136 research outputs found

    Retrospect: EC’s Merger Reformation of 2004: The Value of Unofficial Prenotification Procedure in Successful Merger Management

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    This article examines in detail the European Commission’s main instrument in aiding the fluency of merger procedures, the Best Practices on the conduct of EC merger proceedings guideline, and portrays its positive effect on the regulatory transition phase of 2004, when the new EC Merger regulation 139/2004 came into force. Relevant background information concerning the legal context is provided in order to illustrate the anticipated hazards of the transition phase, which in retrospect never actualised. This paper seeks to answer how this scenario was avoided: What measures did the Directorate General for Competition take and as a result, what effect did this have on business communities’ freedoms and responsibilities. These conclusions are drawn from 2004’s statistical survey on European merger control. The Blackstone/Acetex case of 2004 is provided as a case study to demonstrate the potential complications of the official merger procedure and to emphasize the importance of a well-managed pre-notification procedure preceding the actual concentration. In addition, the Commission’s increased powers to issue fines are illustrated in the form its former decisions, where the concentrating parties neglected to comply with EC competition rules

    Sowing time affects the abundance of pests and weeds in winter rye

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    Selection of an appropriate sowing time for some winter rye (Secale cereale) cultivars could reduce the need for crop protection measures. In this study the occurrence and status of pests and weeds in relation to sowing time and growth habit of winter rye was studied in southern Finland. This was done using three sowing times and four rye varieties in field trials conducted at three locations in 1999–2001. The early sown rye was severely affected by pests (Oscinella frit, Mayetiola destructor) and weeds, whereas postponing sowing for two weeks after the recommended sowing time in late August resulted in considerably less damage and the optimal establishment of crop stands. The German hybrid varieties Picasso and Esprit produced more tillers m-2 in autumn than the Finnish varieties Anna and Bor 7068. However, the number of pests and weeds did not differ among rye varieties. Late sowing of rye should be considered to minimize the need for plant protection. If rye is sown at the recommended time it may still require insecticide treatments promptly in the autumn whereas herbicide treatment need not be determined until spring, after recording the winter mortality of weeds

    Reaaliaikaisen roskankeruun tekniikat

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    Roskankeruulla tarkoitetaan automaattista muistinhallinnan mekanismia, jossa roskankerÀin vapauttaa sovelluksen varaamat muistialueet, joihin sovellus ei enÀÀ viittaa. KeskeisiÀ roskankeruun perustekniikoita ovat muistiviitteiden laskenta ja jÀljittÀvÀt keruutekniikat, kuten mark-sweep-keruu ja kopioiva keruu. Reaaliaikaisissa ja interaktiivisissa sovelluksissa roskankeruusta koituvat suoritusviiveet eivÀt saa olla liian pitkiÀ. TÀllaisissa sovelluksissa keruuta ei voida toteuttaa yhtenÀ atomisena operaationa, jonka ajaksi ohjelman suoritus keskeytyy. Sen sijaan roskankeruu voidaan kohdistaa vain osaan ohjelman muistista, tai roskankeruu toteutetaan etenemÀÀn samanaikaisesti ohjelman suorituksen kanssa. Varsinaiset reaaliaikaiset keruutekniikat vuorottavat roskankerÀimen suorituksen siten, ettÀ keruusta aiheutuvat viiveet ovat tarkkaan ennakoituja. Tutkielmassa vertailtiin Java-kielen roskankerÀimiÀ erilaisilla työkuormilla ja erikokoisilla muistialueilla. Mittauksissa tarkasteltiin mittausajojen kestoa, roskankeruutaukojen kestoa sekÀ taukojen jakautumista ohjelman suorituksen ajalle. Mittauksissa löydettiin merkittÀviÀ eroja vertailtujen kerÀimien vÀlillÀ. Java-kielen uusi G1-kerÀin suorittaa koko muistiin kohdistuvan merkintÀvaiheen rinnakkaisena, ja kopiointivaihe kohdistetaan kerrallaan vain pieneen osaan ohjelman muistista. G1-kerÀin oli suoritetuissa mittauksissa vain hieman hitaampi kuin vanha Parallel-kerÀin, mutta G1-kerÀimen keruutauot olivat huomattavasti lyhyempiÀ. Kun G1-kerÀimen keruutauoille asetettiin tavoitekesto, viiveet olivat pisimmillÀÀn vain muutamia kymmeniÀ millisekunteja. Vertailussa mukana olleella Shenandoah- kerÀimellÀ, joka on suunniteltu takaamaan erityisen lyhyitÀ suoritusviiveitÀ, ohjelman suoritukselle aiheutuneet viiveet olivat vain muutamia millisekunteja

    Transnational law of the over-the-counter derivatives market : a study on the interactions between finance and law

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    The emergence and rapid evolution of the over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives market in the early 1980s revolutionized the whole landscape of finance. OTC derivatives are financial products that are transnational in their nature. These products do not follow any jurisdictional lines nor theoretical boundaries focusing on state-made law. They transcend them. The central argument of this research is that legal scholarship requires a legal theoretical approach capable of recognizing private normativity and that accepts that it is not only nation states and organizations that derive their powers from states that can produce law. Transnational method allows the observer to acknowledge the transnational elements of finance and then set them into a legal theoretical structure. This research retells the evolution of the OTC derivatives market through the application of transnational method. Instead of building a narrative emphasizing the de- and reregulation policies and politics, the research focuses on early beginnings of the largest capital market in the world, the so-called eurobond market of the 1960s. Through legal innovation, this market developed its own transnational rules. In the 1980s, this market became integrated with the rapidly growing market for swaps, a type of OTC derivative. Seeing the demand for contractual standardization,a handful of financial institutions became organized through a trade organization today known as the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (ISDA). The main product of ISDA, the ISDA Master Agreement architecture, had become by far the most used standard agreement in the OTC derivatives market already before the 1990s. Post financial crisis of 2008, this transnational contract still holds a central position in a very different regulatory environment than that of the 1980s. Transnational method identifies the supply and demand for financial and legal innovation, and the facilitative role that nation states and international organizations can play in enhancing private normativity and the transnationalisation of law. The results that transnational method tells are first and foremost descriptive. The application of transnational method requires a functional, rather than formal, understanding of ‘law’ because this allows private normativity to be recognized and its ontology properly understood.OikeustieteellisessĂ€ tutkimuksessa keskitytÀÀn perinteisesti valtiolĂ€htöiseen oikeuteen. Oikeusteoreettisena perusolettamuksena on tĂ€llöin se, ettĂ€ laki ja oikeus ovat valtioiden yksinomaista aluetta, jolle muut valtion oikeudenkĂ€yttöalueella noudatetut muut, ei-oikeudelliset normit ovat alisteisia. TĂ€stĂ€ perusolettamuksesta poiketen transnationaalinen oikeustutkimus painottaa oikeuden monimuotoisuutta: vaikka valtiolla onkin yksinomainen lainsÀÀdĂ€ntövalta, sen oikeudenkĂ€yttöalueella voi toimia myös valtiolĂ€htöiseen oikeuteen tavalla tai toisella rinnastuvia yksityisiĂ€ normijĂ€rjestyksiĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€nkaltaisia yksityisiĂ€ normijĂ€rjestyksiĂ€ voidaan tietyin edellytyksin kutsua transnationaaliseksi oikeudeksi. Transnationaalisen oikeustutkimuksen perusolettamus on, ettĂ€ samalla valtiollisella oikeudenkĂ€yttöalueella voi olla olemassa useita rinnakkaisia normijĂ€rjestyksiĂ€, joista valtiollinen oikeus on toki keskeisin ja painavin mutta lopulta kuitenkin vain yksi oikeuden lĂ€hde yksityisten normijĂ€rjestysten rinnalla. Tutkimus kĂ€sittelee finanssimarkkinoiden transnationaalista oikeutta. Tutkimuskohteina ovat erityisesti 1960-luvun joukkovelkakirjamarkkinoiden ja 1980-luvun over-the-counter (OTC) -johdannaismarkkinoiden transnationaalinen oikeus. TutkimusvĂ€ite on, ettĂ€ nĂ€iden kahden toisiinsa nivoutuneen markkinan transnationaalinen oikeus syntyi itsenĂ€isesti ja spontaanisti markkinatoiminnan sivutuotteena ilman valtiolĂ€htöistĂ€ suunnittelua. Erityisesti vielĂ€ 1960- ja 1970-luvuilla valtiot pyrkivĂ€t tietoisesti estĂ€mÀÀn pÀÀomien vapaata liikkuvuutta, ja nĂ€istĂ€ pyrkimyksistĂ€ huolimatta kansainvĂ€liset joukkovelkakirjamarkkinat kasvoivat samaan aikaan hyvin nopeasti. Markkinaliberalisaatioon tĂ€htÀÀvĂ€t valtiojohtoiset tavoitteet syntyivĂ€t vasta sen jĂ€lkeen, kun markkinatoimijat olivat jo kĂ€ytĂ€nnössĂ€ vapauttaneet itse itsensĂ€ monista pÀÀomien vapaan liikkuvuuden esteistĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€ spontaani kehitys kiihtyi, kun OTC-johdannaistuotteiden kĂ€yttö yleistyi maailmanlaajuisesti nopeassa tahdissa 1980-luvulla. Sittemmin valtiot ovat sekĂ€ itsenĂ€isesti ettĂ€ kansainvĂ€lisellĂ€ yhteistyöllĂ€ pyrkineet sÀÀntelemÀÀn finanssimarkkinoita. Haasteeksi jÀÀ, ettĂ€ transnationaalisella markkinalla paikalliseksi jÀÀvĂ€ finanssisÀÀntely voi tuottaa odottamattomia ja ei-toivottuja sivuvaikutuksia

    Machine criticality assessment for productivity improvement: Smart maintenance decision support

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    Purpose\ua0The purpose of this paper is to increase productivity through smart maintenance planning by including productivity as one of the objectives of the maintenance organization. Therefore, the goals of the paper are to investigate existing machine criticality assessment and identify components of the criticality assessment tool to increase productivity.Design/methodology/approach\ua0An embedded multiple case study research design was adopted in this paper. Six different cases were chosen from six different production sites operated by three multi-national manufacturing companies. Data collection was carried out in the form of interviews, focus groups and archival records. More than one source of data was collected in each of the cases. The cases included different production layouts such as machining, assembly and foundry, which ensured data variety.Findings\ua0The main finding of the paper is a deeper understanding of how manufacturing companies assess machine criticality and plan maintenance activities. The empirical findings showed that there is a lack of trust regarding existing criticality assessment tools. As a result, necessary changes within the maintenance organizations in order to increase productivity were identified. These are technological advancements, i.e. a dynamic and data-driven approach and organizational changes, i.e. approaching with a systems perspective when performing maintenance prioritization.Originality/value\ua0Machine criticality assessment studies are rare, especially empirical research. The originality of this paper lies in the empirical research conducted on smart maintenance planning for productivity improvement. In addition, identifying the components for machine criticality assessment is equally important for research and industries to efficient planning of maintenance activities

    Planetaarinen sivistys: Kohti Antroposeenin ajan sivistysideaalia

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    Anthropocene, the term for the new geological era, means that Homo Sapiens is leaving a lasting mark on Earth. Natural resources are decreasing, human-induced climate change is accelerating, and the sixth mass extinction has started. In this article we ask, what kind of an ideal of Bildung could form the answer to the challenges of the Anthropocene epoch. What should be included in the scope of contemporary human care, and how is social justice understood in a world where there is an interconnectedness of people, things, and phenomena? Classical theories of Bildung contain an idea of critical citizenship and a utopia of a more humane society. In human science pedagogy, Bildung means the ability to solve social problems and foster positive change. After the 1960s, global problems have gained influence in Bildung theories such as Klafki’s critical-constructive didactics and Peukert’s theory of Bildung as social transformation. Finnish theories of Bildung emphasize ecosocial responsibility and social criticism. In this article, we develop these ideas further, ending with our Theory of Planetary Education (TPE) which pays proper attention to the interdependence of human and non-human reality. It includes three intertwined dimensions for human growth: (a) the spatial dimension (local–regional–global), (b) the temporal dimension (past–present–future), and (c) the worldview dimension that refers to the overcoming of the boundary between human and non-human reality (antropocentrism–biocentrism–ecocentrism). In other words, in the theory of planetary education which we propose, the sphere of human care contains all the effects of human action and overcomes the boundaries of current and forthcoming generations.Planeetallamme on siirrytty holoseenista uuteen geologiseen aikakauteen: antroposeeniin, ihmisen aikaan. Homo sapiens jĂ€ttÀÀ pysyvĂ€n jĂ€ljen planeettaamme. Luonnonvarat hupenevat, ilmasto lĂ€mpenee ja kuudes sukupuuttoaalto pyyhkii yli maapallon. Kysymme tĂ€ssĂ€ artikkelissa, millainen sivistysideaali voisi vastata antroposeenin ajan haasteisiin. MitĂ€ pitĂ€isi sisĂ€llyttÀÀ nykyajan ihmisen huolenpidon piiriin ja kuinka oikeudenmukaisuusyhteisön rajat piirretÀÀn maailmassa, jossa ihmiset, asiat ja ilmiöt ovat yhĂ€ selvemmin keskinĂ€isriippuvaisia? Klassisiin sivistysteorioihin liittyy toive kansalaisen kriittisestĂ€ yhteiskunnan osallisuudesta ja humaanimmasta yhteiskunnasta. HenkitieteellisessĂ€ sivistysteoriassa sivistys on valmiutta vastata yhteiskunnallisiin ongelmiin ja toimia myönteisen kehityksen puolesta. 1960-luvun jĂ€lkeen maailmanlaajuiset ongelmat nousivat sivistysteorioihin, kuten Klafkin kriittis-konstruktiiviseen didaktiikkaan ja Peukertin yhteiskunnallisen muutoksen sivistysteoriaan. Suomalaisissa sivistysteorioissa korostetaan ekososiaalista vastuuta ja kriittistĂ€ poliittista tietoisuutta. Hahmottelemamme planetaarisen sivistyksen teoria tĂ€smentÀÀ ja vie eteenpĂ€in tĂ€tĂ€ teoretisointia kiinnittĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ huomiota ihmisen ja muun todellisuuden yhteenkietoutuneisuuteen. SiinĂ€ yhdistyy kolme ihmisenĂ€ kasvamisen ulottuvuutta: (a) spatiaalinen ulottuvuus (paikallisuus–alueellisuus–maailmanlaajuisuus), (b) temporaalinen ulottuvuus (menneisyys–nykyisyys–tulevaisuus), ja (c) maailmankuvallinen ulottuvuus, joka viittaa inhimillisen ja ei-inhimillisen vĂ€lisen rajan ylittĂ€miseen (ihmiskeskeisyys–elĂ€mĂ€keskeisyys–ekosysteemikeskeisyys). Toisin sanoen ehdottamamme planetaarinen sivistysideaali ulottaa ihmisen huolenpidon piirin ihmisen toiminnan vaikutusten kokoiseksi. Antroposeenin ajassa se tarkoittaa planetaarista ajattelua, joka pitÀÀ sisĂ€llÀÀn ylisukupolvisuuden lisĂ€ksi elollisen ja elottoman maailman vĂ€lisen rajan ylittĂ€misen

    Pian saamme lakisÀÀteiset kansalliset laaturekisterit

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    Tasa-arvon ja terveyden edistÀminen pidentÀvÀt työuria

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    Extended Working Life Policies

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    Finland’s population is ageing due to declining fertility and increasing life expectancy rates. This creates pressure to maintain high employment rates. Lately, Finland has focused on extending working careers by raising statutory pension age and facilitating part-time employment for pensioners. Finland faces high unemployment rates, low re-employment among over 55-year olds and high gender inequality in pension levels. Gender and educational inequality in pensions reflect the employment gaps and sectoral segregation that have accumulated along lifecourses. Finland aims to extend working life by promoting wellbeing at work, increasing labour market flexibility and supporting workers’ competitiveness through various strategies. The latest reforms on unemployment activation and possible future reforms on the regional government, health and social services and basic income will likely affect pension intentions. To ensure equal levels of pensions, future reforms should focus on whole lifecourses and account for breaks in working life, such as parental leave and unemployment periods. </p
