2,101 research outputs found

    The role of diatom resting spores in pelagic–benthic coupling in the Southern Ocean

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    Natural iron fertilization downstream of Southern Ocean island plateaus supports large phytoplankton blooms and promotes carbon export from the mixed layer. In addition to sequestering atmospheric CO2, the biological carbon pump also supplies organic matter (OM) to deep-ocean ecosystems. Although the total flux of OM arriving at the seafloor sets the energy input to the system, the chemical nature of OM is also of significance. However, a quantitative framework linking ecological flux vectors to OM composition is currently lacking. In the present study we report the lipid composition of export fluxes collected by five moored sediment traps deployed in contrasting productivity regimes of Southern Ocean island systems (Kerguelen, Crozet and South Georgia) and compile them with quantitative data on diatom and faecal pellet fluxes. At the three naturally iron-fertilized sites, the relative contribution of labile lipids (mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty alcohols) is 2–4 times higher than at low productivity sites. There is a strong attenuation of labile components as a function of depth, irrespective of productivity. The three island systems also display regional characteristics in lipid export. An enrichment of zooplankton dietary sterols, such as C27Δ5, at South Georgia is consistent with high zooplankton and krill biomass in the region and the importance of faecal pellets to particulate organic carbon (POC) flux. There is a strong association of diatom resting spore fluxes that dominate productive flux regimes with energy-rich unsaturated fatty acids. At the Kerguelen Plateau we provide a statistical framework to link seasonal variation in ecological flux vectors and lipid composition over a complete annual cycle. Our analyses demonstrate that ecological processes in the upper ocean, e.g. resting spore formation and grazing, not only impact the magnitude and stoichiometry of the Southern Ocean biological pump, but also regulate the composition of exported OM and the nature of pelagic–benthic coupling

    Excursion to Grays

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    Strong contribution of diatom resting spores to deep-sea carbon transfer in naturally iron-fertilized waters downstream of South Georgia

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    Biogeochemical and diatom export fluxes are presented from two bathypelagic sediment trap deployments in the Antarctic Zone of the Southern Ocean. One of the sediment traps was deployed in very productive, naturally iron-fertilized waters downstream of South Georgia (P3, 2000 m) and compared to a deployment in moderately productive waters upstream of the island system (P2, 1500 m). At both sites significant diatom export events occurred in spring (November) and contained mostly empty cells that were associated with low particulate organic carbon (POC) fluxes. A summer export pulse occurred one month later at P2 (end February/March) compared to P3 (end January). Diatom fluxes at P3 were one order of magnitude higher than at P2, a difference mainly attributed to the short and intense export of resting spores from Chaetoceros Hyalochaete and Thalassiosira antarctica species. Aside from these resting spores, diatom export assemblages at both sites were dominated by empty Fragilariopsis kerguelensis frustules. The fraction of diatoms exported as empty frustules was considerably lower at P3 (52%) than P2 (91%). This difference was related to the flux of intact diatom resting spores at P3 and may partially explain the lower Si:C export stoichiometry observed at P3 (1.1) compared to P2 (1.5). Through the enumeration of full diatom frustules and subsequent biomass calculations we estimate that diatom resting spores account for 42% of annual POC flux in the productive waters downstream of South Georgia. At both sites the contribution of diatom vegetative stages to POC fluxes was considerably lower (<5%). From these analyses we conclude that resting spore export contributes towards the slightly higher bathypelagic (POC) flux at P3 (40.6 mmol m−2 y−1) compared to P2 (26.4 mmol m−2 y−1). We compared our sediment trap records with previously published diatom assemblage data from the mixed layer and surface sediments (3760 m) around South Georgia. The relative proportion of diatom resting spores within diatom assemblages increases as a function of depth and is explained by selective preservation of their robust frustules. Our study highlights the significance of diatom resting spore export as a carbon vector out of the mixed layer. Furthermore, the contribution or resting spores to POC flux in the bathypelagic ocean and sediments suggests they play a particularly important role in sequestering biologically fixed CO2 over climatically relevant timescales

    Dual-Frequency VSOP Observations of AO 0235+164

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    AO 0235+164 is a very compact, flat spectrum radio source identified as a BL Lac object at a redshift of z=0.94. It is one of the most violently variable extragalactic objects at both optical and radio wavelengths. The radio structure of the source revealed by various ground-based VLBI observations is dominated by a nearly unresolved compact component at almost all available frequencies. Dual-frequency space VLBI observations of AO 0235+164 were made with the VSOP mission in January-February 1999. The array of the Japanese HALCA satellite and co-observing ground radio telescopes in Australia, Japan, China and South Africa allowed us to study AO 0235+164 with an unprecedented angular resolution at frequencies of 1.6 and 5 GHz. We report on the sub-milliarcsecond structural properties of the source. The 5-GHz observations led to an estimate of T_B > 5.8 x 10^{13} K for the rest-frame brightness temperature of the core, which is the highest value measured with VSOP to date.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Publ. Astron. Soc. Japa

    Mass transport from the envelope to the disk of V346 Nor: a case study for the luminosity problem in an FUor-type young eruptive star

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    A long-standing open issue of the paradigm of low-mass star formation is the luminosity problem: most protostars are less luminous than theoretically predicted. One possible solution is that the accretion process is episodic. FU Ori-type stars (FUors) are thought to be the visible examples for objects in the high accretion state. FUors are often surrounded by massive envelopes, which replenish the disk material and enable the disk to produce accretion outbursts. However, we have insufficient information on the envelope dynamics in FUors, about where and how mass transfer from the envelope to the disk happens. Here we present ALMA observations of the FUor-type star V346 Nor at 1.3 mm continuum and in different CO rotational lines. We mapped the density and velocity structure of its envelope and analyze the results using channel maps, position-velocity diagrams, and spectro-astrometric methods. We found that V346 Nor is surrounded by gaseous material on 10000 au scale in which a prominent outflow cavity is carved. Within the central ∌\sim700 au, the circumstellar matter forms a flattened pseudo-disk where material is infalling with conserved angular momentum. Within ∌\sim350 au, the velocity profile is more consistent with a disk in Keplerian rotation around a central star of 0.1 M⊙M_{\odot}. We determined an infall rate from the envelope onto the disk of 6×\times10−6 M⊙^{-6}\,M_{\odot}yr−1^{-1}, a factor of few higher than the quiescent accretion rate from the disk onto the star, hinting for a mismatch between the infall and accretion rates as the cause of the eruption.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, published in Ap

    Barrier potential for laser written graphitic wires in diamond

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    Diamond substrates supporting an internal array of conductive graphitic wires inscribed by a femtosecond pulse laser, are useful for the detection of ionising radiation in a range of applications. Various parameters involved in the laser fabrication process were investigated in this paper to understand their impact on the electrical properties of the wires. The study revealed an effect, whereby the wires exhibit insulating behaviour until a barrier potential is overcome. When high enough voltages are applied, the wires display ohmic behaviour. The magnitude of the barrier potential, which in some cases exceeds 300 V, is shown to be strongly dependent on the laser fabrication parameters. Through process optimisation, the potential barrier may be minimised and effectively removed, coinciding with reduced values of the wire resistance

    The role of haem in the regulation of rat liver tryptophan metabolism

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    A Chandra Observation of Supernova Remnant G350.1-0.3 and Its Central Compact Object

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    We present a new Chandra observation of supernova remnant (SNR) G350.1-0.3. The high resolution X-ray data reveal previously unresolved filamentary structures and allow us to perform detailed spectroscopy in the diffuse regions of this SNR. Spectral analysis demonstrates that the region of brightest emission is dominated by hot, metal-rich ejecta while the ambient material along the perimeter of the ejecta region and throughout the remnant's western half is mostly low-temperature, shocked interstellar/circumstellar medium (ISM/CSM) with solar-type composition. The data reveal that the emission extends far to the west of the ejecta region and imply a lower limit of 6.6 pc on the diameter of the source (at a distance of 4.5 kpc). We show that G350.1-0.3 is likely in the free expansion (ejecta-dominated) stage and calculate an age of 600-1200 years. The derived relationship between the shock velocity and the electron/proton temperature ratio is found to be entirely consistent with that of other SNRs. We perform spectral fits on the X-ray source XMMU J172054.5-372652, a candidate central compact object (CCO), and find that its spectral properties fall within the typical range of other CCOs. We also present archival 24 um data of G350.1-0.3 taken with the Spitzer Space Telescope during the MIPSGAL galactic survey and find that the infrared and X-ray morphologies are well-correlated. These results help to explain this remnant's peculiar asymmetries and shed new light on its dynamics and evolution
