1,154 research outputs found

    Experimental studies on gas and dust emissions to the atmosphere in rabbit and broiler buildings

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    La contaminación atmosférica originada por la producción animal intensiva afecta al medio ambiente global, a la salud de las personas y al bienestar de los animales de la propia granja. Se trata de una problemática de creciente interés en países en los que, como en el caso de España, se ha investigado poco hasta el momento. Esta tesis doctoral se centra en la medición experimental de concentraciones y emisiones de gases (amoniaco, metano, óxido nitroso y dióxido de carbono) y partículas (PM10) en granjas de pollos de cebo y de conejos, principalmente en clima mediterráneo, analizando los factores que afectan a dichas emisiones. Para ello, la tesis se compone de cinco trabajos de investigación diferenciados, aunque estrechamente relacionados entre sí. En primer lugar, se estudia en detalle la metodología empleada para medir las emisiones, basado en un balance en el que las variables son la concentración de gases y el flujo de ventilación; por otra parte, se desarrolla un procedimiento para el análisis de la incertidumbre cuyo objetivo es obtener indicadores de la calidad de los resultados. En segundo lugar, se aborda la medición del flujo de ventilación en granjas comerciales mediante el desarrollo de un circuito para la adquisición de información sobre el funcionamiento de los ventiladores. Posteriormente, y en aplicación de los dos anteriores estudios, se determinan las emisiones de gases en dos granjas comerciales de conejos y una de pollos en el litoral mediterráneo español, obteniendo resultados muy útiles para la mejora del inventario nacional de emisiones. Finalmente, se ha cuantificado la influencia de la actividad de los pollos de engorde en las emisiones de partículas y de gases, y se ha evaluado la aplicabilidad de un método para la determinación indirecta de la ventilación basado en el balance de dióxido de carbono. Los resultados obtenidos en estos experimentos y en los correspondientes análisis contribuyen al conocimiento general acerca de las emisionesCalvet Sanz, S. (2008). Experimental studies on gas and dust emissions to the atmosphere in rabbit and broiler buildings [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8304Palanci

    Experimental balance to estimate efficiency in the use of nitrogen in rabbit breeding

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    [EN] Defining the composition and properties of manure in livestock production is critical in order to minimise possible environmental impacts stemming from its management. In this study, a nitrogen balance was carried out during two identical fattening periods (Experiments 1 and 2) in growing rabbits from weaning (age 28 d and live weight about 0.6 kg) to slaughter (age 61 d and live weight about 1.8 kg). The breeding conditions were typical for Spanish rabbit production. The objectives were to quantify the total nitrogen excreted by the animals and to estimate the average efficiency in the use of this nutrient, in comparison to other species. Animal weight, feed intake, and the production of faeces and urine were monitored weekly in a set of eight cages with nine rabbits in each, performing weekly analyses for nitrogen content in feed, urine and faeces. The overall nitrogen excretion was 50.2 g N per animal in Experiment 1 and 46.9 g N per animal in Experiment 2, which corresponded to about 58% of the total nitrogen intake. Urine and faeces contributed to overall nitrogen excretion in approximately the same proportions. The nitrogen excretion ratio was 40 grams per kilogram of animal produced. According to this ratio, rabbit breeding is less efficient in the use of nitrogen than raising broilers, but more than fattening pigs.The authors thank the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science for the economic support to conduct this study (Project GASFARM AGL2005-07297).Calvet Sanz, S.; Estellés Barber, F.; Hermida, B.; Blumetto, O.; Torres Salvador, AG. (2008). Experimental balance to estimate efficiency in the use of nitrogen in rabbit breeding. World Rabbit Science. 16(4). https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2008.615SWORD16

    Characterization of the indoor environment and gas emissions in rabbit farms

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    [EN] There is a need to characterize gas concentrations and emissions from rabbit production. A study was conducted in order to determine ammonia, nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide concentrations and emissions in three rabbit farms in the Spanish Mediterranean area. Gas emissions were measured for 187 days in two different production stages (reproductive does and fattening rabbits). Gas concentrations were measured every two hours. Indoor temperature, relative humidity and ventilation flow were measured hourly. As a result, indoor temperature and relative humidity varied throughout the year, following a sinusoidal daily variation pattern. Maximum gas concentrations (14.3 mg/m3 of NH3, 7041 mg/m3 of CO2 and 5.10 mg/m3 of N2O) did not exceed the maximum recommended thresholds considering human health and animal welfare. Ammonia emissions were on average 55.9 and 10.2 mg/h per reproductive doe and fattening rabbit, respectively, and they were affected by temperature and relative humidity. The average carbon dioxide emission was 12588 mg/h per animal for does and 3341 mg/h for fattening rabbits. Nitrous oxide emission from does was 10.3 mg/h per animal, whereas for fattening rabbits the emission was negligible. Daily variation patterns of all measured parameters were observed and characterised in this study.The authors thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Project GasFarm AGL2008-04125) for the economic support to conduct this study. Acquisition of the gas analyser was co-financed by the Generalitat Valenciana (Conselleria de Empresa, Universidad y Ciencia) and FEDER funds.Calvet Sanz, S.; Cambra López, M.; Estellés Barber, F. (2011). Characterization of the indoor environment and gas emissions in rabbit farms. World Rabbit Science. 19(1). https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2011.802SWORD19

    La alimentación en producción intensiva de animales monogástricos: Un elemento clave para reducir su impacto ambiental

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    La alimentación animal es un factor clave para garantizar la sostenibilidad de la ganadería, especialmente en la producción intensiva de monogástricos. El impacto ambiental de este sector está principalmente relacionado con la producción de materias primas para piensos y la gestión de deyecciones. Las materias primas que conforman un pienso determinan su huella ambiental. En nuestras condiciones, la sustitución de soja por fuentes proteicas locales y un aumento en el uso de subproductos podrían, inicialmente, mejorar la sostenibilidad de los piensos. Sin embargo, para valorar las ventajas ambientales reales es necesario disponer de información precisa sobre el origen y los efectos en la digestibilidad de los nutrientes y la productividad de estas materias primas. Por otro lado, existe una relación directa entre la alimentación, excreción de nutrientes y emisión de gases a partir de las excretas en porcino y aves. La reducción de proteína de los piensos reduce las emisiones de amoniaco de las excretas. Para otros nutrientes como la fibra y la grasa, esta relación es más compleja. La implementación de estrategias basadas en la nutrición de precisión, el uso de tecnología (pretratamientos y enzimas) para aumentar la digestibilidad de las materias primas o el control de la salud intestinal de los animales es fundamental para aumentar la eficiencia en el uso de recursos y reducir el impacto ambiental de la ganadería. Este trabajo describe el estado del arte de la formulación de piensos sostenibles y la mejora en el aprovechamiento de nutrientes

    Intangible heritage through mediation proposals in tourist cities: the case of Sarrià-Sant Gervasi in Barcelona.

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    En nombroses ocasions, el patrimoni cultural immaterial pot ser indesxifrable per a les persones que el volen gaudir a causa de la seva intangibilitat. És per això que el present article pretén trencar amb aquesta barrera a través de tres propostes de mediació per a una ruta turístico-cultural al districte de Sarrià - Sant Gervasi (Barcelona). A més, també es busca descentralitzar l’activitat turística de la ciutat augmentant l’oferta cultural a zones menys centrificades. Concretament, l’itinerari té l’objectiu d’explicar la història d’aquest districte a través dels seus personatges més emblemàtics, destacant elements patrimonials, fets, curiositats i anècdotes del barri. Les tres propostes de mediació són: una visita teatralitzada on els participants són els actors, una visita amb codis QR a través dels quals es plantegen reptes als usuaris i una visita nocturna de terror que finalitza amb un escape room. Per acabar, es proposen futures línies de recerca vinculades per una banda a les ciutats i, per l’altra, a la proposta concreta.In many occasions, intangible cultural heritage can be illegible for those who would like to enjoy it due to its immateriality. That is why this article aims to take down these barriers through three mediation proposals for a touristic-cultural route in the district of Sarrià - Sant Gervasi (Barcelona). Moreover, another goal is to decentralize the touristic activity of the city, increasing the cultural offer in off-the-beaten track areas. Specifically, this itinerary aims to explain the history of the district through its most relevant individuals, emphasizing their heritage elements, facts, curiosities and anecdotes of the neighbourhood. The three mediation proposals are: a theatralised visit where the participants are the actors, a visit guided by QR codes that raise questions to the users and a nocturnal terror visit that finalizes with an escape room. Finally, some future researches are suggested linked to the tourists cities and the specific proposal.

    Uncertainty Modelling to Evaluate Nitrogen Balances As a Tool to Determine N2 and N2O Formation in Ammonia Bioscrubbers

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    Biological scrubbers aim at reducing gaseous ammonia emissions by transferring it to a water phase followed by conversion to nitrite and nitrate. A small part of the removed nitrogen may be emitted as N 2 and N 2O produced as a result of denitrification processes. Due to the large greenhouse warming potential of N 2O, even a small emission could be a point of concern. Determining these N losses in form of N 2 and N 2O via nitrogen balance is an alternative, but little is known about the uncertainty associated to this method. The main aim of this work was to develop an uncertainty model that evaluated N-balances in biological scrubbers in terms of result uncertainty. Secondary objectives were to provide a methodology to determine individual uncertainties involved, and to conduct a sensitivity analysis to identify the main contributors to the final uncertainty. For a defined scenario (biotrickling scrubber, 70% NH 3 removal; 5% of inlet N-NH 3 lost as N 2 and N 2O), the standard uncertainty expressed in relative terms of the average was 132% (released N in form of N 2 and N 2O). Main contributors to the final uncertainty were airflow rate and water volume in the scrubber basin. Uncertainty of the measurements of gaseous NH 3 concentrations and N compounds in water had a reduced effect on the final uncertainty. Based on these results, N balances are not recommended to evaluate N 2 and N 2O formation in biological scrubbers, at least for the conditions considered in this work. © Copyright 2012, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.The auhors would like to thank the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation, and the Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, for financial support.Estellés Barber, F.; Calvet Sanz, S.; Melse, RW.; Ogink, N. (2012). Uncertainty Modelling to Evaluate Nitrogen Balances As a Tool to Determine N2 and N2O Formation in Ammonia Bioscrubbers. Environmental Engineering Science. 29(6):1-6. doi:10.1089/ees.2011.01891629

    Particulate matter concentrations and emissions in rabbit farms

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    [EN] The extent of the potential health hazards of particulate matter (PM) inside rabbit farms and the magnitude of emission levels to the outside environment are still unknown, as data on PM concentrations and emissions in and from such buildings is scarce. The purpose of this study was to quantify airborne PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations and emissions on two rabbit farms in Mediterranean conditions and identify the main factors related with farm activities influencing PM generation. Concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 were determined continuously using a tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) in one farm with fattening rabbits and one reproductive doe farm in autumn. At the same time as PM sampling, the time and type of human farm activity being performed was recorded. Additionally, temperature, relative humidity and ventilation rate were recorded continuously. Emissions were calculated using a mass balance on each farm. Results showed PM concentrations in rabbit farms are low compared with poultry and pig farms. Average PM10 concentrations were 0.082±0.059 mg/m3 (fattening rabbits), and 0.048 ±0.058 mg/m3 (reproductive does). Average PM2.5 concentrations were 0.012±0.016 mg/m3 (fattening rabbits), and 0.012±0.035 mg/m3 (reproductive does). Particulate matter concentrations were significantly influenced by the type of human farm activity carried out in the building rather than by animal activity. The main PM-generating activity on the fattening rabbit farm was sweeping, and the major PM-generating activity in reproductive does was sweeping and burning hair from the cages. Average PM10 emissions were 5.987±6.144 mg/place/day (fattening rabbits), and 14.9±31.5 mg/place/day (reproductive does). Average PM2.5 emissions were 0.20±1.26 mg/place/day (fattening rabbits), and 2.83±19.54 mg/place/day (reproductive does). Emission results indicate that rabbit farms can be considered relevant point sources of PM emissions, comparable to other livestock species. Our results improve the knowledge on factors affecting concentration and emissions of PM in rabbit farms and can contribute to the design of suitable PM reduction measures to control not only PM inside rabbit houses, but also its emission into the atmosphere.The authors thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for the economic support to conduct this study (Project GasFarm-2 AGL2008-04125) and the Campus de Excelencia Internacional of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. The authors are also grateful to the farmers and staff at the farms who collaborated during sampling periods.Adell Sales, E.; Calvet Sanz, S.; Torres, AG.; Cambra López, M. (2012). Particulate matter concentrations and emissions in rabbit farms. World Rabbit Science. 20(1):1-11. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2012.1035SWORD11120

    Las tejedoras mayas de Guatemala: un proceso activo para la salvaguardia de su patrimonio cultural inmaterial

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    Currently, many are the phenomena that occur around intangible cultural heritage (ICH), related to its politics and legacy. With a critical analysis perspective, this article aims to describe the processes of patrimonialisation, commodification, and touristification of ICH, especially of the Guatemalan Mayan fabrics. The ongoing movement of Guatemalan weavers to protect and vindicate the cultural value of this art brings to light the role of different actors that intervene in intangible cultural heritage and, of greater relevance, indigenous communities. The following analysis framework on the diverse conceptualisations of heritage, authenticity, commodification and touristification allows for a deeper understanding of the Mayan weavers’ situation. The methodology used in this article consists on a case study, through which the following main conclusions arise: the lack of protection of ICH of this case study given the complex definitions and categorisations; the need to identify the consequences of commodification and touristification of ancestral tapestries, highlighting the importance of tourism management from the communities; and, finally, the key role of women as transmitters and protectors of ICH, who have headed a process of movement and empowerment.Actualmente, muchos son los fenómenos que ocurren alrededor del patrimonio cultural inmaterial (PCI), relacionados con sus políticas y su legado. Con una perspectiva de análisis crítica, este artículo pretende exponer los procesos de patrimonialización, mercantilización y turistificación del PCI, especialmente de los tejidos mayas de Guatemala. La lucha presente de las tejedoras guatemaltecas para proteger y reivindicar el valor cultural de este arte pone sobre la mesa el papel de los distintos actores que intervienen en el patrimonio cultural inmaterial y, de mayor relevancia, las comunidades indígenas. El siguiente marco de análisis sobre las distintas conceptualizaciones de patrimonio, autenticidad, mercantilización y turistificación permitirán entender con mayor profundidad la situación de las tejedoras mayas. La metodología usada en este artículo consiste en un estudio de caso, a partir de la cual se extraen como principales conclusiones la desprotección del PCI de este análisis dadas las complejas definiciones y categorizaciones; la necesidad de identificar las consecuencias de la mercantilización y turistificación de los tejidos ancestrales, recalcando la importancia de la gestión turística desde las comunidades; y, finalmente, el protagonismo clave de las mujeres como transmisoras y protectoras del PCI, las cuales han liderado un proceso de lucha y empoderamiento
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