202 research outputs found

    L’ampiezza dell’obbligo positivo di ammettere un cittadino straniero nel caso Ghadamian c. Svizzera

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    The European Court of Human Rights judgment in the case Ghadamian v Switzerland provides an opportunity for some reflections on the Court's case law in relation to the protection of the right to private and family life in the migratory context and specifically as regards the extent of positive obligations for the Member States of the Council of Europe with respect to the admission of foreign nationals

    A inovação no processo de internacionalização das empresas exportadoras do sul de Santa Catarina

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    Monografia apresentada para a obtenção do grau de Bacharel em Administração, no Curso de Administração Linha de Formação Específica em Comércio Exterior da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense – UNESC.Diante de um cenário global competitivo e cheio de incertezas, uma das saídas para as organizações abrange não somente a inovação, mas também a internacionalização. Estas quando aliadas, formam um par estratégico na busca de competitividade internacional. Diante disto, o estudo objetivou identificar o papel da inovação no processo de internacionalização das empresas exportadoras do Sul de Santa Catarina. Metodologicamente caracterizou-se como uma pesquisa essencialmente qualitativa, descritiva, bibliográfica e de campo. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de um questionário aplicado via google docs junto à 12 empresas exportadoras que compõe os mais variados setores do Sul de Santa Catarina. Os dados foram analisados por meio de uma análise de frequência simples. Constatou-se que são empresas de médio a grande porte, com direcionamento interno, destinando apenas seus excedentes ao exterior e que comercializam principalmente com países da América do Sul devido à distância psíquica favorável. Também foi possível notar que as mesmas se internacionalizaram principalmente devido às oportunidades externas, estratégias e vantagens competitivas. Os desafios concentram-se na falta de conhecimento sobre o país alvo, bem como na competição internacional. No escopo da inovação, estas empresas investem majoritariamente em processos e produtos, não utilizando de ferramentas de financiamento para o mesmo. Por fim, percebe-se que a maioria ainda destina pouco de suas receitas à inovação, todavia mesmo com um investimento baixo, o impacto do mesmo reflete de maneira significativa em sua atuação externa

    Field evaluation of a second-generation cytometer UF-100 in diagnosis of acute urinary tract infections in adult patients

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    AbstractAims The authors evaluated the analytical performance of the Sysmex UF-100 cytometer vs. the diagnosis of urinary tract infections (UTI).Methods We considered 2010 subjects, aged between 18 and 78, 870 males and 1140 females. The majority (90.2%) of the samples were voided urine specimens collected by using the midstream technique. Each sample was subjected to microbiological evaluation (culture + residual antibacterial activity), dipstick tests, UF-100 examination and microscopic observation. In order to obtain a final diagnosis of UTI these laboratory results were taken into consideration together with clinical data and patients' characteristics. The analytical performance of the laboratory tests was obtained by adopting this diagnosis as standard practice.Results Out of the total 2010 subjects considered a clinical diagnosis of UTI was obtained in 529 cases (26.32%). The UF-100-based screening had sensitivity, 0.94; specificity, 0.93; positive predictive value, 0.83; negative predictive value, 0.98; and correctly classified incidence, 0.93.Conclusions In our experience the results of the UF-100-based screening show a very good correlation with the diagnosis of acute UTI in adults patients

    In vivo marginal evaluation of the bracket/enamel interface using optical microscopy and fluorescent laser

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    Orientadores: Darcy Flavio Nouer, Paulo Roberto Aranha NouerDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar in vivo a superfície do esmalte de dentes humanos e a margem da interface braquete/esmalte por meio de microscopia óptica e laser de fluorescência. Foram analisados premolares com indicação de extração, de 35 pacientes, com idades entre 11 e 20 anos, em início de tratamento ortodôntico, divididos em grupo 1 (flúor-controle n=15), sendo 5 do gênero masculino e 10 do feminino, e grupo 2 (pré-flúor n=20), sendo 9 do gênero masculino e 11 do feminino. No total, avaliaram-se 137 dentes e 207 faces de colagem. Em cada dente observaram-se 9 pontos, sendo as 4 margens das interfaces braquete/esmalte (pontos próximos), 4 pontos à 2mm destas (pontos distantes) e 1 ponto de calibração. A avaliação foi realizada: no dia da colagem do braquete (F1), uma semana pós-colagem (F2) e quatro semanas pós-colagem (F3). Para o grupo 2, acrescentou-se uma avaliação 15 dias antes da colagem (F0). Os pacientes receberam dentifrício contendo 1.450 ppm de flúor (MFP), uma escova dentária e foram orientados à escovação 3x/dia, após as principais refeições, sendo que foram instruídos a diminuir o consumo de açúcar. Tais instruções e produtos foram oferecidos na F1 para o grupo 1 e na F0 para o grupo 2; além disso, o grupo 2 também recebeu um isolamento superficial ao redor da área de colagem. Para as avaliações, foram utilizados o laser de fluorescência - DIAGNOdent e o microscópio óptico - Sistema Galileu inclinado, acoplado a uma câmera digital Sentech STC-C83USB-AT. Para a colagem dos braquetes Microarch, utilizou-se 4 diferentes materiais: Transbond XT; Concise Ortodôntico; Fuji Ortho LC; e Monolok2. Os dados foram submetidos às análises estatísticas Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon e Friedman (p > 0,05) e foram obtidos os seguintes resultados: as leituras com o DIAGNOdent foram significantemente maiores, ou seja, maior desmineralização, nos pontos próximos que nos distantes, em ambos os grupos; o grupo 1 apresentou leituras maiores que o grupo 2 em todas as fases do estudo; houve diminuição das leituras com o laser no decorrer das fases do estudo, para ambos os grupos; não houve diferença estatisticamente significante nas leituras para nenhum dos materiais; quanto aos gêneros, no grupo 1, o masculino apresentou leituras maiores que o feminino; já no grupo 2, o gênero feminino apresentou leituras maiores que o masculino; a face vestibular apresentou leituras maiores que a palatina em todas as fases, grupos e gêneros; foi encontrado menos excesso de material de colagem nas margens das interfaces do grupo 2 e isso parece indicar que o isolamento ao redor da área de colagem proporcionou maior proteção, porém, a presença de excesso não esteve correlacionada com o aumento de leitura do DIAGNOdent. Pôde-se concluir que o uso de dentifrício fluoretado e higienização bucal 3x/dia, com motivação semanal e controle da dieta colaboraram para a diminuição da desmineralização e/ou aumento da remineralização da superfície de esmalte, sendo que, de acordo com os resultados obtidos, esses procedimentos devem se iniciar antes da instalação do aparelho ortodôntico fixoAbstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate in vivo the human tooth enamel surface and the bracket/enamel interface through optical microscopy and fluorescent laser. Premolars, indicated for extraction, from 35 patients (between 11 e 20 years old) beginning orthodontic treatment were evaluated. The patients were divided into 2 groups: G1 (control-fluor) (n=15) consisting of 5 males and 10 females; and G2 (pre-fluor) (n=20) consisting of 9 males and 11 females. A total of 137 teeth and 207 bond faces were evaluated. Nine points of each tooth were analyzed: 4 bracket/enamel interfaces (near points), 4 points 2mm far from these interfaces (far points) and 1 calibration point. The patients received a 1.450 ppm MFP fluoride toothpaste and a toothbrush and were instructed to brush 3x/day, after the principal meals and restrict the sugar consume. The evaluation was separated in the following Phases: at the day of bracket bonding (F1), a week after bonding (F2), and four weeks after bonding (F3). Group 2 was also evaluated 15 days before bonding and oral hygiene instructions (F0). Group 1 received the instructions at the F1 and group 2 received those at the F0. In addiction, in the group 2, the bonding area received a protection layer. It was used the DIAGNOdent and a visual inspection using optical microscopy, Galileu System (200mm) coupled to a Sentech Digital Camera model STC-C83USB-AT. The Microarch brackets were bonded with 4 different materials: Transbond XT; Orthodontic Concise; Fuji Ortho LC; and Monolok2. The data was statistically analyzed by Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon and Friedman (p > 0,05) and DIAGNOdent showed readings significantly higher near the brackets than at far points, for both groups. However, group 1 showed higher readings at all phases tested. The laser readings decreased according to the phases, for both groups. The results showed no statistically difference between the materials used. Considering patient gender, in group 1, males showed higher readings. Females showed higher readings in group 2, though. Buccal aspect showed higher readings than palatine aspect at all phases and for both groups and genders evaluated. It was found less material excess for group 2, and this result indicates that the vaseline layer protected the interface, although the material excess was not related to DIAGNOdent readings. In conclusion, the use of fluoride toothpaste and oral hygiene with toothbrush 3x/day, added to weekly motivation and diet control can help reducing enamel demineralization and/or increasing remineralization. According to the present results, these procedures must be done before orthodontic bondingMestradoOrtodontiaMestre em Radiologia Odontológic

    Relating cardiorespiratory responses to work rate during incremental ramp exercise on treadmill in children and adolescents: sex and age differences

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    PURPOSE: Evaluation of cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) slopes such as [Formula: see text] (cardiac/skeletal muscle function) and [Formula: see text] (O2 delivery/utilization), using treadmill protocols is limited because the difficulties in measuring the total work rate ([Formula: see text]). To overcome this limitation, we proposed a new method in quantifying [Formula: see text] to determine CPET slopes.METHODS: CPET's were performed by healthy patients, (n=674, 9-18year) 300 female (F) and 374 male (M), using an incremental ramp protocol on a treadmill. For this protocol, a quantitative relationship based on biomechanical principles of human locomotion, was used to quantify the [Formula: see text] of the subject. CPET slopes were determined by linear regression of the data recorded until the gas exchange threshold occurred.RESULTS: The method to estimate [Formula: see text] was substantiated by verifying that: [Formula: see text] for treadmill exercise corresponded to an efficiency of muscular work similar to that of cycle ergometer; [Formula: see text] (mL min-1W-1) was invariant with age and greater in M than F older than 12 years old (13-14years: 9.6±1.5(F) vs. 10.5±1.8(M); 15-16years: 9.7±1.7(F) vs. 10.6±2.2(M); 17-18years: 9.6±1.7(F) vs. 11.0±2.3(M), p<0.05); similar to cycle ergometer exercise, [Formula: see text] was inversely related to body weight (BW) (r=0.71) or [Formula: see text] (r=0.66) and [Formula: see text] was not related to BW (r=- 0.01), but had a weak relationship with [Formula: see text] (r=0.28).CONCLUSION: The proposed approach can be used to estimate [Formula: see text] and quantify CPET slopes derived from incremental ramp protocols at submaximal exercise intensities using the treadmill, like the cycle ergometer, to infer cardiovascular and metabolic function in both healthy and diseased states

    Acute respiratory muscle unloading improves time-to-exhaustion during moderate- and heavy-intensity cycling in obese adolescent males

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    Obesity significantly impairs breathing during exercise. The aim was to determine, in male obese adolescents (OB), the effects of acute respiratory muscle unloading, obtained by switching the inspired gas from ambient air (AIR) to a normoxic helium + oxygen gas mixture (HeO2) (AIR \u2192 HeO2) during moderate [below gas exchange threshold (GET)] and heavy [above GET] constant work rate cycling. Ten OB [age 16.0 \ub1 2.0\ua0years (mean \ub1 SD); body mass index (BMI) 38.9 \ub1 6.1\ua0kg/m2] and ten normal-weight age-matched controls (CTRL) inspired AIR for the entire exercise task, or underwent AIR \u2192 HeO2 when they were approaching volitional exhaustion. In OB time to exhaustion (TTE) significantly increased in AIR \u2192 HeO2 vs. AIR during moderate [1524 \ub1 480\ua0s vs. 1308 \ub1 408 (P = 0.024)] and during heavy [570 \ub1 306\ua0s vs. 408 \ub1 150 (P = 0.0154)] exercise. During moderate exercise all CTRL completed the 40-min task. During heavy exercise no significant differences were observed in CTRL for TTE (582 \ub1 348\ua0s [AIR \u2192 HeO2] vs. 588 \ub1 252 [AIR]). In OB, but not in CTRL, acute unloading of respiratory muscles increased TTE during both moderate- and heavy-exercise. In OB, but not in CTRL, respiratory factors limit exercise tolerance during both moderate and heavy exercise

    Skeletal muscle oxidative function in vivo and ex vivo in athletes with marked hypertrophy from resistance training

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    Oxidative function during exercise was evaluated in 11 young athletes with marked skeletal muscle hypertrophy induced by long-term resistance training (RTA, body mass 102.67.3 kg, meanSD) and 11 controls (CTRL, body mass 77.86.0). Pulmonary O2 uptake (V\u27O2) and vastus lateralis muscle fractional O2 extraction (by near-infrared spectroscopy) were determined during an incremental cycle ergometer (CE) and one-leg knee-extension (KE) exercise. Mitochondrial respiration was evaluated ex vivo by high-resolution respirometry in permeabilized vastus lateralis fibers obtained by biopsy. Quadriceps femoris muscle cross sectional area, volume (determined by magnetic resonance imaging) and strength were greater in RTA vs. CTRL (by ~40%, ~33% and ~20%, respectively). V\u27O2peak during CE was higher in RTA vs. CTRL (4.050.64 L min-1 vs. 3.560.30)no difference between groups was observed during KE. The O2 cost of CE exercise was not different between groups. When divided per muscle mass (for CE) or quadriceps muscle mass (for KE) V\u27O2peak was lower (by 15-20%) in RTA vs. CTRL. Vastus lateralis fractional O2 extraction was lower in RTA vs. CTRL at all work rates, both during CE and KE. RTA had higher ADP-stimulated mitochondrial respiration (56.723.7 pmolO2s-1mg-1 ww) vs. CTRL (35.710.2), and a tighter coupling of oxidative phosphorylation. In RTA the greater muscle mass and maximal force, and the enhanced mitochondrial respiration seem to compensate for the hypertrophy-induced impaired peripheral O2 diffusion. The net results are an enhanced whole body oxidative function at peak exercise, and unchanged efficiency and O2 cost at submaximal exercise, despite a much greater body mas


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