142 research outputs found


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    SMK Swasta Masehi merupakan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan yang terletak di Sibolangit Kabupaten Deliserdang Propinsi Sumatera Utara. Dengan keluarnya kebijakan pemerintah  untuk  belajar,  bekerja  dan  beribadah di rumah, maka mau tidak mau guru dan siswa harus memanfaatkan  teknologi informasi dan komunikasi untuk melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran  di rumah. Namun permasalahannya apakah semua guru dan siswa di negara kita ini mampu menggunakan aplikasi – aplikasi tersebut?  Salah satu cara untuk memberikan solusi maka  Program Studi Sistem Informasi Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia Medan mengadakan pengabdian masyarakat bagi guru di SMK Swasta Masehi untuk pelatihan pemanfaatan Google Form dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh. Dimana google form merupakan aplikasi google bebas bayar yang fungsi utamanya untuk membuat formulir baik untuk pengumpulan informasi maupun kuis secara online. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Nopember 2020 berlokasi di SMK Swasta Masehi Sibolangit. Hasil dari kegiatan ini untuk menambah pengetahuan pemanfaatan googleform dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh


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    SMK Swasta Masehi merupakan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan yang terletak di Sibolangit Kabupaten Deliserdang Propinsi Sumatera Utara. Dengan keluarnya kebijakan pemerintah  untuk  belajar,  bekerja  dan  beribadah di rumah, maka mau tidak mau guru dan siswa harus memanfaatkan  teknologi informasi dan komunikasi untuk melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran  di rumah. Namun permasalahannya apakah semua guru dan siswa di negara kita ini mampu menggunakan aplikasi – aplikasi tersebut?  Salah satu cara untuk memberikan solusi maka  Program Studi Sistem Informasi Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia Medan mengadakan pengabdian masyarakat bagi guru di SMK Swasta Masehi untuk pelatihan pemanfaatan Google Form dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh. Dimana google form merupakan aplikasi google bebas bayar yang fungsi utamanya untuk membuat formulir baik untuk pengumpulan informasi maupun kuis secara online. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Nopember 2020 berlokasi di SMK Swasta Masehi Sibolangit. Hasil dari kegiatan ini untuk menambah pengetahuan pemanfaatan googleform dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh


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    Bahan pencemar dioksin 2,3,7,8-Tetraklorodibenzo-p-dioksin (TCDD) yang diberikan pada mencit bunting menyebabkan janin yang dihasilkan menderita cacat cleft palate, dengan ciri bilah palatum kerdil atau bilah palatum tumbuh pendek. Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk menguji apakah pengurangan biosintesis protein terlibat sebagai mekanisme yang mendasari hambatan pertumbuhan bilah palatum oleh TCDD. Delapan ekor mencit bunting dibagi ke dalam empat kelompok, masing-masing diberi TCDD dosis 0, 5, 10, atau 20 μg/kg berat badan pada hari ke-12 kebuntingan. Besaran aktivitas biosintesis protein jaringan palatum embrio ditentukan dengan teknik AgNOR pada sediaan histologis irisan jaringan kraniofasial embrio usia kebuntingan hari ke-15. Nucleolar Organizing Region (NOR) adalah tempat biogenesis ribosom di inti sel yang jumlahnya meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan aktivitas biosintesis protein sel. Rataan jumlah butir AgNOR sel-sel jaringan palatum yang terendah adalah 2,51±0,167 untuk perlakuan 0 μg/kg bb (kontrol), dan berturut-turut 2,87±0,146, 2,87±0,190, dan 2,88±0,160 untuk perlakuan dosis 5, 10, dan 20 μg/kg bb. Jumlah butir AgNOR pada seluruh kelompok yang diberi TCDD lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan jumlah butir AgNOR pada kontrol (P < 0,05). Disimpulkan, pengurangan biosintesis protein bukanlah mekanisme yang mendasari hambatan pertumbuhan palatum mencit oleh TCDD. Diduga, peningkatan biosintesis protein oleh TCDD menimbulkan kekacauan keseimbangan protein-protein faktor tumbuh di jaringan palatum dan mengakibatkan gangguan pertumbuhan dan diferensias

    The type of shared activity shapes caregiver and infant communication

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    For the beginning language learner, communicative input is not based on linguistic codes alone. This study investigated two extralinguistic factors which are important for infants’ language development: the type of ongoing shared activity and non-verbal, deictic gestures. The natural interactions of 39 caregivers and their 12-month-old infants were recorded in two semi-natural contexts: a free play situation based on action and manipulation of objects, and a situation based on regard of objects, broadly analogous to an exhibit. Results show that the type of shared activity structures both caregivers’ language usage and caregivers’ and infants’ gesture usage. Further, there is a specific pattern with regard to how caregivers integrate speech with particular deictic gesture types. The findings demonstrate a pervasive influence of shared activities on human communication, even before language has emerged. The type of shared activity and caregivers’ systematic integration of specific forms of deictic gestures with language provide infants with a multimodal scaffold for a usage-based acquisition of language

    Studi Keanekaragaman Jenis Burung di Taman Wisata Alam Baumata, Kabupaten Kupang, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur.

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    Indonesia is one of the countries with a high level of diversity, including in the bird&nbsp;category, there are 1,771 species found in Indonesia, of which there are 533 protected species.&nbsp;Baumata Nature Park is one of the nature conservation areas included in the Kupang Regency,Taebenu District. This study aims to determine the diversity of bird species in Baumata Nature&nbsp;Park, carried out for 2 months from October-November 2019 using the point transect method and&nbsp;the MacKinnon method. From the analysis using the MacKinnon method, it was found that there&nbsp;were 27 bird species from 17 tribes, of all bird species there were 20 species of birds endemic to&nbsp;Nusa Tenggara, namely Isap madu timor (Lichmera flavincans), Burung madu matari (Nectarinia&nbsp;solaris), Kancilan timor (Pachycephala orpheus), Anis timor (Zoothera peronii), Decu timor&nbsp;(Saxicola caprata), Cikrak timor (Phylloscopus presbtyes), Meliphaga dada lurik (Meliphaga&nbsp;reticulata), Bondol pancawarna (Lonchura quinticolor), Kacamata limau (Zosterops citrinellus),&nbsp;Pipit zebra (Taeniopygia guttata), Ayam hutan merah (Gallus gallus), Burung madu matari&nbsp;(Nectarinia solaris), Walet sapi (Collocalia esculenta), Burung gereja erasia (Passer montanus),&nbsp;Kipasan dada hitam (Rhipidura rufifrons), Srigunting walaceae (Dicrurus densus), Cikrak dada&nbsp;kuning (Seicercus montis), Puyuh coklat (Coturnix ypsilophora) Tekukur biasa (Streptopelia&nbsp;chinensis), Elang boneli (Hieraaetus fasciatus) and 1 type of migrant bird, namely Kirik-kirik&nbsp;australia (Merops ornatus). The most common types of birds in Baumata Nature Park are&nbsp;insectivorous and nectar species. The diversity of bird species in Baumata Nature Park has an H&nbsp;'value of 3.15 with a high category

    A formative intervention study of how learner voice and leadership can be developed within a Learner Representative Council (LRC) in an urban combined school, Namibia

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    The Namibian Education system, after the country gained independence, introduced various reforms to ensure the attainment of the educational goals of access, quality, equity and democracy in schools. One of the policies introduced to promote democracy in our schools was The Educational Act 16 of 2001, which gave birth to the establishment of Learners Representatives Councils (LRC) in schools. The LRC body is the legal learner leadership body established to ensure learners are represented in school leadership. However, various studies have revealed that this legal body of learners in many schools has been merely ‘rubber-stamping’ decisions made by teachers; learners have had very little input in decisions that affect them as learners. Thus, I was prompted to conduct this formative intervention study on learner leadership at an urban combined school in Namibia. Informed by distributed and transformative leadership theories, the study aimed to develop leadership within the LRC members and the needed expansive transformation regarding leadership practices in school. The intention was for learners to be enabled to practice their democratic right in decision-making processes in matters that concerned their schooling and learning. This study was theoretically and analytically framed by second generation CulturalHistorical Activity Theory. The participants included 12 LRC members, the LRC liaison teacher, the class register teacher, three school management team members and the principal. The research method was a case study, underpinned by the critical paradigm to bring about the fundamental expansive transformation in learner leadership practices at the case study school. This qualitative study was divided into two phases, a contextual profiling phase and an intervention phase. Data were generated through document analysis, observation, questionnaires, focus group interviews and Change Laboratory Workshops. The data were generated to answer the over-arching question: How learner voice and leadership can be developed within a Learner Representative Council (LRC) in an urban combined school, Namibia. The data were analysed inductively and abductively. The key findings were: first, there were a variety of understandings of the concept learner leadership; second, the involvement of LRC members in decision-making processes was limited to involvement in organising extracurricular activities and controlling of other learners at school; third, leadership development opportunities for learners at the case study school were only provided through training at the beginning of the year and the LRC carrying out various activities and roles at the case study school. Several challenges that constrained the LRC voice and leadership development were surfaced and, through Change Laboratory Workshops, the participants of the activity system together with me (the researcher-interventionist), identified the expansive learning opportunities to develop leadership amongst Learner Representative Council (LRC) members. In the final analysis, this study will contribute to the production of knowledge on the concept of learner leadership in the context of Namibia. Fellow scholars, professionals, colleagues and policy makers in education are requested to engage with this thesis to contribute to our understanding of this important aspect of our field and speak back to policy


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    Biogas is a natural gas consisting mainly of gas metane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) produced from the anaerobic (without oxygen) fermentation of organic matter by methanogenic microorganisms. This process occurs in the biogas digester as a place for reactions by microorganisms to occur. The aim of this research is to increase household scale biogas production. The method used was a 2x2 Factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 3 replications. The procedure in this study used chopped rice straw and banana stems and then put them into the digester and calculated the volume of gas formed using balloon media. The addition of 50 grams of rice straw with 100 grams of banana stems produced biogas with an average volume of 1531.24 mm3. The addition of 100 grams of rice straw and 100 grams of banana stems average volume of 2143.15 mm3. The addition of 200 grams of rice straw and 50 grams of banana stems has an average volume of 1170.28 mm3. The addition of 200 grams of rice straw and 100 grams of banana stems has a volume of 808.28 mm3. Control of biogas containing 500 grams of livestock manure with the addition of 500 ml of water has a volume of 852.95 mm3. In accordance with observations for 7 days, the best results were the addition of 100 grams of rice straw and 100 grams of banana stems for 3 repetitions with an average volume of 2143.15 mm3.Biogas merupakan gas alam yang terutama terdiri dari gas metana (CH4) dan karbon dioksida (CO2) yang dihasilkan dari proses fermentasi bahan organik oleh mikroorganisme metanogen secara anaerobik (tanpa oksigen). Proses ini terjadi di dalam digester biogas sebagai tempat terjadinya reaksi oleh mikroorganisme. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan produksi biogas skala rumah tangga. Metode yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) Faktorial 2x2 dengan 3 kali ulangan. Prosedur dalam penelitian ini menggunakan jerami padi dan batang pisang yang dicacah lalu dimasukan ke dalam digester dan dihitung violume gas yang terbentuk menggunakan media balon. Penambahan jerami padi 50 gram dengan batang pisang 100 gram menghasilkan biogas dengan volume rata-rata 1531,24 mm3. Penambahan Jerami padi 100 gram dan batang pisang 100 gram rata-rata volume 2143,15 mm3. Penambahan jerami padi 200 gram dan batang pisang 50 gram memiliki rata–rata volume 1170,28 mm3. Penambahan jerami padi 200 gram dan batang pisang 100 gram memiliki volume 808,28 mm3 Kontrol biogas berisi kotoran ternak 500 gram dengan penambahan air 500 ml memiliki volume 852,95 mm3. Sesuai dengan pengamatan selama 7 hari, hasil yang terbaik yaitu pada penambahan jerami padi 100 gram dan batang pisang 100 gram selama 3 kali pengulangan memiliki volume rata-rata 2143,15 mm3

    Analisis Kebijakan Pengenaan Pajak atas Bahan Bakar Minyak Bersubsidi Minyak Solar

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the tax policy on subsidized fuel of diesel oil in Indonesia. Currently, subsidized fuel in Indonesia are taxed Value Added Tax (VAT) by central government and Vehicle Fuel Tax by local government. This research is using post positivist approach with qualitative method of research. The results of this research conclude tax on subsidized fuel oil are taken by goverment with the purpose of revenue productivity for both central governement and local government. Besides, to control the consumption of subsidized fuel in the public. By taxing 2 kind of taxes on subsidized fuel diesel oil incurring the double taxation and resulting those taxes are not neutral for economic since the subsidized fuel are the vital public needs. Government should evaluate the tax policy on subsidized fuel diesel oil by exempting the VAT on subsidized fuel in order to maintain the economic stability and make a strict policy on controlling the consumption on subsidized fuel diesel oil only for them who reserve to get the subsidy


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    This research was conducted to determine the diversity of types of orchids (Orchidacea). This research was carried out in the Protected Forest of Ajaobaki Village, North Mollo Sub-District, South Central Timor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. It was carried out for 1 month, from July to August 2020. This study used purposive sampling, survey and transect pathway methods. Data analysis used qualitative descriptive analysis and quantitative descriptive analysis. The data were processed using the Shannon Wiener diversity index formula (H ').&nbsp;The results showed that there were 10 types of epiphytic orchids found in the sampling plot in the protected forest of Ajaobaki Village. The most common orchids found were Dendrobium secundum as many as 569 species and the least was Lipariscrenulata with 2 species. There are 3 types of trees recorded, namely Ampupu (Eucalyptus urophylla), Cemara (Casuarina junghuniana), and Mahogany (Swietenie mahagoni). Protected forest areas have homogeneous forest types, which has the most tree types that are mostly dominated by Pine trees (Casuarina junghuniana). The host tree for orchids that is more dominant as the attachment for orchids is the Pine tree (Casuarina junghuniana). The results of the calculation of the diversity of orchids on the observation plot were calculated using the Shannon winner index of 1.87 (H '). The diversity types of orchid (Orchidacea) in the protected forest of Ajaobaki Village having moderate diversity (1≤H’≤3) because there is a lot of orchid theft and also taking firewood in the Protected Forest so that there are fewer orchids
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