79 research outputs found

    Increasing temperature associated with increasing grilse proportion and smaller grilse size of Atlantic salmon

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    Effects of temperature on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) were analysed using Carlin tag recovery data (1985-2014), and mixed-stock catch data (smolt years from 2001 to 2012) in northern parts of the Baltic Sea. During warmer summers, the mean smolt length of the recaptured salmon tended to be smaller, and salmon were recaptured more frequently in feeding grounds closer to the home rivers in the Gulf of Bothnia, while colder summers were associated with more recaptures further south, in the Baltic Main Basin. Moreover, a warmer spring in the smolt year was associated with decreased weight of male grilses in mixed stock data. Further, warmer spring temperatures during the smolt year were associated with a higher proportion of one-sea-winter (1SW) males during the return migration in mixed stock data. These results suggest that the increasing global temperature may affect Atlantic salmon life history demographics

    Changes in age and maturity of anadromous whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) in the northern Baltic Sea from 1998 to 2014

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    The maturation of anadromous whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) was analysed from samples taken from commercial coastal fishing in 1998–2014 in the Gulf of Bothnia. Whitefish matured at a younger age from year to year. The proportion of older (5–12 sea years) mature males decreased from 79% to 39% in the northern Gulf of Bothnia (66°N–64°N) and from 76% to 14% in southern (64°N–60°30'N) during the study period. At the same time, the proportion of young males (2–4 sea years) increased. Whitefish matured younger: the proportion of mature fish at age four increased in both the north and south among females (13% → 98%; 6% → 85%) and males (68% → 99%; 29% → 89%). The catch length of four-year-old fish increased during the study period in both sexes. In contrast, the length of six-year-old females decreased from year to year. Sea surface temperatures increased during the study period, and were possibly associated with a decrease in the age of maturation and faster growth

    Large inter-stock differences in catch size-at-age of mature Atlantic salmon observed by using genetic individual origin assignment from catch data

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    Genetic individual assignment of river stock of origin of mixed stock catch fish offers a tool to analyze size differences among river stocks. Data on the genetically identified river stock of origin of individual fish from commercial mixed stock catches were used to compare the catch size-at-age of mature Atlantic salmon catch fish (Salmo salar) from different rivers in the Baltic Sea. In this application of genetic mixed stock modeling, individual assignments of the river stock of origin were analyzed together with length- and weight-at-age data for individual catch fish. The use of four genetic stock identification based methods was compared for defining the length distributions of caught mature salmon in different river stocks. The catch data included information on maturing salmon in the northern Baltic Sea over the years 2000-2013. DNA microsatellite data on 17 loci and information on the smoltification age were used to assign spawners to their stock of origin. All of the compared methods for using probabilistic stock of origin data in our case yielded very similar estimates of the final mean length distributions of the stocks. The Bayesian mixture model yielded slightly more conservative estimates than the direct probability method, threshold method, or the modified probability method. The catch size between spawners of a same sex and age from river stocks differed significantly and the differences were large. The mean catch weight of 1-sea-winter old mature males in different rivers varied from 1.9 kg to 2.9 kg, from 5.1 kg to 7.5 kg for 2-sea-winter old males, from 5.0 kg to 7.2 kg for 2-sea-winter old females, and from 8.2 kg to 10.8 kg for 3-sea-winter-old females. The mean size of caught wild salmon spawners in each year-class was on average smaller than that of the hatchery-reared and sea ranched stocks

    Glyphosate residues in soil affect crop plant germination and growth

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    Glyphosate-based herbicides (GBH) are the most widely used pesticides globally. Their persistence in soils and effects on non-target organisms have become a concern in agricultural and natural ecosystems. We experimentally studied, whether residues of GBH (Roundup Gold) or pure glyphosate in soils affect the germination or sprouting and growth of crop plants after the safety period. The seed germination of faba bean, oat and turnip rape, and sprouting of potato tubers was delayed in the greenhouse experiments in soils treated with GBH or with pure glyphosate. The total shoot biomass of faba bean was 28%, oat 29% and turnip rape 58% higher in control compared to GBH soils four weeks after sowing. In the beginning of the growing season, the plant growth in the field experiment supported the observations in the greenhouse experiment. However, at the end of the field experiment, potato shoot biomass was 25% and tuber biomass 14% greater in GBH soil compared to control soil. Potato tubers tended to gather low amounts of glyphosate (0.02 mg/kg) and its metabolite AMPA (0.07 mg/kg). Grazing by barnacle geese was three times higher in oats growing in the GBH soils compared to control oats in the field. Our results draw attention to complex indirect effects of GBH on crop plant seedling establishment and resistance to herbivores.</p
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