considerada rareza en España, aunque desde hace más de una década cada año es observado algún ejemplar anillado. Esto nos ha llevado a actualizar su distribución espacial y temporal en España, usando datos de aves cuyos registros han sido aprobados o están bajo revisión del Comité de Rarezas de la Sociedad Española de Ornitología. Nuestros resultados sugieren que España constituye un área de invernada para una parte muy pequeña de la población, especialmente el área de Málaga, y que el período con mayor probabilidad de avistamientos es el de noviembre a marzo.Postprin