2,147 research outputs found

    Some nonlinear mechanical problems solved with analytical solutions

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    In this paper the analytical solution of nonlinear ordinary differential systems is addressed. Some of the problems are classical in the related literature and exhibit chaotic behavior in certain ranges of the involved parameters despite being simple-looking deterministic systems. The solutions are approached by means of the old technique of power series to solve ordinary differential equations. The independent variable is time in all the illustrations and elementary recurrence algorithms are obtained. This is an alternative to the standard numerical techniques and ensures the theoretical exactness of the response. Several examples are included and trajectories diagrams, phase plots, etc. are shown. The desired numerical precision is attained using time steps several times larger than the usual ones. The availability of an analytical solution may be an additional tool within a standard qualitative analysis. The solution of higher order problems and governed by partial differential equations is under study.Fil: Filipich, Carlos Pedro. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingeniería; Argentina. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional; ArgentinaFil: Rosales, Marta Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Unidad de Direccion; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingeniería. Área Estabilidad; ArgentinaFil: Buezas, Fernando Salvador. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Unidad de Direccion; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Física; Argentin

    Marketing plan for Datanet Consulting

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    Treball Final de Grau en Administració d'Empreses. Codi: AE1049. Curs 2017-201

    La adhesión de los países ibéricos a las Comunidades Europeas y el impulso de las relaciones con América Latina

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    Producción CientíficaAssessment of the relationship between the European Union and Latin America after the incorporation of Spain and Portugal to the European Community area. The paper analyzes and interprets the course and the importance of these relationships acquired during the first twenty years of the integration of the Iberian countries in the EU

    Towards an understanding of changing accounting practice using institutional theory: the case of the royal tobacco factory of Seville

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    This paper is initially informed byan institutional theoretical framework developed by Fligstein (1993) to analyse changes in accounting practices that took place in the Royal Tobacco Factory (RTF) of Seville during the period 1760-1790. Deploying the institutional theory framework, it is possible to argue that the significantly greater development and use of accounting practices during that period can be linked to the move to the much larger and more purpose-built new factories, the dec1ine in total tobacco consumption and the pressure to increase revenue for the Spanish Crown while redllcing prodllction cost and maintaining high product quality to deter entry. These new accollnting practices may have developed in part with the intent of improving factory efticiency. It is also arglled that these new accollnting practices provided enhanced external legitimacy for the RTF in the face of the events discussed aboye and cOllld have contributed to the long survival of de RTF as a monopolist. The paper, however, suggests that typologies such as the one developed by Fligstein are too restrictive in linking the emergence of specific organizational actions (e.g. accollnting practises) as a response to a particular organizational typology, in Fligstein's case a conception of control. The paper conc1udes by suggesting that it may be best to refrain from conceptllalizing the rise of accounting practices in terms of strict matching with other organizational parameters, such as strategy, structure, or mode of control

    Clau de volta

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    Control and cost accounting practices in the Spanish royal tobacco facfory

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the cost accounting system implemented in 1773 by a large Spanish tobacco company which operated as a monopolist. Drawing on data extracted from original archives, the paper examines the characteristics of the cost system within the broader context of a strict control system. The paper argues that there was a connection between the two systems. One of the main roles of the cost accounting system was to buttress a set of structural measures instituted in the RTF with the aim of minimising the scope for tobacco theft. Another aim was to impart visibility upon the various activities undertaken in the RTF. The paper also examines the role of the cost accounting practices as a disciplinary regime. A combination of physical measures, reflecting the rates and mixes of resource utilisation and monetary measures were developed to facilitate monitoring and surveillance of the activities of the factory employees. These measures were used to establish a powerful regime of calculability which rendered human accountability visible. Such calculability created an environment at the RTF in which management could compare, differentiate, hierarchaise, homogenise, and even exclude individuals

    Towards an institutional analysis of accounting change in the Royal Tobacco Factory of Seville

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    This paper is initially informed by an institutional sociological framework to analyze changes in accounting practices that took place in the Royal Tobacco Factory (RTF) of Seville during the period 1760-1790. We argue that the significantly greater development and use of accounting practices during that period can be linked to the move to the much larger and more purposefully built new factories, the decline in total tobacco consumption, and the pressure to increase revenue for the Spanish Crown while reducing production cost and maintaining high product quality to deter entry. These new accounting practices were developed in part with the intent of improving factory efficiency, but importantly, they enhanced the external legitimacy of the RTF in the face of the events mentioned above and contributed to the long survival of the RTF as a monopolist

    Aproximación a un estudio sobre el impacto de actos discriminatorios que vulneran los derechos universitarios en la UAEM

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    En el presente trabajo de investigación se realizó un estudio de la problemática social mexicana en torno al tema a la trascendencia del derecho a la no discriminación por razón de género en la Universidad y su repercusión en la comunidad homosexual, específicamente para nuestro estudio en la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. En diversos países, así como en la mayoría de las entidades federativas de la República Mexicana, al sector poblacional de diversidad sexual aún no se le han reconocido la totalidad de sus derechos. En la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, se discrimina a personas homosexuales principalmente por la sociedad que vulnera el derecho a la educación, objeto de nuestro tema de investigación. A través del trabajo de investigación realizado se buscó establecer la necesidad del reconocimiento de los derechos fundamentales en relación con el tema estudiado, en la idea de que los mismos sean susceptibles de poder elevarse a todo el territorio nacional. Consecutivamente, en la investigación realizada dentro de los diferentes capítulos haremos un análisis jurídico, social, antropológico, cultural y político en torno al tema del derecho a la no discriminación a personas homosexuales en el ambiente escolar, teniendo como directriz la rama de Derechos Humanos